@kalina of course I have met her -_- ... would be weird for her to pay half of everything and agree to stay in an apartment with me for 17 days if she had never met me
@Simon The distance to the next country tends to be significantly smaller in Europe though. I have a girlfriend that is from another country, but it's only 2h15 drive.
@silverpenguin ... Let's say that what I just gave you is my viewpoint of the situation. And I'm rather certain I'm not the only person who sees it like that.
Connecting through HTTPS between servers that are within the same firewall, and accepting any certificate that is thrown at you, how good of a practice is that?
@kalina Real enough to get you suspended ;) And CR is fully graduated so it sure feels real.
@SimonForsberg you lose endpoint validity checking, so you're vulnerably to an active man-in-the-middle but you're still likely protected against passive traffic sniffing
@kalina Well I try to hide the chat window when at work, and you guys write really a lot. And then, being relatively new to this site, I prefer to to disturb... :)
@SimonForsberg if the attacker can get you to connect their server they can present you any cert. and you'll accept it, this ruins a decent part of SSLs protection
@SimonForsberg totally depends on the network in question :). all in a datacentre with loads of other controls, perhaps not, on a large poorly regulated network (perhaps a university) the risk could be quite high
@RоryMcCune On a quite big telephone company? The worst part for me is that as only one of about a thousand developers, I don't know that much about the security setup around here.
@SimonForsberg well large networks tend to present more risks in that regards, especially if they're tempting targets (e.g. have high value data). It's safe to say that large networks are at risk of MITM attacks from determined attacks, and using SSL in that way strikes me as being likely to be someone trying to comply with the letter of the law "encrypt things" whilst avoiding the spirit "actually do it right"
@RоryMcCune Well, this is about a new feature that I'm working on developing, so this is nothing we have released yet. And while doing a Code Review, I had some security concerns.