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came across a site that was spitting out the database password in the error lol
aaand im actually not going to post the image because i'm not sure what might be sensitive
2 hours later…
gotta love when the host passkey entered as dial tone is in the recording of a NASA telecon :)
and that system has toll free numbers setup pretty much all over the world LOL
actually it's probably best if I delete that
this is hilarious
So my router looks a bit different. The wire color has been changed...
The model looks far newer than the one I had
No dust or anything funny on it.
I go to look at the settings... it's not even the same.
3 hours later…
And my wife surprised me with a new router
2 hours later…
Well duck
Doesn't seem it was so clever to go for a run first thing after getting back
Depends on what you git back from.
@MarkBuffalo ._.
@kalina What happened?
48 hours of nightclubs and dancing
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I thought I got hacked IRL by some super spy or something
Oh I got like 2km into it and my body just went NOPE
@kalina then yes.
@MarkBuffalo I'm in your domiciles haxxing your APs.
@JourneymanGeek Hacxess point.
@kalina By "nope," do you mean you summoned Donald Trump at the end... on the floor?
I don't understand your insinuation
No not quite that far but I did spend some time sat at the side of the road feeling nauseous
This will be remembered as the last day of the Republic
@SEJPM Oh brother, where art thou?
I wonder which members of the American government will be directly responsible for the poverty and economic collapse that occurs as a result of Apple going bankrupt and the wider implications that has
Maybe they need to T.W.A.T themselves for causing more terror and damage to the freedoms of Americans themselves than downing the world trade center ever did
Yeah :/
Still, it's the American people who're to blame for allowing this to happen
It's not like you've exercised your right to riot
A government usually always reflects the will of the people - even a totalitarian dictatorship in some cases.
If the people want such things, they will get it, regardless of whether or not they know the consequences for it.
But right now, this is a pretty dividing issue. A lot of people are opposing this. Enough are opposing it to make a dent, even though they're trying to go ahead with it.
I, personally, want America to destroy it's technology companies
because when America with its over abundance of arrogance goes from being a world leader to a third world country almost overnight as a result of legislation and over-reaching of power the rest of the world will pay attention for at least a few decades
Well, being an American, I obviously don't want that to happen. :(
7 mins ago, by kalina
It's not like you've exercised your right to riot
Oh I've complained loudly on the Internet. Is that not enough to voice my displeasure?
@MarkBuffalo nope, that's basically the same as indifference
and indifferences is basically the same as acceptance
I also didn't vote for anyone supporting this
I zip tied a new SSD into my desktop because I ran out of brackets. Hopefully this doesn't backfire on me one day.
@TerryChia two of mine are freely hanging supported only by the cables that plug them in
@kalina Awesome.
the power cables are pretty thick though so they don't move much
I just zip tied the cable to the case so it doesn't dangle around too much.
primarily because I forgot to even buy brackets
^ same
I did mean to fix it but then I put the side on the case and forgot about it
@TerryChia lol
@kalina Yup, I did this with 3 drives in bygone times
@MarkBuffalo pls I would never do it with a disk that has moving parts
So now I have a 120GB SSD as my OS drive, a 1TB HDD and a 500GB SSD that Imma use for VMs and games.
a 500GB ssd isn't enough for games
speaking from experience
@kalina I did it with 3 moving part drives. Didn't cause an issue
But I was poor back then, and it was rez-style
once you get GW2 + the witcher 3 + gta 5 + the mass effect trilogy + BF4 installed
that's it
SSD = full
@kalina I don't play many games. :P
@TerryChia Nice. But how can you only deal with 120GB for an OS drive? Do you put the Program Files on another drive?
@MarkBuffalo er... yes?
and documents
and pictures
and onedrive
I'd probably want those on the OS drive too
OS drive is a drive for the OS
not for data
My applications still fit nicely into 120GB. Games and everything else will go to the other SSD.
data goes on another drive according to the type of data
My documents are in the HDD.
ie: is it "content" (samples, games, etc)
Yea, I used to do that with a different drive setup.
I guess I'd get a 250GB drive for the OS personally
or is it "data" (documents, pictures, stuff you don't want to lose)
I actually bought this SSD 3 months ago but got too lazy to install it.
I need to buy another m.2 ssd
I need to buy an SSD period
when I built this PC I didn't read the specs of the parts I was buying
I have none in my desktop
so I have a motherboard with two m.2 slots and only one in use
and they're so much faster than sata ssds
@MarkBuffalo both of my desktops only have ssds
Yea, back when I built this, SSDs were still pretty expensive and I couldn't justify the cost
in fact, every computing device I own doesn't have spinning disks
I have a tower of 4 external drives that I backup to though and/or use for additional storage that I don't need regular access to (ie: movies, tv shows)
so... I heard Microsoft was releasing SQL Server for Linux
which confuses me
if SQL Server runs fine on Linux then what use exactly is Windows on servers in... like... data centers?
@kalina .NET?
@TerryChia mono?
Also. "runs fine" is debatable.
what's next? AD services for linux?
@kalina I feel like the writing's on the wall
I genuinely believe I am not all that geeky, I obviously have some tastes and knowledge on various things that would perhaps indicate otherwise but when I hear somebody say "I have WiFi, why can't I browse the internet?" I am unable to stop myself from correcting them
why exactly do you think that having a wifi connection would connect you to the internet? hmmm?
that's not how it works at all
@SmokeDispenser for you, maybe
looks at the pinwall
nopes the fuck out
@kalina, sup on your ranting?
@SmokeDispenser I don't rant
@Adi what?
yes the pin wall is a bit questionable
I blame t'Rory
@kalina, how's your weekend been then? did you finish the futile task of explaining networks to 'I need a faster WiFi adapter, I want to download faster'-people?
@SmokeDispenser it wasn't futile, but I suspect that it turned him off
he left with an understanding of networks and absolutely no boner.
@kalina, haha.
well, no boner might be okay. depending on the in-between ;)
@kalina You are fully in the grip of nerd burgery
there was no in between
@MarkBuffalo pls I am no nerd
@kalina pls, you're the biggest nerd in this room
how you can call me a nerd in this room is shocking
yet: yeah, that's probably why nerds need to either shut up or have no sex;)
Can you get a couple of upvotes for the poor fella? security.stackexchange.com/questions/117505/…
@MarkBuffalo I am the biggest nerd in this room???
other than myself. Practicing in front of an warping mirror. Which I do... every day. In the nude.
Asshole OP screwed him because OP is stupid
@Adi but he was downvoted
Adi, 'him' is you :)
I don't know how I feel about upvoting something I didn't read
@kalina Due to OP not understanding his own problem
you just edited :-
@SmokeDispenser pls, learn 2 stack exchange
@kalina, outch.
Thanks, lovely people!
@Adi welcome
Especially the loveliest here, Kalina
@kalina, I did mention it's early? and I figured out quite fast, given the time of the day and my headache;)
@Adi your sarcasm hurts me
> Although I don't see the traffic as TLS in Wireshark (why?), the connection seems to be encrypted as there is no visible data.
@SmokeDispenser you expect the internet to be forgiving to even simple mistakes? that's interesting
@kalina, nah, not really
@Adi How's the course coming?
@MarkBuffalo Finishing the homework now
@kalina, yet, you expect boners for schooling dudes on networks;)
I just finally got time to start it, and I have to sleep soon.
hey @MarkBuffalo:)
It's a very easy to understand course though
@kalina Heeeey! I'm a genuine person capable of genuine human emotions
@SmokeDispenser no I expect boners because that's the default state of most men that approach me for conversation in real life during my working hours
@MarkBuffalo Indeed. The teacher is simply fantastic
what did I just walk in to
@AviD hi2u
He's like a less snarky @Thomas
nope nope nope.
@AviD your desk?
@AviD @Simon's mom?
@AviD cereal?
@AviD a wall?
@kalina I dont get that one
@AviD a mirror?
@AviD 1 out of 5 isn't bad
@kalina I was talking about you
@AviD I was merely correcting @SmokeDispenser since he incorrectly assumed that my geekiness was the cause of boners
@kalina, well. you expect what happens most? that's interesting;)
and a little bit @Adi
@kalina, nah, the opposite was what i was impying
@kalina I'm sure it contributes, yes.
@AviD Yeah.. I can talk and stuff
@SmokeDispenser you know how when men get a lazer pen and torment cats with it for hours just because you find it hilarious that another creature could be so simple as to chase after a red dot
@kalina lol I see where this is going
...that's how I view men
@kalina, I did hear about that. Tried it for 5 mins, doesn't work for me.
@kalina Men, erm, approach you with boners in real life, and at work? For like, no reason?
@MarkBuffalo this sentence makes zero sense and/or doesn't take into consideration anything you should know about me
@MarkBuffalo @kalina hangs out with dirtbags all day long. Assumes all men are like that.
... She is not completely wrong.
@AviD :D
"at work" being as the person standing at the front of the room in a nightclub
For some reason, then?
Ah, right.
yes, people are going to approach me, and many of them will be smashed off their face on drugs or alcohol
@kalina, well, those are drunk, horny and probably on drugs.
no shit sherlock
@kalina I hope you have a bodyguard?
I was already at this conclusion like 15 minutes ago, I'm saddened I had to explain it
@SmokeDispenser as opposed to most men, who are usually not drunk or on drugs.
@kalina, that might be coinicdental and having nothing to do w/ you:)
@MarkBuffalo @kalina doesnt need a bodyguard, @kalina can kick ass herself.
or nuts, probably.
@MarkBuffalo I am 50kg of pure hate
@AviD, well, I don't know, I don't drink. but I recon they are not drunk all the time?
@kalina I hope you have a weapon?
@SmokeDispenser thats what I said.
@MarkBuffalo I am a weapon.
damn. just too early.
I'll get more coffee and shut up
I'm serious, though. I hope you have a means to be safe
@MarkBuffalo for any serious threat, no, probably not
for any threat that is likely to happen, yes
Men: @kalina does not even take you seriously as a threat. Be ashamed.
@MarkBuffalo, I guess there are a lot of people giving any offender shit as soon as they disable the djane.
@kalina Carry a knife just in case you need to shank someone.
do not pick up a knife unless you know how to use it.
carrying lethal weapons is a bad idea in most of the world
it's not like a light saber.
do not slash
wait for them to get close and lunge for the heart
actually, yes it is - Finn notwithstanding, if you pick up a lightsaber without training or Force aptitude, you are most likely to eviscerate yourself before the enemy even comes close.
@AviD This is correct. You'll quickly become two with the force if you swing a lightsaber wrong.
heh "become two"
@MarkBuffalo, starred.
@MarkBuffalo there are even theories that a Jedi / Force user actually needs to actively control the saber with the force, otherwise it would lose control.
as if being a star wars fan wasn't a level of nerd that I'm not even near
but star wars nerds then go on to further theorize things that aren't even mentioned
does that result in nerdception?
nerdy - on multiple levels
@kalina, embrace your nerdiness. choose a field of nerditise that is not the least publicly accepted.
the only geeking I do is gaming
and... cable tidying
@AviD This is mentioned in The Clone Wars, yes? A Jedi is very ineffective without his Lightsaber.
pls, you geek out about music gear all the time
and synthesizers
Morning all
@RoryAlsop Mornin'
not to mention your secret knowledge of OS internals
I know nothing about computers
pls how to computer
@kalina, just give up and surrender to the nerdiness.
@MarkBuffalo and a lightsaber without its Jedi.
@SmokeDispenser I will surrender to NO ONE
@TerryChia I've run a normal laptop HDD sitting atop an open case for a bit
@RoryAlsop o/
@MarkBuffalo actually not sure that part is mentioned - but what IS mentioned is that the only way a lightsaber can be safely constructed is via the Force.
@kalina, give in to the times you only get boners of people you do not want;)
@AviD Yeah. And it's often implied that a Jedi can't really use a lightsaber without the force.
@MarkBuffalo wat?
@SmokeDispenser it's safe to assume that I don't want the vast majority of people
mornin' @RoryAlsop
@MarkBuffalo you cant wtf yourself
do you think that's appropriate?
@kalina WHAT
I was quoting you not offering
@kalina not sure if that's a question or an invitation
ah, I'll let that slide, @kalina
you're all perverts
I'm going to bed
@MarkBuffalo, post it!:)
@kalina nice, Sherlock.
@kalina, good night.
it's morning
wtf. it's 5:45 AM
@MarkBuffalo that's how time works
@kalina, i know. but...
... you objected to that as well before.
you're just always nagging.
@SmokeDispenser nagging is not the same as objecting
nagging is like can you do? can you do? can you do?
where as objecting is like you are wrong! you are wrong! you are wrong!
@kalina, now go sleep. have fun with your WiFi as your guy left;)
you use big words like the but you don't capitalize sentence
the wifi discussion happened hours ago in the vip lounge of a club in some location I'm not at liberty to discuss
@kalina you have made my day. Sarcasm all over the post. thanks.
you know... like when you're 40% asleep sitting in the corner of a sofa when somebody says something and you're like... ding... I'm wide awake again, that's possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard... I have to correct them
yeah, I know that feeling
that's how I am feeling every day at work
because my (not for long, anymore) boss is a "developer".
there's no such thing
I know
think you meant php script kiddie
did you see the quotation marks?
they were not meant for emphasis.
well it's so difficult to tell
... because you just asume every person is using as much wrong as possible?
because making assumptions about the intention behind your words causes problems
now if only everybody could stop making assumptions about the intentions behind my words...
@kalina, sleep tight :) I'd offer you a coffee, but wouldn't know where to send it to;)
I have coffee right here already
I had coffee right here and now it's gone
didn't you want to go sleep?
coffee and sleeping works for you?
Hasta luego @kali
@SmokeDispenser you would probably send her crappy instant coffee anyway.
come here, I'll offer you a nice, fresh Sumatra.
@AviD, well, for her I might buy some of that crap.
@kalina whats this about then?
just to make a point
@AviD, wait
52 mins ago, by kalina
he left with an understanding of networks and absolutely no boner.
@SmokeDispenser ahhh so thats how that all started. I think I came in at the end of that.
she debonered a guy in a club, because....
wait @kalina there were actually people there that were turned off by brains?
@AviD people who turn off their brains?
@JourneymanGeek THEY ARE MAGIK
1 hour ago, by kalina
why exactly do you think that having a wifi connection would connect you to the internet? hmmm?
Also, I need to move my entire home library out. And back ._.
@AviD it was at a club kali works at. everything else would surprise me.
hmm. Perhaps this is why I do not frequent clubs anymore.
I think all clubs should have an Introvert's Room - a quiet place with no crowds, where you could really have a deep 1-on-1 conversation.
I wonder how she manages to not just rampage through the whole club.
and, @AviD, that'd make me visit clubs again, maybe.
yet, I'm quite happy with pubs.
Oh no, the shame of last night goes on.
time to do that walk?
I get upvotes on
... that moment when php is a tag of mine with more activity than cryptography. the shame -.-
So thanks for that, @TildalWave;)
I have a bunch of php answers on SO as well.
@CodesInChaos, on SO i have less than here, I think. let me check:)
@CodesInChaos, zero on my SO profile.
6 x 2 here:D
@CodesInChaos, how did you manage to find intelligable php questions on SO anyway?;)
btw, does the chat start to link to the sec profile as soon as my rep here goes beyond my so rep?
Or can I configure that?
Nah - you just manually change it over if you want
Ah, found it.
@SmokeDispenser pls, even I have a few there.
@SmokeDispenser @CodesInChaos there is a great PHP/Crypto guy going around SO fixing up all the PHP crypto answers. He's doing a good job of it, too.
@AviD, on SO, 0 php was participated in by me:)
@AviD, look at the history and know what SO thinks of security advice.
btw, I realize, I think I edited out on that question before answering.
@AviD I blame him for making me write my first php in years.
@CodesInChaos hahaha
@SmokeDispenser nah, too much php for this early in the morning
@AviD, no php actually.
@AviD, could you elaborate on that joke some more? I'll get coffee.

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