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@Arperum There's literally nothing I want to do
that's because you don't know you can do it
@DavidFreitag So you've done everything possible already?
@kalina @Arperum No I just couldn't be bothered
lack of motivation?
Pretty much
@DavidFreitag Then do bother. Fuck. You don't know how amazing/terrible it is unless you've actually tried it.
@Arperum Like what? Go bowling? That's about all you can do near me
@Arperum this will help with his lack of motivation
cmon, kids, let dovid be.
He's not ready to take that step, or hear those words, just yet.
First, @David needs to build his own flame. Which he won't do until he feels he needs it.
Seriously though, what do you propose I do? I'm like the single dullest person in the world
@DavidFreitag bullcrap.
@DavidFreitag Go singing wildly in the streets for all I care.
also, so the hell what if you are?
invent ice cream pizza.
or pizza ice cream.
@AviD I can invent from my living room.
I dont care - just do something.
@DavidFreitag No. Your house is very extremely off limits for activities.
you might be dull, but you are smart and talented - and thats a shame to waste it just because you dont want to leave a comfortable place of abuse employment.
@DavidFreitag actually no, dont invent those, on second thought I want to keep those.
@AviD Me doing something other than work/sleep has nothing to do with my job
Life starts at the edge of your comfort zone
cant make up my mind which first though.
@DavidFreitag of course it does.
@DavidFreitag pls one thing I've found out over the years is, no such thing, whatever you're interested in, there are other people interested in it too
seek them out
If you never leave your comfort zone you become complacent and never really achieve anything
@AviD Oh, sure, if I made six figures I could leisure on a yacht instead of my living room
@DavidFreitag pls, most low 6 figures cant afford to leisure around, let alone a yacht.
@kalina Seriously it's not even about comfort zones. What am I going to do? Go to a bar? And then what? Get drunk?
I've done some pretty damn awkward chats to get to know new people. It pays out. Loads of fun are gained.
no no, dont listen to them. it is perfectly fine to not be outgoing.
@DavidFreitag going out to a bar is not my idea of fun either
I'm not telling you to go outside if you don't want to
@AviD There's a difference between being introverted and having no life whatsoever
but... instead of sitting around doing nothing, blow something up
@kalina It's not that I don't want to it's that I just don't see a point
@DavidFreitag The first one is part of who you are, the second one you can do something about.
@DavidFreitag there is no point in going out and getting wasted
but that doesn't mean that it's hopeless
why don't you build something
@kalina Even if it's not going to a bar, what am I to do? Seriously
@DavidFreitag so you're employable, this we know, but there are few things that interest you locally. A logical course of action would be to try and get a job where there are more things that interest you
then you could do those things when not working :)
@RоryMcCune Or he doesn't know about the things that exist locally :)
@Arperum well that's easier to fix than my idea. Scour local papers websites etc for things that are interesting
or not interested in things that can be contained in a specfic locale.
@RоryMcCune Yup.
@AviD virtual stuff (and this is me talking now) ain't everything
ya need to do something in meatspace from time to time
My interests include computers and engineering. Not really a "go find friends and do it" sort of subject.
@RоryMcCune Learn butchery!
Closest thing are hackerspaces
And the closest one to me is an hour drive away
@DavidFreitag there is an entire list of things that you can do that I can't
why not do one of those
@DavidFreitag so if that's too far, perhaps you need to think about moving to somewhere with that kind of thing on hand...
@DavidFreitag boohoo an hour drive
@kalina Such as? Peeing standing up?
@RоryMcCune It's not that easy and you know it
@DavidFreitag heh was aboiut to say that
write in the snow
@DavidFreitag AN hour drive is no problem, even for European standards...
Actually there's supposed to be a device that lets ladies pee standing up
@DavidFreitag there is no need to be obnoxious
@JourneymanGeek pls we can pee standing it's just messy if you don't get it right
@kalina I'm not trying to be obnoxious, I'm seriously asking
@JourneymanGeek any funnel would do
@DavidFreitag if you have to "seriously" ask me what you can do that I can't, then... you must have a terrible opinion of yourself
maybe that is the problem
@kalina Either that or I'm completely clueless. Maybe a mixture of both.
@DavidFreitag sure but if you literally have nothing to do but work/sleep and you don't like that, any effort to change it is justified
@DavidFreitag I mean what do you have to lose :)
@RоryMcCune It's not so much that I don't like nothing but work/sleep, I just feel like there might be more to life. Honestly I don't mind it.
@DavidFreitag there is more to life :)
@DavidFreitag the stuff you can do is so outside of my scope of care that I don't even know the words to use to describe it... I'm just going to go with electrical engineering
@DavidFreitag There is more to life. You just have to find it.
@kalina Yes I'm going to... go out to a park and design a new computer!
@DavidFreitag If it wasn't for that rather oversized bit of water in between us, I would come over and drag you to one of these hacker group things.
@Arperum It's much easier for me to take leave of my comfort zones when I have a friend present
@DavidFreitag maybe you need to find a friend who is as geeky or capable of tolerating your geeky
@DavidFreitag Do the hard thing, and go out on your own. You'll meet new friends. Maybe not the first time, but at some point, you'll find some people to talk to.
@Lighty Damnit!!!
@kalina The last time I made a friend was in high school
@Matthew ? :P
@Lighty You changed question from "difference between SSH and SFTP" to "difference between SFTP and FTPS"! After I'd written most of an answer!
@DavidFreitag :-(
I found my girlfriend at a concert. It was probably not the least awkward chat ever back then.
you dont count me...??
@Matthew I fucked up :x
@AviD Internet friends who live on the opposite side of the planet don't really count
@Matthew you mean this one?
Q: SFTP, FTPS and SecureFTP differences and security implications

Eric WarrinerWhat are the basic differences and security implications of using SFTP, FTPS and SecureFTP.

@DavidFreitag we must count for something
and if not, then why the hell asking it again?
@Arperum Only concerts in a reasonable distance are rap/pop/country, and personally I'd rather give myself a lobotomy than go to one.
@DavidFreitag pfft. You're just prejudiced against my pyramid.
@Matthew HAMMERED!!
@AviD Ta!
@DavidFreitag Europe is good for that. We have metalshows all over the place. Even though most of them are at least an hour drive. And I didn't even know about most of them until I found some obscure facebook group that lists a ton of them.
I am offended that I am forced to waste those 20 seconds of my time instead of him simply LOOKING AT THE RELATED QUESTIONS
@AviD Yeah, I prefer dodecahedrons.
20 seconds of my time is worth about 8 of his hours
@AviD I swear on me mum, everytime I scan for questions like that, I cant find em
then a hammer comes around
then the pony pops up
@DavidFreitag Isn't one of your dreams to live in Europe one day? When you're gonna realize your dream, we'll be your neighbors...
@Arperum Closest thing for me would be EDM shows in Canadihuea with @Simon. And for that it would be a passport and an 8 hour car drive both ways.
I even had a reasonable answer for SSH vs SFTP...
@Lighty then you are blind.
or cant read.
@TildalWave Yeah, at some point in the next five years or so
Hello everyone
Think I annoyed someone:
@Lighty So delete the question you made?
@DavidFreitag already done
@AviD I'm deaf, not blind
@RoryAlsop I did not approve of you moving my fair rebuttal arguments to this atrocious answer to a temporary chat where they will not be seen, not be archived and will be automatically erased after a few weeks. Put them back as they were or I will be writing a formal complaint to the StackExchange operators about this abuse of moderator authority. It is none of your business to appear out of nowhere and remove the valid counter-arguments to another part of the site where they will never be seen. I have to ask myself if you are working for the same government agency that Richie is a part of. — NDF1 1 hour ago
@DavidFreitag so what you're saying is that you need @kalina to come play a gig in your town
@Lighty also, watch that line here.
@DavidFreitag Or the US has a shitton less events than I thought possible. Or you just don't know about underground shows.
@AviD Sorry dad :(
@RoryAlsop hahaha omg I'm so glad I don't have to deal with such folks any more :)
@AviD I'll try that next time I ask a question
@RoryAlsop WOW.
I wanted to just write "No."
@RоryMcCune That would be pretty awesome. Although I would probably be stuck going alone which isn't a very good prospect.
want me to step in and slap him? though that would probably require some reading...
But thought I should be polite:-)
@RoryAlsop good grief, I think that man should ask for a full refund of his StackExchange subscription!
@TildalWave you escaped :-)
@DavidFreitag yeah but then you'd know the performer, so you'd get back-stage
@RоryMcCune Even then, if I go places alone I tend to melt into a puddle of human in the corner of the room
@RoryAlsop with an update to his question should be answer
@RоryMcCune I did go back and re-read, but the guy did take all the comments on board and responded to them. His answer may still need work, but the comments are all covered
@RoryAlsop and if you're not more careful you may find your moderator wages docked!
Oh, yeah
@RоryMcCune That guy wrote a small essay in comments
@RоryMcCune It's an impressive set of comments...
@RоryMcCune borrowed ;)
@RоryMcCune lol
@RоryMcCune noooooo
@Matthew yeah it's a TLDR moment for sure :)
okay @RoryAlsop everything on that post is ridiculously too long. I aint gonna read it all for context - but I slapped him for tones.
I'm amused that anyone may think I would be a federal agent
I mean, really?
Their pay is terrible
@RoryAlsop It's the avatar. Clearly, you're a bounty hunter working for the government
Holy ! that chat
@Matthew yeah @RoryAlsop completely looks like a suit.
@AviD most of the length is now responses to the grumpy one's comments.
@RoryAlsop I think we should move that comment to chat. WDYT?
@AviD why did I read that as slut?
@RoryAlsop Wishful thinking
@Matthew lol
he guy shuold publish an article instead of commenting ... maybe
@AviD a question about your answer on security.stackexchange.com/questions/858/… and such.... Are you saying you don't recommend the third option? or are you saying you haven't seen it? also, what option of those three would you recommend in sense of security?
I've read the answer 3 times now, but my young, inexperienced, 404'd brain can't fully process it
@Lighty no, the 3rd is the most common.
geez that proxy :S
its the 2nd that is less common, and in fact doesnt really make much sense.
so the "SSH SubProtocol" is more logical than the "FTP over SSH"?
its called SFTP
makes notes of this interesting class
tunneling FTP over SSH is not trivial - e.g. do you know what port FTP typically uses?
20 and 21?
to start with.
so how can you tunnel TWO DIFFERENT SOCKETS over a single SSH connection?
it's sad that we're living in a world where Apple turns out to be one of our last stands against government surveillance.
how can I continue my dislike of Apple under such circumstances
@RoryAlsop no, you're our feral agent :)
@Lighty well, you can but its not logically trivial.
our Judge, Judy and Executioner
@AviD That's a subtle bit of trolling. "Don't move my comments to chat!" "Comment moved to chat".
@diagprov too subtle you think?
@AviD And that would be solved with using a second, separate connection, right? (the SFTP one)
@AviD Oh no it's a thing of beauty.
@TildalWave lol was that on purpose?
@diagprov do not meddle in the affairs of mods, for they are subtle and can ninja-edit your pony.
@diagprov linq?
@Lighty well SFTP is a compltely different protocol, that handles all that stuff internally.
if you see a moderator abusing their privileges stand up and shout about it
@JourneymanGeek BUWAHAHAHA
@kalina Ah no he didn't actually do it, because he's a sensible modrator really.
@diagprov hahahaha
sensible... moderator
@diagprov hehehe. @kalina doesnt believe you.
oh gosh my sides
Do I want to get into a pony edit war?
do you value the rest of your day being easy
@JourneymanGeek you can't edit ponies
@JourneymanGeek hehe
seriously though, there are very few real LOLs
@AviD Alright, so one last question, would you personally either use SFTP, or FTPS for file transfer?
@Lighty oh look, the wikipedia page says almost the same thing as I did
> FTP over SSH is the practice of tunneling a normal FTP session over a Secure Shell connection.[15] Because FTP uses multiple TCP connections (unusual for a TCP/IP protocol that is still in use), it is particularly difficult to tunnel over SSH. With many SSH clients, attempting to set up a tunnel for the control channel (the initial client-to-server connection on port 21) will protect only that channel; when data is transferred, the FTP software at either end sets up new TCP connections (data channels) and thus have no confidentiality or integrity protection.
@Lighty I would not.
@Lighty everybody knows the correct way to do it is to vpn and use smb
@Lighty One word: Sneakernet.
SFTP would typically be a better choice though, I would recommend FTPS only in the situation where the org is *nix-averse, and already has a full IIS 7 set up with TLS certs.
@DavidFreitag Nice, but the limitation is we can't drive 2 hours to the datacenter to deliver a client's website
@DavidFreitag Gdrive / OneDrive / DropBox / Box / etc
@RoryAlsop They have an interesting pay model. As a new graduate, pay is pretty good. However, it's almost impossible to actually move up and get increased pay.
@Lighty How is that a limitation?
@kalina VPN, ok, and what do you mean with SMB?
@Lighty not sure if this is a serious question
but you're making the mistake of listening to me regarding security advice
Q: Why is it called "Dry Thrust"?

Taher ElhouderiWhen reading the specifications of a jet aircraft anywhere on the Internet, it usually states that its engine produces X pounds of "dry thrust". Why is it called "Dry" Thrust? As opposed to what?

@kalina if you answer "BS", someone here would stand up xd
@DavidFreitag Intern has no driver license
@DavidFreitag oh stop it, you
@AviD Sorry, things were getting a little too on-topic
good point, I should leave.
Mexico awaits.
@kalina but yes, 'twas a serious question xd
@AviD Ooh you should pick me up some tequila
@AviD Noted, thanks :3
@DavidFreitag ooh I was very excited to discover that my father has, in the back of his bar, a bottle of kosher tequila.
while I am sure it is not quite the highest quality, it IS kosher, and I didnt know that was possible. (cuz of the worm)
@Lighty So... have someone else drive it?
@AviD Uhhh... not all tequila has a worm?
@DavidFreitag apparently.
but not just cuz of that.
In fact pretty sure it's only a few varieties of tequila that has the worm.
so here's a q, for all you drinkers out there - besides whisky (and wine, and beer), what types of alcohol are useful to have around?
@AviD Bleach
@AviD Useful? Define useful...
my dad is emptying his bar, and I put my eye on his numerous bottles of rum and vodka.
maybe a bottle of gin - ever since mr.packy has been going on about G&T, I need to have one.
@AviD Vodka is a good mixer. If it's high enough quality you can also disinfect wounds with it.
@DavidFreitag tasty, good to drink, useful to mix, etc
anything a well-stocked home should have
@DavidFreitag pfft
I have a lot of russians here, they drink the vodka straight.
@diagprov yeah - in the past the pension model was OK, but that doesn't hold true any more. Last chat I had with them on possible roles made it very obvious just how low their mid- and senior pay scales are
oh yeah, he wants to give me a bottle of vermouth.
How bout Raki?
@AviD Yeah they drink a lot of water
I didnt even know what vermouth is!
@RoryAlsop what else should I stock up on?
I usually just go for straight single malt.
looking to branch out, get some variety.
I've always wanted to try Absinthe
and I dont just mean the cinammon whisky.
@DavidFreitag it's everything that the name suggests
tastes like mint
@AviD Maple whiskey
@DavidFreitag is that a thing?
@TildalWave The name doesn't suggest anything to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AviD Canada exists, so it must
@DavidFreitag "absent"
@RoryAlsop Low, basically. Combined with the fact you end up waiting a year to get in for clearance I have no idea how they actually hire anyone.
@AviD Got a bottle of that in my fridge
@AviD gin, vodka, curacao, cachaça, galliano, absinthe, all the rums, Angostura bitters, midori
@Lighty google SMB, it will reveal all the things
@RoryAlsop "all" the rums?

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