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1 hour later…
> Hackers believed to have accessed the underlying server via the team's WordPress blog and then got shell access to www-data.
Big surprise there.
why don't people write static web pages anymore?
@Gilles I do. They're much easier than blog crap
I do a lot of dynamic ones too though
Q: DDoS somebody on my wifi network

Nathaniel DSouzaI have an OnHub (from Google), and there is a device I don't know on my wifi network. Is there some way for me to kick it, or DDoS it, whether through some command line command on windows or ubuntu, or through the OnHub app?

2 hours later…
That is a good point
is there actually a way to keep someone from using your wifi?
turn it off.
No because then it's not your wifi anymore, it's your useless network hardware
2 hours later…
@MarkBuffalo I do too. I wrote a quick and dirty static site generator for my blog. I'm quite happy with it.
@StackExchange I bet this one goes for Telegram, mIRC, LUA (Garry's Mod/Rust), Java (Minecraft) or skype too
mornin' all
mornin' alone
how pleasant
oneplus refunded the difference in the price change they just applied to the oneplustwo
refunds are good
@RоryMcCune well the money doesn't mean anything to me but the gesture does
I'm not all that impressed with the device tbh
now that I've used it for a month or whatever
@kalina did you see HPs new Windows phone that they're doing?
@Lighty our SU bot is currently down. The guy who was hacking on it to get it was amused, since he lives in australia
I went off Windows Phone
my testing of Windows Phone 10 says that it's not worth my time
@RоryMcCune the industrial design is very similar to HPe's stuff
which is odd
Pretty phone tho
plus I absolutely won at minesweeper so I have no reason to suffer through the lack of other apps
saying that I have started watching youtube in the browser on my android phone rather than through the app
@DavidFreitag basically everything this guy said: security.stackexchange.com/a/115338/99916
because it uses about 50% of the overall bandwidth
@JourneymanGeek also first waterproof windows phone
so I can watch twice as much
I'm already up to like 17GB of roaming data usage this month
I have got to get out of that bad habit
@diagprov that's not going to help anything
@DavidFreitag depends on how he got in
Turning off wifi when you arn't using it feels like the only way to be sure.
@DavidFreitag Well I suppose I should have added some caveats: 1) assume they haven't already got access and 2) I know nothing about OnHub.
Also a sure fire way to annoy someone using your nerwork
@diagprov Given enough time someone with a laptop and Aircrack will get into your wifi
@kalina that's typically only said by those that have loads of it, so in that sense, it's a false statement :P
@TildalWave what?
@DavidFreitag well not if you're using decently configured WPA2/AES...
@kalina money doesn't mean anything to me
@JourneymanGeek what kind of bot was it?
@TildalWave well ok I suppose it did at some point
but then I stopped needing to check my bank account before buying things
@RоryMcCune meh
too... it's too something
@Lighty just the standard BSG themed bot. Fork of this I think stackapps.com/questions/3775/chatbot-a-bot-for-the-chat
then again the oneplustwo is also too... something
but it's less of it than that is
also changing from a htc one m7 to the oneplustwo is a massive downgrade in the sound department
@JourneymanGeek cute
not that sound on phones is "good"
Its less what it was, than the timing of that XKCD ;p
but the difference is the difference between "euggggggggh" and "meh"
@RоryMcCune Pyrit + Aircrack can crack WPA2 AES
@kalina This is a dangerous point
@DavidFreitag Well, that's true of most things. Given enough time I'll guess your session key for your online banking session. Most of security is predicated on the idea that "enough time" is far too big to be remotely useful.
@DavidFreitag is that not just straight PSK brute-force? If so it don't work past x characters where x probably isn't 10
@Matthew what, I'm not a big spender
@Matthew meh, if she runs out of money we can always setup a crowdfunding project for her :)
I would obviously check my financial situation before buying a house or something
my biggest expenditure is travel and I cover all of that by the activities undertaken while travelling in 95% of instances
@RоryMcCune Pretty sure. Never actually run it on AES myself.
Either way, you would think there is a better way to practically harden 802.11
@DavidFreitag there is :) 802.1x auth
not very practical for home use
but that's what companies generally use
@DavidFreitag don't use it?
@kalina I have been known to run up my credit card whilst waiting for expenses for travel to come through in some cases
@kalina Yeah let me just setup an ethernet adapter for my chromecast... oh wait.
@Matthew the situations are probably not similar, I get paid every weekend I work
like, immediately after completing said work
@kalina Yeah, I have a 2 week lead. Start of the month, it's fine. End of the month, after mortgage and so on, less good!
@kalina Also, running ethernet everywhere is super inconvenient, especially in an apartment.
@DavidFreitag pls, one of the first things I had done when I moved in here was ethernet
@DavidFreitag Pfft noob, PiCast.
@DavidFreitag calling yourself a noob, 10/10 would read again
@kalina You ripped up the walls in an apartment?
@DavidFreitag I tend to rely on homeplug AV for places I can't wire up
works well enough
@kalina Wouldn't be the first time.
@DavidFreitag well, house, and yes, all the walls
you've all seen this, right? gofundme.com/kanyesmedicis
I do not have ethernet in my kitchen, but nearly every other room
@kalina Yeah, see house is feasible. Apartment is totally not.
and additional power sockets
Especially when you consider the place I'm moving to has concrete walls
@kalina in a large pile of used non-sequential 500 Euro Notes?
@RоryMcCune sometimes they're non-sequential
sometimes they pay it into my account but cash in hand is preferable for... tax... reasons
Speaking of taxes, my refund is $2,800 this year
@DavidFreitag SDS drill, gouging bit...
Pretty nice haul considering I didn't take any classes
@Matthew Yeah I'm going to do all that work just to lose my $1000 security deposit
@DavidFreitag Isn't the refund what you overpaid in the rest of the year?
@kalina Why not the kitchen? Seems that would be the easiest place to run new cables to,considering all the other things that would connect there
@Matthew Not necessarily. You can get up to $5k back for tuition. Normally I get that but I haven't taken any classes. So my total income taxes for the year are like $3.4k, but I can get upwards of $7k back because of tuition + fees + books etc.
or do you have to let the water running to have optical to the kitchen? :))
@TildalWave Speaking of optical, the new place has fiber links as well as coax to the door :D
@DavidFreitag Hmm, that's not too bad. I once got a bill for £600 of taxes, which upon appeal, changed to them sending me a cheque for £600...
@DavidFreitag speaking of optical, they're digging up the neighborhood again... now laying hat looks like FTTH cables to me, I thought that the big one will be for that but apparently that's the backbone
and I'm at home today, so much noise, won't be able to work much
@Matthew Yeah you can get the IRS to pay out for various things. The big ones are travel expenses for work, educational stuff, kids, and property (cars/houses). In that order.
@TildalWave Need a decent pair of headphones
I've been looking at them a bit, they're placing about 9 more about 5 inch cables
@TildalWave 5 inches? I wish I had 5 inches...
A: Is an 80 bit password good enough for all practical purposes?

TonyWith KeePassX I store all my passwords in a database and I can generate an 80000 bit key 10000 Char Long example below OoU<"YNm\I}~,6dg?#I)VIU,AZ51paXqo.&4Hjgvwn^ldE04"imZxR)d?s%}KW\Oi(9D'sUwqs;SdLh'8wSGfl/m\S1Zd)G&(*mE4u%pRQd5lF/Y~5#;d=$[^GQCSspEeUG2z]QdE}+C+;~{s5MH]{<5.#h'hTu_bJS8u|"A8AD;I[^&...

@Matthew Haha wut
@DavidFreitag I have and the more decent they are the more you actually hear what noise is around you for some reason, probably to prevent pressure buildup or something
what I need is noise cancelling headphones
@TildalWave So get some sound cancelling ones
@DavidFreitag like a screwdriver?
@DavidFreitag "I haz long password, lolz"
@TildalWave Mine aren't cancelling, but I usually listen to them loudly enough that it doesn't matter.
@DavidFreitag I'll just close the windows, seems easier
@TildalWave Yeah, that would definitely do it. Just not too hard you might give yourself a lobotomy.
isn't that through the nose?
or maybe I've been doing it wrong all this time :o
@TildalWave Generally it's an ice pick through the eye socket, but I wouldn't really know... Certainly not from first-hand experience.
@TildalWave I thought you went through the temples for that one...
@TildalWave I find that, the more detail you can hear the more intently you listen and the more intently you listen the louder your background becomes
@TildalWave Nose for extracting all that inconvenient grey matter when embalming...
@kalina ah yes that might be it
then somebody appears behind you and goes HELOS ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING and you impersonate a cat being scared and suddenly you're hanging from the light
@kalina You should probably lock your doors.
@TildalWave why would I have a computing device that requires ethernet in the kitchen?
@DavidFreitag like cats, retractable claws and precise face removing technique
@kalina hahaha I nearly fell of my chair once when I was playing some scary game ... total immersion and such, then missus came unexpectedly behind me and scared the living daylight out of me LOL
@kalina Who said it has to be a computing device?
@DavidFreitag oh, you think so lowly of me that you believe I'd embrace some random emerging trend like that?
@TildalWave just wait till you're playing the scary game in VR, with headphones on
I'm betting this will be the source of many scares!
oh, I got to try an oculus rift over holidaymas
@kalina The false assumption that I think of you at all
it has put me off it entirely
@kalina ahh, motion sickness?
@kalina What about a net connected TV for cookery shows?
no, scared the crap out of me, I've never squealed so much in my life
@Matthew tablet
@kalina heh, what game did you play on it?
@RоryMcCune I have no idea what the game was
it looked pretty good though, and I didn't get motion sickness
but it felt like being in a constant state of jump scared
see I really like the idea of VR + E:D
no jump scares
well at least till the thargoids turn up
turn around, something is there, SQUEAL
then my first response is to try and get the headset off
@RоryMcCune VR + E? The E part comes in a pill?
Alien: Isolation + VR = Great TV
I'll stick to monitors thanks :p
@TildalWave E:D - Elite:Dangerous
@kalina yea there's no way I would play a horror game with one
I can't imagine that VR erectile dysfunction would be that interesting
@TildalWave I like the idea of VR with headtracking out in space
@kalina pls , I used the acronym 'cause I knew you knew what it was
pls I don't even elite anyway
Then you see a zombie. Reflex punch. In fact it was your wife. Oh sh...
"I played Elite before it was cool"
@M'vy What wife? (ಥ﹏ಥ)
@DavidFreitag you're ruining my fun
Is E:D single player or MMO?
MMO singleplayer FPS TPS RPG sims
no FTW?
for the ween!
no but there is some FTL
@kalina yah yah yah...
@DavidFreitag Does it have subscriptions? No.
Does it have single player? "technically"
Is it a MMO? Yes.
@kalina Can I play without ever interacting with another human?
Do you need specialized controllers to play it? Definitely
@DavidFreitag Not really...
You'd have to be one hell of an antisocial loner to tolerate Elite Dangerous in single player
@kalina Yup that sounds like me
@DavidFreitag Go out. Meet people. Don't mind the awkward. Chances are you'll run into someone at some point.
@DavidFreitag No, I mean worse than that
@DavidFreitag you can do both, there's a single player mode (which happens in the persistent universe) or online
we're chatting, you can't be that much of an antisocial loner
@kalina You don't know me that well
I'm pretty sure you're not so foreveralone that you would model the known universe and then be content being the only person in it
In fact that's exactly what I want
Well, in a game, not in reality
@kalina What, people are assholes
true that
If I could play eve in single player mode I would give one of my three kidneys
but there are a handful of things that if I knew I'd never be able to do them again I'd probably just /wrists
And possibly my left testicle.
while I am super introverted and like sitting in silence in a room by myself I do occasionally have to communicate with other people otherwise I go crazy
@kalina It's been >1 month since I've done anything besides work -> home -> sleep -> repeat
@DavidFreitag what
that's not even normal
@DavidFreitag How.
I live at the bottom of the ocean, I keep telling you.
if your employer is really working you that hard for what you get paid you have got to change job
@DavidFreitag In an octopuses' garden? In the sun?
@kalina It's not hard work. What do I do? Where do I go? I just leave work and head home
@DavidFreitag Go out. Do something. Seriously. Anything
@DavidFreitag yes but don't you feel like there's more to life than just work and sleep?
@kalina Probably, but I wouldn't know
@DavidFreitag Go find that possible something. Seriously. There is an amazing amount of fun out there.

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