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@DavidFreitag Got the account back
@MarkBuffalo obviously they cut the video just before he collapsed from dizziness
failed at keeping lara alive too many times in a row
in fact, I haven't finished once yet
but I have got to 17 days
@kalina Probably
Game seems hard
well, it is hard mode
@kalina I have a question about eve multiboxing
Can you play two separate characters from one account at the same time, or do they need to be separate accounts?
@DavidFreitag I don't know if CCP changed it but only one character could be active per account
active = training offline/in use/etc
@kalina Makes sense
That makes the whole multiboxing thing waaaaay less appealing to me
I had 9 actual accounts
That's nuts
plus a subscription to the multiboxing softwarew
of which I can't remember its name
So that's what, $100/mo in subs alone?
sure, something like that, I mined a lot and then built ships so... plex
the problem was that while I didn't pay I did spend all of my time playing so I didn't have to pay
You made 10bil/mo?
a perfect timesink in which nothing is achieved
well, 5, plex were like 570mil
LOL plex is 1.2bil now
yeah fuck that
I guess that's a sign that the community is starting to finally die
I wonder if there is an eve server you can host yourself
that would be baller
right, let's get my ass handed to me again by a random spike trap
@DavidFreitag REKT. holy shit that's bad
no wonder they cancelled that shit like a zimbabwean loan
@Ohnana Yeah CCP is apparently famous for fuckups
A while back they leaked all their private keys
responsive design is a helluva thing
Looks like I am sucking less
@AdamShostack Yeah, /dev/urandom is on the low side of the "true randomness" scale. It's probably good enough since it tries to keep its output restricted to how much true entropy it has, but that mechanism can fail. My favorite method is quantum randomness. — PyRulez 8 mins ago
Sigh When will people stop being idiots about randomness? That will be the day I will be happy.
when will people stop being random about randomness! Oh the random!
@kalina Ha ha, that's a funner way to put it.
I wish there was a more efficient method of consuming YouTube
@kalina Like a YouTube breakfast cereal?
@Xander Perhaps a fruity YouTube smoothie
@Xander wtf am i reading
@Ohnana A comment from the Stack Exchange website
@Ohnana Nonsense.
@Xander Is /dev/urandom truly random?
Posted against a question titled "What is a good way to generate a one time pad, and is this a good way?"
@MarkBuffalo No. Not even close.
@kalina You're a one-time pad
people discussing crypto on the internet is like listening to a kindergarten teacher and a thousand coked up toddlers
@Xander didn't think so
@Ohnana Not when @ThomasPornin is here
@Ohnana Yes.
@MarkBuffalo you're a little bit Simon
@MarkBuffalo This is why crypto.SE is nice. It knows what it's talking about, practically all of the time.
@Xander Agreed
@kalina :{
I don't know anything about the current subject being discussed
@Ohnana What's hilaribad, is that this holds true even for pseudo-professional-crypto forums, like CFRG and the the TLS working group.
@MarkBuffalo The good question is: what do you call "truly random" ?
@ThomasPornin @Simon
@ThomasPornin @simon.
dammit! ninjad!
@AviD Proof enough that @Simon is not random.
@ThomasPornin lol
He is the inevitable butt of the joke.
@ThomasPornin But in all seriousness, not something generated on a computer, unless it has video-access to a wall, and moves around in various light-detection settings or something
predictably random.
@ThomasPornin why is CRNG not good enough?
@MarkBuffalo If you declare that what is "truly" random is what is unpredictable, then /dev/urandom is as truly random as you can wish.
@AviD CRNG makes me CRiNGe.
What do you mean by that acronym ?
oh gosh
@ThomasPornin what do you mean by it?
@ThomasPornin showed up to talk about random
I mean e.g. /dev/urandom
now we're all in trouble
okay bedtime
@AviD Ok, you mean CSPRNG.
"CS" means "cryptographically secure".
@ThomasPornin yes exactly that.
@ThomasPornin You're cryptographically secure
Counter Strike: Pseudorandom Next Globaloffensive?
It so happens that being cryptographically secure is sufficient to be, indeed, cryptographically secure.
So yes, that's fine for cryptographic purposes.
may I ask what you mean by "cryptographic purposes"?
@ThomasPornin so @Xander's argument re /dev/urandom for OTP, while correct, is irrelevant?
And it equates with unpredictability (by adversaries).
@ThomasPornin Is it practical to predict /dev/urandom's results?
@AviD I have not read the past discussion but now that you say "OTP" I understand what you have been ranting about.
@MarkBuffalo yes but you have to be really random
@ThomasPornin not I, I came in when you did.
@AviD came when @ThomasPornin arrived
It has nothing to do with practicality, it has everything to do with mathematics.
@ThomasPornin basically: "for OTP you must use true random, like urandom". @Xander: "urandom is not true random!"
@kalina lol
I'm random, are urandom?
Looks like we have a fight here boys
If you use /dev/urandom to produce a long stream of bytes that you XOR with the data to encrypt, you made a strong encryption system (but cumbersome to use). It is not an OTP (depending on the flavour you put in the term) but hey, that's not necessarily bad.
looks like nerd's back on the menu, boys
what does OTP mean
@ThomasPornin (one time pad)
One Time Pad
Emphasis on the "It is not a OTP"
what's one time pad
@Xander you guys werent arguing it wasnt a one time pad, you were arguing its not a true random - and that you need a true random.
@kalina A pad that you only use once. And it has to be true random. Or else.
@kalina ...you're a one-time... pad
Sorry :(
is that like a tablet that you write lol on before dropping it out of a fifth floor window on top of your unsuspecting victim?
@ThomasPornin is saying that CSPRNG is good enough.
@Xander There are two meanings for OTP. One is for a system where you XOR (or add or whatever similar combination) the data with some bytes (the "pad") that you use only once for such usage (hence "one-time").
Under that definition, the system with /dev/urandom is an OTP.
On Top Position?
the entire room sits in suspense
@ThomasPornin That is not a OTP as Shannon described.
ahh, @Thomas's "however". The opening for both enlightenment, and insanity.
the term "OTP" has also been used to described an encryption system with information-theoretic security, and in that role /dev/urandom cannot be a real "OTP".
@Xander but it is the common use.
@ThomasPornin Yes. This.
Now, since there are two meanings for the same term, Internet dudes can battle on it forever.
what about internet dudettes
heh. hehe. hehehehe.
A CSPRNG is good enough for a sematically secure stream cipher. Not for a OTP with information-theoretic security.
@ThomasPornin Well, that is fun.
@kalina If the Internet dudettes go duding for hours about OTP, then they should give back their second X chromosome.
I still don't know what OTP is
@Xander except now that @ThomasPornin has clarified, I think it is clear that the OP there actually meant the first, semi-practical form of OTP.
@kalina It's a way to make it so that people can't read your texts.
aren't there many other methods of achieving that already
@AviD I don't care what the OP meant. I haven't actually read the question. Only the subject, and the answer I didn't like.
@Xander the answer mixed between both types of OTP.
thats why it was bad.
choose one, and stick with it, or answer for both independently.
@AviD Yes. It should be clear what is being answered, and what the implications are.
If it had been, it may have caused me to at least be curious enough to read the question.
@MarkBuffalo this article is sending me to sleep
@Xander Since the OP is actually contemplating using an OTP, it is clear that he did not think through the implications.
@kalina Just what you needed? :]
@ThomasPornin Nobody who is contemplating using an OTP ever has.
well I should go to sleep but I'm not ready to
@ThomasPornin I was actually thinking exactly that - but I'm too sleepy to bother with a comment
The real value in OTP is that it can provide very decent security for encryption without computers, and, maybe more importantly, there are edible OTP.
@ThomasPornin oooo
the implications are staggering.
@ThomasPornin Yes. OTP with hand-written messages is a very reasonable scheme, in the scheme of things.
@AviD you're not allowed to leave
don't randomly start a random conversation about randomness and then randomly up and leave randomly
@kalina He didn't randomly start it, I did. Quit trying to redirect credit from me.
sorry for some random reason I randomly confused you and the other random one
must be because you're both blue
Well, this has been a livelier night than usual.
I blame the random
@AviD Ah, I found where I had read that.
Some guy had sold a few on Ebay, in 2006, and made some announce on sci.crypt.
@ThomasPornin Ha ha, awesome! Unfortunately for me, EBay says the listing has been removed or is no longer available. :-(
@Xander I suppose they would have gone stale anyway, after a decade...
@ThomasPornin That level of tinfoil hattery hasn't been seen since times long forgotten
@ThomasPornin Yeah, perhaps. Paper-based products seem to be ok for a long while though. The oldest book I own was printed in 1789. It still looks fairly edible.
@Xander Paper is not edible.
yes it is
I eat paper all the time
Paper is high in fiber.
@ThomasPornin It is, in the sense that it passes through the digestive tract without either a) making one significantly ill or b) still being readable after having passed.
Mmh, I would have to dig the details, but I think there was a spy back in Napoleonic times, who was captured by Russians and, to avoid talking, committed suicide by eating paper.
@ThomasPornin Well, everything in moderation. You can commit suicide with water too, if you like.
If you eat enough (and that's not a great deal of paper), it clogs your digestive tract and you die (with immense suffering).
In several ways, come to think of it.
@ThomasPornin ...something tells me you've seen this happen before, maybe even fed someone paper
So, the moral of the story is, don't eat a OTP that is more than a few pages long, then?
I find eating OTP leads to weight gain
For death by potomania (i.e. drinking too much water), you have to drink something like 20 litres of the stuff in a relatively short time (you break open the stomach -- that, too, is said to be very painful).
mmm death by water
@ThomasPornin No, you merely reduce the levels of potassium and sodium in the brain to fatally low levels, IIRC.
@kalina Yeah, nasty stuff.
@Xander It's a race condition (a race between causes of death).
The timing matters.
water intoxication
@ThomasPornin True. Yes, found it. Water intoxication. "Water intoxication, also known as water poisoning is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside safe limits by overhydration."
@kalina Beat me.
what do I say to that?
I could say "no"
or "I usually charge"
or "eww"
@kalina Or...None of the above?
I still have 4000000000000000000000000000 videos to watch on youtube
@kalina You need a better hobby.
it's not a hobby
As an unrelated note, you can be theoretically killed by eating 35 millions of bananas.
it requires 35 million?
dammit I'm never going to be radioactive
@kalina That many YouTube videos? I dunno. Sounds like a hobby to me.
@ThomasPornin That is a fun fact.
@ThomasPornin WOT
@kalina Yup. Only 358mg of potassium per 100g of bananas, and 0.0117% of that potassium is K-40, which is a very feeble beta+ emitter.
@kalina I saw a TV show where a guy got a tour of Chernobyl. You could try that.
@ThomasPornin sigh
@Xander no I don't want to do that
@Xander A complicating factor is that your body actually excretes excess potassium, so you have to eat the 35 millions in a short time.
@kalina Ok, just trying to help.
I'm 99% sure that if I were to make a 35 million banana smoothie that my stomach would not have the capacity to consume it
@ThomasPornin That would be a challenge. You might need to be one of those professional competitive eaters.
You guys are weird.
says @Simon
@Simon Spoken by a connoisseur !
@ThomasPornin Like Molly Schuyler.
I'll bet she could eat 35 million bananas in no time flat. I'd just have to learn her secret.
Women and their bananas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
? That's what I typed?
edit history, liar
soz I can't undertand I've got a banana in my ear.
ok you can go back at being weird, bye
leave then
@Simon back TO being weird
you're stalling the progression of the conversation
"Going back at being weird" means being mean to weirdness.
But we embrace weirdness.
well, you guys do
I just sit and watch as the only normal person in here
Yeah obviously I can't speak English tonight.
@kalina It takes some skill to be normative all by yourself against all others.
strength of my resolve
Should I be the one who calls your bullshit or?
if there was any bullshit to call, you're not in a position to call it
I really don't want to threaten to wrestle at this time of the day.
you know my feeling on your wrestling
I would be forced to set fire to you
@ThomasPornin How's the new gig?
Who on earth is on a staring spree again?
obviously not I since I got starred
@Simon Nobody can call her bullshit, as she's greater than us
it was clearly @MarkBuffalo who is starring
I know.
Nope, that ain't me
watch. I'll flip it
I was hoping that he would step forward and admit that he's a damn donut.
Ah shit, he's not lying.
Look at the star wall...That turn of phrase simply can't be left to die in the transcript alone.
@Simon Whether I star or not, I'm a damn donut. I've been a damn donut since the moment I came into this world drenched in donut sprinkles.
ok bye
don't leave me simon
gosh get a room
am back
pls I'm heading to bed soon newayz
well I'm already in bed
how often do you use PHP?
Brag about it.
ok fine
I'm super comfy
and warm
I've been using it here and there... lately
and did I mention comfy?
@kalina @Simon may be able to improve this
pls Markus it depends
@kalina Noice, the heating part will suck.
Cold beds are the worst.
well I solve the emptiness by cocooning myself in duvet
@Simon When do you use it?
I'm only using it right now because 1) I hate it and it's a challenge, and 2) my web host only supports php :<
When my boss says "pls make a new module"
ok bye 4 real
me too
unrelated to above ^
@Xander Looks good so far.
@ThomasPornin Nice!
Btw I have added an answer to that OTP question.
There appear to be fingerprinting features in docx files
Not the usual ID stuff, but installed fonts
@ThomasPornin And...It is comprehensive, as usual. :-)
@ThomasPornin Nice post... just finished reading it. It's really easy to understand, and I'm not exactly a crypto expert
5 hours later…
Is @tylerl available here?
@void_in not usually at this time of day :)
IIRC he's on one of the US'ian time zones
Thanks a lot Rory. Just wanted a little clarification from him. In one of his answers he mentioned "And you, like a wise IT admin, run all your servers elsewhere on the internet, not inside your corp network, for a whole raft of reasons I won't go into here."
Just wanted to ask why he thinks it is a bad idea to host the services in the corp network?
@void_in ah yeah that could have a number of meanings... I guess in badly run corp network, many people don't segregate appropriately which makes it rather easy for attackers, but then that's not peculiarly a factor of whether it's corp or cloud, but more one of the quality of the network
@void_in I would certainly advise running web servers and related infrastructure outside of the corporate network. Essentially, it's down to minimizing exposure to the internet
@void_in ah yeah in the general context of that answer, I think it's what @Matthew says. You don't run externally facing servers on your general corporate network
I see @void I think @Simon mangled the ovid even more
@RоryMcCune Exactly. I believe the same. If the segregation is not done properly, it wont be proper else where
I tend to point out that an internet facing server is accessible to 6bn people, but your corporate data store is available to a couple of thousand people. Why build an architecture where you have these two servers in the same environment?
so could be clearer, 'cause "cloud" and "appropriately segregated internally managed network" are in my opinion analagous here
@Matthew Hmm, I get your point. Thanks. Yeah it is a little grey area. Like "two servers in a same environment" is obviously a bad idea. That's why it needs to be segregated wither within the corp network or else where on the Internet
But IMO we should be preaching segregation and not external hosting.
@void_in Exactly - it's about segregation of risk. The risk profile for a web server or email server is different to that of a file store
Thanks @Matthew and @RоryMcCune.
@void_in There is an availability issue there though. Hosting providers (usually) have staff monitoring 24/7, multiple redundant connections, and really fast connections. A lot of smaller businesses don't - and by smaller, I'm talking up to a few thousand staff, from previous experience...
@Matthew Yes. That's true. Hosting providers are in a much better position to deal with DDoS as well. However, again every hosting provider is different. I remember we once faced a DDoS and the provider simply blocked all incoming DNS traffic effectively blocked our DNS server to be contacted from the outside :)
@void_in Sadly, this is true. They are a very mixed bag
1 hour later…
Q: How can i find Android secret messaging apps on wife's phone and read messages

Justin RogersI keep finding a vault file on my wife's Android phone? It has encrypted pictures, and text in it. How can I either decrypt it or find out the hash its using, or code to open, and access the app? I'd like to know we that is worth hiding? Is there a professional software that can help out a great ...

Oops... Tried to open an old tablet with a failing charge connector, to find out if it was repairable. Cracked the screen...
@LucasKauffman aaand closed
Hi - Sorry to bother you. I just wanted to leave this link here in case anyone is interested. There is an ongoing discussion on the main meta site, and I think the opinion of some security experts may be worth having.
Q: How to handle possible user tracking through images?

Patrick HofmanI have come across a site-meta question that ended up on the Hot Meta Posts side bar. At the time of writing, that post has about 1000 views. Accidentally I noticed that OP used his own server (his domain name is similar to his name) to store the images on of his post. A user changed those image...

If anyone wants to give that one a look, probably you can give some more reasonable ideas about what the possible risks are.
Thank - bye.
cross-site requests heh
@AviD What a donut, he totally misspelled it.

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