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Hey David let's make a tinfoil post
Why would you make a post out of tinfoil? That would be totally not structurally sound
that's not necessarily true
Might depend on tinfoil density
and number of layers
@TildalWave Looks like we have a tinfoil density enthusiast here.
oh absolutely
I like them real thick and dense :))
I'll just bet you do
Range Rover on a bridge made of paper.
So I guess one could do the same with aluminium foil.
Don't tell that to Markus, he'll be super excited.
you can also use two thick books to join two ends of a towing rope and it'll hold due to van der Waals force
@David - which one?
Just had an awesome convo about security with a colleague
Two of em
Introduced them to secse!
You're telling us that we're gonna have more mongs of your kind in here?
We're doomed.
Maybe. But they're not mongs; I am.
@RoryAlsop did you make it home in one piece then or are you still in the Smoke?
I'm down here for Whitehat Ball
all kilted up and about to go to the bar
@RoryAlsop oooh fancy!
Home flight tomorrow lunchtime I think
@RoryAlsop Aye I've heard rumours of snow tomorrow, to add to the charming mix of wind and rain!
Lol, wait. What? Kilt? Meaning you are wearing a kilt?
Of course
Why is that weird? I am Scottish
@Ohnana @Simon I know you both like tails of #Rekt dness, the opening page of this deliver I think davidlitchfield.com/AssessingOraclee-BusinessSuite11i.pdf
Nah he's just wearing his regular skirt which he labelled "a kilt".
@Simon ...no
@RоryMcCune To be satisfying, a rek has to be delivered within seconds.
unless you've worn a kilt you're not qualified to have an opinion
@Simon even when he #reks a huge corporate singlehandedly?
yh son
@MarkBuffalo It could be worse: he could be "clad with the heavens"
Oracle E-Busines is super secure and we've never found a real SQL Injection in it
here's 21 SQL Injections
Ta daa
@RоryMcCune i love my kilt
so many pockets
@Ohnana would it be a Utili-Kilt by any chance?
A kilt has no pockets. Hence sporran.
Right - time to go and socialise. Loads of our ex-colleagues the
@RоryMcCune it is. which means that, yes, it is not a real kilt. but i am not scottish, so i resign myself to the not scottish kilts :)
@RoryAlsop say hi to any one's I know :)
@RoryAlsop haahahahahahahahaha
I'm not making fun. I actually love it
@RоryMcCune 21 :(
@MarkBuffalo +26 XSS and some other stuff in 80 hours
To be fair he is a very good researcher
but it's still ludicrous that Oracle is allowed to ship such buggy stuff and claim it's high security
Wait... you mean Oracle shipped this themselves?
@MarkBuffalo oracle ship a product "Oracle E-Business Server" which they claim has good security
@ThomasPornin How is that worse?
@RоryMcCune Uhm.... wow.
Mr Litchfield investigates some of the code they ship in their "secure" product and finds 21 SQL i in 80 hours of research
My name is Markus and after all this time, I still don't know how to use the reply function.
@RoryAlsop most excellent!! say hi if by ex-colleagues you meant also someone from here
My donut figured it out literally the first time she posted here.
You suck Markus.
@MarkBuffalo You really want to see @RoryAlsop covered only with blue paint ?
Oracle are famous for claiming that they don't need help from security researchers 'cause they're so good at security.
most people would not agree with their assessment
@ThomasPornin Perhaps
@Simon can't directly reply on the phone. Chatsy doesn't let me log in to se
@MarkBuffalo Hey look, I'm replying to your message on my phone.
fkin rekt
Using chatsy?
No, I don't use shitty software son.
just load non-mobile layout
Chat is all fucky in non mobile layout
@MarkBuffalo use the new mobile chat
@MarkBuffalo what strange browser do you use?
@Ohnana where do I get it?
@TildalWave chrome for Android
Q: Test the new mobile chat!

balphaRemember 2010, when smartphones looked like this?             Back then, we created a mobile version of chat, so that people could use the bare minimum of features on those and similar phones. Well waddayaknow, suddenly it's 2016, smartphones for some reason now look like this:             –...

ffs Markus someone linked it here and you were here.
2 days ago, by Mark Buffalo
@RoryAlsop Great
That's you replying to roro about it.
I'm done with this Markus guy, I quite life again.
@Simon that was Dr. Jekyll, we're talking with Mr. Hyde now :P
That'd make total sense.
@Ohnana It works !
@ThomasPornin it's great!
That was using the stock Android browser.
@ThomasPornin are you loading the desktop site, or the new one?
Thanks, this is good
@Ohnana test
@Ohnana On my laptop computer I use the desktop site. On my phone I use the "new" mobile site.
that's what i thought
@ThomasPornin ewww
The "it works" was there to test the new mobile site (and its "reply" function).
But of course I am using my laptop right now.
I am more than 20 years old; I thus cannot type efficiently on a smartphone.
@ThomasPornin "laptop computer" You're speaking like a 40 years old.
@Simon I am 40. And the machine was sold under that name.
Do your bones hurt?
I am not using it on my lap, of course. You need asbestos pants to do that.
I can type very well on some phones, just not this one
This one is horrible
@ThomasPornin That doesn't sound healthy.
@Simon My bones hurt -- they hurt people when I roundhouse kick them.
@ThomasPornin Jeeeezus.
It's ok, I know that you're a skinny dude, you wouldn't do that.
bears can't roundhouse kick
their legs are too tiny
@Ohnana You never played Tekken 3 ?
@ThomasPornin is Eddie Gordo
@ThomasPornin i was 2 when that game came out in arcades
i didn't play anything except pokemon when i was little
@Ohnana Tekken had a bear
@Ohnana Good taste, son.
If I recall correctly
@Simon and spiro the dragon
@Ohnana Also good.
Yaaaaaay Spiro
i should see if i can find the roms to those games
Pokemon isnt my thing though
Good edit.
No I don't.
The heck are you doing?
What do you mean?
You're typing that.
It doesn't look the same at all.
Oh my, @Simon understood something.
It does on my phone. I was hoping to trick your face
Actually no, I don't.
Like Donuttery?
@Simon I suppose you understand the final part of bakery, i.e. the eating.
@ThomasPornin Yes but the part that confuses me the most is when they turn my monies into donuts at Tim Hortons.
@ThomasPornin I hate bakery stuff. It almost always causes some form of diabeetus. Though as a bear, you must enjoy it.
That was a cluster fuck of a sentence.
It still was.
It looks fine now.
I currently have my badge attached to my neck. It's wedged in a corner. When it comes out, it will hit me in the face.
@RоryMcCune That's pretty sad. Those are famous last words.
@MarkBuffalo youtube it
@Simon you don't understand people baking things?
@Ohnana Maybe I will
@Simon ...I think you're doing it wrong.
@Simon Ah, I see where your confusion comes from.
is unsure what da bear is about to say to rek him
Etymology can help you. A "donut" is actually a "doughnut".
o ffs
dd you know that you are supposed to check the internal temperature of bread to tell when it's done?
you can actually get mild food poisoning from baking yeast in some cases
Yeah man, where's the doe in the final product of donuts?
@RoryAlsop There's a link in that ping
@Ohnana foodie
@Ohnana I never do that and it's always yummy
@TildalWave well, usually the golden-brown change happens at the temperature the yeast dies at
@Ohnana I generally use a massive CO2 laser to vaporize the yeast before consuming my bread.
@MarkBuffalo it's helpful when you make your own dough
@Ohnana like what? you can eat baker's yeast raw and it's a good source of vitamin B ... or did you mean those baking powders? I never use those
Homemade bread is the best bread ever.
@Ohnana how exactly is yeast bad for you?
A friend of mine makes homemade gluten free bread
It's amazeballs
@DavidFreitag What a hipster.
Gluten free all the things.
@Simon No she's allergic to gluten
@TildalWave yeast that is activated can make you sick if you're young or have a poor immune system
OK, if it was rolled in e coli infested sewage water, or made in Flint .... I'd get that
@DavidFreitag Is she really or she's just joining the trend?
activated as in sugar + 110 degree water activation
@Ohnana oh geez yes but you're talking of months old babies here
Out of 15 people, 2 were allegedly intolerant at the job where I worked this summer.
I was like pls lads
@Simon Nope she gets hives if she eats a slice of bread
Is she a bee queen?
@TildalWave Many places in Michigan are worse than Flint. Detroit, Grand Rapids, etc
I know a cryptographer who has celiac disease.
^^ not the best source, but high yeast content can make you ill
Their water is worse
@ThomasPornin Are you talking about yourself at the 3rd person again?
Ewwwwwwwwwwww yeast. It's disgusting
@Simon It is technical, but when I write "I know" it is actually 1st person, not 3rd.
@Ohnana oh wait that's different, that yeast together with juice sugars will start fermentation
@TildalWave yeah. yeast in bread is trivial to control, seeing as you bake that shit
@ThomasPornin That's a shifty thing to have. A friend of mine has it
also, getting drunk != food poisoning
@ThomasPornin Keep going and it'll be a 3-way wrestling match.
bear vs giant mong vs donut lord
I put money on the Donut Lord
Death by diabeetus
@MarkBuffalo It is still quite rare. Very few people actually need gluten-free food.
pls the last time I ate a donut was this summer.
@Ohnana heh yes I bake that shit
@ThomasPornin Yeah but just because you don't need gluten-free food doesn't mean that food with gluten in it won't make you feel terrible
@ThomasPornin True, so I'm actually glad for the gluten free craze
But people who cannot eat gluten must be quite glad of the current gluten-free hipstery, since it increases their choice range a lot.
@ThomasPornin yeah, my friend who has celiac actually has mixed feelings
@ThomasPornin that's true, but a lot of stuff is now just labeled with bigger labels that it's gluten free and it always was
Yup, it's good and bad. My friend went to a restaurant bragging about their gluten free food.
the thing is, touching a fork to a piece of bread and then using it to eat will leave her in agony for a night
You can guess as what happened
there's many different flours that don't have gluten anyway
Seriously, I really wonder what's going on in the mind of those "intolerant" people.
She ended up in the hospital
restaurants don't always understand that you have to have separate prep stations, immaculate counters, no outside products...
@Ohnana That seems... extreme?
i can't make anything for her in my kitchen -- i use white and wheat flour
@MarkBuffalo Think of it like a peanut allergy
@MarkBuffalo it is. but allergies can be like that, just like peanuts
@Ohnana Well their food wasn't actually gluten free. They were trying to capitalize on what they thought was a Bullshit craze
@Ohnana fkin rekt
@MarkBuffalo coeliac disease?
@Simon There is a whole group of people who claim to use a "paleo" diet, by eating only foodstuff that was available (presumably) to hunter-gatherers 30000 years ago.
ah soz I just read up
@TildalWave keep up punctuation-boy
@TildalWave My friend, yes
@ThomasPornin Because they claim that we're not meant to eat some of the "new" food?
@Ohnana Wait I thought @TildalWave was Pedantic Man
@Ohnana LOL I am?
The theory behind the paleo diet is that "evolution is good for you" and "evolution is slow".
@TildalWave yeah.
just when it's especially fun tho
Both assertions are false, of course.
@ThomasPornin This diet makes me feel so good. Keto in particular. I feel awesome on keto. And I'm thinner. Breadstuff and carbs make me feel like shit
Vegans like to claim that we were not made to eat meat, too.
@ThomasPornin Why is the latter assertion false?
@Simon i got four teeth that beg to differ
@ThomasPornin hahahaha OMG this shit is real?
I never heard of it but for some reason I'm not too surprised
@Ohnana Did they fall out because you ate meat?
the secret of paleo is "stop eating processed crap with added sugar salt and syrup"
@DavidFreitag The usual counterexample is lactose-tolerance. It is a trait that has evolved in humans in the last 4000 years (at most) and is pervasive in Europeans and most North-Americans.
@ThomasPornin Asians can be pretty lactose intolerant
i would QQ for days if i was lactose intolerant
@ThomasPornin Right. 4000 years. That's no time at all.
I hate milk so much.
@Simon ?!
how could you
I was obligated to drink a glass of milk every day during my childhood.
It doesn't taste good at all.
@Simon oh :(
@Ohnana I bet his momma didn't nurse him when he was a baby
@DavidFreitag Yes, because 4000 years ago humans had already been growing wheat for more than 6000 years.
I used to drink a gallon of milk every day as a kid
By myself
@MarkBuffalo if my parents didn't keep an eye on me, i would have done the same :P
Thus, the idea that "humans cannot have adapted to gluten because evolution is too slow" is disproved.
@ThomasPornin Yeah and they'd been walking upright for quite some time more than that, what's your point?
yogurt, milk, cheese, alfredo, mmmm
I love cheese
Generic new user: "Is this InfoSec chat?"
@ThomasPornin Oh I see where you were going with that.
I buy these exquisite blocks of cheese from euro trash land. Limburger, I believe it's called
@Simon No, this is a chat for farcical aquatic creatures.
@DavidFreitag Calm down Spongebob.
yesterday, by Ohnana
@AGZuniverse yes, except it's about 30% site meta, 20% security, and 50% goofing off
None of this implies that eating wheat is nice and dandy; but it still says that asserting it is bad because "evolution is slow" is nonsense.
@Ohnana :D
@MarkBuffalo It's German.
It's nice to be able to have a nice discussion about various subjects though.
I like it.
We don't always have to talk about my ween.
@MarkBuffalo go back to /pol/
@Simon But when we do, we get the electron-scanning microscopes out.
o pls
@Ohnana ha
Could you imagine the resolution we could get if we found a way to use neutrinos in a scanning microscope
I like: Pont l'Eveque, Munster, Limburger, Brie De Meux
A neutrino (/nuːˈtriːnoʊ/ or /njuːˈtriːnoʊ/) (denoted by the Greek letter ν) is a lepton, an elementary particle with half-integer spin, that interacts only via the weak subatomic force and gravity. The mass of the neutrino is tiny compared to other subatomic particles. They are the only identified candidate for dark matter, specifically hot dark matter. Neutrinos come in three flavors: electron neutrinos (ν e), muon neutrinos (ν μ), and tau neutrinos (ν τ). Each flavor is also associated with an antiparticle, called an "antineutrino", which also has no electric charge and half-integer spi...
And cheddar
@DavidFreitag "is a lepton" clicks on lepton
@DavidFreitag wtf is this
@DavidFreitag why come
this is the second one
@Ohnana Third
Animal facts replaced with trains?
@MarkBuffalo To truly understand the reptrain one must truly understand the train
@DavidFreitag Why would you have a good resolution with neutrinos ?
@DavidFreitag \o/
@MarkBuffalo That autocucumber though
This new mobile chat makes me want to talk to you guys while I'm sitting on my throne.
@ThomasPornin You wouldn't, it's totally impractical. You would have to find a way of generating immense quantities of them jut to get a few to even interact with regular matter
Did someone say Water Antenna ? mitsubishielectric.com/news/2016/0127.html
@DavidFreitag Yes, but my point was that neutrinos have a wavelength which depends on their individual energy, and that wavelength is not that small in practice.
Silly dovid is trying to school pornu
You get the same problem with photons: to get sub-atomic resolution you need really punchy particles, and when they interact with the said atoms they make a lot of damage.
@Simon wut
But if you could somehow take an image of the neutrinos as they passed through the matter, that'd be interesting.
Well, neutrinos that do not interact would simply go through.
That's my point
You could imagine something like X-ray imaging, but wouldn't it be exactly like X-ray imaging ?
It's probably deeply flawed, but nonetheless
@DavidFreitag ever heard of super-resolution microscopy?
@TildalWave Nope
@DavidFreitag Ah ! In fact it has been done: icecube.wisc.edu/~hoshina/myslides/2011/…
lots of new development in that field, I think some Nobel prizes were given in recent years for it
And they use neutrinos for a very good reason: to make internal images of something which is quite bulky, namely an entire planet.
@ThomasPornin yes I just wanted to point that out, there's also some space applications for it... and there's the muon tomography
This chat is no longer PG-13.
I think there was some talk of it during the last NIAC symposium
@TildalWave But then, that's really not a question of super-fine resolution.
@Simon is planning his TEDTalk now :P
@ThomasPornin no, but it's interesting :)
This picture says it all.
@ThomasPornin they do use super-resolution (deconvolution) with Cassini radar scans tho
o lawd
It is a Japanese lady singing?
@Simon no vocals
Just an anime picture that you don't even need to look at
Apparently I'm into "Glitch Hop" whatever the hell that is.
@DavidFreitag you too?
@Ohnana Apparently.
@DavidFreitag the ground above on youtube
... that's Dubstep.
@Simon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Silly kids making up "new" genres.
I'll be seeing Excision in February \o/
cc:\ @Simon
@Simon Nice. Never been a huge fan of them.
Dubstep shows are a good therapy to get rid of dem demons.
disclosure and madeon are both coming to philly and i can't justify the expense ;-;
@Ohnana Erhm link?
And also to almost punch a few dudes.
@DavidFreitag Cheeeeeesy.
@Simon It's very funky. I like it.
Annoying lead is annoying.
@Ohnana danke
@DavidFreitag this is one of my favorites yo
@Ohnana ( ͡↑ ͜ʖ ͡↑)
@Ohnana I would sub to that person on them there youtubs too
I love blasting music in my car
I love healthy ears.
Sometimes when my music is too loud my left ear crackles
weird, i disconnected from the internet while looking at google and the links all turned orange
That is odd.
@Ohnana what is your favorite song by that dude?
didn't happen again. huh.
@Ohnana Are you still ohnuhnuh?
@Simon no
All your packets are belong to us?
@DavidFreitag keep it hot and compliments
also anything by shawn wasabi is awesome
passweird.com <-- @Simon new Password generator for you
@RоryMcCune I almost had a seizure.
@RоryMcCune haha
@Ohnana Not really doing it for me
@RоryMcCune love it
ok bye
@Ohnana Yeah he doesn't really compare to Teminite...
so now remote attackers who can run a script as root on your linux box can actually brick the hardware...
@RоryMcCune ԅ( ಠ ‸ ಠ )╮
@RоryMcCune lmfaoooooooooooo
I'm sure no bad people will do that to poor unsuspecting users at all

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