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@DavidFreitag Fun fact: I told Code Black that he might be the problem because he's been complaining about problems with both OS X and W10. Then, he got slightly mad and he said he's been building PCs for a while.
Silly Code Black.
1 hour later…
@Simon wat
I'm wasting too much time on these kind of projects
I should make one that provides a service, plain and simple
also, it's going to take 10 hours to crack the password using my method + shitty computer
@MarkBuffalo "I'm spending too much time on this project. I should be spending time on another project that's equally as silly"
ain't no one got time for that
Well, David... companies want a service
If you can provide them a service, and they like it, they'll pay cash money for it.
@MarkBuffalo No, they'll send you a purchase order
@Simon How exactly did you tell him this?
That post really pissed off Steve Sether, lol
I led him on with the NSA cargo culting, then backtracked at the last minute and he's all, "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!"
2 hours later…
@DavidFreitag pork shoulder
@Ohnana Love that
We use it to make stir fry
A gigantic block of pork shoulder costs like $23 at costco. It's enough to last like a half a month for david
5 hours later…
@TerryChia heh
mornin' all
@TerryChia I find your lack of faith disturbing
morning all
@RоryM I might be coming to the UK in a few months to take my CREST exam :D
@Adi yay! you starting with the CRT?
@RоryMcCune Indeed
@Adi cool, so I guess you're just coming over to do the written bit (OSCP handled your practical?)
@RоryMcCune Not gonna go the OSCP -> CREST route
Apparently, there are some downsides
@Adi ahh I didn't know that
well TBH I reckon you'll find the CRT practical pretty easy after the OSCP
@RоryMcCune Yeah, if you go the OSCP route then you lose something related to CESG or CHECK
or something like that
I don't quite understand it, but since I'll be paying anyway and I have the technical skills/knowledge, so why not
@Adi good stuff!
@Adi you might find that doesn't apply to you (@RoryAlsop may know better) but I think that you can't be a CHECK Team member or leader as you're a durn foreigner
but no harm in doing it the "full" way
one thing to note in looking at the syllabus is that it was written by #Fogeys a couple of years ago, so some of the concepts/tools might be a bit old-school
@RоryM There might be a possibility of transfer to the UK through a Finnish company. It's in the planning stages
@RоryM They offered a figure around 55k GBP (to be raised to 60k after probation). You think that's good?
@Adi yeah that's not bad, London or not London?
(it's better if it's not London)
@RоryMcCune Manchester
as London costs a frackin' fortune to live in...
@RоryMcCune yep - think that only applies to Team Leader
@Adi Manchester! heh NCC head office
@RoryAlsop ahh that was the bit I wasn't sure about..
@RоryMcCune Sadly, it's not related to NCC
@Adi well you'll have loads of tester types to meet up with Manchester is the biggest centre for it outside of London
there's NCC + Pentest + MWR + some others
@RоryMcCune Oh yeah.. 'cause you know what a tester likes to talk about after work :D
@Adi if it plays out, I can put you in touch with some people who've moved down that way and likely give you the script on things like good/bad areas etc
More testing stuff
@Adi or hacking'y stuff in general
@RоryMcCune Yeah, I don't wanna move to areas where those dirty foreigners move.
@Adi lolz, Manchester Had/Has some pretty rough areas that you likely wouldn't want to end up in
@RоryMcCune Yeah, the guy who is arranging it told me that you wanna stay out of the ghettos
I laughed it off thinking it's like ghettos in Finland
but then he told me stories and news articles
Yeah.. definitely not like ghettos in Finland
@Adi yeah I don't know about now, but Moss side in Manchester used to have a pretty bad rep.
kinda like the gorbals in Glasgow
there's less of these areas nowadays, but not none
that said there's quite a few studenty areas in Manchester which are likely nicer/friendlier
@Adi if you see @paj28 on the DMZ he's a manchester type so will know the score better than me
I'll do that
Though at this point I'm trying not to get ahead of myself. There are still a few things stuck regarding my eligibility for the shortage list
It seems to be not as straightforward as I thought
@Adi ahh with Governments, nothing ever is...
If I'm not eligible for the shortage list, then it's not gonna happen at all
I was told of some 30 day rule where the company need to prove that no Britt can fill the position
@RоryMcCune just checked -actually it applies to all CHECK team members. They must be British Nationals
@RoryAlsop Fick
@Adi But that does not apply to CREST
@Adi don't worry too much CHECK only applies for government work
CREST is good for all private sector stuff
Whew! Good
@Adi and CREST is superior to CHECK in many ways (not least in terms of being up to date)
@Adi also you don't want to do public sector things that require CHECK it's all stupid datacentres where you can't take your phone
@Adi CREST was born out of CHECK not really working for private sector at all
Reddit made me laugh today. NSFW text - imgur.com/gallery/C4W8M
@RoryAlsop heh
I know - killing time while the builders fit a new front door - then I can leave and go to work
All them acronyms though.
@TerryChia hey hey CREST is coming to Sinapore, so you too can get involved in Acronym soup!
@RоryMcCune You must be one of those that list all their certificates after their name during introductions. ;)
@TerryChia oh hell no, I have the ones I have to have
and I rarely mention them unless necessary
Rory McCune, CISSP, blah blah blah, blah blah blah :P
@TerryChia pls Torry, who'd admit to being a CISSP voluntarily!
@RоryMcCune Management types like @RoryAlsop? shots fired
@TerryChia lolz you'll not get him on that one, IIRC he let his CISSP lapse.
@RоryMcCune Well, he has met their work experience requirement about a 100 times over by now.
2 hours later…
@Adi - come to Manchester! You'll like it here :-)
If you have 5 years infosec experience at team leader level, I think you're eligable for the skills shortage list
Unfilled for 30 days is pretty much a technicality for pen test firms that always struggle to fill the roles they want
It is getting hotter everywhere except penguinland and the north-east of Canada.
@ThomasPornin Good
Ismael Miguel, Portimão, Portugal
137 7
Is this guy a sock puppet for Steve Sether? I clearly addressed Steve Sether in a post, and this guy responds angrily at me.
And he acts as if I responded to him
Nah, you just make everyone angry, Markus.
@paj28 yeah I don't think there's a single pen test company in the uK that doesn't have a permanent "We are hiring" section on their site.
@RоryMcCune That's understandable, since most of their staff has gone MIA due to the floods.
@Simon phhbt floods, that's normal rainfall levels in Argyll
Silly Brits.
@Simon Same writing style + same tone + wrong account :p
@ThomasPornin aka Donut Land
Q: Reason behind HeapSpray format

dylan7I am curious as to why heap spraying consists of allocating repeated chunks of NOP + Shellcode? Why is the format not repeating NOP and then just Shellcode at the end; when the stack pivot occurs wouldn't EIP just slide down the sled until it hits the Shellcode? In addition, in a Heap Spray a pre...

@RoraΖ <3
@RoraΖ I'd totally run away if I were you.
@RoraΖ You seem to know how to bypass ASLR
And you live in DC
See through you we can
Clearly you work for a hospital
Good answer though
@MarkBuffalo haha, thanks
@Simon I'm always on the run
Q: "malware" URLs in posts

Rui F RibeiroI wonder about until what point most of the questions about questionable URLs are all authentic. I know they can and are often obfuscated by moderators...However, could not some of them being posted here be done in a spirit of social engineering, either for publicity reasons, to infect, find ou...

I don't think a question has ever confused me more than this one ^
And there's an upvote, yeah sure dude.
VTC "unclear"
Hi Hi
@JukEboX Hai
@JukEboX how is your face
Someone told me to stop being an idiot :(
That post made a lot of people angry
What's shaken?
Mine is fine. @Oha
@Ohnana does your face hurt?
@MarkBuffalo being less abrasive is good
@JukEboX currently my back is unhappy because hotel bed
but my face is just fine
@Ohnana it is? Cause it's killing me.
@MarkBuffalo fkin rekt
@Simon ikr
@Ohnana I hate that. Eventually, if you travel enough, it goes away
@Ohnana Yeah I Had that yesterday.
@JukEboX accurate statement :D
@Ohnana take Advil or I-B-Profin?
it's fine. left my painkillers in the hotel room in my morning stupor
but i'm just trying to be mindful of posture and stretching. i'm young, my body can take abuse
Yeah I don't know why mine was hurting yesterday. Maybe I stretched the wrong way when I got up
@Ohnana ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Simon ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
Is that Dobby? omg 2 soon ohnuhnuh
no those are arms
u blind
It could be ears you donut.
Do you know many people with flappy arms?
Those look like arms to me @Simon
Wow, I wonder what your arms look like, lads.
like this --> \o/
@MarkBuffalo In which question are you getting rekt? I wanna read the rekage.
@Simon the BBC password thing. but I am currently updating the post
@MarkBuffalo To create more reking? Neat.
Yes, I need to be wrecked more
A mod has to clean those comments, jeezus.
A bunch of kids arguing, how lovely.
How do you guys always seem to be reading the same questions?
@JukEboX they're all the same person, did you not know?
it's sad really seeing someone with that many multiple personalities, but still quite an impressive feat to watch
@RоryMcCune Who?
@RоryMcCune I know it really scares me a bit. I always only get to read the part where it's like "What a loser. THat question is ridiculous." or "you should have moderated it". And the last conversation before something like that is completely different. It's like they are all telepathic
Yeah, it's just like the I Am Charlie thing.
Except that in this instance, We Are Thomas Pornu
You mean we are all Rory
@RоryMcCune I just got the joke... LOL
Look what kind of bad practice node.js creates:
Q: Saving SHA2 encrypted username password in session

user3018765Say I have a server. That server could be a node.js server that serves an app. In that app you could be asked to login. The login credentials would be authenticated agains LDAP. That server could request/Post data from other servers via Rest. Those restful endpoints could be secured with basic au...

@Simon WISH I understood Javascript
@Simon Ewwwwww
Store username+password salt? why :<
I don't know enough about Node to answer this, but it seems like a terrible idea considering this same concept in a different language.
@ThomasPornin lulz good point about the SHA-2 "decryption"
@Simon To answer your earlier question, it doesn't seem like you can stack site joining to get more rep. If there were true, I'd be at 7k+ now.
It's still showing 6702 network wide
4 hours of death by power point training on iso 27001 and i'm on the verged off ending it all....geneually think this may be the single most tedious subject in all of infosec.
@TheJulyPlot You made the hot network questions list
and started a rep train
I also updated my post, and I'm thinking of removing the NSA stuff since it pissed people off to the point of insulting me directly lol
@MarkBuffalo oh yeah..that's pretty cool.
haha yeah I noticed that
@TheJulyPlot don't end it. :(
Markus, no one needs a reason to be insulting you.
by end it, i mean the presentation...not my life.
@Simon ikr
although..give me another 4 hours of this and that may be an option
@TheJulyPlot just go back in time. forget hitler, destroy powerpoint.
wow that is a critical level of butthurt
@Ohnana dunno if i kill baby bill gate, early 80s bill gates though..doable.
@Ohnana What is?
@Ohnana Do you mean PowerPoint makes you critically butthurt? No, that is a perfectly valid response to PowerPoint.
I love it when people don't understand a concept and are arrogant about it.
@Simon The hash vs. encryption concept?
It is more a matter of the person than the concept but yes.
Q: How MD5 and salt algorithms come into play if the attacker uses curl?

user3018765When the user logs into any site, they supply a username ('user01') and password ('password123') into a form then submit. The user has no idea what their hashed password value is that is stored in the database. The user just types 'password123' as password. If someone wants to brute force that ac...

Oh for fucks sake.
"If someone wants to brute force that account, they can just use a dictionary attack and post to the same login URL with curl"
Kill me now.
I don't understand how schools teach web development but spend literally no time on security.
@MarkBuffalo sorry, i meant o nthat question
real talk: you need to know when to disengage
like, seriously. being a funny dbag on chat is hilariously awesome, but on the main site it's just not worth it
there are too many people who are hysterical and uptight
@Simon I know people that full web dev degrees, and games technology degrees and they do not even understand basic security concepts
@Ohnana Which question? :b
@TheJulyPlot Unfortunately, schools don't teach this. We were taught SQL injection at my school.
@MarkBuffalo the BBC password one
woo woo All aboard the rep train
@Ohnana Do you want me to delete my response?
I actually upvoted Steve Sether, lol
@TheJulyPlot Yep. I've had 3 web dev classes and one major web project and nothing about security was taught.
@MarkBuffalo @Simon yeah it is not ideal
@MarkBuffalo the answer to the question is cool, but slogging it out in the comments is just an uphill battle 9/10 times
And by, "we were taught SQL injection at my school," I mean my college taught us how to create vulnerable code.
@MarkBuffalo O. LAWD.
@DavidFreitag having a look though these github.com/bsidesnyc/BSidesNYC2016/wiki/Agenda
Yeah, that's far too common.
looks like it was a good event
@TheJulyPlot Yeah BSidesNYC was pretty awesome
@Ohnana Agreed, I deleted my comments. Let them go critical butthurt mode if they need to. I shouldn't even respond to that.
@DavidFreitag Did you meet the love of your life there?
@Simon No, I sat in the corner and kept my mouth shut
@MarkBuffalo :thumbs:
@DavidFreitag 4evaalone
i will say that reading the comments is a good peer review
you have the opportunity to change your answer based on feedback, and I've found that helpful -- because that's why comments are a thing in the first place!
I agree with the Peer Review part. @NeilSmithline has called me out on my mistakes before, and it made me realize I posted something incorrect.
when at the time I was blurring the lines
But "@MarkBuffalo stop being an idiot" isn't peer review :b
Neil's not an asshole though.
Neil's great
Alright there, why don't you suck his ween while you're at it?
Silly Markus.
@Simon Because you and I see the world through different... orientations.
it would be cool to experience the world as a different orientation/race/sex/whatever
like a temporary character respec
I agree
I just want to have a lady hole for a day.
@Simon They have surgeries for that.
For a day?
@Simon at least a day
or do you mean exactly one day
Uno daysos.
Exactlos uno daysos.
@MarkBuffalo That's definitely a peer review
@DavidFreitag :(
It's so tempting to keep conversating with someone in comments
@TheJulyPlot The keynotes were particularly cool
@DavidFreitag don't do eet
ees bahd
Yeah, very tempting
But I find it gets off-topic quickly
Someone quoted Gibson again
A: How Should WiFi Passwords be securely stored on IOT (embedded) devices?

MarcelYou may want to listen to the podcast Security Now, Episode 543 on https://www.grc.com/securitynow.htm, where the talk about the Ring Doorbell IoT device. Note: A transcript of the show will be available for download soon, in the meantime listen to it on http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/t...

I was actually going to email Steve if I didn't get a solution here. I'll listen through; most WiFi chips require you to store the execution code in a separate easy to read flash-chip (XiP). — MandoMando 14 mins ago
@DavidFreitag what was the subject of them?
@DavidFreitag His website is like a 1990s / early 2000s mass-marketing chain letter scam spam product
How do you know whether a song is catchy if you've been deaf your whole life? — MonkeyZeus 1 min ago
back to work
@MarkBuffalo back to lunch you mean
@DavidFreitag I usually do both at the same time
@DavidFreitag any nozzle progress?
@MarkBuffalo I'm gonna have to go and knock him upside the head...
I wonder if Gibson is aware that we as a community hate him with the fiery burning passion of a few dozen suns
@TheJulyPlot cc @MarkBuffalo i want an answer to this question
@DavidFreitag You might like this
@Ohnana I can hear, just not very well. I remember music very well, and I can make it in my head despite hearing distorted noises on the outside.
@MarkBuffalo interesting
@DavidFreitag he probably has people screen his email for him
so uh, why am i supposed to hate steve gibson again?
> Parallella board with 16- or 64-core Epiphany accelerator and ZedBoard with Zynq reconfigurable logic [16, 2]. Proposed implementations were integrated into John the Ripper password cracker resulting in improved energy efficiency by a factor of 35+ compared to heavily optimized implementations on modern CPUs.
I am only on page 3 of 7, and I'm blown away
@DavidFreitag ooooh shit
That's like $10k worth of FPGA goodness
@Ohnana Click the article I linked. Someone linked it here:
Q: What effect on internet crime did the more recent developments in encryption have?

JaiymoI'm doing a presentation on the effect of encryption on internet enabled/based crime, what would people say is the largest development in encryption of say the last 5-10 years what and what kind of enabling effect did it have?

@Ohnana Because he's a fraud and has no idea what he's doing
Q: Does Gibson's fingerprinting service add much additional security?

ManishearthI just read this post and it proposes a method of storing SSL fingerprints online so that you can double check that your certificates have not been tampered with. But is it really relevant or useful? To me it does not seem to add any security: it lets you know that you are being snooped on, but...

Terry Chia on October 17, 2013

This blog post is inspired by a question on Information Security Stack Exchange about two weeks ago. The question seems to have attracted quite a bit of attention (some of it in an attempt to defend the flawed scheme) so I would like to write a more thorough analysis of the scheme.

Let us start by discussing the current standard for authentication. Passwords. No one is arguing that passwords are perfect. Far from it. Passwords, at least passwords in use by most people are incredibly weak. Short, predictable, easy to guess. This problem is made worse by the fact that most applications do not sto …

@MarkBuffalo i did, i'm sending it to a colleague
Q: Could SQRL really be as secure as they say?

Wayne WernerI just came across https://www.grc.com/sqrl/sqrl.htm With Secure QR Login, your phone snaps the QR code displayed on a website's login page . . . . and YOU are securely logged in. This seems like it would be pretty awesome - one of the problems that I can think of is if the QR reader i...

@Ohnana See those ^^^^
@DavidFreitag tldr: gibson is just as bad as mythbusters?
@MarkBuffalo What's wrong with mythbusters?
Those are old, sqrl has been modified. A new analysis would be needed.
I like watching it, but in almost every episode, they fail to take a lot of things into account and declare a myth busted
tl;dr: Gibson is a snake oil vendor, and even worse he really does believe his snake oil truly works.
@MarkBuffalo Due to budget and time constraints
@MarkBuffalo honestly, their "busted" just means "we couldn't reproduce it reliably"
@Ohnana Pretty much
It's not the Mythbuster's fault, it's Discovery's fault
They weren't funded with a bottomless wallet, you know.
attrition.org/errata/charlatan/steve_gibson shit dawg, this guy has a hate club
Especially when they shot a cannonball into someone's house
@Ohnana Yup.
@Ohnana I would not bad mouth someone unless I had really, really good reason to do so.
@DavidFreitag fair enough
@MarkBuffalo fail
@MarkBuffalo i mean, metasploit is technically malware
and you can host exploit modules in it
and you can use it to test things
@Ohnana Agreed, I think this one is cherry picking
@Ohnana if you're looking for some good humor, I'd recommend going to his site and reading
I make mistakes like this when I type things up in a hurry
@MarkBuffalo R.E.K.T ft. My Sides
^oh dear
just goes to show, you don't need to use PHP to have crap security
Sweet SQL injection bro.
the passwords stored in the clear are just an added bonus at that point
@RоryMcCune All passwords should be stored in clear roro, it makes our job easier as devs.
No need to create an impersonation feature, you can just get the user's password and login as him!
@Simon pls somon everyone knows that double-ROT-13 is how you store passwords securely
to the untrained eye it looks like clear-text
but actually it's pretty secure
I still haven't found anyone who was able to crack my double ROT-13 hashing algorithm, that's true.
@RоryMcCune Lol
The problem is that this is what colleges are teaching in the U.S....
That's part of the problem, anyway
Does anyone like creepy music clips? I've got one for ya:
@MarkBuffalo you say "problem", I say "job security for pentesters" :op
@RоryMcCune rofl
@MarkBuffalo Science is boring. A scientific result is a number at the bottom of a spreadsheet. Mythbuster blows things up, which is less scientific but more entertaining.
@ThomasPornin True :p
Stop showing your tongue to Pornu, respect the man.
@DavidFreitag He would probably make a lot more money if he went into real security research, and realized there are lots of problems to solve. There is no one-size fits all solution.
is this the demilitarized zone?
@TheRealBritneySpears that it is
we take our name from the networking concept, not korea
@TheRealBritneySpears Hit me baby one more time.
Q: How many security-related websites/sofware/system/human brain will break when we get more than 10000 CVEs a year?

billc.cnThe last time such a question was asked, there weren't even an official solution. Now we are supposedly on 5 digit CVE numbers for a whole year now, I've never seen then in the wild (apart from on MITRE website). Will the security industry crumble and fall when the number go over?

Free VTC
VTC -- this question made my brain hurt
my brain is goo today
I caught a cold ;_;
@MarkBuffalo meh
@MarkBuffalo I left it open to give you all a chance
@schroeder You can close it, it's a duplicate which has a good answer already
it's also too broad
@MarkBuffalo oh, I totally agree, but some of these low-hanging fruit I leave to give folks a chance to gain some points
haha, sure :p
When I see low hanging fruit, I jump on it. Free points
my vote overrides all other votes - so it can get unfair if I'm too active
yes, you got it, you all get my crumbs
@schroeder Brag about it, Vancouver.
@Simon we have Japadog
That's literally all you have.
Oh and also Roberto Luongo.
WAIT NO, you traded him!
Silly Canucks.
i downloaded kali mini. no live environment.
who the fuck installs kali
That's what you get for wanting to use something "mini".
@Ohnana lol

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