The problems with MD5 have nothing to do with salting. It's more that MD5 is ridiculously fast for a password hashing algorithm, and is known to be broken in the first place.
One time a couple teenagers were bugging me on IRC. I literally googled their IP address and it brought up a church they went to because their church was storing locally-accessed analytic logs
@Ohnana My motto is don't share personal stuff online. :p
@Iszi In glasgow a tap can be one of many things. it could be "a tap" the thing you put on a sink, people also "tap someone for money" meaning to seek a loan, and also wear "Fitba Taps" which are "football tops" the joke is a pun based on that
Scotts Valley Police Department: (831) 440-5670 - give them the picture of the person, and tell them that it's someone with a comcast IP address connected to on Friday November 20th @ 12:17:01
They can check that. They aren't supposed to tell you, but they can
11:48] <Love_Drifter> If you start whining and threatening suicide in here ever again I am going to permanently ban you [11:48] <Love_Drifter> Treating this whole channel like your support group is abusive, emotionally manipulative bullshit
@Ohnana I mean, fair enough some people do want the support, but the fact they want it shouldn't mean you shout at them for it - instead, try to get them some help!
@Ohnana I'm always astonished nurses can cope day in day out with people dying. I couldn't. But I try and be nice to the people I do meet each day, either in person or on t'web
@jrg I married a cardio-thoracic intensive care nurse... every day for her was more stressful than any day I have ever had. Except possibly for one or two days t'other Rory is probably aware of, but even those had no deaths
luckily she moved to manual handling - more pay, less deaths
Found out that my Server 2008 R2 machine is not running firewall as it should. When I enable the firewall and try to open GPMC it states that it is unable to access the GPMC or the Primary Domain Controller. I am doing all of this on the Primary Domain Controller. How is the DC unable to see itse...