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4 hours later…
@RоryMcCune not at all
well, actually late afternoon
for fallout purposes
@kalina When exactly does it release?
I have not been following the whole thing, even though I probably should, from what I've seen I'd like the game
@Arperum 6 hours
although I guess in your timezone it would be er...
however many hours it is until midnight
14 or something.
According to steam 17 hours remain until it unlocks.
poor you
Fallout ? which number it is again ?
I'll already be halfway through it
6 or 7?
I suppose the only real question is whether I post questions and answers on arqade
@M'vy 4...
I haven't bought it yet, and I'm not planning on buying it right now. Still playing the new Binding of Isaac expansion.
Oh really? I thought they were way ahead of that.
Never play any of them, though I've heard they are quite interesting.
but time is not extensible....
a large number of people say that
To be fair, I never played a single fallout game. Whiwh is probably a serious blame on my gaming record.
I am doing nothing but fallout all week
I'm going to go and sleep for a few hours in a few hours and then I'll fallout until I complete it or collapse from exhaustion
and if the latter, upon awakening I will fallout until I complete it or collapse from exhaustion
and if the latter, upon awakening I will fallout until I complete it or collapse from exhaustion (2)
and if the latter, upon awakening I will fallout until I complete it or collapse from exhaustion (3)
and I'm not working this weekend either so
recursively ?
but I do need to fit a flight in somewhere in the middle of it all
@kalina That's going to annoy the hell out of you.
Still requires you to at least not look at it while going throguh security or something like that.
well the moving is good for the soul
sitting down for a week sounds like a whole load of annoyance
why are hotel beds so... I duno, it's like melting into them
because money ?
cheap things?
or is melting a good thing for a bed?
melting is a good thing
well, I imagine long term it wouldn't be
since lack of support
but like right now it's like clouds
I feel like I got more back aches if I don't use some kind of firm mattress
(plus I got one of these memory foam pillow that's just awesome)
it does help that it's like 30 degrees outside and that sun is pouring through the windows and even with the aircon on cold I'm still warm in the sun
30 degrees !?!
It's summer here
I think we might have covered this earlier -.-
yeah well, I've not been very attentive to the discussions here recently.
Or I don't know.
from what I've seen there haven't been any discussions here recently
My point still stands
it took like 15 minutes to read everything I missed
whoa @RоryMcCune I just noticed this tidbit on checkmarx's release notes for the latest version:
> GitHub Integration
Checkmarx now enables full SDLC automation and management of code’s security analysis directly on GitHub by seamlessly integrating with both GitHub Enterprise and GitHub.com. This integration promotes SDLC while allowing developers to keep using their native collaboration tool. Using GitHub integration, developers can:
• Trigger repository code-scan based on user-configured events such as commit, pull-request, etc
• Review the code-scan results from the GitHub interface
Too bad the search filter does not allow to search "every message"
@M'vy on github?
on SE
why not?
Cause I can't just lookup message by one person with no search key
(tried *, . and % no luck)
vehicle registration is open from 9h to 15h30
are you kidding me ?
anybody here with experience in Android programming?
not that much.
@AviD yes
@kalina really? or are you mocking me?
...it's almost certain that somebody in here has experience with Android programming
oh I see :-(
specifically I'm looking for the security perspective, around things like intents, exported services, binding, etc.
Android security is broken by default, just skip that step and implement it in the second release
I want to corroborate my current trivial understanding.
@kalina heh, not wrong. Also not my point right now.
I have no other positive contributions to make
@kalina please. I'm sure you do, just not about this.
that's awfully optimistic of you
yes yes, of course, I am always awful.
it's a little unexpected, I was expecting snark or just a more obvious putdown
so, now I am (1)awful, (2) little, (3) unexpected, (4) obvious.
jeez, try to say something nice, and look what happens. :-(
better? ;-)
the silence said it all I think
the more I learn about Android Intents, the more I realize the less I knew.
it looks like it was designed by a college student as a midterm project.
it probably was?
damn, that's harsh.
also, apparently that college student hadn't learned the basic industry terminology.
ferchrissake, it took me a while to understand that android "service" is not a service at all.
I'm still disappointed that the picture you posted made me laugh
I feel it's missing sales and support, though
Or afternoon @kalina
Finally installed cod blops last night, after a couple of hours going through the 6 cd's and then another 5 hours downloading the update
Might get to play it next weekend
your own fault for buying a physical copy
it's actually evening
Dude grub is awesome
Although I did just realize that I wrote about a thousand lines of assembly only to find that I didn't need to.
Good morning
@RoraΖ o/
@RoraΖ no, not particularly
also g'day
I just fired up Fallout 4
suddenly got 9 people messaging me
@kalina Oooo, I wish I had the money/time for that :O
I have both of those things
TBH I do too, I just can't be bothered.
I also have enough careface left to give it a go until completion or boredom
think I'll skip hatdash this year and just do some fallout spam while playing it
spend the holidays fully capitalizing on my position
and then have february off to play deus ex
Skip hatdash?!
works in my favor, hatdash just causes me trouble
@kalina If you're going to do that you'd better take it to completion ;]
I can't watch everybody else "testing to the system" to find hats without doing it myself and whenever I do it SE spot me and exclusively me
@DavidFreitag pls, I'm simply going to try and earn the same as what I've earned in the last 51 weeks in the space of a few days
@kalina Oh come now, I was only trying to make a quick and dirty sex joke.
I knew that, I ignored the fact
@DavidFreitag You only know how to make it quick?
@RoraΖ Hahaha, let's be honest. I don't know how to make it at all.
pretty sure I've passed my procrastinate on the internet quota for this month
@kalina Shoot some deathclaws for me \o
I'm going to shoot deathclaws because they give experience, I'm not following your orders, this isn't a patriarchy.
you have no power
This is a dictatorship
@kalina Well good, it wasn't an order, it was a request. Also a "good luck" was implied (even though we all know you do not need it)
I've never played any of the Fallout series
I don't luck, I have conveniant quicksave/quickload bindings
@RoraΖ Well you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
er... I mean...
I'm an unstoppable force of nature! No power in the 'verse can stop me!
@DavidFreitag hahaha well played
@kalina Except antimatter. Unless you have a powerful magnetic field, meatbag.
I exist across multiple planes of existence, I wouldn't expect your simple mind to be able to comprehend
Negative. I am meat popsicle.
@DavidFreitag Meat chucker
Morning gang
Or perhaps Good Morning @RoraΖ
Good morning
Reading about this vulnerability that no one seems to care about.
Can't get there from work. Give me the jist
Heh, I just realized that the x86-64 instruction pointer register is called "rip"
@DavidFreitag awww you miss @000 Simon too...
@JukEboX Remote code execution by unserializing unknown user input in the Java Core Common library.
@RoraΖ of course no one cares about it, I mean who would misuse that?
@RoraΖ Yaaaaaay more Java exploits (unsurprised)
@AviD Probably nobody
besides, it is central to the Java philosophy, ergo its not a bug.
@AviD I do. That had better be a supar modping.
now it is.
I hope I got the right one...
@AviD I think all pings to him from now on should be modpings until he comes back.
@AviD You mean you can't track him down with your mod powas?
dont need powas, those would fail
turns out there are several users by the creative name of @000
@000 Siiiiiimmmmoooooonnn we miss your donuts
I think @kalina has his email. We should bribe her to pass a message along.
why would I have Simon's email?
do you even mod?
@AviD do you not even know how to superping?
ironic with the amount of abuse
I think he is trying to do two things at once
or three
super pinging - pretty printing - abusing
@kalina I dunno I figured you shared music or something.
@AviD @@id
@DavidFreitag Simon doesn't even like me, why on earth would I communicate with him outside of SE?
@kalina or @ @ username.
@kalina that's what he did.
since I dont really bother looking for user's id.
@M'vy ids are unique, duplicate usernames would not be an issue that he had experienced...
@AviD It's 79519
@kalina Apparently threatening flag abuse brings ALL of the mods
@DavidFreitag yes, thats what I meant. I had to go check.
@RoraΖ I'm unsure what this is relating to
@kalina When I got banned by some other mod from a completely different site for no reason.
@RoraΖ You mean when you got banned by @JohnP?
@RoraΖ I had figured some kind of context of what you were trying to say but I do not believe that was a conversation we were currently having
Or was he the one that unbanned you?
@kalina is back \o/ Hi!
@DavidFreitag No he banned me, and @RoryAlsop unbanned me.
@kalina I was just implying that flagging abuse also acts as a supermodping
it wasn't even that he banned you, he then continued acting like the big guy and started on me
@RoraΖ no superping is a mod function to ping a user who isn't in chat
it results in a notification in their inbox
@RoraΖ Nonono, spuarmodping pings a user, not every mod everywhere
it's a distinct thing to "getting loads of mods in here"
@kalina Also in an email IIRC
@kalina Oohhhh gotcha
Well supermodping should be a thing for users
Do you guys even use IRC caht?
@RoraΖ We really should, because there isn't really a way to communicate with someone who doesn't go into chat
@JukEboX why do you ask ?
@M'vy because I have been itching to go back into it but don't really have anhone who actually uses it
I still do.
@M'vy what server are you on?
mostly freenode
@JukEboX "itching"
you should seek some therapy for that
and I gateway onto my slack rooms too
@kalina Or perhaps some prescription strength ointments.
It's been a good number of years but the nostalgia is kicking in
Hi @DavidFreitag :)
you're not missing much
@JukEboX o/
the bulk of the functionality is replicated here and who really needs to be typing commands in
that's so 90s
@kalina Wow, you do hold a grudge.
@JohnP that is her ode Du jour
@kalina I'd go with an ointment
@kalina is applying it? LO
@JohnP first impressions and all that
Did you know there's a cryptographer named "Thomas Peyrin?" I'm not sure if I should be amused or suspicious.
Welcome back @kalina
@kalina that was faster than trying to download it
@RoryAlsop Scotland needs to do what some island in the USA did and setup their own wireless ISP.
@RoryAlsop poor you :(
Also, the new and improved USB Killer is back (by popular demand) indiegogo.com/projects/usb-killer--2#/story
I wouldn't be able to prevent myself from plugging it into every USB port I came across
That's kinda the idea
@Xander Proof that we need a button for "vote to close as patently absurd".
LLunch time!
@Iszi I'd probably use that option every single day.
@Xander were you in a PM with @Iszi or is my chat not showing anything?
@JukEboX I think you might have him on ignore
@DavidFreitag has he been talking? According to my user list he isn't ignored
26 mins ago, by Iszi
@Xander Proof that we need a button for "vote to close as patently absurd".
Weird he isn't ignored and I can't see him talking
That happens a lot in here for different people
Am I the only one who practically can't resist making my thumb roar when that line comes up?
2 hours later…
Damn. Psychostick killed the chat?
@Iszi stop killing the chat #pls
@SEJPM #pls? WTF? Is that you, @Simon?
> C is a programming language for turning low-level byte arrays into security advisories.
@Iszi there's no @Simon any longer :( and I'm not @Simon although the "#pls" fitted optimally here :)
Evnin' All
@LucasKauffman source of this wisdom?
@RоryMcCune Evnin
@RоryMcCune Mind the canonical time zone. Afternoon.
@Iszi I'm in GMT +2 at the moment so it's clearly Evening :)
@RоryMcCune No, all that says is you're clearly two hours ahead of GMT.
@Iszi Is the canonical time zone UTC?
@SEJPM yes yes it us
it's just that some of the US'ians are a touch deluded on that point
A: The Memes of Information Security

Scott PackMeme: Canonical Time Zone Originator: Unknown Cultural Height: Early 2011 Background: American hubris on the part of our East cost users resulted in blanket declarations that EDT/EST (UTC-4/5) would be considered the de facto timezone of The DMZ. This was brought upon by inconsistent time of d...

@RоryMcCune well, I'm at GMT +2 as well, so evening :)
@SEJPM indeed!, I'm usually straight GMT, but this week I'm enjoying the delights of Helsinki
@Iszi that would mean, I'd have to convert my time into UTC-4, so nope.
@RоryMcCune isn't it sunsetting up there at like 3pm?
@SEJPM Well, I'm sure as hell not converting mine to DMZ+4.
@Iszi DMZ+6 please
@SEJPM yeah it gets dark relatively early
Seriously, where the hell is @Simon? Trying to fit a mom joke in here ain't the same without him.
@SEJPM a friend posted this
1 hour later…
I love readin the Rory one
@DavidFreitag 1 mile up the road they have over 100Mb... Across the railway, where t'other Rory lived they have 40Mb
SO.. Music has officially graduated. You can tell, because the election is on :-)
@RoryAlsop Said because you can't tell by site design these days?
@RoryAlsop Did you manage to get CODBLOPS to work?
@Xander What is the significance of the name?
@Iszi correct - design comes after graduation now
@JohnP Our fabled @ThomasPornin, of course.
@nate - the download bit took so long I'm now not going to get a chance to play until Sunday at the earliest
@RoryAlsop I wouldn't get your hopes up anyway, I have heard the PC version is complete crap
Totally unoptimized and it runs like a pig
@DavidFreitag Knowing the PC version, he might not be able to play on Sunday since he'll need all day to patch the game on his conn
@DavidFreitag Ah, ok. I don't know the users here.
At least the patch isn't bigger than the game itself, like the players of the latest Tony Hawk game experienced
How is that even freaking possible?
830 upvotes and someone thought "Hey, 100 bonus rep is a good idea"
@JohnP I especially like the comment "we go for strong primes, not 666". To have a strong prime in the cryptographic sense, we need many orders of magnitudes more users.
We currently have about 65K users on the security SE, which is about 16 bits. cryptographically strong primes are usually hundreds of bits
argh. trying to learn networking is confusing the crap out of me.
@JohnP What about it is confusing?
Just ordered this book, hopefully it will help.
@JohnP All of networking confuses you?
They are adding networking guys under my management umbrella, so I figure I should at least know enough that I don't drool on myself when they start talking.
@DavidFreitag Kind of, yeah. Other than some classes in college more than a few years ago, I've never really had to work with it.
@JohnP And so presumably you are being forced to work with it now?
@DavidFreitag Forced? No. Personally driven? Yes.
@DavidFreitag Actually, confusing is a bad word. I've never worked directly with it, so I find the learning curve daunting.
@JohnP As with most things in the world of technology the learning curve is a bit intense
Q: Why does this invalid-looking code compile successfully on g++ 6.0?

Pravasi MeetConsider this strange program (See live demo here & here): int main() { int(*){} Is it C++14 or any other language? } Even though the comment // is missing, the code compiles fine without any errors & warnings even when I use -pedantic-errorsoptions in g++ 6.0. This seems compiler bug to m...

Your secret handshake must contain five fist-bumps.
@Xander I know him. He's a very good cryptographer. I beat him at a pizza eating contest in 2010.
@NateKerkhofs the patch was a six hour download. If it hadn't been for that I'd have played it the other night
@RoryAlsop Six hours? Man, your internet must really suck.
Well, yeah, also my kids all watch YouTube streams...
@ThomasPornin who's going to try and beat a bear at eating anything? Dude sounds crazy.
@RoryAlsop How crazy, really? Like, Gibson crazy or McAfee crazy?
Speaking of McAfee, what's this about him running for president? Something about a Cyber Party? 'Cause that's just what politics needs - its own "Cyber-" thing.

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