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Oh, yay! My last message hasn't fallen into the archive. Makes me feel like I haven't been absent that long.
4 hours later…
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
maybe this question belongs on Security.SE:
Q: Encrypting and obscuring data between site/user without SSL

JayhalIm trying to figure out what the best way to encrypt data sent between a webpage and the user(both ways) is, when hosted in an environment that doesn't support SSL. The purpose of encryption would be obscuring content for delivery through filters that aid in internet censorship. What ways would t...

I'd also appreciate any criticism on my rather long-winded answer (especially my assertion that SRP is pretty good for what the user wants to do)
actually obscuring may be exactly what is needed
If the censor mechanism is automated instead of intelligent then only a few words or phrases may need to be altered to prevent censorship
I didn't think recommending obfuscation was so good. Imagine his activities are illegal, and the obfuscation is uncovered
It also depends on where the sender and reciever are.
Obfuscation is generally a bad idea, except where it lessens the threshold of detection.
as an additional measure
An encrypted communication is almost guaranteed to be detected and flagged
mh. that gives me an idea
you could make a tree of words, like you would for compressing data, which churns out english words rather than binary words. turning your encrypted data into harmless looking english language text
Depends on the censor mechanism. Any intelligent mechanism would regaurd illogical groupings of words as an indicator.
yes indeed (:
Unfortunatly it is likely difficult to know what censor mechanism is operating.
I just suspected this user wants to avoid SSL at any cost, like I did a few months ago
because SSL certs are bleeding expensive
Not if you self sign
But I get your point.
The format of the data transfer is also important. Words and pictures need different techniques for beating the censor.
It would be helpful to know what this system is all about
Actually what the question is searching for is a mechanism known as a covert chanel.
A method of passing data using normal channels without the sensative data being noticed.
like putting secret messages into harmless looking http headers?
But more like sending one word of the secret message in each HTTP header
Covert channels usuall have a throughput rate which is a very small fraction of normal channel capacity.
Otherwise they get noticed.
The lower the transmission rate the harder the signal is to detect.
I don't know. that strikes me as security-through-obscurity. You'd need to encrypt that data as well, in which case you still end up with the PKI problem
Encryption is also nice, but in the practical problem once a covert channel is detected it usually leads to at least one of either the sender or receiver and from there getting the key is a solved problem.
very good point
this is why I ended up mentioning perfect-forward-secrecy and malleable encryption.
Yes, good counter measures. Being able to remotely transmit and receive are beneficial as well.
I'm in the same boat (I have to circumvent government spying, not by my own government of course, it's perfectly legal).
I use off-the-record messaging for that, because it provides all four essential properties (authentication, encryption, perfect-forward-secrecy and malleability)
"possible to acomplish for normal visitors" is the real problem.
yes indeed
Providing covert confidential communication to low sophistication resource poor individuals.
that's exactly why SSL is so great :)
And that is why it is disallowed by the censor.
I wonder who the censor is
That would be China
in this case.
how'd you find that out?
Jayhal = Jayce Haliwell
I made a project on covert chanels
Jayce Haliwell + google = China
Timing or storage?
got it (:
@Mvy Timing or storage?
Well goal was to send messages
so I guess this goes in storage?
Storage requires retrieval, timing does not
@Mvy how does it work?
Timing is encoded in an existing channel
So timing
Like adding errors to a bit stream as bits in your message
we made some python filters to modified HTTP / IP / or whatever you want to add the data
Think you can get through the great firewall?
Never tried. And the project could use some work still
But our 1st ideas where: using space in HTML documents
it would't surprise me if the TCP packets received looked nothing like the ones you sent, if they use DPI. Same thing for the HTTP headers.
And we made an example with HTTP headers too
where the idea was to permute them
Yes mutability will assist in evading detection.
That's steganography though. Not cryptography.
True enough. Stefano wants to add encryption to it.
The goal is not to encrypt, it is to be undistinguishable from normal data.
Well, at last , we transmit bits
yes that's right, I blindly assumed encryption is the only way to do that. given that your algorithms aren't considered a secret
Exactly, if the channel is detected it will be destroyed
so the message could be encrypted before sending it in the channel
Encryption is viable if it does not add too much overhead to the communication.
If you're interesseted, I uploaded those files on github
Planned to make a translation in C++ but no time so far.
yes I'd like to take a look
(And the images are not showing in the doc... I should solve that)
How much data can you transmit per packet?
@thisjosh Depends on the size of the page
at least for space thing
The header thing is bound to the number of header
by the way @Mvy, the website link in your profile is broken. it points to /cv/publish/51039
That's my private page I guess
actually python may be better than C++ for this purpose.
@StefanoPalazzo updated
It needs to be done on a web server, likely a shared web server.
an expendable web hosting account
and I don't think the majority of those provide c++ compilers
I see you've also developed a crypto toolkit. I'm trying to do that as well
@StefanoPalazzo really?
I've added LFSR for the moment only
Wondering if I should not have one project per ideas, rather than one with all of it.
the point of the project is to learn how these algorithms really work. if you look at the AES module, it's full of comments.
I think I did RSA with python during my master
hey maybe we should team up. I implemented RSA yesterday, but it's only the primitive. I planned to add a padding scheme today
I'll try to follow your page But for the moment I'm still writing my Ph.D thesis so I don't have much time
Google code uses git? or svn? or some kind of versionning sstm?
you can choose either of git, svn or cvs if I remember correctly
this is pretty cool
I especially like the tcpsteg module
@StefanoPalazzo I got the images working in the Main.md of doc
@StefanoPalazzo we had to re-develop our regex module for that
Cause we needed one that could work in a flow mode
I see what's going on there
GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n
Content-Length: 12\r\n
actually, the "1" encoded in this header is indeed indistinguishable from random noise, and without encryption
and since there is a large number of permutations, you can create all possible n-bit messages from the communication
very impressive stuff
@StefanoPalazzo the problem here is that headers have an upper bound
so it's slow
But that was a good idea.
the message could be a short reference to pre-shared messages, such as "attack at dawn"
And good for our project, since it's working on a different layer than HTML content
@StefanoPalazzo good point
or attack at dawn is not so long
can take 2 pages
or 3
it would be helpful if there was an encryption primitive that is intrinsically slow, so that you could use a very short key
if you need to solve a hard problem to decrypt data, you could get by with a 16 bit key, say, and then use this key to decrypt your steganogaphically hidden message (in a png for example)
thereby reducing the amount of data you need to send through covert channels
Yes. There is a lot of thing that can be done. For sure.
5 hours later…
@StefanoPalazzo I grabbed the git option. That's what I prefer and what it offered me... don't know if svn etc are available, didn't look!
@StefanoPalazzo That exists. It is called AES, with a key derived from a "master secret" through a very expensive key derivation process.
bcrypt is an adaptive cryptographic hash function for passwords designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières, based on the Blowfish cipher, and presented at USENIX in 1999. Besides incorporating a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks, bcrypt is an adaptive hash: over time it can be made slower and slower so it remains resistant to specific brute-force search attacks against the hash and the salt. Blowfish is notable among block ciphers for its expensive key setup phase. It starts off with subkeys in a standard state, then uses this state to perform a block encryption using part...
Usually done to tolerate keys of low entropy, commonly known as "passwords"
nicely put :-)
3 hours later…
How did this answer get 9 votes in this question? security.stackexchange.com/questions/8761/…
It is clearly not what the OP is asking for. There is a big difference between SQL injections using AND 1=1 and OR 1=1
Bleh.. failed posting the question as a big box
Q: SQL injection with AND 1=1

AlexPlease explain the meaning of "AND 1 = 1" in a SQL injection attack. It's from an exercise in my university. E.g. select * from user where id = 'smith'' AND 1=1;-- and birthdate = 1970; or select * from user where id = 'smith' and birthdate = 1970 AND 1=1;--;

@Karrax Apparently, most people understood the question as: there is a bug in the question text, it should be 'OR' and not 'AND', and the OP needs to be explained SQL injection since he did not come to that "obvious" answer himself.
Possibly, the OP was totally aware of SQL injection and was nonplussed by the 'AND', suspecting something more than a simply typographic error in his learning material, in which case the highly upvoted answer is inadequate.
But that's a more intricate scenario where the OP is smart instead of being stupid, so there is no wonder that it is not a popular scenario.
@Thomas Pornin Thank you for the explanation! :) I just hope he dont try explain his teacher there is a typo in his learning material if it comes to using OR 1=1 or AND 1=1 .
I however do not think that it is a mistake in the learning material. I think the OP just provided a bad example. The meaning of AND 1 = 1 in SQL injection attacks is to create a true / false result.
Hey all. Greetings from Programmers. Is this question on-topic for Security?
Q: Paranoid Encryption

Lord JaguarCall me paranoid, but I really like to keep my stuff secret, but readily available on the cloud. So, asking this question. How safe and reliable are encryption softwares [e.g., truecrypt] ? The reason I ask is that, what is I encrypt my data today with this software and after a couple of years,...

/ping @roryalsop @avid @hendrikbrummermann
I think that would be, theoretically, on-topic for us However, the way the question is phrased I would be tempted to NARQ it.
@AnnaLear @ScottPack I'd say bring it on over.
I would be willing to withhold flagging, however it might cost you a beer, @Jeff.
As soon as I get my whiteboard mounted above my new desk (hoem or office, they're both misisng), i'll write that down
New desk, as in recently purchased or at a new place?
Alright, I'll ship it over to you guys. Thanks. :)
@AnnaLear @ScottPack actually, let's leave it on PRogrammers.... it's more of a "how do I store my data through a compression algorithM" and make it readable
encryption is ancillary
I think the question just ought to be edited in-place
@ScottPack You can still have the beer
It appears that the OP got the answer he deemed acceptable while I was checking on the migration, so it's a moot point.
Sometimes I wish I didn't bother writing long answers. It's far more trouble than it is actually worth.
The highest voted answers seem to be the short throwaways or the @Iszi length with multiple tl;dr sections.
@ScottPack It's either simple & right, or it's simple & right with a lot of extra explanation that is well-organized
@ScottPack Mmmm. I might curtail the length, simply because that seems to attract upvote mania, which seems to bring a long a slew of people. Some make good points, but on my last three major answers I've done a lot of defending various niggles, uses of terms etc.
Oh well; this is the internet I suppose.
Posted by Alex Miller on November 9th, 2011

No guest today. Moot had to postpone his appearance on the show. But David Fullerton is here to hang out with us

Jeff is packing up to go on an international trip. He’s going to Øredev in Malmö via Copenhagen and London on British Airways. He will take the train from Copenhagen to Malmö - good choice! Joel is full of handy travel tips. Among them: The chip-and-PIN credit card system is vastly superior to the one we use, which is why it can be tough to get cash overseas! Joel also has packing tips for the cold Swedish weather. Also, freezing eyeballs …

@Ninefingers Really it's stack exchange, but we posit that it has some projection on the Internet.
@Ninefingers You should write answers for the sake of it, not as an effort to please the anonymous crowd.
Trying to attract votes is like going to the zoo: if you do it too often, you begin to wonder who, between you and the chimpanzee, is on the outside of the fence.
I get to choose my side of the fence?
Lets see, do I want to be in or do I want to run the asylum? Tough choice.
@ScottPack Remember also, that many more people read than comment on your answer. And commenting is generally more negative than positive.
@thisjosh Indeed.
It takes effort to comment, which generally involves incitement to riot.
On rare occasions you get purely inquisitive comments.
Oops I was aiming that post at Ninefingers but I hit Scott Pack...
so, yeah, a cracked rib is not much fun.
seriously, what's with the medical profession? It's 2011, and the best you can do is say "take painkillers"??
I have a shelf full of liquid painkillers, I don't need a doctor to prescribe them to me.
besides I figured not a good idea to mix my alcohol with my drugs....
so.... what have I been missing?
btw @Rory nice handle on that myqy issue...
@AviD Not much.
Even though my senses decieve me I believe the earth still rotates at constant velocity.
@thisjosh actually I believe that's only relatively constant velocity.
@AviD True, Gravity Probe B has proved it!
The earth is moving a 0 velocity.
In it's own referential...
@Mvy damn referentialists!
As a vengeance against me, take the 1000+ errors LaTeX beamer just throw me in the face.
even using the earth as the reference point, it is still moving pretty fast.
I'm punished :P
You probably prefer a left-handed coordinate frame as well :P
mostly, east and west moving apart.
At the equator it is fast, at the poles it is slow.
Thats why rocket launches take place as close to the equator as possible.
@thisjosh yeah, but it would feel faster, while you're spinning around that pole.
Than and potential toxic fallout from aborted missions.
curious, is it like a regular household-type stripper pole, or more like the oldschoold barber spinny thingies?
it's magnetic!
The rotation speed of the Earth is indeed varying, although if you detect that with your own senses then you are a cyborg, or belong to an asylum, or both.
I already said I belong in an asylum, I just can't decide whether to be patient or administrator.
@thisjosh Does it make a difference ? You will always have to deal with the other nutjob anyway.
@ThomasPornin well the main difference is if you're given pharmaceuticals.
Good point
@ThomasPornin Plausable deniability.
Or if you need to provide your own.
Harder to get if you're sane.
But your access goes way down.
speaking of which...
hmm. no pic onebox.
@avid you used the ! ?
what is ! , @Mvy?
exclamation mark
for the picture
heh, I know that
FRF91 android
@Mvy whats that do?
Not that I'm working with Android or anything :P
see the difference?
heh, dint know about that!
first is url, 2nd !url
no pb
so how many of these little pills can I take at a time, anyway?
the first two are not helping.
@AviD What is your tollerance for risk?
When you are the asset!
right now its about solving pain
eh, mebbe i just go to bed early. not like I'm any use like this anyway.
unfortunately, doc says it could be up to another month like this... :S
@AviD If you repeatedly whack your thumb with a hammer, you should temporarily forget the pain in your rib.
There might be side-effects, though.
I suspect dosing recommendations are based on a level just before significant side effects begin to appear and are tollerated.
@thisjosh minus a whole bunch of safety margin.
@ThomasPornin dunno 'bout that....
A: Is it possible to easily retrieve Thunderbird's passwords with access to HDD?

KarraxThe answer is yes. ThunderBird stores all remembered email settings along with password into the SQLite database file 'signons.sqlite' in its profile location. The default profile location for different platforms is as follows, [Windows XP] C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\Applicatio...

Does it not have wrong tags? Password-policy and
though I'm sure that changing a flat tire didnt help. well, that was before I realized about the rib...
I speculate about 20% safety margin.
@Karrax You can edit them, or you prefer someone else?
I know :) I just wanted a second opinion
I dont hang around too much these days
@Karrax removed
I think tag edits are at your own discression, but then I edit a lot of tags
I wonder how significant tags are in choosing which posts users read.
@thisjosh to some users, very.
@thisjosh Probably not much right now, because total traffic is still low.
also, it is very significant for searches.
On the SO main site, tags are everything, because there are just too many questions to read them all.
@Ninefingers are you up-to-date on kernel internals for current versions of windows? had an off-site q for you.
not so much a q, more a request/offer.
@ThomasPornin Do I need 10k to see traffic statistics?
@thisjosh I do not see traffic statistics either. I was talking about write traffic (number of new questions per day).
I can read them all and it does not take me too much time.
Oh, Yes that is low.
Even factoring in my inherent awesomeness, I still believe that there are not many new questions per day.
I speculate that writers either don't know the correct tags or dont care about the correct tags.
How to factor Thomas's awsomeness in linear time...
Quantum maybe
Thomas Pornin's Awesomeness is the hard core predicate of IT Security.
@ThomasPornin enough for me not to be able to keep up lately....
@thisjosh you'd think, now with Cryptography around - both to occupy him, and to soak up some of our crypto goodness - that would change, but noooo.
Cryptography is slower
1 hour later…
@AviD hello! Good to see you... erm, possibly
Ask away; (email or wherever) and I'll do my best to answer
@ThomasPornin I do write my answers for the sake of it. The votes honestly don't bother me and some of my better ones (in my opinion) are the ones with fewer votes.
@Ninefingers I write for myself. Who knows, maybe I'll need the answer later.
And yes, it has happened that I googled something, found a helpful answer on Stack Exchange, tried to upvote it and was told that I couldn't vote on my own posts
It doesn't always work, I think I once tried to downvote my own post
@Gilles Haha. End of a long day earlier. Went away from keyboard to have a bit of me time.
@Gilles Wow, if I did more googling that could be me
@Gilles Well you have provided an extraordinary amount of answers on unix.se. I've no idea how guys like you and Thomas do it. It's impressive.
Has Google really achieved replacement of the verb search without becoming a monoply?
@thisjosh google (v.) = search on the web
@thisjosh It is a monopoly. SEO = Google optimization. No Google presence is pretty much synonymous to no web presence.
Xerox (v.) = make a physical paper copy, do amazing research, become inconsequential.
Similar example: until recently, the French railway authority had a monopoly on long-distance travel by ground public transport in France. Well, no, you could fly or drive or bike or walk, but that didn't make it less of a monopoly
Or: the Democrats and Republicans have a dipoly on American politics. Not completely in law, but de facto
I just find it interesting that Google is clearly a monoply but not regulated like one.
There's even a $topic4 (security is $topic4, right?) concern here
I have a dependency on Google and I don't know how to avoid it
Topic three by my current view
Single point of failure?
Microsoft's near-monopoly doesn't affect me much directly, I can easily run Linux even if only 1% of the world agrees with me
I use Google daily, and have no alternative
because no one pays attention to making their website findable with Google
and Google's competitors aren't really trying (cribbing Google's results…)
so yes, single point of failure
and (this is related) vendor lock-in
They do try, but they don't understand why Google is successful, so they can not be better.
Google could start charging, and we'd all have to subscribe, just to search for an alternative
Yes, a possible development, but in my opinion unlikely in the near term (6-18 months).
@thisjosh if it was, I wonder what the remedy would be
break Google into Google-A (for words beginning with a), Google-B, …?
There is in fact a major practical advantage to having a de factor standard search engine
remember meta-search-engines?
@Gilles No the problem at the moment is that there is no secondary business that is significant to Google and there is no clear dividing line in the search business
I do remember meta search.
The classical remedy in such a case is to nationalize the industry. It's a general need, and there's an advantage to a single provider, so it's a state function.
It's going to take a while for this to happen to Google
(when Baidu takes them over)
@Gilles Ah yes, replace a monopoly of a private entreprise by a monopoly of a single State. I am sure USA would love it, but right now they cannot afford it.
No good, Google would go to the Americans and every other country would feel shafted.
Maybe a UN fund ?

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