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This is my favorite thing this year:
@tylerl LOL
@DavidFreitag: drink the coke. CRUSH IT UNDER YOUR HEEL
@JourneymanGeek Too late it's already swimmin' with the fishes
Poor fishes
@JourneymanGeek They had it coming.
@tylerl How can someone be unbanned for at least a year? What, he's trolling with SE blessing now?
@TildalWave i think he means that it's been a year since he was last banned
evan carol doesn't spend a lot of time not being banned.
so I find the 1 year almost unbelievable.
oh, yeah that would make more sense than how he put it then
frankly, I find it a bit absurd that he's allowed to even nominate
@TildalWave It's just as absurd as trump getting to nominate, but everyone is allowed.
@DavidFreitag I disagree that everyone should be allowed. What purpose does it serve allowing clowns to mock the process?
@TildalWave Because those who otherwise don't care might get a laugh out of it.
He's now a rehabilitated troll then?
@TildalWave Once you go troll, you never go back.
I don't find it funny. It's just setting the bar really low for everyone else, which can't be a good thing. It might also put many off from nominating themselves. It's just advertising everything that's wrong about an "owned democracy" system like SE.
Why do we even kid ourselves it is or that it should be a democracy?
It isn't. It's someone's property.
I think you are taking this too seriously.
See -- that's why I think it's so funny. When you think about what an absolute troll Trump is, how he's at the same time leading the GOP and yet making an embarrassing mockery of it, the fact that Carol (one of SF's most annoying trolls) shows up spouting Trump's drivel in an election -- that's suitably ironic to get a chuckle out of me.
In one previous election I stood just to make sure he didn't get past nomination without a vote
we don't even have enough candidates for that yet ;p
@DavidFreitag perhaps, but I also volunteer a lot of my time for SE and seeing such mockery demeans that
@TildalWave On the other hand, if we specifically ban EC, he wins
Typically he manages to get himself disqualified before the primaries tho
@JourneymanGeek No, he doesn't. It's a position to drive the vehicle where the commuters want to go with it. It's neither his vehicle, neither his decision where it should go. If he shows no regard for community wants and needs, and that stuff is still there, then he's apparently allowed to use that as a platform to swing his winky around (or other analogous gross indecencies / misdemeanors you want to compare it with).
@tylerl I'd laugh, but I've seen that guy's other posts and communication. He needs help.
@TildalWave: personally a minimum badge, meta and a higher rep requirement would sort it out
Sigh he can build a firewall, but he can't keep his own server up: www.evancarroll.com
@JourneymanGeek agreed, entry is way too easy and makes it open to such wasters of everyone's time
@TildalWave One election on SU, we had someone who had an ava that turned out to be a porn actress (fully dressed) and an election spiel that went "vote for me, I am cute"
I can't help but wonder what happens if such trolls somehow manage to get elected (dunno, by otherwise a successful campaign off site, and many people there simply have an account with enough rep on it)
They'd either clean up, or get kicked out
While he was serious, One of the old SF mods (who lost his role) essentially had a slightly trollish campaign, focused on smiting the unworthy pp
did he/she also lose the modship due to that same reason (or connected to it)?
He did fairly rapid, seemingly unilateral cleanups
well that only goes to prove my point then
(which I'd add. Right thing to do, wrong way)
I let the community do the poop scooping, and help out where time permits
would that be the one with the long MSE thread about all the locked posts and such?
I mean that prompted it
I'm too sure of the details
I'm not really a SF regular outside chat, and chat moved
Yeah pretty much
God it feels good to be bald
@schroeder I think you, (and I) have made the false supposition that it was ever actually registered.
Oh, he had a site
Or, perhaps his firewall is so very good that it blocks ports 80 and 443.
its brokded
@JourneymanGeek I'munna need some proof.
donno, maybe way back machine?
Or DNS/domain registration
Hell' there!
yes! it is!
been a slow day here yesterday?
here's a gift for all you fans of big balls
@AviD mmmm love me some giant balls.
Also, that's hysterical.
artsy types are funny.
Someone should unleash a shipping container full of self inflating ones on some major city with a Chinook.
@AviD i take offence to that as you can't be meaning it in a positive way
@kalina oh please, you're not artsy. you're more of the burny type.
Like unleashing a crate full of superballs at a large mall or something.
oh I didn't realize that music wasn't an art, created by creative types
today I learned
@DavidFreitag oh that would be fun!
@kalina I think you are forgetting that @AviD is too old to consider the music you make to be 'music'
@kalina oh! sorry. music is definitely art. I thought you only made @Simon-style music.
kidding, I'm kidding.
@DavidFreitag true
@DavidFreitag oh snap.
@AviD I did that with a few friends in high school. It's difficult to watch the aftermath in person when you are running from renta-cops though.
@AviD I'm not taking this abuse from you
55 secs ago, by AviD
kidding, I'm kidding.
Three 50lb boxes of 2" diameter super balls
During christmas shopping
The panic was palpable.
No, no the word you are searching for is "hysterical"
In more ways than one.
yes, thats what I said.
what is stage fright and why do I care about installing this patch
@kalina A vulnerability in one of Android's media processing libraries.
It allows remote code execution
hanging out here has paid off for today
Many things can be abused from receiving an MMS to playing a video
hey @RоryMcCune, a video of your hero.
oh, I forgot how annoying Windows Update can be
I should upgrade this PC to windows 10 just to avoid the stupid windows update implementation in 8.1
"we're restarting NOW and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT"
closes all open work without saving
Dear Rockstar, stop churning out GTAs and give us another Lemmings
@kalina Lemmings?
One of these?
no the point and click puzzle game
I require that kind of mind numbing at the moment
I used to play puzzle pirates
That was really good at being mind numbing
maybe I should just chat instead, should have a similar effect
or... back to sleep
the debates
I've definitely met my 6.5h quota for today though
I'll be going to sleep soon, it is nearly 5am
but the sun is so nice, I could just sleep and tan at the same time
although it would be a bit one sided
sorry, jus heard about it now
nobody cares
so's your face
that doesn't even make sense
Why is Android so slow
Why is Windows Phone for Mobiles (Phone edition) so slow
Why is everything so slow
@AviD will google later - who will be in it?
@kalina neither does your face
@kalina Java
@AviD in that case - I does the dance of the happies
@AviD that still doesn't make sense, you're banned from all forms of breathing until you start making sense
@kalina everything isn't slow, you've just speeded up. That's what happens when you take meth.
@kalina doesn't need to.
@AviD I'm highly offended that you would even joke about people taking meth
might as well joke about stabbing kittens
@kalina I thought it was Killing Kittens...
The joke, not the meth.
@kalina hmm. Fair point. I take it back.
@RoryAlsop not Exploding Kittens?
@AviD that's not a thing. Although Bonsai Kittens was ...
Hail to the king, babay!
@RoryAlsop Internet says it is
that's the Oatmeal guy, btw.
oh it's sam axe
was one of the biggest kickstarters.
@kalina yes, yes it is.
I didn't even think you watched Burn Notice
@AviD oh - yes. I is wronger
@kalina every.single.episode.
and the prequel movie.
I can't believe we actually have one thing in common
now I'm never going to be able to watch Burn Notice again
out of principle
@kalina we have many things in common.
Did you see the Sam Axe movie?
that's a silly question
I'm not communicating on this matter further, I need to perform a purge/lobotomy
@AviD I have not heard of it
And have never seen Burn Notice
(mostly because the title sounds silly)
@RoryAlsop ....
@RoryAlsop burn notice is an actual thing
it's where a notification is sent out to warn that a spy is no longer to be trusted
Not something I had heard of until the show was mentioned in here
Coffee. Indian, I think.
well, not specifically spies
thus the tv show burn notice is about a spy that got burned
well - if they'd told me it was a spy thingy I might have had some interest, but it sounds like someone complaining about a dodgy room gas fire install
which leads to 7 seasons of slightly above average story and a strong female role model
'can't go into the front room, it's got a burn notice'
@kalina okay - not overselling it to me ;-P
'slightly above average'
including guns, explosions, fire, murder, drugs, beatings, and Bruce Campbell as Sam Axe
and massively oversimplified social engineering
Bruce Campbell can only be Bruce
He can't be Sam
and he is, but in this universe he is known as Sam
you have Sam being Bruce, you have Fiona murdering people and blowing stuff up, you have Michael acting the same face for 7 seasons and then Jesse who is the other good character but should have murdered them all for double crossing him
Ah - should I still watch it now you have told me the plot
also this is like the only time we've had a conversation that is right in the middle of @DavidFreitag's area of interest and he's not here
@RoryAlsop sure, if you like explosions, gun fire, murder, conspiracies, etc
@kalina I'm here, I'm just busy.
and I mean really, who doesn't like those things
really the worst part about it was the last few episodes
where it was obvious they were under pressure to just finish it
I mean when everybody just dies like that, /sigh
there was supposed to be a spin off series but I imagine that's never going to happen now
Gabrielle Anwar hasn't been in anything since Burn Notice :o
let's see how many of my settings updating android reset
@kalina should I google that name? She the powerful female role model?
@RoryAlsop she blows stuff up
@kalina SO she's already in my good books
any woman who acts as the demolitions expert in a group of former spies is obviously hardcore
also her train of thought works like this:
"Should we shoot them?"
Shoots them anyway
"Well it wasn't like they were going to answer our questions"
which is something to aspire to
is she your twin sister?
sounds very similar
no but you see why I like the character
hello new person o/
Hi everyone. Is anyone aware of any good open-source password cracking algorithms? Especially probabilistic models into which we can feed training data. All the academic stuff is closed-source for some reason...
@kalina yeah, Fiona was all kinds of awesome.
and as you say, if she's the badass in the group of Bruce/Sam, a former CIA hitman, and FBI counterintelligence, that says something.
Her IRA background helped, of course.
I've been thinking of watching that show.
does anyone have any resource to suggest if I would want to learn more about best coding practices concerning security and similar? I only know C/C++ and I am not a programmer as "job title", but programming takes a good chunk of my work hours and I would like to learn a little more.
Q: If you could have only one book on web security, what would it be?

MosheIf you could have only one book on web security, what would it be?

the question states "web" security, but the answers are not just.
nice, thanks! (I thought it would have been off-topic, so I did not even search)
@Federico understanding the quirks of c / c++ is vital to writing secure c / c++ code :D
so I happen to run into a set of cryptographic functions in the WINAPI, from the family of BCRYPT_XXX. And I'm all like, "OMG when did Windows natively implement BCRYPT??". Then eventually I figure out it has nothing to with bcrypt, its just the preface for all the CNG methods and constants. @ThomasPornin's ghost was laughing at me.
@Federico it is, the question was asked in the very early days of the site, and has since been locked ;-)
@AviD basically the reason to watch it IMO
@kalina either her, or Sam Axe. He does bring the awesome.
@AviD Sam brings the comedy
also, who the hell wears a suit in Miami heat??
@AviD Michael Weston
@kalina the awesome comedy
not that he is so funny
but he makes it fun
tbh, other than Fiona's explosions and Sam's comedy. Michael's voice overs are really the only other thing that does it for me in the series
I liked the psuedo in depth explanations as to why everything was happening
@kalina "pseudo in depth"
in depth that the average viewer could go "oh yeah" but not in depth enough that you could actually use the scenario in real life
yeah, like as if they had an actual CIA spy consulting the screenwriters.
and obviously "time to be brave little angel" is not a code word for hitting the deck
on the list of things that would save me the most time in my daily life, other than "not being here", permanent makeup is high on the list
that's pretty sad
Cote de Pablo hasn't really been in anything since quitting NCIS either
which I find ironic
since she quit to "do something new"
I suppose "quit" could mean acting
and "new" could mean... anything
oh, somehow I'm onto marriage law on wikipedia
I will just... close all of these tabs
"The whole process would waste anywhere from 30 minutes to half an hour"
thanks for that amazing common sense
this journalist requires a medal
@kalina That's pretty specific.
What is the purpose of this chat room?
Is this the chat room corresponding to the security.stackexchange.com SE site, as the name does not make it very clear, at least to me anyway?
In computer security, a DMZ or demilitarized zone (sometimes referred to as a perimeter network) is a physical or logical subnetwork that contains and exposes an organization's external-facing services to a larger and untrusted network, usually the Internet. The purpose of a DMZ is to add an additional layer of security to an organization's local area network (LAN); an external network node only has direct access to equipment in the DMZ, rather than any other part of the network. The name is derived from the term "demilitarized zone", an area between nation states in which military operation is...
@ParanoidPanda yes it corresponds to that site
But there's more boobies, donuts, and pls involved than there is security-related content.
Thank you.
This is a random chat room full of random people who random random random
There is nothing security related in this channel
Although occasionally there is a discussion about encryption in which one individual talks at length in depth and detail while the rest of us sit here dribbling
@kalina We are SE's avalanche diode-based hardware entropy generator.
@kalina NO WAY! Congrats!!
@kalina: Right, so shouldn't there really be a room focussing more on the site?
@AviD erm
@ParanoidPanda That's this one, but it also involves loads of nonsense.
@ParanoidPanda No, focusing at all is bad news

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