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@TildalWave Witch is a class. Troll is a race.
Also, in my defense, it turned up in a google search for "troll".
@Iszi Really?
@TildalWave Yes.
I think this is the same one
@TildalWave Well, probably not in the system you're assuming I'd refer to. But I guarantee it is in most where such things exist.
(they have names LOL)
@TildalWave Clearly a human with the witch class.
@DavidFreitag A caricatureized human, perhaps. But sure.
if you wanna see the RS-25 test live nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv
that's one engine out of 4 that'll be used on SLS (and were used on STS)
@Iszi No, those are transformations brought upon them by the fact that they chose to be a witch.
blech. @schroeder (also @Iszi et al) please take a look again at that answer (security.stackexchange.com/a/96715/33) I cleaned it up a bunch, I think without changning anything solid, just removed the rants and such
@AviD You really are quite bad at procrastinating.
@DavidFreitag I know :-(
I'll read up on it later.
okay, googling now.
@AviD I can teach you, but I'll have to charge.
@AviD Might wanna keep the "open source" bit in, but combine it with (what is now) point #1.
@DavidFreitag sure, I'll send you a check later.
@Iszi no, that was irrelevant to the question.
@AviD But it supports the point.
@Iszi hmm fair enough
e.g.: Microsoft hasn't offered proof and we can't check ourselves.
@Iszi which is bullshit, but thats besides the point
yamind putting it back in?
@AviD Yeah, but just for a second.
not sure I can do it without sticking in my own counter-vitriol.
not feeling very objective right now.
@DavidFreitag dammit
@AviD How's that?
@Flyk still can't sleep , huh
hows what
I got several hours
it was great
I enjoyed it lots
@DavidFreitag So, choosing witchcraft turns one into a troll?
@Iszi No, certainly not.
@Flyk yay, and now it's 5am ... almost light over there!
ah! yes yes, very good.
Answers still tom foolery, but I think you guys did a pretty good job cleaning it up
just enough time to get tired again
tip top, good show, and all that
@Flyk And here I though I slept a lot.
@ryan no, I think now its just wrong and misplaced.
well, there are those media links. but still.
@DavidFreitag are you kidding?
you must be
either that or uninformed
@Flyk Several? Lucky pony.
or both!
@Flyk I suppose I always hear about you 'trying' to sleep, not actually sleeping.
it's nearly time to do stuff
knowing my luck this will be the part where I fall into a proper catch up sleep
I slept from 04:00 to 15:30 today
I will be home next week and just drop off the face of the planet for a week
everything will be fine
I love dropping off the face of the planet.
@DavidFreitag Oh, yes. Love that so much.
Just tell the whole world to screw off while you go pass out for a day or two straight.
@Iszi I do that on a regular basis. "Falling off the face of the planet" for me usually means getting so engrossed in a project that I go a week without sleep or any contact with the outside world.
> even some political parties here in France that have nothing to do with technologies denounced Microsoft Windows 10 practices
Q: Is there a computer that is absolutely free of any out of band capability?

user37421I am looking for a computer that has absolutely no out of band capability. I don't want a wireless card and I don't want Bluetooth. My main concern is out of band; I don't want any. The reason for this is that for the last two years MTBC Bible college students - Sydney, new south whales, au - ...

even those that don't know shit about it formed a coherent opinion about it LOL
Seriously, that question is exactly perfect for the middle of August. Which I think says everything about it.
@Gilles Hahaha lolwut?
@DavidFreitag he must be overheating under his tinfoil hat
despite it being winter!
I don't understand why you've kept the line "But is this change of policy statement followed by retrieving Windows 10 from the market and replacing it by a new one? Of course not."
@Gilles Winter in australia hardly counts as winter.
The attacks being made on the machines are being made beneath the computer operating system, so there is no defense that I can place to avoid their attacks. — user37421 6 hours ago
> they even flashed out my eeprom turning my computer screen to svedosh spagetti text
@Ohnana must be the nasties modifying the characters that he types
my brain hurts reading that question
you could just put the computer in airplane mode
my lenovo has a hardware kill switch
> All have been accessed and tampered with
@Ohnana but does that disable everything that's out-of-band?
@Ohnana yes but
(No, I have no idea what he means by “out of band”)
@Gilles the fuck is out of band
> I need a computer we can use that will be physically resistant to their relentless attacks.
that question is so bad I wanna avoid Sydney altogether
physically resistant
@Flyk 1. flick switch 2. ??? 3. be a dumbass who doesn't understand hacking
@Ohnana Does it also have a Superfish certificate?
@DavidFreitag >implying i run windows
> ...for the last two years MTBC Bible college students - Sydney, new south whales, au - have been maliciously attacking our computers...
it's so bad he ran out of capital letters in the middle of the sentence :)
the obvious solution involves fire
they're obviously crazy because they're religious
@Flyk And s'mores.
mmmm smores
damn you now I want marshmallows and I haven't any
and cranberry dip
@DavidFreitag >Total time: 8 hours 30 minutes
you crazy?
@TildalWave you let them sit overnight
if you have a mixer that recipe is easier than pie
@Ohnana I might die till then
@DavidFreitag those also don't taste anything like store marshmellows
grocery store
and they don't make good smores
You asked for marshmallows, not convenient ones.
they don't melt right
@ryan Your face doesn't melt right.
they use high fructose corn syrup
those use actual sugar :U
I hope my face doesn't melt right
what would the left side do?
@ryan be left over
and the back of your head would be left behind
@ryan You look like an avocado had sex with an older avocado.
I think I'm going to have to go on a marvel binge.
glad to see the ignore option works
now I'm so hungry
Aww man. I was really hoping he would get that joke.
I guess deadpool jokes aren't the type you should throw at people you don't know.
you're right
@ryan @david begs you for forgiveness
he's literally crying
There is a puddle on my desk.
I'm not sure if he's mentally stable to sustain this emotional chaos much longer
@Flyk lol tell him I forgive him
@ryan well silly he doesn't have you on ignore, so you just told him
but he's still ignored :)
It's just the internet! It's not worth it!
Can you at least tell him it's a deadpool joke?
So perhaps he understands why I said he looks like an avocado had sex with an older avocado.
42 secs ago, by David Freitag
Can you at least tell him it's a deadpool joke?
33 secs ago, by David Freitag
So perhaps he understands why I said he looks like an avocado had sex with an older avocado.
You're going to get me in trouble now
I hope you realize the sacrifices I make for you
you know I could always edit his ignore list :)
that would be mod abuse of the worst kind
and there would definitely be repercussions
fire, everywhere
people dying
@TildalWave I don't mind that he has me on his ignore list, I just wanted him to know why I seemingly-randomly blurted that out at him.
@Flyk it's inevitable
@DavidFreitag because you're a seemingly random kind of blurting person
@TildalWave ooh I should watch the matrix again
@Flyk It's only because you're awesome.
@Flyk Yeah but he didn't know that
@DavidFreitag I know :(
@DavidFreitag maybe that's my problem
if I walked around wearing clearly informing people that I'm crazy before acting crazy
maybe people would be more tolerant
But that really defeats the purpose of being crazy in the first place, doesn't it?
I don't know, does it?
who said there was a purpose to being crazy?
maybe it's just an alternate outlook on life as a result of just... being bored
Who said there wasn't?
the hilarity of watching one sided conversations is an unexpected bonus
the angel has no agenda
there is no purpose
all the things... they just happen
nobody controls anything
we're all connected
imagine the universe like a blanket
and over here on the blanket is me
and over there on the blanket is you
@Flyk The only thing I can control is how tightly I hold onto my butt.
oh dear
@TildalWave do mods really have the ability to do that? I've been on SE for 5ish years now and I've never heard that
obviously you need your own blanket
I sleep under a sheet
but... but... the blanket!
I actually don't have a single blanket in my entire apartment
you don't have a blanket?
The closest thing I have to a blanket is a towel
do you always know where your towel is?
Yes, I never leave home without it.
good because a towel could be used as a blanket if you really needed to
It'd have to be a pretty large towel.
why, are you a pretty large person?
I lost 30 pounds in the past month
you don't need to justify yourself to me!
@ryan yes, but I really shouldn't ... oh the temptation :))
@Flyk Hehe, that wasn't justification, it was me being proud :]
well pride is also bad
or wait, am I mistaking that with something else
@Flyk No, pride is definitely bad.
religion says it's bad, so it must be good
maybe it's not knowing when pride isn't relevant
that seems like it could be a bad thing
not that I'm saying...
I'll go get a shovel
Well, a little pride isn't bad, but like all things too much is bad.
we can use it when @TildalWave goes rogue and starts mod abusing
@Flyk I'll get the popcorn.
popcorn for breakfast doesn't sound like it would agree with me
she says, eating jellybeans
I opted for the lead stomach perk early on.
I hope people keep upvoting my answer tomorrow
Which answer?
because like 56 upvotes is like half of my overall rep
such a shame
@Flyk I keep typing, and I don't think I've received anything near 56 upvotes, so count your blessings :)
@Herringbone_Cat you're answering actual questions though!
@Flyk should I focus on answering meta-questions or rabble rousers like M$ conspiracy theories? :)
yes, for Stack Exchange points you need to answer sensationalist nonsense
it's dangerous to go alone, take this
hands you a tin foil hat
Unfortunately I think tin foil is not as safe, it's a conspiracy theory they put out there to use tin. I only use mylar. It makes really neat sailor-looking hats.
as you wish
do you know what else is interesting?
Apparently auto insurance companies give you a quote that is pretty tightly coupled with your credit.
@DavidFreitag that and the amount of poitns you have on a license :)
And years driving. That's a huge factor, have a lot of friends who move from other countries and pay $$$ for insurance because 0 years licensed in US.
@Herringbone_Cat I have no points, I have never received a ticket nor have I been in any accident.
@DavidFreitag How much are they charging you for what kind of coverage?
that you remember
@Herringbone_Cat $220/mo for full coverage with $500 deductibles all around
I got a ticket the other day for pulling 4 california rolling stops in a row on a vespa. I tried explaining to the cop I thought this was the kind of stop you're supposed to make in California.
@DavidFreitag that's not bad. How much is your car worth? Years driving?
Did he also take your man card?
@Herringbone_Cat what's wrong with not actually stopping?
I make a game out of never stopping
@Flyk Apparently it's an infraction. If the cop is not a scooter operator, he likely does not understand you can come to a full stop without putting your foot down on a vespa.
I assume you mean "can't"
no I mean can
@Herringbone_Cat My car is currently worth.... uh.... lemme check. $15k
So he sees no foot down, and thinks there was no full stop.
I don't understand why not coming to a full stop is required
And I have been driving for 5 years.
@DavidFreitag If you're around 25 years old that is about right.
@Herringbone_Cat 23
@DavidFreitag Yeah, it will go down a lot around 28-30.
I quoted from Geico and Nationwide a few days ago, and they wanted $130 for equal or better coverage.
I'm paying $110 for full coverage on a $14k car and two MCs, $3k and $8k. Liability $300k, umbrella $1MM
GUYS why is it bad to not stop?
I'm 30, clean record for now (but had many tickets in the past)
please enlighten me
@Flyk Because someone in an office somewhere said it is bad.
@Herringbone_Cat MC?
@DavidFreitag also if you don't have $1MM+ liability limits, I highly recommend going into that territory. If you hit any person, it's likely that will be necessary.
@DavidFreitag motorcycle
you people are so old
stop being so old
@Herringbone_Cat That's why you don't run anyone over.
@Flyk 23 is old?
I've run somebody over before but she deserved it
I still feel like a child.
she was drunk and smashed one of my windows with a beer bottle
so I reversed over her
not with the wheels, obviously
@DavidFreitag I had jury duty one time. Young asian kid hits well-off business owner's wife. Rear end, no blood, but "back injury." Kid got sued for the amount of money she'd make at her husband's business for the rest of her life (inflated to like $1.5M). Now, all the work he does for the rest of his life, 50% of the $$ goes to her.
@Flyk I would have thought that window > bottle, but thanks for gathering that empirical data.
@DavidFreitag it still cracks
just because it doesn't explode into pieces
If he had an umbrella or real liability coverage (not state minimum BS), that case wouldn't have gone to trial.
it's not invincible
where would you get the idea that anything made out of glass would be impervious to damage?
I thought you were an engineer
2 mins ago, by David Freitag
@Herringbone_Cat That's why you don't run anyone over.
what kind of engineer thinks glass is a substance that doesn't break
I mean really
@Flyk One that studies electronics and not structural integrity
still has engineer in the name
Also, cracked is hardly the same as "smashed"
I am a mere musical engineer and I know glass breaks
cracked like not a line
like how reinforced glass breaks
@DavidFreitag but he rear ended someone at like 5pm :)
you're so difficult
It's like I'm arguing with myself
@Flyk I would have thought that by now you would know I do this on purpose.
4 mins ago, by David Freitag
@Herringbone_Cat That's why you don't run anyone over.
@DavidFreitag I know, I just wanted to see if you'd keep going once I turned the whine up to 2
@Flyk I come from a family of whiners, if whining bothered me I'd have a lot of blood on my hands by now.
mm blood
Man, teflon is super slippery
Time to go, then
do the things
stuff to happens
starting with getting dressed
@DavidFreitag I think that's the point
it also makes people appreciate gravity (and traction) better if used in a spray form by someone devious enough :)
so I didn't find marshmallows at all
my night is ruined

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