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Folks say hi to @duzzy ... I told him this would be the place for his question:
in The Pod Bay, 6 mins ago, by duzzy
I've been thinking of setting up a small isolated network in my apt for the sake of playing around and figuring out how to defend it from this and that (it would be a long term project so nothing specific right now). I'm just really in the stage where it's an idea that I think would be interesting, and was thinking of looking for some advice.
pen testing lab I guess?
For purposes related to this question, basically, yeah.
all of the virtual machines at the same time
It's not something I'd have tons of experience in, but I'd start with some sandbox / virtualization environment
also get a cheap router to segment yourself from the general internet connection (if you share/lease a connection)
AAAAND don't the connect vms to the internet, disable that shit in the settings
I've played around a lot with VMs for school, but never for this purpose.
okay, so you're familiar with the concept
^^ these are capture the flag excercises written by my former boss
they're in prebuilt containers, and each one comes with a guide on how to do things
Oh wow. Those look really cool!
Thank you.
no problemo
something to cut your teeth on at least
Yeah, I have to start somewhere. That looks like a fun place to start.
@duzzy Some other ones to look at owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Security_Shepherd - OWASP Security Shepherd has a bunch of challenges
Also dvwa.co.uk Darn Vulnerable Web App
For pre-configured security tools in a linux distro, Kali kali.org is the default way to go these days
Ah, nice. Thank you for those.
I have kali on a liveboot usb device. I haven't done a whole lot with it yet, though.
worth noting that there's a new major version (kali 2) just out now
one of the main tools that gets used for offensive stuff is Metasploit. There's a free training course about it offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed here
Hi, I have a question. I got this number of a recruiter off of a website and upon messeging him he asked me to email him his CV. After that he requested copy of my visa, passport and certificate which I sent him. I am just starting to worry that what if they use my documents for identity fraud? what can I do in this case?
@RоryMcCune Awesome. Thank you!
@duzzy np. There's a loooaad of good free or cheap resources out there these days, so lots of stuff to look at
mmmmmm sammich
@AliShaikh oh god what the fuck did you do
Q: What harm can be done with a copy of one's passport?

user141In one of the questions on this site, it was suggested the use of Dropbox to save a backup copy of your passport, in case you need to proof who you are if your original document is lost. I like the idea, but what if someone gets access to your Dropbox folders and is able to acquire the copy of ...

put a credit freeze on your accounts: experian.com/fraud/center.html
what certificate did you hand them?
@Ohnana Fair bet it's "birth".
in that case: quora.com/…
So, there goes mother's maiden name and place of birth...
and you can get damn near anything with one. same as a passport
I'm guessing @AliShaikh is not American, or at least not native, by his use of the term "CV". So, no worries over SSN but perhaps the passport/visa might have similarly sensitive national ID numbers?
@Iszi cv is an american term, it's the resume you write once you get a PHD
@Ohnana Probably 98% of Americans just say "resume". I've only consistently heard Brits (or others from across the pond) call it a CV.
i see.
@Iszi Also them there Canadihueans.
@DavidFreitag Aren't they technically still Brits?
i thought they were honorary french
(Goes to look up CGP Grey video.)
Q: How can I detect if someone is breaking my license terms?

Nairolf21If this question is about what we are supposed to do if someone is breaking the terms of a software license, I would like to know how I can know if some is doing so. Suppose that I'm writing a software with a GPL license. It is a copyleft license. It is not allowed to use the code in a non-free...

Oracle: “because they send you pentesting reports”
@Gilles That's not true, reports run on static binaries is perfectly acceptable.
@Ohnana They're part of the Commonwealth Realm, and are an independent nation. So, sort-of British, but not actually British.
@DavidFreitag for Oracle, acceptable from a EULA perspective, perhaps, but they're actively asking people not do to testing on their products even where it doesn't breach the EULA
@RоryMcCune Just because it isn't a breach of license terms doesn't mean it isn't annoying.
@DavidFreitag from oracle's standpoint sure I can see it being annoying, but then they have a terrible record on security and from tests I've done on systems built on their products, vulnerabilities are common
so it's in their customers interests to do the work
of course there will be bad reports and False-positives but what's the alternative, take Oracle's word for it..........
@RоryMcCune Java? Terrible security? Surely you're mistaken...
@DavidFreitag I'm hoping you just missed off the smiley there :op
@RоryMcCune Hehehe, yes :]
Did someone say boobies?
@LucasKauffman Boobies? Yeah.... Boobies.
@Iszi I prefer tits
here's a pair of tits
Best pair of tits I've seen in quite some time.
@DavidFreitag That does not appear to relate to tits nor boobies. What's going on here?
@Iszi If you squint real hard that person's avatar looks like tits.
@DavidFreitag You need your eyes checked.
@Iszi You just aren't squinting hard enough.
@DavidFreitag wtf get glasses nerd
Of course, it could be the large amount of LSD I just consumed.
@DavidFreitag eh <400mcg you'll be fine
@Herringbone_Cat How much is that? Is a gallon too much?
@DavidFreitag Depends how much crystal was placed into that gallon jug, and if the water was distilled or not. :)
AFAIK acid chemists prefer cheap vodka, so you'd be rather drunk after a gallon
@DavidFreitag that's equivalent to about 4 marijuana injections!!!!
@Ohnana Yeah, I did a beer once.
...and as the noise began in the hallway, and I was disturbed from the best sleep I've had in a while, my initial waking thought was "don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up... dammit."
step 1: coffee
step 2: kick the random out of bed
there is no random in bed, I'm not that kind of girl
random insinuations from randoms
step 1.5: procrastination while waking up and consuming the coffee
Oye still at work @_@
I'm a happy man.
Totally didn't expect the project to do a comeback.

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