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05:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

in some places f**k is highly offensive - I understand the edit
An African or a European pigeon? — Mark Adler 6 hours ago
@DavidFreitag Oh, that is the Mark Adler. The author of Deflate / gzip.
@ThomasPornin Also a pretty funny guy, apparently.
@ElephantsonParade depending on your currently existing products and infrastructure, actually not very complicated to do securely, if you pay attention.
@ElephantsonParade doesnt need to be complicated.... especially with current VM technology.
@ElephantsonParade for example.... I already have my whole system(s) set up as VMs on HyperV, in a Windows 2012 domain. Also already have DD-WRT on my router.
So, I hooked my router up with dyndns, set up a RD Gateway server, and had my router direct all incoming RDP *only* to the RD gateway. There, I enforced strong encryption and restricted access to authenticated users (me), who all have super strong passwords. I put on the RDG a set of policies to restrict and direct access only to the servers I wanted to allow, which are of course defined by name which are registered in my local, locke
Secure? yes: strong TLS; strong passwords; restricted access; FW open only the RDP port, and only to the RDG; etc etc.
Completely safe? no, of course not, I just opened my servers to the internet.
I mitigated that by completely backing up everything before opening it, checking the logs after. and as I said only opening the specific systems I need, which are of course relatively locked down.
@RоryMcCune that cheeky nandos thread is a larf.
is it bad that I understand almost all of it?
w00t, I repcapped again today :-)
@AviD Shush with your RDP.
@Simon well, he wanted secure.
I'm kidding, I gotta admit that I've never had any problems with RDP.
@Simon the RD Gateway service is the balls.
right cheeky, innit
@RоryMcCune did I get that right?
You know what else is the balls?
@Simon your mom?
@RоryMcCune Congratulations, you just caused my brain to deform and trickle out of my nose.
@Simon launch processing system?
No, lala papa sisi
@DavidFreitag Are you doing your #simon impression?
@AviD u wot m8?
all pls am a backend dev now
@AviD, can you recommend a router + firmware version for doing DD-WRT? I've been looking into that this afternoon, but the number of choices (hardware + firmware version) is staggering. I have a Linksys E4200, which sounds like it might work? dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php?title=Linksys_E4200
no no, it's "pls
@Simon that's true. cue the PHP mocking.
@AviD What a donut, you spelled it backwards.
It's "PHP".
I have a buffalo AC extreme router which has a really good stock DD-WRT implementation on it.
@ElephantsonParade oo, I dunno. I bought it a couple years back, based on recommendations here from better experts than I.
@Simon lol
@ElephantsonParade I think that is similar to the one I have, slight different model.
at the end, it doesnt matter for this, get the router that best fits your needs.
I needed strong wifi signal, got one that matched that.
once you put on dd-wrt, only the hardware makes a difference anyway.
The force is strong with this one.
It's 5GHz gives me equal speeds to the ethernet, but only has about a 10 meter range
and just take the latest stable version...
haha, I wrote that one off because it has 3.5 stars on Amazon. Hey gotta narrow down the options somehow!
@DavidFreitag 10 meter range? can you walk around with it?
Man, downloading these random bin files scares me. Am I alone in that?
@ElephantsonParade Silly, you check the rating on Newegg not Amazon. Amazon shoppers are largely useless.
that miiight cover my office, if I plug it in the middle.
@ElephantsonParade not at all, it's a sign of maturity.
@AviD Since that's about how large my apartment is, it works beautifully. I should say, the range drops off drastically once I get outside. I'm sure the range is much greater than 10 meters in an open space.
@AviD What? I just downloaded all of them.
@DavidFreitag ah. I have a lot of concrete and metal walls around my house.
I have tested, just at my door I will get 3 bars, and just outside I get 1 bar and very spotty
@AviD I totally didn't know that pyramids had metal in them now.
@AviD The 2.4 is still very fast (90Mb/s as opposed to 115Mb/s) and I can get it down the street.
@Simon hehe lol
@DavidFreitag ahh okay then. not bad at all
But I rarely use the 2.4 since there are 30 AP's in my apartment complex
not a huge difference either.
And they are all jamming each other because they all largely run on the same channel
@AviD If you had range issues there are hacks around that add external antennae to the router for better range. But you need a decent soldering iron for that.
actually, it's pretty fine now. might be a tad spotty in the far reaches, but I don't need to worry about fast internet in the upstairs closet.
@AviD you're a ledge mate
bantasaurus rex, innit
@RоryMcCune thats top
@DavidFreitag I just ordered one of these linitx.com/product/…
8-port Gig managed switch + access Points + router == £100
@RоryMcCune lol "MikroTik Butt Router Switch"
@RоryMcCune But does it have dual-band AC 1750?
@DavidFreitag you're surfing with s/cloud/butt/g ?
@RоryMcCune Yes, I have that extension installed
@DavidFreitag nah, but I have no AC devices
so not a huge issue :)
@RоryMcCune What phone do you have?
@DavidFreitag ahh actually just got an iPhone 6+, so I guess that might be AC
but TBH not sure I will ever need to transfer data to my phone at over 100Mbps
Everything I use is AC and 5GHz, except for my chromecast. The awesome thing about this dual band Buffalo is that devices on the 2.4 can talk to device on the 5 network
Usually cheaper devices don't allow that
@DavidFreitag handy. How do you find the propagation on 5GHz?
we've already got 2 APs one at either end of the house to get coverage, and that's on 2.4GHz
@RоryMcCune It's less about transfer speed and more about bandwidth. Also the fact that there are 30 2.4GHz AP's where I live and only my 5GHz AP
@DavidFreitag err I may be being daft but what do you use bandwidth for except transferring things at speed?
I wish I took a screencap of the analysis I did with my tablet. Literally 27 of the 30 AP's were broadcasting on the same channel
@DavidFreitag yeah that's a good reason for 5GHz
ahh I see what you mean about bandwidth
not in the sense of AC using more
@RоryMcCune Three sometimes four people streaming netflix, youtube, music, etc 24/7
but of it being less congested
all in HD
@DavidFreitag shutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup
I got 9Mbps on my line today and was really happy with that
And the only device that chokes is the chromecast, but that's because it's on 2.4
@RоryMcCune That's pretty much what I get at home.
@RоryMcCune I have 105Mb/s service and depending on the time of day I can peak at 150Mb/s
@DavidFreitag You suck.
52 secs ago, by Rоry McCune
@DavidFreitag shutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup
And I pay... wait for it... $49/mo
@DavidFreitag I pay 45$.
And because Comcast screwed up my automatic payments the first two months in a row they just sent me a $50 prepaid visa card.
Is your bandwidth unlimited?
I pay $300
@DavidFreitag you said the Buffalo has DD-WRT firmware stock? Do you update it regularly or just leave it alone?
@RоryMcCune What the.
@Simon AFAICT, I transferred 2.4TB last month
@DavidFreitag well, not as much as I'd expect, but still.
@DavidFreitag -.-
I get 125 GB/month.
@Simon bonded lines, business grade service, ain't cheap. The service is REALLY good though
@ElephantsonParade I have not upgraded it or done anything apart from unboxing it and plugging it in.
@RоryMcCune Dayum.
The main reason my service is so cheap is that it's internet only
I pay about 10$ for my ISP, and another ~20$ for the infrastructure
The same net package with tv costs $180/mo
@Simon wait, you're data is capped? so weird.
@AviD Apparently that's not uncommon lately.
@AviD Well, I gotta pay more if I use more.
@DavidFreitag I thought I saw some places making it illegal.
@AviD well I'm guessing if it's like the UK yours is too, it's just they don't tell you the cap till you use it
my cellular internet is capped, but home line is not
ISPs have never been able to sell truly unlimited services, the backhaul could never cope if people used the capacity at 100%
I get 1 GB/month on my phone.
@AviD They have been trying in the USA to convert it into a utility like power consumption, and one group is trying to make it limit-able (aka ISP's) and one group is trying to keep it unlimited (aka everyone else)
52$ per month.
so they bank on people not using it, so they can lie and say it's unlimited
@RоryMcCune possible. dont think I average at multi-TB, but definitely more than 125 GB...
@Simon I get 512MB per month with my phone
@DavidFreitag Really?
Not much of a difference.
@Simon It is very rare that I am not in front of a workstation or in an area with decent wifi
@RоryMcCune but only a small percentage of people would use it at capacity.
And my 64GB internal storage is mostly full with music, so no need to stream.
@AviD that's what they hope, and why they're generally scared of things like netflix which massively increase the usage on the network
goes right back to dial-up days when they had one port for every 20 connections sold, on the basis that only 5% of their userbase would want online at once
@RоryMcCune A friend of mine did a test on this (he has 150Mb/s service) and he was able to transfer a total of 140TB over the span of a month
@DavidFreitag 6GB on my phone, 10$. unlimited calls/SMS.
@DavidFreitag that's... alot of data
Canaduh sucks.
@AviD I never call and I use hangouts to text
if I want the full package - >20GB on phone, unlimited international calling, international roaming, etc etc etc - it would cost me about 25$
@RоryMcCune s/data/porn/
I wonder if I should celebrate tonight with a donut.
wow, if anyone likes Minecraft this is pretty cool
@Simon I wonder how your donut would feel if you were fraternizing with other donuts.
She doesn't mind as long as she can fraternize with them too.
You really did lose out on a great joke opportunity by not saying "celebrate by eating a donut tonight"
I don't believe that what I do every night is a joke.
@Simon That's not what she said.
@RоryMcCune this explains what we saw @Simon doing all day.
The worst thing anyone could ever hear. "Ok, make your own bacon then."
(outside of "There's no bacon left")
My donut usually cooks bacon for me.
o she made pancakes
All good lads.
okay guys. Important question, this is crunch time. Dont disappoint me.
I cooked bacon over an open fire this weekend
Anyone have a solution / counter-hack for cryptolocker?
and, yes, before you ask: bacon s'mores are the bee's knees.
pretty sure my parents caught it.
dovid, we weren't planning to ask.
@AviD I think a hammer or some thermite would work
thats right, I will be spending the rest of the week on tech support.
hmm. maybe I will actually have to go take a look at it.
This suggested edit shows how much of a donut you are:
@AviD AFAIK some crypto locker implementations are weak and it's possible to recover files, other ones, not so much
@Simon hahahah I claim the Spanish Inquisition.
A: How was this token decoded?


Yeah I flagged that one.
its funny!
Vanilla minecraft is almost unplayable for me now.
I need IC2 at the very least for some fun
@DavidFreitag Kinda how I feel about KSP and MechJeb. But Squad is doing really well at integrating features from the most popular community mods into the main game.
Granted, for the most part, I play alone which doesn't help.
@Iszi What do your kids think about how much of a nurd you are?
Do they go like "My dad is stronger than yours... In Skyrim!"?
@Iszi At least the KSP mod authors keep the mods up to date, if I want to play any of my favorite mods I need to downgrade significantly.
1 hour later…
@RоryMcCune so, the finale - was that all in the books? Or are they going a different direction?
@RоryMcCune - I had TalkTalk call me up earlier. I may have been a bit spaced/hard of heading after a long weekend of ROCK but I'm pretty certain she ended up agreeing with me that a downgrade was my best plan. They couldn't give me any faster service and as I don't use a land line I should lower my monthly charge by £15
@DavidFreitag - what is IC2
Is that like terminology cop shows use when chasing perps and radioing the description back to control
@RoryAlsop Industrial Craft 2 ftbwiki.org/IndustrialCraft_2 (that wiki is likely outdated, but you get the gist)
@RoryAlsop @AviD mentioned in this post that you'd be the one to talk to in regards to putting together some "getting started" pages on the security blog
Ah - seems like hard work. On the server I play on everyone has their role. Others do architecture, gardens, pillars, stuff...
I do running around at night stabbing
@amccormack I'm catching up after a bit of time in a field - lemme read it. But yes, that sounds like an excellent idea
great. I'll be sticky around chat for a bit, just @ me when you want to chat
@RoryAlsop That mod adds tons of complexity to Minecraft, I love it. Tons of new mineables, plus machines and stuff. Endgame is pretty much massive nuclear reactors to power all of your creations.
Endgame? This the dragon place where you live for 1 second if lucky?
It annoyed me so much the first eight or so times I went there I decided that nighttime runny stabby was my goal
@RoryAlsop oh, I thought you meant "nighttime runny stabby" was some kind of particularly unpleasant incontinence.
@amccormack - yep, I think that could really work. And if you could do it as a series, you could add a whole load of links to questions in each area
@AviD Somehow you have managed to imply that there is a form of incontinence that is not unpleasant.
Have you registered on the blog? I think you need to do that first, then we can upgrade privs to contributor level
@AviD that wouldn't be a goal. It would surely be a symptom
@DavidFreitag particularly unpleasant
30 mins ago, by Rory Alsop
I do running around at night stabbing
I didnt realize it was a goal
@RoryAlsop No endgame as in what you are building up to.
@RoryAlsop Well were you wearing diamond armor... If not there's your problem.
Always wearing diamond. And diamond weapons/tools
@RoryAlsop night out on the town, eh?
Hahaha hahahaha
@RoryAlsop You bring any potions with you?
They are also kinda a necessity..
@DavidFreitag "potions"... I think he'll pick those up at the pub.
@AviD Is it illegal to leave the pub with the potions though? It is here.
Because good luck persuading the dragon into the pub.
uhh.... "dragon", is that like the fuzz?
@AviD I believe it's in reference to the angry girlfriend from shaun of the dead.
Potions? Emmm, no. Don't know them
Oh, did I tell you I visited a few Shaun of the dead film locations the other day?
I think I did actually...
@RoryAlsop I agree, I think a series would be wise. A general overview with followed by posts about different focus areas / professions
I've been looking for questions along the "getting started" area. looking for questions asking about books, tutorials, certs, etc. Very few are that helpful, most get closed
05:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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