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05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

@AviD: section 6.1 of RFC 4120 prohibits realm names that do not match some specific categories, defined as "looks like a domain name", "looks like a X.500 name", and "is something else (with an explicit header)"
So an empty realm name (also called "null realm") would be allowed only insofar as it "looks like" a domain name, for some notion of "looks like" which is not defined.
Question: Does chrome already enforce "no SHA1 certificates for HTTPS connections"? Because I'm trying to check a government website that has a sha1 cert valid till 9th September 2015, but I'm getting an error message
And I'm not sure whether the error is from the weak signature or from the website
I'm getting the error in IE11 as well.
@NateKerkhofs Which web site is that ?
errors occur both on Mac and Windows, with Chrome 42, IE11 and whatever version Safari is currenlty on
it's not really government, but close to it. Belgian union
@NateKerkhofs From here, chromium is rather happy with the site. It says "obsolete crypto" because HMAC/SHA-1 for integrity check of TLS records, but no issue on the certificate itself.
The certificate I see expires on April 24, 2016, not September 9, 2015.
I see an error message: "de gevraagde URL heeft een probleem veroorzaakt"
It is also signed with RSA+SHA-256, not RSA+SHA-1
I should normally see a page where I need to authenticate using my electronic ID
What is the thumbprint (SHA-1 fingerprint) of the site certificate, from your point of view ?
From here, it is 7F 39 9D E1 0A DD C2 AE 85 95 6D 5A 88 01 A4 4D E2 B3 E2 D6
‎a3 82 75 d6 d5 61 e4 49 41 d5 35 20 b8 3d 04 a9 dd 34 e6 ee
Not the same certificate...
Which is indicative of something fishy.
What website is your cert published for? mine is for *.acv-online.be
I am getting redirected. Don't know why.
What page are you being redirected to? It's possible it might not work from outside Belgium
which should end you on a page with a few colored cubes
and then click on the first link on the right below those cubes, with the word "werkloosheid" in
"consulteer je e-dossier werkloosheid"
that's the page I get the error on
@NateKerkhofs Redirect again...
okay, I guess that it's not accessible from outside Belgium then. outside of using a proxy, there's not much we can do about that
probably a security measure to prevent foreign hackers
it's not a flat redirect based on IP address AFAIK
it does GET to the initial domain then a POST to that domain
they gets the favicon
You are in a maze of twisty little redirects, all alike.
then goes off to auth.acv-online.be and does some saml stuff
the initial GET returns some obfuscated looking JavaScript
I can see the certificate with OpenSSL and I don't see anything blatantly wrong with it.
which I'm guessing causes the POST with some response code..
Sure, it uses SHA-1, but apart from that...
What is the exact error message you get from Chrome ?
I get "Request Blocked" in the tab name, but apart from that a reply 200 OK and an error from the website, saying "the requested URL has caused a problem"
since I got "request blocked", I thought it might have had something to do with the client i'm using
By disabling Javascript I can keep Chromium on "https://mijnsociaaldossier.acv-online.be/" without being redirected -- and it is quite happy with the certificate.
I suppose your problem is NOT the holy war that Chrome wages on SHA-1.
A certificate that expires in 2015 should not trigger any warning about SHA-1 in Chrome.
@NateKerkhofs If the server tells you that there is a problem, then the issue is on the server side, not the browser.
I thought as much, but I wasn't sure, since they only mentioned certs after 2016
Anyone got a name for the Apple UEFI 0-day yet? Looks like the media is expecting one. itnews.com.au/News/…
The server has no notion of how much allergic to SHA-1 your browser may be, since the browser does not tell.
> "The exact cause for the zero-day vulnerability, which is yet to be named, has not been fully identified."
I propose SMARMI: Sleep Mode Apple Rootkit Memory Injector
It's short, explains the problem and evokes memories of smarmy shoarma bars
@NateKerkhofs Don't you mean shawarma?
It's called Shoarma in Dutch, I don't know what they call it in other places
Also: meet someone who will never be employed: twitter.com/Gligar13/status/605407871761809408
or has that MLP resume been linked today already?
@NateKerkhofs Scariest part about that resume: "He even had his very own nuclear reactor to play with!"
And think, one day we might actually be calling that guy "doctor".
Anybody seen these? creativecrafthouse.com/…
CC @Thomas
@Iszi I'd rather watch Totalbiscuit make yet another cringeworthy WTF Is of a puzzle platformer
@Thomas I'm trying to think of efficient ways to crack a text "encrypted" with one of those
The number of possible keys is a bit more than 600k
The whole text (roughly 100 letters) is encrypted with the same "key"
@Adi 600k keys is nothing for a computer
@ThomasPornin My problem is that I'm unable to escape the one-time pad problem
I can't think of a way to not produce every single text in the universe that is 100 letters
I don't have anything that would hint me at the actual plaintext
The idea is that if there are 600k possible keys, then there are 600k possible decrypted plaintexts.
so any key that can produce human-readable text is plausible
Then this is just a matter of finding the "right one"
I don't get your point. Assuming you know the algorithm, just implement it. Then run it 600k times and check if the output is English
With 100 letters, the number of possible texts is way larger than the number of keys
and probability of a wrong key yielding something "readable" by a human is very small
@CodesInChaos To be honest, I'm not sure I get my point either.
Just keep the texts that contain at least one English word of, say, 5 or more letters, and finish the job by hand.
I just can't wrap my head around the idea that it's possible to get to the right key
I think what @adi is saying is that he is trying to find a more efficient way to beat SHA1 than brute-forcing
but he can't because that's the whole point of encryption
I'm sorry, but I don't think that's what I'm saying
@Thomas @Codes But hey, thanks for the input. I guess the best I can do is to actually try it out and see. I'll ask for more help later
Let's break down the problem
@Adi Try to implement a function that, given a sequence of letters, returns the length of the largest sub-sequence of letters in that sequence that is also a valid word in a given dictionary (say, a dictionary of English words).
A key with 600k possibilities is enough to produce every 4 letter combination.
Call f() that function.
You got a 100 letter text that's encrypted with SHA1
and you don't know the key, but it's one of 600K possible keys. correct?
Run f() on the results of all decryptions (by each of the 600k keys) and look at the decrypted results, starting with the sequences with the highest f().
Since natural language is highly redundant, producing anything that looks like proper plaintext significantly longer than 4 letters is very unlikely.
Aside from the fact that sha1 AFAIK is a hashing algorithm and not an encryption algorithm
@NateKerkhofs Adnan is talking about the enigma inspired crypto machine he linked. Not SHA1.
okay... He linked @thomas, not the post where @thomas mentioned Sha
@ThomasPornin It's easy to fool this. Just sayin'. But sure, ok, the risk is low.
it highlighted the SHA1 post because that was @ThomasPornin his last post
@NateKerkhofs yeah the linking thing in this room can be a bit odd sometimes
I often get confused by it
If you just use @NateKerkhofs it'll highlight the last post of that user when you mouse-over, but it won't show the link arrow.
@Thomas That seems like what I should do
@Codes @Thomas I just happened to stumble upon something quite interesting
In computer science, the Aho–Corasick string matching algorithm is a string searching algorithm invented by Alfred V. Aho and Margaret J. Corasick. It is a kind of dictionary-matching algorithm that locates elements of a finite set of strings (the "dictionary") within an input text. It matches all patterns simultaneously. The complexity of the algorithm is linear in the length of the patterns plus the length of the searched text plus the number of output matches. Note that because all matches are found, there can be a quadratic number of matches if every substring matches (e.g. dictionary = a,...
I found a Python implementation. I'm giving it a try
@Adi I am not sure the problem at hand requires such finesse but if it amuses you then go for it.
I assume there's also a Python library that simulates the Enigma encryption?
@NateKerkhofs That machine can't really be enigma
it had far more keys.
And Enigma was electrically powered, too. Here we just see some gears.
@CodesInChaos "Enigma IV Encryption cypher machine"
@ThomasPornin please google enigma machine. it was a mechanical crypto device that used 3 of 6 rotating dials and some cables to encrypt messages
@NateKerkhofs I think this is a reuse of the term "Enigma" which is completely unrelated to the machine used in the German army and navy back in WWII.
It's called "enigma". But it's clearly inferior to the nazi enigma.
it used electricity, but that was just to light some lamps
It not only had dials, but also a switchboard. The number of keys vastly exceeded 600k.
It's clearly a modern reinterpretation of the WWII enigma machine, down to the name. it still uses the same base method
yeah, I googled it now. Enigma had something like 154 trillion settings (a million million million
@Adi Do you have a spec of that machine/cipher? Or how do you plan on implementing it?
Looks interesting: "Honorable Mention for the 2014 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award went to John Criswell of the University of Rochester, and John C. Duchi of Stanford University. They will share a $10,000 prize, with financial sponsorship provided by Google Inc.

Criswell’s dissertation, “Secure Virtual Architecture: Security for Commodity Software Systems,” describes a compiler-based infrastructure designed to address the challenges of securing systems that use commodity operating systems like UNIX or Linux. This Secure Virtual Architecture (SVA) can protect both operating system and appl
@CodesInChaos I have no algorithmic knowledge of the machine at all. I'm currently analysing the disks and trying to see how the order and initial positions of the keys related to the input/output
From that, I'll probably reach some sort of function that should be quite easy to program
"Key" is a strong word as there's really no logical/mathematical encrypt(msg, key) = ciphertext
The fixed and simplistic disks make it quite easy to crack by a computer, but quite difficult for me to wrap my head around
Let's see
Is there an official source for hashes of Windows installation ISO ?
@ThomasPornin Pretty sure MS used to have them alongside the downloads on TechNet.
How they're doing it since TechNet died, I don't know. Haven't gone looking in awhile.
@Iszi I have looked for the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 and SHA-512 hash values on Google
Only the SHA-1 hits things, and they are all Torrent references. Nothing from Microsoft.
The TechNet Subscriber Downloads section still has SHA1 hashes available even though I'm pretty sure I can't actually download the files anymore.
Are there a few in particular you're looking for?
You might actually be able to pull them up yourself, since I can still view them without an active subscription. technet.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/downloads
May need to log in with a Microsoft account.
@Iszi I have an ISO which has been downloaded and installed, but now I must convince an auditor that the ISO which was installed is a genuine one from Microsoft.
Preferably without having to download it again.
Even more preferably without having to download and install it again.
Which version/edition?
(...And shouldn't you be checking this before you install?) ;-)
@Iszi I am not the one who did the download and forgot to call the auditor to witness it.
I am given the mission to, as always, save the day.
I know the feeling.
It is some Windows Server 2012 R2, with French support (at least)
Need version, edition, service pack level, and distribution type. e.g.: Windows 7 Professional SP1 Retail.
From what I find on the Web, it would correspond to build 6052780
Server 2012 R2 w/ Update, Volume License - sound right?
@Iszi Yes
Well, from what I see here
I am supposed to save things, but I don't get told where the things are or even what they are, only that they are in some un-saved status right now
That's the description I got off Google for that build ID, but it doesn't match what I'm seeing on TechNet.
Oh, wait... right...
Probably the "with French support" might be borking me.
You sure it's supposed to end in 80, not 08?
You have the original ISO file name?
I found the hash
Ah, spiffy.
The original file name is distinct: it ends with 6052772
Glad I could be of help... if I was. If I wasn't, then meh. It was interesting nonetheless.
@Iszi You pointed me at the right place, so thanks.
@ThomasPornin That was the code I kept hitting.
@ThomasPornin No problem. Good luck with it.
@Iszi The day is saved.
I hope it will, say, stay saved.
And now, I must depart. See ya later.
cc @RoryAlsop I seem to have a need to go to the UK next year.
@DavidFreitag I'm going to see them Saturday (or friday, think it's saturday anyway)
Bloodbound is for thursday. Sabaton will have to wait until early august before I see them again (for the third time this year)
ALso: DAMMIT TELENET. I DON'T CARE THAT I USED 90% OF MY DATA LIMIT FOR THE MONTH IF IT RESETS IN 48 HOURS. (I couldn't send my message because they had to forcibly show me the warning, but they couldn't show the warning because that's not how chat works.
@Arperum nice!
@RoryAlsop Yea, I really want to see that tour, but no clue how I'll get there yet.
@RoryAlsop They are fun live. Seen them once I think. ANd their second CD has been mastered and send to the record label according to facebook.
@Arperum my kids are now asking if they can go see them in Glasgow next year
A: Translate your English source code into a foreign language

DLoscPython, Koine Greek - Πύθων My favorite programming language, in my favorite foreign language--perfect! And it doesn't hurt that the name is already Greek. The translator program in Python 3 (thank goodness for native Unicode support): with open(__file__, encoding="utf-8") as f: code = f.r...

@RoryAlsop I assume I am to blame for that?
05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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