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what? why you say that?
You're Lari/Lawri right? (honestly unsure how to spell it)
Lawri van Buel yes
I've seen a lot of very short answers from you recently, in fact a lot of them got flagged
I am learning to comment more than awnser yes ;)
But I've always been short writer, I prefer to stay short and to the point.
I'm the opposite. When I write, I write essays.
I don't know what "concise" means :)
I think it's important to justify/explain
some technical questions unavoidably end up looking like shopping lists
its why I love @SteveDL, He fixes my awnsers ;)
but if it's a person who doesn't understand some thing it's better to hammer it
hehe sorry about that ;P
> expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope; succinct; terse:
a concise explanation of the company's retirement plan.
@Rhino it's a synonym for donut
is this a thing now?
do we need LMDTFY?
(D == Define)
(D == Donut too.)
@Simon come on I need a hand here
Please don't tell Simon
(D == Dictionary)
Let me donut that for you....
(D == @Simon's D)
goes back to work
@SteveDL Why would you do that, we're just the coolest??
@LvB if you're answering have a look at dshield.org/forums/diary/… too
Because im so tired
and almost done for today
also because I have a meeting in 10 hours
<-- Checking link
the question and first answer make some good points
I Wish we had something like DANE to make Certificates more bound to a domain....
I wish I can spend the rest of my academic life carefully avoiding the topic of trust :D
DANE sounds nicer yes
I suspect your wife / girlfriend will not agree with that ;)
There are projects to redesign completely the structure of the Internet to simplfy routing and avoid some spoofing attacks
Adrian Perrig among others
some Finnish people too, and some French at Inria Strasbourg, afair
DANE and DNSSec could make CA's obsoleet
Finns = HIIT probably
yeah but are they good enough?
@SteveDL Were we talking yesterday about Algebra yes?
you were, maybe
Redesigning the internet implies a lot of change....
Big challenges.
Routing is hard to do right
That's also dependent on the structure of your network
I've seen a number of scheme's now and all were just as bad as the current ones. just not bad at the same places.
routing in some P2P topologies is easy, though I'm not sure what they'd look like at the scale of 1 internet
the chaotic small world inter network we call internet is basicly a pain in the ...
@SteveDL Ok I'm gonna go for it... how do they propose to do this? In 100 words (English or French) or less :)
Too tired to dig networking papers :-) Sorry
but some topologies self-maintain when clients join/exit, and the fact that they have a structure makes routing much easier
some other types of distributed networks like publish-subscribe networks can auto-balance load
well surely routing protocols do similar things
there was something very unique about Perrig's proposal
but I forgot what it even was
he had a network which I believe made it much easier to route packets, and also to circumvent nationwide censorship by creating bridges across managed groups of domain names
@Rhino what do you work on btw? and you too @LvB
((also I should mention at this point that donuts are a very well studied topology ;p))
Acording to my Business card I'm a "Software Quality Assurance"
@SteveDL yes but have you considered maple syrup bridges? Lets you route around Gen. Alexander taking a bite :)
@SteveDL I'm a Rhino, so, I generally wander around Africa, rolling in mud and things.
@Rhino you're a Canadian rhino. Icy mud?
@LvB code reviews, code analysis?
@SteveDL I am not a Canadian Rhino! I am a British Rhino, lost in Switzerland.
yes and Code writing, some times I got some time for pen testing.
The edges of the lakes are sort of muddy in places
@Rhino thats not mud....
Ok serious time - well you can always StalkIn me, but, I was a software engineer.
@Rhino oh crap yes you told me about this!
Right I have you on StalkIn
opens the StalkIn
gets bombared by advice about dealing with millenials
closes stalkedin in disgust
Yes I am jobhunting. I wrote drivers that did endpoint monitoring.
Your current job achievements are quite nice for 1 year on the job
Also some backup software. And a brief stint with ATMs.
that, or I need to get out of academia and realise what the word productivity means :p
@SteveDL It's easy to make work sound like you did a lot. 99.99% of everything written on CVs is embellished.
I spent plenty of time writing build scripts and left eventually because the environment wasn't great.
oh so you left already
not formally, but actually, they didn't want me near their driver code
Well a rhino near a driver.... I see a point running in :p
Haha yes it's a tad risky...
but yes. I mean, I'm a professional so I wouldn't do anything, but I see their point.
The problem when others can not understand your code ...
but yeah. The situation wasn't working out.
@Rhino plenty of work elsewhere :-) Are you looking only in UK and CH or also in FR?
@SteveDL I'd consider FR. Ideally I didn't want to move from my apartment, but in reality I might have to .
Although, since I have no degree FR might be difficult. I'm told having a degree in France is pretty much mandatory.
Yeah exactly
Not in small companies, or not if you can access people beforehand and show projects
What sort of work your looking for @Rhino?
You don't get past the HR filters of big corp without showing you're a member of the engineer cast though
but get to talk to a head of dept/group and show them you got skills, and you'll land interviews
@LvB That's a very good question. I have options - one being to simply do my OU degree for a full year and therefore be close to having the magic bit of paper.
Although tbh I'm not sure what a degree in maths will do to helping with programming skills.
@Rhino consider sstic.org/2015/news, it's only industrials
i'm not amazed by the quality of most presentations (because i'm picky/bitchy) but there are job opportunities there, and it's soon
+ Rennes is awesome
@SteveDL Unfortunately I have an exam in Zurich on the 2nd.
I know of some ppl in need of mathematician in Eindhoven
not sure if the position is not filed yet though
@LvB I assume they want a qualified one though, right? :P I'd happily apply, but usually when people say they want a mathematician they mean postdoc.
true that.
no someone that can add the insides of a mathematician to a webapp development
well there are applications in ML and NLP among others
and modelling
we have mathematicians in my group, but usually with the BSc yes
@SteveDL Exactly. I'm in no dire straits, so I have time to work out what I do next.
I've got an opportunity I'm looking into at epfl
We'll see
In CompSec?
they're freaking excellent people
@SteveDL Software engineering for a compsec team, basically
would be great to do engineer work there!
which one which one
@SteveDL I'll tell you when I know the outcome :P
Fair enough
Tbh, I'll be surprised if I get it. What usually happens is "oh right great you know about..." and then they realize I don't have a degree and boom, jobs down
who still asks for a degree, when there is actual experience on the table?
@Rhino applied already?
@AviD Well a large German company recently turned me down for a post on this basis, having contacted me via SO careers to ask if I wanted to do it...!
ppl that value external validation.
I don't look at degree/school names too much myself if hiring interns/students. I have no issues with taking a non-UCL student from some unknown place. I like to see evidence of competence and solid thinking skills in a cover letter, and no fluff or "pls i need to eat donuts"
@SteveDL Of course. As soon as I saw the job I was like wow... ok all jobs suck sometimes but that'd be a cool one even when it sucked.
They usually want MSc Comp Sec for research engineer though; so yeah the competition will be tough
you need to provide proof of skills in the cover letter
this is usually the point where I say "so, you're better off not working for clueless people like that, anyway", but @Adi has made painstaking efforts to clarify to me that I speak from a position of privilege, and not everyone has alternate opportunities.
@LvB the truth is more about managing high volumes of applications
I still say it, but realize that often people need to take the crappy place regardless.
sometimes knowing a person has been through the ordeal of a degree in a ruthless school means you're less likely to waste your time reading their CV
@SteveDL exactly. What do you do? Turn over half and reject them just because you've got too many.
@SteveDL if someone actually puts in "pls i need to eat donuts" in their cover letter, I think you should hire them on the spot.
Then throw away the ones without degrees
THEN, and only then, read the 50 or so you narrowed down.
@AviD erm :D
@SteveDL well, yeah, except for @Simon, obviously.
@Rhino that's stupid.
@AviD ironically I maintain a PHP codebase
so ironic
@AviD That's also the hiring process in some places
Or, more or less the hiring process.
@SteveDL so that guy with pls donuts cover letter would be perfect.
3 mins ago, by AviD
this is usually the point where I say "so, you're better off not working for clueless people like that, anyway", but @Adi has made painstaking efforts to clarify to me that I speak from a position of privilege, and not everyone has alternate opportunities.
Especially if hes Canadian, right?
It's not my fault. We had that intern build a website for some colleagues, then I needed to build sites for my own remote studies, and I used the same technology so I could merge the student's nice bits into my site later one
I am a Canadian called @Simon and I can haz donut svp pls @SteveDL ? I would like to specialize in eating donuts in your department/group. I believe I bring maple syrup to the table, and what the hell, yolo, right?
well im going to bed...ltr all
@Rhino any of your work that you can release as standalone software?
ttyl LvB
@Rhino needs moar maple syrup and jumpstyle. Yolo.
@Rhino would not hire, not sweary enough. Lacks confidence in donut eating throughput evidently
Also my code appears to be working
So i'm off too
@SteveDL Not really. One of the downsides of doing an OU degree is that I work what the Swiss call 100% at work, and then 50% at home. So my work week is 42 hrs + whatever I need to do to pass my degree.
@SteveDL reminds me of that dilbert where PHB is trying to evaluate Wally's goals, which he defined himself.
Sadly I can relate to that being in pluridisciplinary research. It's good that places like OU exist though
> "Well fine then! okay, how may cups of coffee DID you drink??"
@AviD nice :D
@SteveDL Amazing. My reasons for not doing a degree the traditional route are basically that I was ill enough to have to withdraw, and the OU provided me a way to keep studying.
Is the degree as costly as elsewhere?
@SteveDL Not even close, especially if you started before they hiked the prices :)
@SteveDL I dont remember the punchline, but Wally had the foresight to even cap that, so it was more of aiming for a consistent average.
Also, when you consider I work full time too (usually)
The tricky thing is balancing the two
@AviD still I wish I could tell my boss that instead of admitting to being 2 weeks late on schedule because I failed to hack some code into glibc :P
Actually, every employer I have been to has at one point or other expressed a negative view of my OU studies.
of course
if you work out of hours you lose overall productivity
Yeah but it's not a second job, it's effectively employee development
Most of my employers have also expressed "we should have hired a graduate" or some variant thereof too
What I meant was that it mobilises your concentration, makes you more tired
which do you want? Pick one
What's the point if a math graduate?
you having done the last course on complex numbers or z arithmetic or whatever weird things mathematicians do wont make you better at using Git
many employers have so many cognitive biases and counterlogic positions.
so sick of those.
@SteveDL I know, but no graduate, no job. Even with my experience.
If I was 40, it would be a different story, but I'm not.
Plus, I like maths - the degree is for me.
it might be good to take some time to wrap it up then :-)
maybe some security certs would help too if you want to pursue there?
(well I hire programmers so I wouldnt rely on certs personally, I'd rely on your Github, but I'm special)
@SteveDL It is a strong possibility I do that. I'm in the position to do it (which is very lucky) and to focus on it and stop balancing the two.
let me know about your application
I tell you what though, if you see "OU graduate" on a CV and they worked FT while doing it, please take a moment to appreciate their time management skills :)
im dead, and im walking home now
still in the office
There's time in the day I didn't know was there!
Also how do you create a github profile as a working software engineer? Oh yeah, extracurricular activity. Saps your concentration :) At my previous employer contributing to opensource was frowned upon.
This is assuming they knew about it.
Fair enough
I meant for you to publish the software youre writing now
if allowed to
Which, as @AviD says, is kinda stupid :)
Thats what I do
I'm not writing anything right now (exam) but yeah
building a github profile is my next step
I have code around that can be cobbled together into small stuff
anyway go to sleep, I'll let you know about the application :)
As for the security side of things, tbh, I'm not sure anymore.
@SteveDL I'm not giving a hand to your D.
@Rhino You've just described my entire life in 3 sentences.
@Simon You're welcome.
Here lads, have some decent Techno in your life:
2 hours later…
Hey guys...i just saw this question security.stackexchange.com/questions/90259/… ... and i was wondering...if i ask a question about where i could get some certificates on pen testing field online and that are recognized...would be a good question or no?
3 hours later…
@Freedom Hey, good idea to ask first.
Generally SE is about helping people but I'd give two pieces of advice first:
Actually three
1. Be clear about what you want to find out. Show what you've looked at and what you might consider. With that comes:
2. Look for what has already been asked before and if your question is different make sure you're clear in the Q why this is. No harm in writing "so I read question X and this is interesting but..."
3. Questions that are really really specific to a very narrow set of circumstances tend to be hard to answer well and won't float so well.
4. Have a look at the careers Qs that were well received - this should give you a good go.
So I can't count.
Oh well.
Anyway, IF you think you can't ask on the main site because you think maybe the question has already been covered - or you just want to ask peoples experiences, which might be more what you need.
You can always ask here
I can't help on security certs myself having never done any (and I'm also not a pentester....)
But there's some good people here who have.
@Freedom Have a look at (security.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/career) and see how you think the question you have in your mind would fit.
@Freedom heya @Freedom, welcome to sec.se. That kind of question would be closed pretty quickly - and in fact has been asked numerous times and closed shut. The main reason for this is because we do not support "product reccomendation" type questions, which this is.
Other than that, the question is: duplicate; very subjective (what is good for one person isnt necessarily for another, depends greatly on specific set of personal circumstances); unclear - because it is missing a lot of personal context.
sorry for being so vehement, but you did ask :-)
that said, I would give you my answer: none are really good - if you are good, you dont need the cert, if you're not good the cert won't help you (well, past getting in the door). On the other hand there are certain fields / locales / companies that do require a specific cert - e.g. CREST for government types in UK.
on the other other hand, I personally would not agree to work with a company like that. so as I said - it is very personal, depends a lot on your context, skills, preferences, etc.....
but as @Rhino said - chatroom is a great place to ask!
@Rhino heh. I thought you were going for the monty python bit.
and now, for an interlude of funsies...
1 hour later…
@AviD it was a nice subtle reference :)
@Freedom - you can't just copy and paste from sources without proper attribution
@RoryAlsop thats not what he asked, he asked about certs
I have deleted it for now, but you can edit in the correct attribution/reference, and check that you haven't just copied the entire thing
@RoryAlsop and isn't "Attribution == China" just implied nowadays?
@RoryAlsop oh ah. figured it wasnt what he was just asking in the chat up above...
I need those 10k
BTW @AviD we shall think about that tag cleaning sometime
oh. heh. oh yes. definitely. for sure.
well okay, I guess it should really be a slow drip rather than a concerted mass effort.
better chances of success.
The agile way, right?
@AviD idk. But if we can devise a planning, that should go smoothly
we don't have to make this "the week of cleaning" ofc :)
yeah, we kinda have that. its just a question of following up on it.
well, and consensus.
The nice thing to have would be a "review queue" for tags
there kinda sorta is, -ish.
ah, you mean for new tags. yeah, there used to be, not anymore.
@AviD new tags, flagged tags idk.
oh. oh wow. that there is a nice pile of crappe.
Or just mod-flagged tags that goes through the list of question
I really do not have time for this right now.
heh - just got mod-tools privileges over on Astronomy :-)
nuke it then :-)
or maybe I shall
?? should we have a tag for all the performing arts now?
@RoryAlsop please do. I dont have time to look at it now....
@AviD we should have s-mime eventually
@AviD do we have a tag delete link? I can remove it off the question and it will get auto deleted, but I can't see a manual one
@RoryAlsop no :-(
no worries
we can merge it to something else, or synonimize it. no KILL button.
@AviD It'll get removed soon enough
aww shucks. just had to turn down a trip to Spain. :-(
bad timing...
@AviD I'll have you know that stands for Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions.
@Rhino kidding, I of course do know this.
Gonna see if I can get on the site somehow
still dont think it deserves a tag here, though.
@Rhino heartbleed + buttache
@AviD that's not quite what I had in mind....
I can confirm the tone has been lowered.
@Rhino not really
@AviD As a mathematician I consider what happens when epsilon, an already minuscule quantity, tends towards zero. It isn't much of a difference but I dare say very precise tone measuring instruments could detect it.
ha! lol
actually yeah, I was thinking of "butthurt", yknow how people get on the interwebs when they dont like something.
buttache does sound... "different".
waiting for @Simon to jump in with something appropriately stupid like "haha lewrl dat luks liek buttstache"
jk, @Simon, we all love you.
well, really really like you.
well, mildly fond of you.
well, enjoy having you around.
keep going this limit exists
well, dont hate you.
and is zero
well, aren't actively trying to kill you.
well, most of us.
well, only because jail.
@Rhino heh. okay I'm done. Happy?
I do enjoy Tennant's "well..." series.
That will be the first thing @Simon sees when he gets up...
@Simon is going to work for @SteveDL now anyways
His D will become a PhD
@Rhino oh? I thought he was gonna go janitoring for Facebook.
@AviD I applied to Steve's lab on his behalf last night. See star wall to the right. I think I did a good job at capturing his character and motivation.
hehe. lovely.
9 hours ago, by AviD
@Rhino needs moar maple syrup and jumpstyle. Yolo.
oh, didnt notice you edited it in? good for you!
But of course he might be janitoring for facebook, I don't know.
@AviD Of course. I couldn't figure out a way to get jumpstyle in mostly because that sounds like a cool thing and SNOOORTTTT C compilers SNOORRTTT.
Whereas I know what maple syrup is.
@AviD - that's a wonderfully sinister threat :-)
@RoryAlsop nah, I figured it went too far.
it's all good fun and games till somebody puts out an eye, and someone else beheads your direwolf and sews it's head on to your decapitated neck.
@AviD yup - always the way
Is that Game of Thrones? Will he ever finish the books? I refuse to read another book until he finishes the entire series.
oh, I couldnt say.
He'll just keep adding characters to kill
@RoryAlsop Is this more techno?
@Rhino no - possibly the opposite. This is real music
Faith No More - but that line is just very appropriate
Will be seeing them live in 2 weeks - for the first time in 22 years :-)
I can't wait
@RoryAlsop nice!
didnt know they were still touring
@AviD I think there were hiatuses (hiatii?)
I want it to be hiatii
actually "hiatus" is already plural. Singular is "hiation".
and yes, I did just make that up.
Screw you, criterion.
@AviD I was about to say "hang on...that's not..."
@AviD stop being so criterious
Well in latin, it's singular and plural
hiare is the latin root. I read that with the same notes in my head as "Volare"
Noun: hiatus (plural hiatus or hiatuses)
  1. A gap in a series, making it incomplete.
  2. (geology) A gap in geological strata.
  3. (linguistics)
  4. hiatus
  5. hiatus m (plural hiatus)
(2 more not shown…)
hoo? this oneboxes :?
(The Dean Martin version is not upbeat enough for this time of day)
@M'vy good to know!
@Rhino we already have a Simon in my lab
can't have two :|
simple, just call everybody simon.
Or rename everyone to Bruce.
@AviD if you're not careful doing that it will lead to encounters with piemen!
thats racist
@AviD wait pieman is a racist term?
@AviD nope, still no idea
I dunno, what did YOU mean?
I was making a pun based on the nursery rhyme
Simple Simon met a pieman,
Going to the fair;
Says Simple Simon to the pieman,
Let me taste your ware.

Says the pieman to Simple Simon,
Show me first your penny;
Says Simple Simon to the pieman,
Indeed I have not any.

Simple Simon went a-fishing,
For to catch a whale;
All the water he had got,
Was in his mother's pail.

Simple Simon went to look
If plums grew on a thistle;
He pricked his fingers very much,
Which made poor Simon whistle.
kind of silly calling him "simple simon". I would think that is assumed.
it's a tautologie
@AviD well the nursery rhyme was first published in 1764, so it must be a theme
> We're pleased to tell you that your Stack Exchange swag is on its way!
oh, also, thanks @Avi for the stickers!
@Adi sure thing! I still have a stack of them to dispose of...
@Adi cool, for what?
@AviD No clue. They said they'll send me some stuff. No clue what they are
@Adi no, I meant why are they sending it? some conference?
or just because they like you?
@AviD I'm giving a talk about Sec.SE
Oh oh.. I contacted the company owning the domain sec.se
They want to keep it
@Adi ahh cool cool
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