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@Flyk or a co-incidental stalker
@Simon oh?
@Flyk I keep dropping them, or attempting to catch them by the wire while they're dropping.
That can't be any good.
google the price of replacement cables, that will stop you from doing that
I'd much rather google pictures of kittens.
@RоryMcCune Stop trying to apply logic to politics.
@Flyk No but their stuff works, so if they want to spy on me they can. It's my hot body.
@raz pics
ew gross
basically scarred for life
@Flyk It's what I do best.
today has been my most active day on Stack Exchange so far this year
nobody will notice
I generally don't pay attention to other people's activity.
when I'm properly active, people complain
I guess they would do that when a user submits 100 edits in a day
no, valuable edits
uh, "valuable"
but large, substantial edits the rest of the time
I'm now going to pick one of my edits at "random" to demonstrate my point, ignoring the bulk of my edits
world class edit
tbh, I usually target a particular thing, clear that list, then target another particular thing
my favorite is "recieve"
but I don't just edit to "receive" and leave all the other mistakes
chances are, users who can't spell "receive" also don't grammar or capitalize
since they're obviously dribbling idiots who failed high school
@Flyk BTW did you get your PC fixed ok?
@RоryMcCune yes
@Flyk \o/ what turned out to be the issue?
I even tried to write some music today, but still ended up installing a bunch of drivers myself
or was it "meh reinstall fixes all evils"
might as well have just done it myself
SSD failure
@Flyk blech, what brand?
2 hours ago, by Flyk
yes, I have a 512gb crucial ssd as a coaster
I've had good luck so far with Samsungs
@Flyk ah well therein lies your problem, I'd stick to Intels and samsungs if I was you
all of mine are crucial
except the new one
with is a ocz
@Flyk so not just less important?
oh right
har, funny
didn't even see that one
@Flyk that's the best way with puns
this pc has an ocz ssd in it too
never had any issues with it
but then I've never had any issues with the others either until yesterday
I thought SSDs were meant to fail in read only mode
@Flyk depends on the type of failure, I guess. no way it would be wearing out (which would be the readonly thing) at that short a lifetime
yeah but out of the collective experience of everybody I know, none of us have ever had one fail in read only
I would have thought the rest of the hardware had similar reliability to the controllers on spinning disks
@Flyk would seem logical, but there's always duds in every tech I guess
I suppose we did all jump on the SSD bandwagon as soon as the prices started coming down
I have a collection of no-longer-used 64gb SSDs
@Flyk I love my SSDs, wouldn't be without them
@RоryMcCune same
and silent is better than any noise at all
I'm not going to repeat my mistake from my last music pc build the next time either
of having a high end graphics card to drive all the displays
stupid noisy fans
will just grab the cheapest fanless triple display port card available at the time
I wonder how well windows deals with not having a page file when you actually run out of free RAM
@Flyk yeah in your line of work I can see the noise being a bad thing(tm)
any kind of noise at all
in my last pc I had a weird electrical whine output through the sound card
that sound card was probably dodgy though
the amount of times the cables had been pulled out of the back of it, you could make windows bluescreen by wiggling the cables
@Flyk impressive
I come peek in after a long while, and @Simon is still talking about people shitting on him, #DMZ
you must have literally 40 million notifications
Yiss, our application was accepted and I'm moving out.
Goodbye satan's driveway, hello heated sidewalks
"heated sidewalks"
@DavidFreitag is that really a thing?
@RoryAlsop They have a geothermal generator similar to the ones you can put on your house. In the winter it keeps portions of the parking lots and all of the sidewalks just above freezing.
I had linux on my laptop. TRIM was not enabled for the longest time on my SSD
@Ohnana That's not the worst thing in the world. At least you didn't defrag it regularly.
@DavidFreitag it was still a facepalm moment
also I'm older than lighty AHAHAHAH
I keep forgetting how old I am
@DavidFreitag That's because you're old.
@raz 23 is old?
@DavidFreitag older than 22
@RоryMcCune Doesn't really feel like it, if I'm honest.
@DavidFreitag that's the thing, it never does (at least in my experience)
@RоryMcCune I still try going to the young couples' events in my neighborhood.
I was always hoping for an instantaneous transformation into something more badass.
at least my wife gets to mock me endlessly.
@AviD yeah I'm going to hang out with a bunch of students next week
@DavidFreitag so you could shave your head and grow a goatee.
^is I'm sure what I'll be like
@DavidFreitag not instantaneous, but only 2 steps.
@AviD My facial hair doesn't really grow. I haven't shaved in two months give or take a week and it isn't even a cm long
@RоryMcCune arent you now?
@Ohnana Lighty is basically the baby of the room
I'm teaching my dad how to play Counter Strike: Global Offensive, he says the russians in that game are globally offensive
@Ohnana also you may or may not be older than me, also
@Lighty true
@DavidFreitag If you're starting to forget things... maybe it is for you
@Lighty You should tell your dad not to quit his day job.
@AviD I meant I'll be like that next week when drinking with students
@raz I'm not starting to, I've always had the memory of a goldfish.
@DavidFreitag Maybe you are a goldfish
@Lighty I hope not, my house it at the bottom of the ocean
@Lighty man wait 50 years and all the video game goons are gonna be muslim or arab
@DavidFreitag Is it a pineapple?
@Lighty Nope that's the neighbor
under the sea?
Simonbob Canadianpants!
@DavidFreitag The accuracy of you living in the middle house is breathtaking real
@Lighty Are you saying I'm some kind of obtuse squid with a very large nose?
@DavidFreitag maybe not a squid
@DavidFreitag Well, I'm pretty sure your nose is long
add the shaved head bit...
the word "obtuse" always makes me think of Andy Dufresne
That's my favorite movie.
@Flyk How can you be so obtuse.
@Lighty that wasnt his nose you felt!
@RоryMcCune your hair appears to be retreating
@RоryMcCune Are you just showing me in black and white to show how old I am :-)
@raz psh, how can you be so obtuse
@AviD french gasp
@RоryMcCune yeah, he does always look like a badass
@AviD whose was it?
@AviD Hahahaha ...yeah it was..
@RoryAlsop nah first picture that showed up when I google image searched your name :op
@Flyk wrong rory
@RоryMcCune damn all you rories look the same, like you were made in some kind of rory factorory
@Flyk I think they may have broken the mould with the elder Rory though
@Flyk Genesis 1:27
@Flyk factorory
@RоryMcCune hm, needs more lasers
@DavidFreitag the mold didn't break, it rotted away over several millenia
@AviD fixed
totally don't look like a rocker
@Flyk In what way
even rockers have learned how to stealth into the real world now
Music is on the inside
@RoryAlsop The picture on the left makes you look like a predator
@RoryAlsop I'd say needs maor laz0rz, but you look bad-arse by nature, so yeah, no need
@Lighty I have 2 lasers there, I had two on the floor, and my new guitar has lasers - but isn't quite finished yet
Oh, and I had a light saber at that gig
@DavidFreitag @RoryAlsop the one on the right looks like he is wielding arc lightning spells
@RoryAlsop Were you ever so Rory, you went like "Dude, my guitar needs a fcking laser in it"
@AviD that one is very odd - it makes my face/mask look like a transformer
I need a guitar with a laser now
@Lighty of course you do. There is only so much you can do with a guitar that just has fire
@RoryAlsop no - like a Diablo 3 magical boss monster
@Flyk Run out of weed?
lol out of weed
pls, I have more weed than the cartel
@RoryAlsop I want to build a flamethrower in Dads new Bass Guitar now
and "accidently" activate it
@RoryAlsop not enough flames
when I make a guitar flamethrower, I start with a flamethrower then add the guitar to it, not the other way around
@Flyk I know. But I have a pyro company who will do me a set of their smalles flame generators next time we play an outdoor festival
6 metre flames is their smallest!!!
I can't wait
it's not pyrotechnics unless you light a fire circling the crowd
@RoryAlsop i believe that's a fucking barbecue
I need somebody to build me some custom fireworks
@Ohnana It's awesome, is what it is. For that one, I don't get to control it. It's remotely controlled by their guy, who shuts it off if I point it anywhere I shouldn't :-(
@Flyk Starbait denied
@RoryAlsop I have a star sprinkler on my guitar, does that count?
here's what I want
my next album has a rainbow dash color scheme going on
@RoryAlsop that's good. spotters are helpful bastards
without mentioning rainbow dash for obvious legal reasons
@Flyk Speak to these guys: 21ccgroup.com
I want fireworks that explode into said colors
Also, Rory, guess what I've found in my storage/server room?
big fireworks
two people: the guy with the flame, and the guy with the extinguisher
like... rattles windows for miles fireworks
@Ohnana Well, I did argue that as I have £10million public liability insurance it couldn't be that bad, surely :-)
I need enough BOOM to make people think we're under attack
@Flyk and then tour Afghanistan?
nope, muslim country
bad news for women
@Flyk good point
metaltech... they any good?
Look like a bunch of bucketheads
@raz they're ok, I guess
@raz I heard some of their tracks, wasn't really a fan
@RoryAlsop I'll give'em a shot.
plus whoever records them videos with a smartphone needs a lobotomy
@Flyk It's not likely to ever appeal to you or Simon
@RoryAlsop nice way to make them sound like a couple :op
@Flyk I now have about 40 hours by GoPro - editing is an issue though
hey, while I'm not a fan, you succeeded where metallica failed
@Lighty very cool
@RoryAlsop Speaking of music people should listen to, wasn't there a track you wanted me to hear yesterday?
in that I willingly listened to one of your tracks in full
@Flyk I am honoured
three, in fact
@DavidFreitag oh, yes, erm... I think it was actually a youtube of the whole album. Hang on
@RoryAlsop A Ayra laser, small remote came with it, Green and Red clas IIc lasers
@Flyk well - you gave it a shot
I even - for a brief moment - heard a nice phat running bassline and a BPM increase of about +10 and my "standard" supersaw for a lead
backed by guitars
only for a brief moment
@Flyk That sounds okay :-)
like .07 seconds
@DavidFreitag it's a bit stoner thrashy - bits are good, bits less so - have a wee flick through it and see what you think
@Flyk lol - dashed again
(not like a rainbow)
and I'm fairly certain I could get my usual sized crowd dancing to sex on the dancefloor, even in its current form
@Flyk well - I would say I'll send you a free signed copy of our 1st album, but it would have to be sent to a dead drop in Greenock, I guess
no, I'm rethinking that whole trip due to your overwhelmingly negative response regarding the area
@RoryAlsop would make a change from people dropping dead in Greenock anyway
@Flyk Glasgows nice
@Flyk just avoid Greenock
@RоryMcCune I've not heard that about Glasgow
@Flyk no seriously there's loads of nice places in Glasgow
I've heard that Glasgow is full of angry people who will glass you for saying hi in the wrong dialect
Tried to explain GHz and Processors (FLops per sec) to girlfriend, and Finally discovered how much smarter than me dogs are. Even ameobas have more intelligence than me. Oh and I'm a jackass.
and my scottish dialect is... none existent
call them Giga Potatoes per Second
@Lighty really? You going to do this in here?
@Flyk nah people get on fine in Glasgow
@Flyk that isn't the wrong dialect. Edinburgh dialect is the wrong dialect :-)
@Flyk From all the stuff you people do n this room, I see no shame anymore
@RoryAlsop lol
@Lighty Flops per second? That's a tautology I've not heard before.
@Lighty yes but do you think insulting women in my presence is a good idea, like at all?
@Flyk Do I look like a guy with any good ideas at all?
@Lighty I'd have to agree with @Flyk on this one.
@Lighty that'll do
so, what doesn't she understand?
About computer hardware?
@Flyk even if you werent here.
almost everything
yes, tell me exactly what you said to her, so I can tell you how wrong you are and that it is ultimately the teacher's fault, not the students
for that matter, as you will note above, I think my presence has more of a direct effect on him.
@AviD your presence has a direct effect on everybody, unfortunately
@Lighty oh, and let this be a warning to you. Jackassery will not be abided.
@Flyk true.
@RoryAlsop So far it's not too bad. It started a bit slow but it picked up a bit
you ruined it
:20131401 ahhh - nice. You beat me to the idea
now I look like I'm hating on somebody for calling themselves a jackass!
WOE IS ME, such a mean person :(
@RoryAlsop feel free to embellish
@Flyk Whenever I try to make a fool out of myself, @AviD is there to ruin it, man D:
@Flyk yeah, well, it is insulting to jackasses.
@Lighty well, there's making a fool, and there's deliberately antagonising others
@AviD poor donkies
I'm not even antagonized, I just like looking like I'm about to snap at somebody to see how they react
@Flyk They're like onions, they'll get over it.
@Flyk that comment chain was incredibly confusing until I realized it was Avid all along
@Ohnana it's always avid, if anything doesn't make sense, ever, blame avid
@DavidFreitag Or like parfait
@RoryAlsop Yes, exactly!
@Flyk So, you're saying you should also blame @AviD for me? ;D
@Flyk oh, that wasnt about you at all
oh, I'm not special :(
@Flyk sorry, it wasnt you, it was all women
@Flyk see what I did there?
I don't like it
@AviD got yourself in trouble with your missus if she ever reads this Stackexchange chat room?
Please put on your goggles and look away from the light on impact, please refrain from looking directly into the blast until 10 seconds after detonation
yes that is what to be butthurt over
go sit in the corner.
@RоryMcCune nah, my wife is a feminist.
Do you know why she is a feminist?
@AviD yeah but you implied she's not special....
@AviD missuses tend not to take that kindly
@AviD lol wat
men can be feminists as well, you know
@RоryMcCune heh
you know, being a feminist is basically wanting gender equality
unless you're an extremist
@Flyk as my wife often points out
and then you kill people who draw comics
@Flyk actually, I dont like that term anymore.
@Flyk one who can edit posts?
like all of the other extremists
@RоryMcCune :p
it relies on an assumption of female inferiority.
I prefer "humanist"
@AviD I don't, the vast majority of people dismiss everything you say the moment you say feminist
you've never seen me say "I am a feminist"
even though everybody assumes it
@Flyk No - you are @Flyk
@Flyk no, thats not why I dont like it, I mean in the other direction
@Flyk I dont think anyone here thinks you are a feminist
@AviD ironically, we're both correct, which is special since we both came at that from opposite ends of the argument
Misandry != feminism.
@AviD not in here, elsewhere on the network though
@AviD so many people don't get that, at all
@Flyk *Forum
@Flyk yeah, but usually its the other way around
oh, I just worked out why I have a massive headache
this kick drum has information at 5hz
@Flyk Through reference monitors, do you get anything?
Or are you running that through subs
well, yes
the cones move if you filter everything above 10hz
so there will be some "noise" even if inaudible
I love NI Massive so much
@Flyk que?
@Flyk ahh I briefly thought you were referring to a rap posse in Belfast
that explains your surprise
@DavidFreitag this one is for you
@AviD I never said I was old
I seem to remember you did.
That was @raz.
I generally refer to myself as a small gold-colored aquatic creature.
@DavidFreitag ah, spongebob.
@AviD Hey, just because I live at the bottom of the sea that doesn't make me spongebob.

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