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Belated Christmas present from my sister
btw y'all seen this, right?
Its a bit warm
6 hours later…
@JeffFerland you broke it again?
2 hours later…
morning all
@DavidFreitag could be useful during Snowmaggedon!
@RоryMcCune As usual the predictions were a bit far fetched. So far we have about 4", but there's another 12 hours of snow yet to come.
@DavidFreitag yeah over the UK the authorities seem to have got really jumpy this year as well, with all the warnings for ice/snow/rain/wind
morning all
@DavidFreitag if 4" are not enough, there are some pills you can take...
I find not having a big knob to hand makes life very difficult
every studio should have a big knob
the piece of studio equipment that I just can't live without
having a big knob provides major usability improvements
you're so immature
I'm looking at you, @TerryChia
@kalina What? :(
don't think I don't know what you're doing
sitting there smirking
while I talk about my big knob
still, you should see the looks on some people's faces when I proclaim "I have a big knob"
but, as you can clearly see in the above picture
this device is, in fact, called a big knob
why have a small knob when you could have a big knob?
if you ever need a knob, I highly recommend this big knob
right, I just need one more
@kalina One more knob?
no, one more star
for total domination
big knobs are the best
@kalina Yea, I knew, but just wanted to play along with the knob wordplaying.
I haven't had this much fun since I discovered that the animated "I'm doing something" thing that people use, typically associated with web stuff, is called a "Throbber"
hey guys, it's entirely @TerryChia's fault
now if only I could find some method of combining my big knob with my throbber
ironically, that's the only out of place comment I've made today
everything else was a legitimate product recommendation
@kalina Done in a very star baity fashion.
well, maybe
@TerryChia Mostly because you are quite easy to bait.
I can't think of another non-baity method of saying some of these sentences
the product is called "Big Knob", there is no way that I can see that would avoid being enthusiastic about said product without also looking like starbait
and really, having a proper volume control that adds no noise to the signal that's that easy to use is definitely something to recommend
not to mention it allows switching between monitors, multiple headphone outputs, real time hardware based output monitoring, etc
so many pretty lights
literally getting to the stage where my workspace looks like mission control
I thought about getting a second row of monitors but figured that is too far, since I don't need them and wouldn't use them
@kalina Everyone has a big knob. I have one :-)
@kalina But it'd look fancy?
@RoryAlsop and is it something you highly rate? You'd definitely never use a small knob ever again, right?
@kalina It's easier to get your hand on it, point it accurately without any fiddling, and it feels solid
@RoryAlsop very solid
Do Mackie even make any other products?
or do they rely on the scurrilous name of this one
Now that I've had a big knob, I can't see myself ever going back to a smaller one
@RoryAlsop yeah Mackie make loads of products :P
@kalina you are just star playing today, eh :-)
you knew that already, though
@kalina @Simon will be disappointed.
@RoryAlsop no actually, this all started very innocently
@RoryAlsop you're one to talk.
obviously I'm not at home right now, I'm trying to write down some of my ideas
@AviD Well, as I have a big knob I couldn't keep quiet about its benefits
I keep reaching over my keyboard for my big knob
and it's not there
the benefits of the big knob completely outweigh the loss in productivity from joking about it
it's an innocent and highly useful piece of hardware that has the added bonus of always ensuring your studio environment is full of happiness
and as we all know, laughter is good for creativity
also, having a hardware control for volume is a massive usability improvement
turns two (or more, depending on your routing) clicks into a muscle memory action
I spent so long looking for the perfect device for this purpose, when I found the big knob, I was positively ecstatic.
anyway, thanks, this way this escalated has improved my day from being miserable to a glimmer of hope
@kalina :-)
which is actually quite the improvement, because my morale has jumped off a cliff in the last few days
@kalina Understandable
My class has a bit of discussion about a shady tweet from LizardSquad, those neckbeard l33t Hax0rz, they "claim" they took down Facebook and such this morning, can anyone confirm that? i can't find squat xD
@Lighty Yo momma took down Facebook by sitting on it.
@TerryChia if she did, it wouldn't be down for 1 hour ;P
She moaned as the sudden spurt of hot white liquid soaked her quivering cleavage. It was the third time she'd spilt her Horlicks that week.
Erotica for the Over 80s
13 tweets, 10.7k followers, following 13 users
@TerryChia W.T.S.F
@tylerl I wonder if you have, and are able to share any internal numbers on how much Google has paid out for its Patch Rewards program over the 1 year it has been active.
@TerryChia hahahahahaha. That's even better than 50 sheds of grey
which, I have just discovered, has been outselling 50 shades of grey :-)
I think I have just been damaged beyond repair, by reviewing the messages I've missed in the last 30 minutes in the DMZ
@Lighty It'd be down for months?
@Arperum years
@Lighty So that is why the Netherlands are so flat and below sea level. Your mom sat on them.
@Arperum you know it
so much yam
am yo oroight
interesting fact of the day, guaranteed to cause wincing: it is possible to snap a penis
@kalina Yup, and some positions have a way higher chance to cause it.
I suggest not doing that
you'll lose potential friends
best I could find, sorry :-(
@RoryAlsop Not doing that sounds like a pretty good plan.
I have never done it
I have a pretty decent understanding of how to, though
@kalina just in case, of course.
well actually, it's more like active prevention, by knowing how, you can avoid doing those things
@RoryAlsop sometimes guys insist ... in the weirdest of positions and you're like "you know there's a 40 degree bend just there, right?"
@kalina nice edit :-)
seemed a little too graphic
I'm not embarrassed to admit that I do that
do what?
what did I miss?
I'm also not star baiting
I think there should be more mature conversations about things women get up to, bodily functions, birth control... everything
I'm sure that most guys have wondered what menstruating feels like at some point in their lives
and I know most guys have thought about what it would be like to have your own pair of breasts
and birth control is talked about so little that most women don't even know how it works
granted, this place is probably not the place
@kalina That's not good.
way to kill the DMZ
award for turning the DMZ into a "WOAH REALLY IS THAT HAPPENING IN HERE?" zone
well, this is a new form of discussion in here o.o
yeah... sorry
I forgot the internet doesn't like it when I start being serious or actually talk about things that matter
@kalina Not everyone is self-employed like you.
I have to work in between chatting for a bit.
@kalina not that it doesn't matter, just that it's a topic I'd not seen in this room previously
@TerryChia reminds me of
Innuendo themed parody account. In no way linked to Nigella Lawson or her plumptious beauties. Ran by @sidneyabbot
122 tweets, 9.7k followers, following 335 users
@kalina I think that is the key line :-)
@RoryAlsop great, now I'm thinking of key limes.
@AviD mmm - pie
did I tell you the marshmallow lady round the corner from work does the most emazing key lime pie flavoured marshmallows?
@Arperum hey, that's not fair at all
I've built the basic arrangement of maybe €2500 worth of stuff today
it will take another 8 hours per track before they're worth that
and then probably 6 months for me to get 50% of that
and then remaining 50% over the course of 2-3 years in ever decreasing amounts
but that's not the point!
it's not like I could stay in bed all day and make money
well, that's not true
@kalina You can work at night if you want...
I earn the majority of my money at night
(not starbait)
I'll accept that
@kalina :-)
@RoryAlsop I don't know, it seems to be acceptable to talk about literally anything else
@kalina yeah, but generally not in a serious manner
I feel so alone, being the only active representative of my demographic
@kalina as far as you know...
for all we know someone like @Lighty is a girl
(assuming that's the demographic to which you refer)
@RоryMcCune and @Simon may have had a stand in donut for his ALS vid :-)
and I could actually be a dog
@JourneymanGeek :-)
you're not a dog?
you type very well for a dog
@RoryAlsop He uses a bark to code translation service.
@Arperum through "Google Dog"
@RoryAlsop Exactly. @tylerl can probably tell us more. The secret has leaked anyway, so no need to not speak up anyway.
@RoryAlsop good call
@AviD pls
@RoryAlsop I had 2 donuts last evening!
@Simon won't they get jealous?
@Simon oh, you're cutting back?
are we using donut as a euphemism, because if so we're getting conflicting messages
sometimes "donut" is a euphemism for an actual "donut"
@RoryAlsop Nah, my donut had a bite, it's all fine.
@AviD I treat it as a translation euphemism of doughnut :-)
@AviD that wouldn't be a euphemism
@AviD Those were my first donuts in 2-3 months!
@Simon broke dick?
brick joke
I would like to thank you all for your part in rep capping me for the first time on Superuser yesterday
especially @LucasKauffman for asking another easily Google-able question
@kalina wasn't me - I don't really hang out there. I'm still sub 3k rep over there
@RoryAlsop Oh lawd, I should rewatch that movie.
and dat quality
@kalina That sounds like @LucasKauffman.
Actually, that sounds like his job description. ;)
my two highest voted answers on SU are answers to @LucasKauffman questions, consisting of basically paraphrasing the first answer I found on Google
Huh, blink182 broke up again.
I'm going to ask "who is blink 182?"
but I don't really care, because the first result on google says "not a dance artist"
@kalina Are you actually serious? O_O
75% serious
wait, about the first bit or the second?
@kalina First bit.
right, I'm 100% serious about that
@kalina Looks like a boys band.
(Though the expression "boys band" has fallen out of fashion)
@TerryChia :)
@RoryAlsop me too, like 600
@ThomasPornin I think over here they still call that sort of thing a 'boy band'
Blink 182 did a spoof boy band vid but I'm not sure they qualify
despite being a band
and boys
@Simon hipsters
@Simon This.
Like at least heard of them.
Yeah, come on!
@RoryAlsop I love that video. :)
I declare this morning a blink-182 morning.
Time to listen to "I Miss You".
sorry, I must be a hipster because I don't know of blink 182
woe is me
let me go and get my beret
and wear it backwards and sideways...
@kalina And write Javascript.
I wrote some javascript once
on that day, a lot of bad things happened
@kalina Go listen to "The Rock Show" now.
@kalina You mean, aside from the fact that you wrote Javascript?
@Simon no
Was that the day Google routed everything thru Asia @kalina?
@kalina You suck and not the right way.
flips a near by desk
@kalina Fine, listen to "First Date" and I'll never ask you to listen to a song ever if you can't relate to the lyrics.
Or Adam's Song.
I don't want to
A music producer who isn't diverse music-wise and refuses to discover new music is a bad music producer.
I am diverse music wise, I listened to 30 seconds from 6 of their tracks and they all sounded like noise
you've basically just stated I must be incompetent at what I do for a living because I don't share your tastes in music
What did you listen to while growing up?
I'm not talking to you
That's not what I said but sure, drama it up.
But Blink 182 is awesome!
Carousel that is all.
Carousel is pretty damn fast.
@raz I still like Travis better though. :)
Yeah, me too.
But Dammit is goddamn good.
Actually, I think I prefer Tom's voice.
Well yeah, but The Mark, Tom, and Travis show fixed that :D
Tom's a giant dick.
** Talking about Travis.
@TerryChia How so?
@Simon Go read up on the latest drama.
Oh, bleh.
I just leave Blink 182 at Blink 182. And I'm happy.
He basically pulled the same shit as the last time they broke up.
hi @Lighty, my favorite currently-active person
@kalina Said no one ever...
^ lulz
I just said it
and I meant it
@kalina Someone pin this right now! /cc @AviD, @RоryMcCune
@TerryChia no. No no no. Just no.
yeah because we don't have enough pinned stars already
pins will be removed.
Josie's lyrics are damn cute.
@AviD you should give me room owner in here
Do we have enough stars yet?
@kalina hahahahahahahahaha!
I'm being serious
I think I deserve it
Giving powers to someone unstable emotionally? aw yeah boi
see now that starflood overwhelms the original stupid star. Just as well.
10594 starred messages - wonder how many are actually worthwhile stars :-)
Probably like 3.
@RoryAlsop All of them?
@RoryAlsop 4
Start reading from here to get an idea: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/151/the-dmz/…
I'll take responsibility for the flooding of stars.
Someone should make a Markov generator trained from the pinned messages.
Aug 8 '11 at 14:49, by Rory Alsop
in which case I am a moron
I'm sad that I'm turning 24, "What's My Age Again?" will stop being right :(
Was it illegal for more than 1 person to star a post back in 2011?
@TerryChia Hmmmm I think it might get repetitious
With all the boredom that goes on here.
@raz everyones reading the old star wall...
I should be writing a goddamn manual, not reading a starwall.
I should be able to concentrate but I have cleaners and painters making ungodly amounts of noise for too early in the morning.
@raz Listen to some music?
I am just about concentrating, but the painkillers are not helping much...
@RoryAlsop thats why I try to turn the pins into little out-of-context stories some times, the starwall doesn't feel too mega :)
@RоryMcCune I enjoy those days - nice little surprises
@RoryAlsop yeah needs the right sequence of stars, but with this rooms haibtues about, that happens fairly frequently...
@RоryMcCune I'm not sure the plasmasturm piece works. He states that control is more important for the smaller project. To me that's very wrong. A 10% deviance in costs on the small one might make it unprofitable, but still only lose 100k off the possible, whereas the 2nd will remain profitable but could lose 5mill.
(see the star wall sucks you in until you start questioning everything)
What's new?
@RoryAlsop yeah I think what he was getting at was that when the potential gains on a project are very high, the control isn't too necessary, but where margins are tight it is (or at least thats how I read it...)
@RоryMcCune yeah - his wording is odd though
interesting blog
also quite tired
might go and nap until it's dark
huh, who knew.. outlook uses HTTP Basic auth over HTTPS
@TerryChia I think my all time favorite is "Stay Together For The Kids".
@Simon 1. I Miss You 2. Adam's Song 3. Dammit
Yeah, not a bad top 3 at all.
@RоryMcCune "Outlook does something random shocker", nobody is shocked
the world rolls their eyes in unison
@kalina did I suggest you'd be interested :op
did I suggest I was being serious?
goddamit do I have to be calling simon names all day for people to assume I'm joking?
@kalina your words implied it (in my reading of them which is of course subjective)
I can get back to talking about periods if you want
@kalina whatever floats your boat :)
it's not my least favorite part of life, but it's certainly up there
periods, cockblocking men since the beginning of humanity.
only cockblocking if you're not willing to do what you'd have to do
@AviD It's like anti-voodoo
@kalina I don't mind blood.
It's the chick that usually is uncomfortable with it.
that's usually due to the cramps, you can help with those too
it's hard to be turned on when it feels like somebody is punching you in the ovaries.
on a different note, another interesting (for a certain definition of the word that I'm defining to include this piece of information) thing is, office365 seems to have a REST API that returns all your mail as JSON data if you go to outlook.office365.com/api/v1.0/me/messages
"on a different note"
"swiftly changing course"
@Simon Sadly I still need to buy new headphones :(
I decided to hide in the back lab instead
yay a new pinboard short story courtesy of @AviD and @kalina
@RоryMcCune That's kind of fun
@raz That explains the expression:
@raz yeah it looks pretty complete msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/api/… which is cool, but I have a bad feeling that if JSON form submission becomes a browser standard all this web API stuff is going to be bad times from a security perspective
@raz ath m50x
@kalina I've been looking at those
I have a pair of ad700's at home that are fantastic.
I'm curious about headphones with wood casing, but haven't found a place to listen to them yet.
@RоryMcCune I'm not really a web guy, how is it done now?
@RоryMcCune isnt it already?
I kind of thought so
But I have limited web experience. Mostly from writing android apps.
one of the worst parts about it are lack of support from the infrastructure.
@AviD What do you mean?
@AviD no I don't think you can POST a form to have a json data type
for example, most WAFs finally got around to building in proper SOAP support just a couple of years ago. I've yet to see one that supports JSON and REST properly.
@RоryMcCune no, I meant is already "bad times from a security perspective"
@AviD ahh... well yes but that'll make it worse, it'll be CSRF all over the place submitting onto APIs
@AviD Oh I see
all the MS stuff is HTTP Basic auth over HTTPS
@RоryMcCune isnt it already? ;-)
I think @Avid is a robot.
Keep saying the same thing over and over again.
@AviD well at the mo' I'm not sure how you'd do it unless the API takes HTML form data....
@raz don't I already?
@AviD At least be good AI and get a better dictionary :P
so, I'm AI, but bad AI?
If I embrace my new machine overlords I at least want them to be well spoken.
I have standards.
no embracing nohomo
NOT that theres anything WRONG with that
My father's gay.
@raz depending on your budget - Audeze LCD-2
I would probably never purchase a pair of those, though
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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