re symlinks - always a bad idea, even on supposedly same *nix - implementation is often different. Git guidance is to never explicitly use symlinks (even if internally it kinda uses it)
@RоryMcCune not a hipster anymore, and DEFINITELY not a node.js-er... but yes, kinda
well actually to be accurate, npm is used as a repository. package management is usually something like grunt or bower or one of the other hipster package managers.
also, assuming the answer is "well, kinda-ish, depending" - then how bad would it be if it is seeded with a combination of datetime (to millisecond) and a basic math.random()....
(I know it is in the general direction of "bad", but I'm asking "HOW bad" - like "kinda bad, change it when you can", "pretty bad, fix it asap", "CHRUST THATS BAAAD STOP THE INTERNET NOW UNTIL YOU FIX IT"-bad...)
well the only shared part between rekeyings would be the seed for Math.random().
though I suppose that still wouldnt be enough to obscure that seed....
anyway, my point, I plan on submitting them about the low entropy and such - the question is, is the fact they are using RC4 for a CSPRNG enough of an issue for a separate issue, or just mention it as a bad practice in a by-the-by?
@AviD It's ok as long as you skip the first few bytes of the output after initialization. Not something to use in a new design but not a showstopper either.
@AviD IIRC there's one bit in the first byte that's guaranteed, and there's a bias in the first few hundred bytes that can be a problem in some applications
"Entropy" is a measure of what some data element could have been. We say that we have n bits of entropy in a bunch of bits if those bits could have, collectively, assumed 2n distinct values with uniform probability (there is a whole lot of complexity which hides under the "uniform" term). To make...
I know this was asked a few years ago on this very exchange, but I'm curious as to whether there have been any changes
Is there any reason to get an Organization Validation certificate over a domain validation certificate?
Specifically, end user wise?
I realize that the OV certificate probably has more research behind it, but does this affect anyone looking at a normal webpage in their regular ol' browser in any way?