Ok, does MD5 naturally break down with single-character strings or am I doing something wrong? Trying to golf a PowerShell script to brute-force MD5 hashes, but the bit I'm using to generate hashes doesn't seem to work properly with single-character strings. (Of course, trying to test with single-character strings first so the test will run quickly.) Most characters will make a 31-digit (hex) hash while some (so far, only '0') will put out the expected 32.
Ok. Tested 94 different single-character strings, and only 34 came up with 32-digit hashes.
In related news, counting in (roughly) base 94 seems to take quite awhile starting with just 3-digit numbers.
...so presumably you're doing it wrong. Or Microsoft is.
Could be that an initial zero is getting trimmed off. Test against a different hash implmeentation
A 7fc56270e7a70fa81a5935b72eacbe29
B 9d5ed678fe57bcca610140957afab571
C 0d61f8370cad1d412f80b84d143e1257
D f623e75af30e62bbd73d6df5b50bb7b5
E 3a3ea00cfc35332cedf6e5e9a32e94da
F 800618943025315f869e4e1f09471012
@JourneymanGeek most people have both a Linux desktop and a Macbook. But it's whatever you want. Theoretically you can choose windows (if you have appropriate justification). But you'll look like a tool.
Killer thing about this script is the goal is to brute-force an MD5 hash of a 9-character input. To generate the inputs for hashing, I've effectively taught the script how to count in base-94. It goes okay up until it hits around 3 digits. Then it just seems to take forever. Don't want to imagine how long it will take to get to 9.
Sure, the upper ranges of the code space are stored much less efficiently, but in exchange for that you get basically 1-byte-1-char for 98% of your network traffic.
@AviD Not sure that'd be more efficient in terms of character count. I've only got about a half-dozen if statements involved in my counter. And some of that can probably be optimized.
Haven't actually golfed the base-94 counting part yet.
Gotta get it mashed together and playing nice with the hashing part first.
@AviD I have it create a reverse-indexed array of characters (last element of the array is the first "digit" of the "number") starting with code 33 (!) and running up to code 126 (~). Each time an element in the array hits 126, the next element is incremented (or created as 33 if non-existing) and the capped one is reset to 33.
There are two scenarios that I have saw device ownership.
In TPM, there is an ownership establishment procedure.
When we purchase a new cell phone, the SIM card activation also has some ownership establishment procedure.
What are the main purposes of these device ownership establishment?
but I am not familiar enough with those terms to be able to make a sensible edit out of it.
@Gilles errr
it seems like he is saying there that its only one of his scenarios
I've noticed you people are really nasty to @Simon. Any time I say something mean about him (and lets be honest, thats pretty often), it always gets lots of stars.
I mean, I'm just joking with him, yknow like sibling rivalry, but you guys are just nasty.
central heating is on but still warming up, gloves are a little extreme and only warm a small part of my body, enthusiastic jumping about results in unexpected boob pains
@Tinned_Tuna that sounds like a lot of physical exertion. If I were going to exert myself to that extent, surely just having sex would be the quickest and easiest way to generate heat?
@kalina ew, no. Firstly, that's going to be all sticky. Secondly, you have to take clothes off to do that. At least traditionally. How cold do you think that's going to make you?
Arthur Stanley Brown (20 May 1912 – 6 July 2002) was charged in 1998 for the 26 August 1970 rape and murder of Judith and Susan Mackay in Townsville, Queensland. The jury failed to reach a verdict and a new trial was blocked on the grounds that Brown was too senile to be tried again. Brown's arrest attracted wide publicity leading to a witness to the abduction of two children from Adelaide oval in 1973 identifying Brown as the man she had seen. Brown is considered a suspect for the Beaumont children disappearance based on the connections that have been made between him and the Adelaide oval abduction...
so I thought maybe build one - but that is crazy complicated, and I am NOT in the mood to start building kernel drivers, or digging in the virtual channels again.
@kalina further, while a skirt or a dress would probably be quite fun to wear (although, not entirely my style, to be fair), I think that in this weather, it would be a poor decision.
When my alarm goes off at ungodly o'clock, I just like getting out of bed. Admittedly the hot shower before going to work is good, but I see no benefit in staying in bed when there's things I could do out of it
I'm about to say "8 degrees is not warm" and then discovered the irony of me complaining about the temperature while half the channel is in Scotland, most likely under several feet of snow...
@kalina If the M7 is comparable in size to the M8, then the oneplus one is exactly the same size (give or take a few millimeters) and thinner. About half as thick.
@kalina I would recommend against the Nexus 5. While it is a really nice phone it suffers from the same problem all of the Nexus devices have. It's battery is much too small.
@kalina Technically it's still Google's current flagship.