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how can you love something you don't care about?
well, I did change a few years ago, and now I'm trying to change back - or rather, do both at once
development and security are two slightly different fields, I wanna do both
@AviD Stop living in a 3rd world country you donut.
@kalina I love the field, dont care about what most companies are doing
@Simon oh believe me, that has very little to do with it
I like how the Canadian is talking about people who live in third world countries
and about Israel no less LOL
@kalina hahaha
@TildalWave You wanna fight?
I've collected a bunch of rocks.
I like how he picks @TildalWave to fight with
Never fight with a lady.
@Simon It's pointless you're a Canadien ... even your declaration of hostilities would be polite and apologetic
@AviD sure but your implication from "whoring" was taking a job for the cash :op
aww, I'm a lady
literally made my day
at least until he undoes it with the next thing he says
@Simon @kalina and @Simon in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G :op
also I now feel old
today's studio session is a ginormous waste of time
@kalina console yourself with the fact that your 10+ years younger than me :)
primarily because I seem to have changed from the role of dance artist to IT technical support by doing nothing more than arriving when the PC wasn't working
@kalina Then take the day off. You should know how inspiration works by now, if you're not motivated at all I doubt you'll produce anything good.
happy accidents happen
sometimes you can just be twisting knobs and hitting keys and suddenly BAM
international number 1
or so I'm told
since I've never had an international number 1
Yeah I've had a producer explain this phenomenon to me.
the main thing is stress
My favorite track of his was produced like that.
don't introduce any state of mind that could result in data related mistakes
like overwriting the final mixdown of a project you were working on
Or farting loudly on a first date.
but, I merely took what I learned from my time working in IT to resolve that problem, and use svn
@Simon talk about lowering the tone!
I'm out of here before I end up reverting to cynical technical support person
Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip
To get to the same side
I feel like my level of nerdiness is not high enough to get it.
@kalina Wait... Atwood, as in Jeff? That can't be good...
I think I want a new dad, this one ^ is boring as hell.
@Simon I'd suggest @AviD but he may be kidded out already..
@RоryMcCune Yeah he definitely was a candidate until I learned he's unemployed.
@Simon perhaps @RoryAlsop he's gainfully employed
@RоryMcCune Hah!
@RоryMcCune Yeah but... HR you know.
@Simon again wid da HR... sheesh
@RоryMcCune I like that
You get mocked more about HR than me with PHP.
@Simon nah, not really. I'm pretty immune to mocking
@RоryMcCune well, yes, but noone would be able to pay me enough to do something I would be suffering at, at least not long term
i.e. the daily enjoyment (or at least not suffering) long term would simply be a requirement, but not the purpose
You're a daily enjoyment.
On a different note, it's only 3 more days to St. Nicolas Day :) Pressies!!!
@RoryAlsop drinks by the dram christmas cracker joke apparently.. a cut above the usual!
@TildalWave 2 weeks till Hannuka! LOTS of presents!
'course, I'm the one that needs to buy them....
@AviD Sucker! On Christmas, Santa Claus does all that for us.
hehe yes that's what I meant ... lots of pressies that won't buy themselves ... I really hate shopping
it's like a trick or treat day here
@AviD didn't reply anything mean to what I've said since I stated that he was a candidate to become my dad, I think it means that he wants to be.
I would rather shove this hot poker up my own ass.
that said, if you do go that way, I will personally pay for my own plane ticket to Canada, pop into a Tim Hortons to buy a hot poker (and donuts), then find you and shove it up yours.
the hot poker, not the donuts.
(or any other object of your willful misunderstanding).
da hell is a hot poker
@RоryMcCune That's something.
@Simon that's the baby eating bishop of bath & wells
That's also a lot of pixels.
Oh Wikipedia, fundraising!
closes tab
Is that Mr. Bean?
@Simon yes but when he was far funnier as Blackadder
I must concentrate to catch everything they say -.-
Blackadder > Bean
I have an environment with a mix of windows and mac. I need a tool to monitor software inventories on both (cuz everyone has local admin, of course). Suggestions? Everything that I know is Windows-only.
@schroeder You fake Canadian.
@Simon Well, I did spend a lot of time working in the US. But you can't beat my love of donuts ....
@Simon Tim's Canadian Maple ftw
A true Canadian at last.
@RоryMcCune huh, never heard of that one. Obviously I meant the first.
Red hot pokers (the plant) grow really well in Orkney
When does winter bash start?
it should start tomorrow
@RoryAlsop do those hurt as much?
ah no no
> 15 December 2014 to 4 January 2015
should we hack it?
just hit the button LOL
The 2013 page actually shows the real page.
@AviD yeah me either, the missus had tho'
How does "my other password is password123" for a t-shirt slogan sound like?
@TildalWave "Come to the darker side: we have your passwords"
You're a password.
@Simon so the password is doughnut?
The answer is 42 you donut.
mmmm 42 donuts ....
I have officially joined @AviD on the list of unemployed bums. It's too bad we don't live near each other. We could play chess in the park, and feed pigeons, or something.
@Xander oo pigeons, that sounds yum.
I mean FUN!
@Xander why, what happened?
and where is this "list" you speak of?
@Xander well that's unfortunate
@AJHenderson you dont know that
@Xander was it? unfortunate, I mean?
when isn't it unfortunate? Leaving a job isn't always unfortunate, but then you normally have something else lined up
unless you are retiring, in which case most people don't call it being unemployed
@AviD Company needs to "re-focus" my product team got the ax, the old story. Life moves on. Anyway, it was fun while it lasted, (which was 9 years, so I have nothing to complain about) and on to the next thing, whatever that may be.
Is there any discernible difference between tens of hundreds and thousands? :D — TildalWave ♦ 1 min ago
@AviD I think the list is on LinkedIn somewhere.
@Xander aww sucks. That does suck.
@AJHenderson Thanks! I'm actually ok with it. I enjoyed the job, but happy to move onto new things too.
@Xander "Current Company: Independent"
@Xander great, so lets look for new jobs together.
@JeffFerland just posted a link to facebook jobs...
@AviD Exactly. Hangin' out a shingle. :-) Been there, done that, though last time it was on my own terms. Just need to design the new logo.
OOOOORRR we could start our own little band of misfits startup
@TildalWave tssk. Learn to read, young padawan.
hmm, I should get a shingle.
A shingle, @Simon, not the shingles
@AviD Sweet! We could be non-independent independents.
@AviD isn't that what Sean Connery has when he's almost drunk enough for the night?
@AviD ah, a single shingle
@Gilles shuddup you!
and - heh
@RоryMcCune heh, took me a moment, forgot to use his voice
@AviD only works with the voish
Q: Soundness of GRC.com Haystack padding concept

Dave KimbleI was wondering how sound is the concept presented by the Gibson Research Corporation (see below if you do not want to follow the link) about simple passwords (= very easy to remember) with the addition of padding. I understand what Gibson is getting at with increased search space, etc., but I w...

close it as a dupe of the other q asking about one of his stupid "ideas"
@Gilles Yay! Steve returns to the Stack Exchange.
I think we should tag all those q's with , which should be an automatic synonym for .
@Gilles I'll expect a new goggle cloth in my xmas stuffing then :)
@AviD @Xander Let's do a startup together. Since you both are unemployed right now, you can start thinking what would the startup be. Then, if you can do all the work while I do nothing and get 10% of the net profit.
@Simon Are you sure you don't want to be the janitor?
Hmm...Maybe that's not such a good idea. I like toilets that are clean, and work.
OK @Gilles how about this one?
@DeerHunter It's a link to GRC, are you sure you want to read more about it? Personally, I'd rather attend a seminar on zen furniture rearranging... — TildalWave 50 secs ago
@Xander You super donut.
You could also make some money off that Sony leak.
1 hour later…
I just want that last 100 rep to break 10k, but StackOverlflow is SOOO much noisier than when I started

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