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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

Zoinks Scoob!!!! MAC addresses are being leaked to the Internet packages!
Q: Is the MAC address encapsulated in the Internet packages?

user58839This might be a stupid question, but what is the range of the MAC addresses. Are these some how leaking to Internet with packets that user sends (so they know where to return)?

Sometimes I just want to comment with, "That's not how this works, that's now how any of this works."
@raz then do it
@TildalWave Maybe I will!
maybe you should :P
@raz I vtc'ed as dupe of one of the many questions that say that
@Gilles I flagged as I'm not sure what you're asking
@JeffFerland That. is. Awesome.
maybe if the MAC acronym wasn't used for so many things people wouldn't be so confused about it
@Xander Nice.
@TildalWave I understand what MAC address means. I don't understand what "Are these some how leaking to Internet with packets that user sends (so they know where to return)?" means.
@TildalWave I don't think it's the acronym that confuses people...They just don't understand 802.x and IP networking. Which, to be fair, is reasonable for virtually all of the population of earth.
@Xander That's because 802.x and IP networking is black magic. As far as I'm concerned dragons transfer my packets to and from my computer.
@Xander how dare they? :)
that means we fail to explain it ... it's only about 20,000 pages can't they read? :D
seriously though, we should consolidate MAC and OTP into one simple to use TLA
For anyone who uses chrome, this is pretty nifty. chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/postman-rest-client-packa/…
@DavidFreitag +1.
There is also a non-packaged app that runs within the browser, but it doesn't have all the features that the packaged app does.
@JeffFerland Are you gonna take off your Christmas hat on Christmas?
@Simon I might get the full santa costume instead.
user image
Oh lawd.
@Xander what manner of beast is that?
@Xander That does put it to rest then.
@tylerl It is a fluffy bunny. Allegedly. The logo for the vulnerability that I have yet to find and announce.
@tylerl Yes, I'd say that's definitive.
@Xander Tell @ThomasPornin that there's an embargoed vulnerability in RSA and give him an hour to mull it over. You'll have a full writeup by dinner.
2 hours later…
Ok, I have made a wrongness.
I found the blog post that quoted me, and it still does, because it is not the one from Google. It is that one: blogs.akamai.com/2014/10/ssl-is-dead-long-live-tls.html
The Google people did not retroactively change their blog post, and everything is fine.
If any people from Google reads that, let it be my formal apology. It seems that, for once, the real world won over my own memory.
gotta wonder if SE detected significant increase in DMZ transcript views
also makes me glad I wasn't here for the last few days, sometimes I talk a lot of BS and I'm not sure what's the code of conduct for retroactive stage fright :)
@TildalWave Stage fright? It's not exactly like your handle is your full name :b
@DavidFreitag I did mention I talk a lot of BS didn't I? :P
@DavidFreitag hey how's that USB project going?
BadUSB / GoodUSB
@TildalWave It isn't. Since the semester started I haven't had enough free time to relax for more than ten minutes at a time
@DavidFreitag now everyone knows how long it takes you to down a beer
It's probably a good idea to turn the sound off, but it's funny :]
Some KSP mayhem
OMFG that's hilarious
maybe not for all the right reasons but it is
@TildalWave A beer? Heh, no recently I've switched to red wine.
@TildalWave Oh god I just listened to that with sound...
I'm a terrible person.
@DavidFreitag hehehehe yes you are
@TildalWave I think I'll be a giraffe instead.
in The Pod Bay, 7 mins ago, by David Freitag
Stupid internet being all distracting
doesn't look like you're using the internet right :)
@TildalWave Yeah well sitting around waiting for things to finish building is a painfully dull process
@DavidFreitag there's an XKCD for that somewhere
I had years with no such excuse working in Delphi. Damn thing was spitting out new build each minute if you wanted it to
Lucky you, I'm stuck with a bloated piece of c#
Funny I thought most of the original Borland team now works on C#
while read IP; do echo | timeout 3 openssl s_client -connect $IP:443 >/dev/null 2>&1; if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "UNKNOWN: $IP timeout or connection error"; else echo | openssl s_client -connect $IP:443 -ssl3 2>&1 | grep -qo "sslv3 alert handshake failure" && echo "OK: $IP Not vulnerable" || echo "FAIL: $IP vulnerable; sslv3 connection accepted"; fi; done < poodle.txt |grep FAIL
even VS now looks almost as comfy as Delphi did 15 years ago :)
what's code again?
@LucasKauffman there's a button "fixed font" or something like that
what where?
fixed this one liner to accept files
didn't write it myself
completely that is
four spaces
or ``
ah I see
if you write something in more than a single line then the chat also offers you a new button "fixed font"
works like codeblock on main site
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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