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Woah, @ThomasPornin is all over my Twitter feed.
@TerryChia ?
I thought he didn't have a twitter account?
@ManishEarth No, but the community is posting for him :]
@tylerl I got my 15 minutes of fame.
@ThomasPornin You are developing a reputation for spoiling SSL protocol vulnerabilities right before they get announced.
@TerryChia Next time they'll ask me nicely not to do it.
@ThomasPornin why don't you work here, anyway?
@tylerl What is your "here" ?
@tylerl Ooooh, I see they promoted you to Google recruiter. ;)
Ah, Google.
@TerryChia Oh, that happened? Wow.
Well, if Google opened an office in Québec City, it would be negotiable.
@ManishEarth CRIME and now this.
@ThomasPornin montreal isn't close enough, then.
@TerryChia He discovered CRIME? :o
ooh, nice
Q: CRIME - How to beat the BEAST successor?

Kyle RozendoWith the advent of CRIME, BEAST's successor, what possible protection is available for an individual and/or system owner in order to protect themselves and their users against this new attack on TLS?

@ManishEarth Yeah, where have you been man?! :P
@TerryChia Hey, I wasn't around that much in 2012 :P
I've seen the Bear's awesome answers and other stuff, didn't know he had predicted CRIME. And now (psh) POODLE
@tylerl I'd prefer not to do a daily 500km commute. I am also wary of plans such as 3 days on site and 2 days on remote.
@ThomasPornin wouldn't guessing the attack before release be a bit dangerous? :p
(for people who have to now immediately patch as apposed to having some time before it goes public)
@ManishEarth This isn't a patch thing.
This is a protocol thing.
@TerryChia You still need to patch your systems using the protocol, to not use it anymore, no?
@ManishEarth And everyone in the world needs to do this, how will keeping it private help?
@ManishEarth The announce was due tomorrow (they delivered it early) so the danger is small.
@TerryChia Usually such vulnerabilities give time to major providers to fix them
(I'm talking about CRIME here, POODLE was announced from the outset as being "something wrong with SSL3")
In the case of CRIME, the researchers tried to do some self-promotion with teasing, so it was fair game.
@ThomasPornin Google doesn't do full time remote? Bummer.
@ManishEarth I used to work at home, on full time remote, and after a few years it grows a bit tiresome. I like to meet coworkers on a weekly basis.
@ThomasPornin Hm, true
Oh for the record, POODLE is a stupid name for a vulnerability.
@TerryChia ++++infinity
@TerryChia All vulnerability names are stupid. Vulnerabilities don't need names; they need reference numbers.
@ThomasPornin I volunteer for Mozilla Servo and most of the stuff is remote, with weekly video chat meetings. (And work weeks a couple of times in a year, but I haven't yet attended one due to college -- will attend one in December). I find the environment pretty awesome, though I guess if that became my day job it would be different
@tylerl Answer posted.
Not my best, from a literary point of view, but it should fulfil its role nonetheless.
@ManishEarth GSoC is over right?
@TerryChia Long over
@TerryChia I still regularly contribute -- it's fun and I'm learning a lot
POODLE: first SSL bug with an emoji. 🐩
The other day I did a major chunk of form submission for Servo
1 hour later…
Delicious pumpkin seeds are delicious.
So, I get suspended and then @ThomasPornin finds a vulnerability. Let's do this more often, shall we?
@Simon I'm not sure the two are related but sure, I enjoy both equally. ;)
@TerryChia I dunno. I enjoy the former much more than the latter. The latter tends to create headaches in one form or another. The former tends to relieve them.
@Iszi I guess it depends on what spectrum of infosec you sit in, I don't have any servers to patch or maintain so I enjoy seeing new and novel vulnerabilities. :)
@Simon You got suspended?
2 hours later…
Good morning
@Kisunminttu o/
@TerryChia All of the buzzwords
@DavidFreitag He suggested MVC for something that's literally iterating over a string and maintaining a counter (that's if you completely ignore Python's standard library)... I need to drown my sorrows in beer.
@TerryChia Already done. Apparently I drank a whole bottle of wine
Mornin' All
@RоryMcCune Morning.
g' 'murnin' folks
i told cortana on my phone to open the pod bay doors
she told me she's afraid she couldnt do that
2 hours later…
@Lighty - Hi! I've seen you editing a number of posts lately, while the edits may be sometimes OK, please try to fix all the issues with a post without introducing new ones. E.g., in security.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/38532 you changed "shall" into "will", which changes the meaning quite a bit.
@DeerHunter it does? o.o
@Lighty - "the more you live the more you learn. The more you learn the less you know" :((
@DeerHunter So... skip the schools and start attending the "school of life"?
@Kisunminttu isn't that exactly how problems are created? xD
@Kisunminttu tried that. Apparently they don't like your certs if they are done in red crayon
@JourneymanGeek I can confirm through empirical evidence that the colour of the crayon doesn't matter, either.
It seems any use of crayon is unacceptable.
@Ninefingers depends if it has been correctly sharpened
@DeerHunter I don't think shall/will changes the meaning. Shall is just a future construct, e.g. I shall go and eat a sandwich in 2 minutes. You can put will in there, too. All he's saying is "this is going to be the scenario".
If you want to be really pedantic though, it should be I shall, all other subjects will... in British English. So since the website is the subject and is not I, it should be "will"....
@RoryAlsop Oh man, this is where I have been going wrong!
Please can I have a CV prep session to show me the correct use of crayons?
@Ninefingers @RoryAlsop doesn't use crayons. He uses the blood of lions he kills with his bare hands.
@TerryChia i wanted to make a blood of virgin comment here, or a dracula one, but that could go out of hand really quick, concidering the maturity of this room
@Lighty Laughed so hard at this
yay :3
its a masterpiece
What the fuck? When did we have a emacs.stackexchange?
@JourneymanGeek It would be funny if you actually tried that
@Kisunminttu alas no, I don't even have luck with a typed out one.
I am hoping my new bsc helps
I made my own one using a template from MS Word 2013, worked flawlessly for me xD
@JourneymanGeek What sort of jobs are you looking for?
@TerryChia not too picky as things are. Anything it thats not programming.
(And that's 'its not something I am great at rather than a dislike of it)
@JourneymanGeek You need to spice things up a bit, then! Crayons, legos, treasure hunt...
A giant unicycle just passed by o0
@JourneymanGeek Define "giant"
@Kisunminttu That's what she said!
@TerryChia Shoulda seen that coming
Something like truck tyre diameter, but bike tyre thick
@JourneymanGeek needs more vaseline then
@JourneymanGeek ...
@JourneymanGeek Hmm, don't think I know anything like that unless you want to do pen testing.
@TerryChia whith a giant unicycle?
@Ninefingers "You shall not kill" vs "You will not kill"
@DeerHunter If "shall" and "will" are not the same, what's the difference then? How did switching these out change the meaning of that sentence?
@ThomasPornin What's the difference between those two? There's no implied doubt in "shall", especially in British English. If you say "will you read the paper tomorrow?" and I say "I shall", that's no different to "I will", except that "I shall" is more pedantically correct in archaic terms.
Yea, to me the only difference between the two is that "shall" sounds more archaic, like from back in @RoryAlsop's youth.
@Ninefingers When used with "you", "shall" implies a duty or command, while "will" is merely factual.
If I say "you will not kill" I am mostly predicting that your hands will remain bloodless. With "you shall not kill" I command you not to kill (without asserting whether it will work or not).
The "shall" and "will" can be swapped in many situations, but the nuance is still distinct.
When you are a supreme deity, you use "shall".
"Thou shall not pass!"
@ThomasPornin It really depends on the speaker, but generally yes, that's how I'd read your example (oxforddictionaries.com/words/shall-or-will). But, in the case of the edit in question, it's just an expression of futureness. You could put it as "is going to be running on..." and it would work too.
@Ninefingers - maybe I'm already senile and hair-splitting...
@DeerHunter It is archaic sounding to my ears (British English natively) the way it was used, but also not the end of the world. Still, I wouldn't lose any sleep over changing it (or not).
@Ninefingers I have not read the edit; I am commenting in a general way.
shall to me is more expressive in terms of the speaker not permitting the action
'will' is more a prediction that the speaker is making
@Ulkoma Welcome, stranger.
:) finally someone figured it out
@Adnan thanks for the welcome
@ThomasPornin I understand :) - I don't think it's possible to generalise shall though :) Perhaps I shall try ;)
Poodle Poodle Poodle... Do I understand correctly that I have to set Firefox security.tls.version.min to 1 to work around the Níðhöggr-like vulnerability?
@Ulkoma Where are you from?
For users who don’t want to wait till November 25th (when SSLv3 is disabled by default in Firefox 34), we have created the SSL Version Control Firefox extension to disable SSLv3 immediately.
@ThomasPornin Why does it have five legs?
@Adnan Well I have been living in the UK for the last 8 years, so I think it's ok to say that I am from UK
@ThomasPornin not sure if vool logo, or kinda creepy
@Kisunminttu probably just a head, and it's dripping blood.
@Ulkoma But you're from Finland, right?
Please be from Finland
@deed02392 - Thanks.
@Adnan sadly no , or I would not call myself ulkomalainen , my grandmother is from Turku tho
@Ulkoma What's the inspiration behind your nick?
@Ulkoma I thought that you're calling your self and ulkoma because you're a foreigner in the UK.
@Kisunminttu thats for you
@Ulkoma She's a Finn :D
ohhhh lol
@Ulkoma Asked you that because of what you answered @Adnan and I found your nick very visually pleasing :)
@Kisunminttu I have something else that you'd also find very visually pleasing.
i see :)
Interesting that Google translates it to alien... Foreigner would be more accurate, but that's just my opinion
@Adnan Oh you have many things that are very visually pleasing
Aug 14 at 5:56, by Terry Chia
@Adnan @Kisunminttu Get a room guys. Another room. :)
@Arperum We already tried that, but this is more... exciting
@Kisunminttu does he suprise you with random gifts that consit out of chocolate and really sosft plushies? because that is visually pleasing
@Kisunminttu Alien sounds quite accurate, actually.
@Kisunminttu ... Bit exhibistionistic?(I might have messed up the spelling on that word)
@Adnan I was going to call you "my alien" to prove a point but then I realized "my foreigner" sounds even more creepy
@Arperum Somebody flagged that
What the hell?!
@Lighty Actually, yes. Yes he does.
@Adnan Awesome.
Is the "fuck"-flagger active again?
@Adnan someone is stepped really quickly on their toes
@Arperum Was there some insult that I might have missed?
Trolls trolling on trolls
@Kisunminttu My wife asked me more than once why is her number saved on my phone under the name "kulta"
@Lighty I marked it as invalid. I imagine many others did as well
@Arperum no, yesterday was me, because i didn't feel good bout that situation, since it was circling around me too
@Ulkoma That's actually very sweet
@Adnan Nope, but someone has been going around lately flagging random messages that contain the word fuck. Even five day old messages.
@Ulkoma So you're into the whole Finnish thing?
@Adnan Agreed
@Kisunminttu You know who's else into the Finnish thing?
@Kisunminttu yeah
@Lighty I don't know about yesterday, but did you go through the transcript from the Brisdge flagging anything containing "fuck"?
@Adnan If by thing you mean me, I'd assume the answer is you?
@Arperum nope
Mmm.. yeah. I think we might be going too far
@Lighty Then I was not talking about you :)
@Adnan Or are you referring to the Finnish patriots...
@Kisunminttu FOR WHITE FINLAND!!
@Arperum i thought that the "f" flagger was referring to a certain situation form yesterday, my bad X.x
@Adnan Isämmaan puollustaja
@Lighty I don't even know what situation you are talking about.
@Arperum good
@Lighty I asume you did something stupid (I'm aware this might be a bit offensive, sorry for that). And someone decided to go for a round of lighty-bashing?
@Arperum no-no-no, dont worry, im not easely ofended, most of the time, but it wasnt about lighty bashing this time, thats @AviD's or @Adnan's job, there was a small spark inbetween 2 people when one guy commented on a convo inbetween me and someone else, and that might've set off flames, well, atleast i didn't feel entirely good about it
Good morning
hey raz :3
@Lighty If it made you feel bad, it was your full right to go flag it.
@Arperum i've ran multiple chatrooms over the years, and i own a Minecraft server, im used to childish behavior, so i generally don't mind it, and quietly deal with it, except when it's aimed at me, then i either ignore it or get rid of it
i should try ignoring more instead of challenging it
but as a MC server owner, you're used to a '/mute [player] [time]' command that works really effectively
@Lighty You can hide messgaes from a specific person until you refresh here (hide posts), or forever (ignore feature), where forever is seen as: until it is undone.
@Arperum i know, but i just don't like the "ignore" function that much in a chatroom, the hide posts one is acceptable
@Adnan Just be aware that what @Kisunminttu find visually pleasing we might not like that much. ;)
@TerryChia speak for yourself
@Lighty He said might, so if you want to exclude yourself from his exclusion, you are welcome.
@Arperum ;P
this is a perfect example, of one of thse boring days
i NEED my tablet to continue, otherwise im stuck
forgot to charge the darn thing
This is a perfect example of one of those boring days because I'm hung over from the hockey game the previous night.
@raz water and asperin
its too silent
@Kisunminttu Also agreed. That's what I used to call my Finnish girlfriend
moi, kulta
i always call mine "Dot"
as in .
it feels weird speaking her real name instead of Dot
If you do not upgrade your Drupal sites tonight there probably won't be a tomorrow. #drupageddon
Sounds fun.
@TerryChia WHat's going on with drupal?
@Arperum Security advisory coming out tonight I think.
Stefan Esser has been hinting at it for a while so it's probably bad.
@TerryChia As a partly (mostly probably) security unaware moron I don't know that name.
> He is also known as the first who completely broke the DRM of the Microsoft XBOX with software only exploits.
That's kinda fancy.
@Arperum He's a pretty well known security researcher that does work on PHP and iOS.
@TerryChia I'm extremely excited for this one
@Adnan Yeah, the way he has been talking about it it doesn't sound like a normal XSS or similar vuln.
Drupal gave 5 days notice on this one: groups.drupal.org/node/445893
@TerryChia Yup, I was checking it
This was an excellent month for high impact vulnerabilities. Fun for researchers and pen testers not so fun for sysadmins.
@TerryChia It's extra fun in the OSCP labs :D
@Lighty Aspirin is not recommended because it thins the blood, which adds to the blood thinning effect of alcohol. :)
@Kisunminttu weird, grandpa always told me that helped against a hangover xD
@Lighty Half a can of coke, then water. Drugs never help
@Lighty Your grandpa is right, if you take a pill or two MAX
It helps with the headache
Liver and blood-thinning impact is minimal if you use in moderation (1-2 pills)
@Lighty The winning solution is Irn Bru and a fry-up, apparently*. This is how Scotland survives.
(* dunno - don't get hangovers, but I know a lot of folks who swear by Irn Bru)
@RoryAlsop So old, alcohol doesn't effect you
@raz au contraire, it affects me very well
@RoryAlsop My problem was drinking Miller Lite, I never get hang overs with good beer.
@raz That's odd, actually. You should get more hangovers with good beer (higher alcohol content) than with Miller Lite (corn flavored water)
@Xander Higher alcohol, but cleaner and better quality. I've noticed much less hangover effects.
@raz Unless, of course, you're referring to the fact that you drink good beer more moderately, so as to enjoy the flavors, and because you don't feel the need to drink 15 of them to forget the taste.
@raz That's actually a misconception. American Light Lagers are some of the cleanest beers you'll ever drink. They're heavily filtered, in part to ensure consistent flavor. Some of the nastiest beer out there (from a particulate and dissolved solids perspective) are the oak-aged ales and stouts that we all love. The alcohol and water act as solvents on the oak, leaching out all kinds of yummy compounds that really shouldn't go in our bodies, just as with whiskey.
@Xander Or you know, your body just really hates the taste of shitty beers and gives you hangovers to punish you.
@Xander All I know is that American Light beers effect me differently than craft beer.
@TerryChia It's really the Universe slapping you in the face.
@TerryChia That's entirely plausible.
@Xander I just had a beer aged in Lagavulin barrels. A little too much scotch with the beer.
@raz Oh yeah? What was the beer?
@Xander checking untapped...
@raz Oh, that's right, I still need to friend you there!
JW Lees and Co - Harvest Ale (English Barlywine)
@Xander zmazar
@raz Done
@Xander Done, and no activity?
@RoryAlsop I think fry-ups are pretty much universally applicable.
At least in the UK
<-- ignorant American, @Ninefingers What are fry-ups?
@raz Get a frying pan. Fry bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms. Add toast, beans, ummmmm black pudding, sausages. I think I missed something
@Ninefingers beer
mushrooms are terrible, but the rest sounds delicious.
Anyway it is a full English breakfast. If you have every component it's called the full nine yards.
Sorry, perhaps I should say "full British breakfast"
ooohhhh, BREAKFAST, then you missed scotch, not beer
Obviously though following the recent vote, Scotland's power to decide what constitutes a breakfast/hangover cure has been devolved as part of further autonomy for them.
Along with a host of less important issues like spending and tax.
@Lighty I think that only counts if you didn't sleep.
@Rory what am I missing. I've got 8 of the 9 things...
@Ninefingers Black pudding is probably the only one I'd not like.
If you have left over potatoes, you can fry them too.
But that's a damn heavy breakfast though, I generally don't eat that much in a single meal.
@TerryChia Contrary to the belief of all Europeans where I now live, I don't eat this every day. It's pretty much an exception, usually before you go and do something like hiking all day.
And an average fry up is probably bacon and eggs, maybe some toast.
@Ninefingers Hehe.
maybe one or two other bits at most.
I'd say a little bit of each sounds good actually.
@TerryChia It's not a huge heap, usually a bit of each. It's a bit of an effort to make for one person - best if done for a few people.
and I was surprised, but I quite like black pudding. Just tastes like salt to me.
@Ninefingers I have not actually tried it before, plus I'll bet it's near impossible to find over here.
@TerryChia I'd say try it when you can. It's not nearly as bad as you'd imagine it to be.
Dammit, i'm getting hungry.
One of my Chrome extension was updated and it seems to have some adware with it.
This adware (Superfish) injects code in every page you visit
This code sends HTTP requests to superfish.com to track your purchases
I can see the HTTP requests in the console and the network tab in the developer tools
However, I cannot pin it on any extension
Is the only solution to disable one by one?
@Adnan I think adblock/ghostery and the like already inject code into pages, specifically CSS, so it might not be the only extension injecting.
@Ninefingers I doubt that Adblock Plus and Ghoestry are injecting code that is making HTTP requests to a spam site
@Adnan No, but my point being they already modify the page, so you might want to turn them off while you debug :)
Oho. Thanks
I'm pretty sure that's how they work anyway, I read somewhere about injecting css rules
could be wrong
Found the culprit!!
Looks like the author has removed it
> ChromeReload 0.9.3
Looks like I'm not the only one mturkgrind.com/threads/…
Q: SSH key passphrase update and multiply locations

michaelbnI have a ssh key which I use to upload code to github. the private key is located on several locations from where I upload/download data. I wonder how can I update (or expire) old keys after I update the passphrase on some of the locations. I wish to avoid a split situation where some location u...

@raz Ha, nope. Haven't bothered to use it yet. I post my beers on my blog, and I'm not even always good about doing that. I've reviewed about 350 there though.
He's doing something wrong here right? Or am I misunderstanding what he's asking
@Xander Link to your blog?
@Adnan I'm assuming extensions can't actually harm your OS, right?
@Simon If by can't you mean can
@Simon In theory, Chrome extensions can't do much harm, at least not this one because it doesn't require too many permissions. The issue is that it's able to inject code in any page I visit, even HTTPS pages
I think Chrome sandboxes extensions?
@TerryChia Yes
Mmh, I could have sworn that the Google blog post announcing the Poodle details quoted me as having independently discovered the flaw. This morning the post no longer states so.
Yeah, so it depends on your definition of "harm".
I've dissected the code it looks like it's tracking anything I purchase from eBay (and a bunch of other sites)
Not that big of a deal for me
I'm just afraid that at some point the code might have included pieces to collect other data
@ThomasPornin Hacker News credits you. news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8456178
@Xander Yep. And Google did, too, but they apparently changed their mind.
@ThomasPornin How so?
@ThomasPornin Figures. Bunch of chumps. // cc: @tylerl
4 mins ago, by Thomas Pornin
Mmh, I could have sworn that the Google blog post announcing the Poodle details quoted me as having independently discovered the flaw. This morning the post no longer states so.
I am OK with them not crediting me (it is their attack after all).
But taking steps to remove my name is kind of sloppy.
@TerryChia I should have said "Why do you think they did that?"
@Adnan Yes, yes you should. :)
Very different meanings.
@Adnan The announce post does not match this morning what I remember from it as I read it yesterday.
I am talking about this one: googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.ca/2014/10/…
so either my memory is failing, or the post has been changed.
@ThomasPornin "Does this apply to SSLv2 as well?"
@ThomasPornin To be honest, I don't remember seeing you credited there last night. But it could have been that I didn't read it until after it changed. When the post first came out, the pizza had just arrived at the OWASP meaning, and SSL was not at the top of my priority list.
Stopping effing using SSLv2!!!
@Xander Pizza trumps security.
Indeed, disguising yourself as a pizza delivery man is a time-honoured way to gain unauthorized entry to various buildings.
@ThomasPornin And particularly so during supper time.
@ThomasPornin Disguising yourself as a pizza delivery man is a timing attack on SSL as they distract you from the truth.
@raz you also have to get there when they are hungry
@AJHenderson Nobody rejects pizza
@raz depends. If haggis pizza, definitely correct in my case. If Dominos - I'd rather eat my own foot
apparently we aren't the only ones who realized we should just start feeding Pornin rumors to make real reports from
@AJHenderson That is SO 20 minutes ago
@raz yeah where's my new Internet breaking 0-day it's been almost 18 hours since the last one!
@RоryMcCune Give it a couple of hours. Drupal is going down soon.
@TerryChia nice!
This is very interesting: arstechnica.com/security/2014/10/…
thegrugq is the one behind it so it should be solid.
POODLEing: (v) Exploitation of an #SSLv3 vulnerability. (n) Incident that releases personal images via a #POODLE attack. See #fappening.
@ThomasPornin: are you 3/3 now? POODLE, CRIME, and Heartbleed?
@JeffFerland I did not predict anything with regards to Heartbleed; I just stated that all other people were idiots.
@TerryChia nooo not drupal! >=D
Guys I have a question if you dont mind
@ThomasPornin Not a wrong prediction. 3/3 in my book
@Ulkoma Shoot
I had to delete it yesterday
I wanted to know what are the duties of a security expert
@Ulkoma We don't mind questions but we don't guarantee that answers will be pleasant.
do you just sit and wait for an attack
@Ulkoma Impossible to answer
@Ulkoma Be more specific
@Adnan ok
@Ulkoma Do your job.
The job entails taking proactive steps.
There is always something to do, at least thinking, documenting or educating.
@Thomas Is a security expert who is really good with crypto (and other things), and he does that. @RоryM is a pentester, he causes attacks. I assume that @Jeff makes code more secure to prevent attacks
I see
All of them are security experts, and hardly any of them does the same things as the other
@Adnan It's Facebook. @JeffFerland is probably just looking at pictures.
(same applies to the others here, but I don't think I'm familiar enough with what they do)
@TerryChia :D
@TerryChia I didn't know what "twerking" was until Instagram released the video feature. Dear heavens...
@JeffFerland Twerking?
Is it related to Twitter?
Like, tweeting while working?
@Adnan Shaking ones ass rapidly and vertically, typically while bent forward.
@JeffFerland Wikipedia confirms
> Twerking (/ˈtwɜrkɪŋ/) is a type of dancing in which an individual, usually a female,[1] dances to music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low squatting stance.[2]
@Adnan I much prefer the wop
@Kisunminttu The wop?
> Wop is a pejorative slur used to describe Italians, or people from Italy.
@Ulkoma Another way to say what @Adnan has already explained, "security expert" is not a job. There are a number of different jobs in the security field (both information and non-information security, all of which may be staffed with "security experts") and they all have different duties. Very very different duties.
So being a security expert is an extra
@Ulkoma An enterprise security architect's job will not have any daily duties that overlap with a penetration tester's job, or of a personal security specialist designing a bodyguard detail.
AssertionError: False is not true (going to be a long day)
@Ulkoma fundamentally, a security expert is just someone who understands one or more aspects of security, but there are numerous diverse jobs within the field that make use of security skills
@JeffFerland That looks like Python?
there are dozens, if not hundreds of different possible jobs
@Ulkoma In the Vinn diagram of security related fields "security expert" is the set that overlaps with or contains every other set.
ranging from writing new cryptography algorithms to being a bodyguard (note that even if you limit it to "information security", physical security concerns are still a factor
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