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03:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

4 hours later…
I wonder if the US will suddenly claim the Scottish have WMDs when they get independence
@LucasKauffman You mean whisky?
@TerryChia I think they'd be more interested in the oil reserves :p
@LucasKauffman Heh. I was trying to suggest that whisky qualifies as "WMDs".
They can certainly cause a lot of destruction if people drink too much.
[morning :-)
@TerryChia Cask Strength Laphroaig
@LucasKauffman They do. Have you see Scottish girls?
@Adnan Or the guys in kilts?
@Adnan hahahahaha - loving your new avatar
@TerryChia Hey, man. If that's what you're into, no problem
@RoryAlsop :D
Aye! I support Scotland's independence out of principle. The principle of "Let's see what's gonna happen!".
If you guys join Schengen. expect two things: Tons of Polish and Bulgarian plumbers and builders, and me visiting a very frequently.
@Adnan So many problems. One big one, which has turned many folks I know from 'Yes to independence' to a No is the leader of the Scottish National Party having no plan for how Scotland will work, despite being leader of that party for many years!
@Adnan these things all happen already, except you visiting frequently, and you can always increase your visit frequency... :-)
@RoryAlsop So you guys are learning from the USA on that subject?
@RoryAlsop So he's going with the "I'm sure it'll all work out on its own" plan?
@Adnan Or as @Simon likes to say, #yolo.
I'm having a very annoying issue with Windows 7
insert joke about the issue being having Windows 7
The navigation sound of Windows Explorer keeps playing in the background
Every 30 seconds or so
@Adnan then you should've have bought a Mac!
@Adnan In Linux, you won't have sound. /linux joke
@Adnan yeah - I just turn the volume down :-)
Seriously though, you need to diagnose what is triggering the sound
Have you tried turning it off and back on?
@RoryAlsop I am now. I'm monitoring activity on the C:\Windows\Media\Windows Navigation Start.wav file
@RoryAlsop Ahhh.. it's explorer.exe. That really tells me nothing
@Adnan but why are sounds enabled for all those activities anyway?
@RoryAlsop Looks normal to me. Open the file, get the file, get meta, close the file.
Four operations
(the sound file, I mean)
Okay. Now I found a very weird correlation
The sound is triggered every time I close a Chrome tab
Yup, 100% reliable reproduction so far. Each time I close a Chrome tab, the sound plays
Oh wow. There's even an SU post for it
Q: How do I turn off the click sound when closing a tab in chrome?

nosEvery time I close a tab in Chrome, it makes a click sound. How do I turn off that sound? I reported that issue back in Oct 2010. The problem doesn't appear on all clients and the reason is still unclear. Common attempts at solving the issue include simply turning off the sound in Windows. But ...

@Adnan sounds weird.
egg and crisp bacon on waffle mmmm I'll prolly die a year younger but it was worth it
@Adnan I guess now that you've established it's nothing to worry about you could simply disable that navigation sound in windows sound settings?
@TildalWave hahahaha nice
I think Aidan is more excited about Scottish independence than the Scotts themselves :P
That's Adnan's new Scottish name?
Should be Aodhàn then no?
I think I like this Aidan name
I meant Adnan
but was talking to an Aidan
@LucasKauffman Is Aidan a better Adnan than Adnan?
@TerryChia Nobody is better Adnan than Adnan
@Kisunminttu is a better adnan than @Adnan
@TerryChia nah - but Aidan is abetter Aidan
@RoryAlsop One last piece of the puzzle needed to solve the equation. Is Aidan better than Adnan?
@LucasKauffman Scots don't get excited, they get aggravated.
@AviD Some of us just get mildly irritate...about the fact my eyebrows aren't independent!
If Scotland does go for independence, will the BBC have to replace the Doctor?
i wonder how they would manage independedly... i mean, im pretty sure they wound use GBP anymore... EUR? or beerbottles?
Is Aidan better than Aodhàn better than Adnan?
Barter trade with Scotch.
@Lighty financially there are so many problems with an independent Scotland.
@TerryChia probably depends on what you are wanting to do with them...
@RoryAlsop That sounds dirty.
My Facebook profile for the next few days
@RoryAlsop Look you're a lot larger country than we were and we had no problems separating from the damn Yugoslavia (which was a confederation anyway, so in theory we were an equal entity in it - which was never the case)
@TildalWave It's not about the size, it never is. It's about how well it fits.
@AviD star whore
and if northern ireland can fit, then Scotland is even less of a problem!
Damn Irish.
hehe. Don't try that at home.
@AviD Ouuuch
Should have said that earlier
@Adnan Is @Kisunminttu ok?
@Lighty if that's what you use to make it fit then you're doing it wrong
@TildalWave TWSS!
@TildalWave but Vaseline makes such a larger mess D:
@TildalWave Joke's on you. I don't need to do anything to make it fit :(
@TerryChia That's What She Squeaked?
hoookaay.... one slightly off-color insinuation and all the kids drop their pants.
@TildalWave And why was she squeaking? ;)
Keep it at least respectable, if not clean.
@AviD pants are for wusses
@TerryChia Ain't WD-40 against rust?
says "Stops Squeaks" on it
and "drives out moisture"
also loosens rusted parts ...
@TildalWave if you make a comment about it rusting from lack of use, I will kick you.
@AviD I'd be curious how well that would work with the new kick system in place. A mod kicking a mod.
@AviD oy it wasn't me being all euphemistic
@TildalWave yes, but mine was in good taste! and it was ONE comment!
@AviD Dude I'm just describing what use WD-40 has. Actually I found the original suggestion odd. So you'd kick me for disagreeing? :P
I think thats really the problem though, the kids hear a single borderline comment and get carried away far too much.
@TildalWave no no, I was making sure you DIDNT go there. It's all good, now.
@AviD I'm really tempted to kick you now :)
@AviD hmm - yeah, about that...
@RoryAlsop what, Ireland now too??
Just abolish the darn Crown!
@AviD nah I was just thinking about how well that has gone over the years :-)
ahhh well yeah
@AviD So they abdicate to Canada?
or what's the word ...
what's the word for the crown hitting the road?
its german
@Adnan - finally watched your ice bucket vid. Heheh - 'that German dude' :-)
@RoryAlsop :D
I don't know how to say his name
I never really bothered giving it more than a glance
@Adnan I'd pronounce it Frederic, I think :-)
@RoryAlsop Oh, and now you're sure that @Kisu is real.
Yaaay! I'm a verified non-foverver-aloner
@Adnan lol
Is David even German?
This morning was the first time this fall that the temp was 5 degrees celsius and I could see my breath.
Winter is coming.
Anyone here who uses Cerberus on their android?
@Kisunminttu He's from the States
@Adnan it's like "finger", just with an angry german accent.
@AviD Is the angry german accent any different from the regular german accent?
@TerryChia no, same thing.
@Adnan Whoops.
@Adnan, the toffee seller still has 3 boxes left. I want to buy another one.
1 hour later…
So, I've just learned that Scotland's national animal is Unicorn
@Adnan When are we moving?
@Adnan Of course. Hence my amuzement
@Adnan Blasphemy! What about Nessie?
@RoryAlsop :D
@AviD hahahahahahaha
this really pisses me off: theregister.co.uk/2014/09/04/…
the worst part is - it is factually correct (for the most part), and yet they manage to focus on the wrong end of their ifs.
> requiring strong passwords is a waste of time when other security mechanisms, such as encryption and hashing, are absent or badly implemented.
like that, for example. Well, duh. store passwords in plaintext and allow everyone to see it, and sure password hygiene is pointless. but the point is all sites SHOULD be taking proper care of passwords, in which case - EVEN according to that statement - strong passwords would be important.
But no, they just focus on the sites that are badly implemented.
Damn pessimists. Must be Scottish.
@AviD hey, I resemble that remark. I'm a Scottish optimist
(the Scottish optimist?)
and how rare are you? ;-)
@AviD dunno :-)
@AviD have you commented on it
really? It's the Register. I'd sooner comment on Meta.SE.
@AviD heh
@AviD It's a mainstream news site. If you get that pissed every time a mainstream site reports incorrectly on a security issue you must have incredibly high blood pressure.
@TerryChia you missed the point. they got the facts right.
which seems to lend more credence to their discombobulation. That, and the fact that they are quoting MS researchers.
@AviD That's about a quarter of the time.
Some sites do a pretty ok job of reporting on the issues. It's when they start drawing conclusions or giving advice that the whole thing turns stupid.
Silicon Valley feels like an 80’s movie where the parents leave the “kids” alone for the night and they throw a party which gets out of hand
The next day, the parents arrive home and are like, “What…did you…do??”, “Oh y’know, investments and startups ’n stuff. Like Yo”.
Summer's gone and Canada's back; IT'S FREEZIIIIIING
@Simon Isn't summer like one week over there?
@TerryChia 3 months would be right.
@TerryChia Heh - you want Scotland for proper weather inconsistency. It is very normal to have hot sun (well, >20C), rain, wind and then snow here
@RoryAlsop All in one day? ;)
@TerryChia yup
Wow, MS just bought Mojang.
in Minecraft Talk, 10 mins ago, by Arperum
in The Bridge, 2 mins ago, by Arperum
@LucasKauffman You went to pukkelpop? Did you say hello to my sister (who you should've magically recognized with your Llama powers)?
@Arperum yes with my magic wand.
I didn't go to pukkelpop actually, I'm not a festival guy
the music mixes however from the boilerroom are my cup of tea
@LucasKauffman Should @Arperum be offended? :P
@TerryChia nah :P
@TerryChia My sister can do what she wants. I'm not going to judge.
Minecraft's creator doesn't even want to be part of the project anymore right?
He probably was tired of it and wanted to move on, which would be a smart move to sell in that case.
@TerryChia Everybody's known that since last week.
@Xander Was rumors last week.
@TerryChia Sort of. If you call Microsoft's Official Twitter account a rumor-monger.
Report: Microsoft to buy Minecraft developer Mojang for $2 billion http://ars.to/1BqCyxH by @drpizza
@Xander Erm... how is that Microsoft's official twitter account...?
Oh wait, that's Ar Technica's account.
Is there a donut official account?
I can't really be bothered to keep track of who I'm following.
@Simon Isn't that just your mom's twitter account?
My poor mom.
@Simon This is pretty close. twitter.com/dunkindonuts
@Xander Yes that's what I found too, good enough.
Timmy's <3
I bet @Simon is actually a secret PR person for Dunkin' Donuts or whatever you guys have over there and him mentioning donuts all the time create a false sense of wanting donuts, hence increasing donut sales
@Kisunminttu Did you say donuts?
Certainly happened with me... Mmm... donuts...
@Kisunminttu @Adnan isn't gonna be pleased. ;)
@TerryChia Whenever I get a donut I also get one for him
Dayum, I didn't know @Adnan was into that.
@Simon A donut you can eat, silly
Sure, they all can be eaten.
@Kisunminttu That's... not really helping your case.
@TerryChia What's the whole thing about the army in Singapore, everyone at the age of X has to do a 2-year service?
There's a cloud of weird hovering over the chat. Anyone else seeing it?
@Kisunminttu It might be the cream that's coming out of the donut.
@Kisunminttu You mean @Simon?
@Simon Hmm? All males.
@TerryChia Bleh. It sounds like an old law that was written in early 1900s and nobody bothered getting rid of it.
Like seriously, is there any country that threatens to attack you?
@Simon Be a little too late if it happens for real eh?
@TerryChia I guess. Do you agree that this law is a good thing though?
@TerryChia Why would anyone want to attack you though?
@Simon Meh, it sucks on a personal level but I see the merits.
@Arperum Donuts?
Donuts are a sign of peace.
I'd throw some donuts in the air instead of waving a white flag and hell, everyone would be spared.
@TerryChia This reasoning also allows for randomly killing all newborn babies. "They might become a killer later in life, better solve the possible problem now."
@Arperum How... is that even remotely comparable...?
@TerryChia Both are preemptive solutions for a problem that isn't guaranteed to ever exist.
@TerryChia I guess they can be comparable to some extent, considering that both situations are affecting negatively an individual's freedom.
Yes, I took a completely over the top example.
@Arperum That's a completely stupid comparison and you know it.
4 mins ago, by Arperum
Yes, I took a completely over the top example.
Let's be peaceful and discuss about my new favorite lyrics of an unreleased track: "I'll beat that bitch with a bat".
@Simon You sure that's not released yet?
@Arperum Yes I'm sure :(. It's da bomb.
@TerryChia your face is a completely stupid comparison.
@AviD You are mistaken. That's the mirror you are looking at.
@AviD Any idea if we have some sort of short links for our profiles?
@AviD Yeah, I got that
My problem is the domain
ahh then no. you'd need a shortener.
which is ironic.
The problem might also be that you've changed your gravatar.
woo-hoo, just had my 3rd driving lessons!
scored 120 points
@AviD We should really have a shortener for SE
like, se.io
you know, old lady is 10 points, kid on bike 5... other cars minus 10, but the other cyclists grant 15, and faster (sporters) 20
@Adnan no, sec.se/
also, I think its time we start having a minimum age requirement here.
@AviD Do we have a Swedish member to buy it for us?
sorry @Simon.
@Adnan ooo se is swedish?
seriously do a meta post.
@Lighty I was legally driving by myself at 17 y/o, get on my level you donut.
@AviD Yup
@Simon he has a few years yet.
@AviD If it's 12+ I'm fine then.
@Simon your poor mom.
@Simon i dont like cellars
i prefer my treehouse
it has a flamethrower
well... if i had one, it would have one
and a CO2 cannon
@Simon TWSS!
People in here are confusing the fuck out of me this morning, odd.
@AviD I think I'd prefer something like se.io/sec/u/2212
@AviD One more annoying thing about the current short URL - you can't use parameters (I wanna link to my top answers on Sec.SE)
@TerryChia Wasn't there some stackapp that you can use to show off your top answers form different sites
Not Careers, though
@Adnan Dunno. @FEichinger is probably more familiar with the stackapp stuff.
@Adnan Don't you have your own domain? Just setup a simple proxy with it?
@FEichinger Basically, I wanna put a link on my CV showing off selected top answers from multiple sites.
hmm... question for you guys, im making trainings in javascript and wanna make a encryption/decryption tool, just plain simple text, which encryption(s) are good to do that in Javascript?
@TerryChia Yeah... I don't have my own domain
@Adnan Ahh. Maybe get one for branding?
Not that expensive.
@Adnan how about Careers.SO? It's great for that.
@Adnan Fix that.
then you just put a link to your careers profile.
@AviD I thought about it. I just thought it would be weird to link to Careers.SO, no?
I mean, I don't want to fill my Careers.SO profile
@Adnan I dont think so, no.
@Adnan How shameful, I got 2 domains myself.
I have had interviewers ask about it, some thanked me for a great new resource.
@Adnan so just fill in what you want.
@FEichinger @Terry Yeah, I think I will
@AviD Hmmm.. I never saw how it looks to the public with very few fields.
I think it has a review functionality
@Adnan just sent you an invite.
I should make a LinkedIn profile and simply write "PHP expert".
@AviD I already have a profile on it
but thanks
@Adnan oh, huh, derp
@Adnan you can decide what to show and what not. its very well done, imo - for what it does.
it is still pretty heavily tilted towards programmers, but not exclusively any more.
Having a personal domain is good for branding yourself imo so I'd get that anyway.
@TerryChia ooo welcome to 2004.
@AviD You can't get hipster TLDs like .io in 2004.
@TerryChia 2012.
@AviD Whoa! It's actually much better than I expected! careers.stackoverflow.com/adnan-m
"Adnan likes PHP"
@Adnan Top 10% for PHP. I am disappoint.
@TerryChia It sucks that it doesn't import top tags from other sites
I'll make a meta post about it
Is there a specific meta site for careers?
QQ I'm a noob.
One of our fans just set up our Wikipedia page. You could get one of those @Adnan :-)
@RoryAlsop Does it say "Rock God" anywhere on it?
@RoryAlsop Heh. That would make for an interesting resume won't it?
@RoryAlsop I bet you don't see too many of those types of resume as HR manager in $LARGE_BANK.
It doesn't, @Simon - apparently you need valid references
@RoryAlsop Believe or not, I used to have a Wikipage for myself, sourcing my blog as references.
I even had an artistic picture in a "thinker" position
With all the meta data under the picture (age, nationality, religious views, etc.)
Maan, it looked like I was an important person of some sort
@Adnan Heh. How long did it last?
@TerryChia A lot
Several months
Until I scrapped all the info
Welp, let's fake some references for @RoryAlsop then.
Looks like somebody else made the post
Q: Display top tags & percentiles from additional Stack Exchange sites on Careers

DannyAre the "top tags & percentiles" from Stack Exchange sites other than Stack Overflow displayed in the Careers site? If not can they be added? If they are, then what are the requirements for them being displayed in the Careers site?

@Adnan nice. I always refer to it as my "portfolio".
and linkedin as my resume.
Anybody wanna slap some 50 rep bounty on that one?
@Adnan That's like all my rep.
I added a bounty on two questions about this issue
Anyone has experience with Sentry? getsentry.com/welcome
@TerryChia A friend's company was thinking about getting a subscription from them.
I'll ask him about it
@AviD - that's what I do too. Linked in as resume, Facebook as band stuff, Twitter as conference or gig marketing, SE as extras
Dunno about Wikipedia yet
Must be good for something
@Adnan Cool. I am evaluating using that for the job I'm at. Seems like a solid solution but opinions definitely helpful :)
@TerryChia is that basically a low end log management / filtering tool?
@AviD Hosted log aggregation, yeah.
@TerryChia hmm. make sure you look at this:
Q: What features do you look for in an Enterprise Log Management solution?

makerofthings7This question is for IT Pros, and people who manage a company's infrastructure. Developers should see this related answer for tools geared for them. What are your requirements for such a Event Log Managment solution? What do you currently, or do you hope to derive from such a system? More inf...

@AviD looks
though I dont think there is any coverage there of hosted solutions. that could be an interesting set of challenges / benefits.
Yeah, most of that doesn't apply. It's a Heroku stack so all the system-level stuff isn't required.
Just need something simple to aggregate exceptions.
Sentry is open-source, so there's always the option of self-hosting if the company ever gets pass the Heroku phase.
ah cool.
@TerryChia kibana and logstash?
yeah, you probably dont need a full blown SIEM.
to be fair that's the poormans splunk
@LucasKauffman that always sounds crude to me.
@AviD Heh.
@AviD well it's true, there is a reason why they can charge so much for their tools
@LucasKauffman Handywavy enterprise stuff?
@AviD don't get me wrong I love logstash and kibana, but Splunk is just better
@TerryChia it also works quite well, their biggest client at the moment still is Apple
@TerryChia how much data are you processing a day?
are we talking GB of data?
or just MB
@LucasKauffman Nah, MBs max.
if it's MB you can still try their free edition
it doesn't come with authentication then though
@TerryChia it's written in Python btw
Cost (as long as it's not insane) isn't a big problem.
@LucasKauffman Thanks for the suggestions, I'll evaluate them tomorrow.
@ManishEarth @AviD They stole your law.
I <3 @AviD's law
@ManishEarth heh. actually I think my law was inspired (unspired?) by that one.
Donut's law >
@Adnan oooh - clever...
@RoryAlsop Are you sure that you didn't mean to reply this to me?
@Simon oooh - clever...
I see what you did there
I just found a gif of @RoryAlsop and his band.
Evenin All
I see @Simon is dancing with death as always
I once ruined a perfectly good donut by dumping an ice bucket on it, it was sad.
@Simon yes
@RoryAlsop tommy?
@RоryMcCune only you and I will get that.. :-(
possibly @AviD
@RoryAlsop ...quite possibly true
searching for "Rock on Tommy" did not produce exactly what I expected
03:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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