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06:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@RoryAlsop awesome!
@RoryAlsop thats pretty cool. when you were a kid, did you expect to be performing on that same stage?
wait, this was the '80s, so you were in your mid-900's.
@AviD "Kid" is probably relative to lifespan.
Is it though? It's not like Tennant was considered a kid, just because Capaldi is over twice his age.
God damn it! My first wine batch this year ruined within the first two days.
@AviD If Capaldi outlives Tennant two times over, @Terry still has a point tho :P
anyway, morning all
@TildalWave Capaldi is Tennant. Just 1200 years or so later.
@Adnan I read that as "wine bath". You kinky Finns.
God damn Canadian yeast!
I'm not trusting them anymore
@Adnan It's always the Canadians isn't it?
@TerryChia 'sorry' :-)
@RoryAlsop You forgot the "eh".
@TerryChia sorry, eh
@RoryAlsop That's better. But I though you were Scottish?
@TerryChia hey, I can do impressions
@TerryChia Yup! Next time I'll use European yeast.
@LucasKauffman I like it!
@LucasKauffman I'm going to use that :-)
@a20 hello
@Lucas Just discovered InfoSec.so and am quite excited. Looks very active :)
@a20 Don't get too excited or else you will attract the @Simon
haha .. how does one avoid attracting the @Simon
@a20 Don't talk about donuts. Don't eat donuts. Don't have anything to do with donuts.
@a20 That's the thing, no one knows
@TerryChia or maple syrup
@TerryChia And most importantly: don't be a donut.
@a20 oh, and don't mention the @Simon
That's three calls + plenty mentions of donuts. I expect a #simon to arrive soonish.
@a20 furthermore there is also a demon called "she-who-must-not-be-named"
you will know when you meet her
@Arperum Let's summon @AviD in here before that happens.
Now bring me my donuts.
I'm seeing a hazy image of the @simon
@AviD Euphemism? ;)
@TerryChia how can you euphemism that?
@LucasKauffman its a sad day when the DMZ is a month behind the times.
@TerryChia Brain --> gutter.
@AviD you mean a sad day?
@LucasKauffman It's actually dead simple.
yes thats what I said
@AviD also "it's" now that you're editing
@LucasKauffman Hey, it's not even close to the most challenging one.
@LucasKauffman Our dirty little secret is that all the dirty talk here is secretly euphemisms for donuts.
@LucasKauffman "now that you're..."
Goddamn English Nazis.
@TerryChia I call Godwin's. I win.
i'm hungry now
lunchtime for me anyway
@LucasKauffman Thank you
Not one, but TWO coworkers asked me about this logo I have on my other monitor
@Adnan couple more watchlists, there
complete the whole set!
bye guys
@a20 bye come back soon!
@a20 No, don't go! We love you!
@a20 I only kinda like you, but I'm still on my first beer.
@AviD Brb. Joining ETA, IRA, KKK, ISIS, Hezbollah, NDF, etc.
@Adnan well, half of those you're already in, right?
@AviD Oh yeah, I'll just use my Single Sign-On
I'm having issues with the KKK, though.
Apparently, "[they] don't accept [my] kind"
I wonder why
What the shit?! I've just learned that non-UK EU citizens who live in Scotland have the right to vote on the 18th.
Sound very outrageous!
@Adnan I think it's a little too late for you to move here
@RoryAlsop Honestly, even if I lived in Scotland for a few years I wouldn't vote. It's sounds very ridiculous that I have a saying in something that big and historic
@Adnan I think it's ridiculous that this vote is going to be used to determine the country's future, and yet about 50% of the folks disagree with the other 50%. Unlike Norway which had over 95% when they voted for independence.
@RoryAlsop though TBH no less ridiculous than general elections in the UK where the "winning" party pretty much never has 50+% of the vote..
@RoryAlsop What's the current situation of that though?
The prepolls showed a tendency towards staying put iirc
@ManishEarth latest polls show it neck and neck
basically either way now it's going to make a significant percentage of the population unhappy
@RоryMcCune So either way the populace is going to be cross, the question is, will they be independently cross? :P
@ManishEarth indeed, short answer is at the moment, no-one knows.....
@RоryMcCune what's your take on it? :)
@ManishEarth independence is extremely risky but potentially provides a structure for a government which more closely represents scottish political beliefs... whether people should vote for it or not depends on whether they think the risks are worth the potential outcome..
@RоryMcCune Yup, latest poll puts the pro-independence front at about 51%
@RоryMcCune What a recipe for disaster.
@TerryChia pretty much unlikely to be good. The westminster gov are promising additional powers in the event of a "no" vote but they're risking annoying the rest of the UK there who could quite legitimately ask why Scotland are getting preferential treatment...
@RоryMcCune Because THEY'RE SCOTTISH
@RоryMcCune Nobody likes the Welsh anyway
@RoryAlsop Actually it was 99.95%
A score that has been beaten only once in a major referendum -- In 2003 in Iraq, when a whooping 100% of registered electors did vote, and all of them (down to the last) voted to maintain Saddam Hussein in his seat.
@RоryMcCune Also, the "vote no to get better" argument, when last tried in Scotland, turned out to be "vote no and then get Thatcher", which was somewhat less appreciated.
@ThomasPornin it is true to say that the aftermath of the last "no" vote wasn't exactly good for Scotland...
In much more recent times, in 2011, South Sudan voted for independence with a 98.83% score.
Usually, in functioning democracies, scores beyond about 65% are viewed with suspicion: an issue in which people so overwhelmingly agree should have been dealt with long ago.
Such a score indicates that something went wrong; either the democracy is not exactly functioning, or the vote was rigged.
How do you explain Norway?
@ThomasPornin Just to make things clear, 99.95% of those who voted either yes or no.
Nearly 15% of the eligible voters didn't vote
and there are those who voted with squiggly lines
So, to put things in perspective, 84% of people in Norway voted for independence.
@RoryAlsop boobies. Males got distracted.
@LucasKauffman Boobies are always a good explanation.
@RoryAlsop Apparently, the Norway/Sweden union was not completely a democracy, not on the union issue. It was under political control of the King.
The issue had been boiling for some time, and ended up with a constitutional crisis.
Also, Norway and Sweden already had their own separate military, and were building up their forces. Risk of war was non-negligible.
Sir Sean Connery notwithstanding, things are not at that level between England and Scotland, and would probably not turn that way in the foreseeable future, whatever the referendum result will be.
that makes sense - we have been discussing it a lot in Orkney (mostly because Orkney only recently became part of Scotland). Many in Orkney want independence from Scotland if the vote goes to a Yes - they want to rejoin Norway
@RoryAlsop Scotland would be morally obliged to comply to Orkney independence, if they get theirs. Norway, on the other hand, would be under no obligation to welcome the Orkney.
Though control of more fishing areas and oil wells would probably be a powerful argument.
After all these are the reasons why Norway rejected entry in the EU.
(Moral obligation is not as binding for countries as it is for people. In fact it rarely works.)
The Orkney flag certainly has nothing to do with the Union Flag or the Saltire
As a French, I am historically compelled to welcome Scottish independence, because it will open a new potential front on the rear of the English. Strategically, they would be surrounded.
heh heh
'As a French'
I am not Canadian yet...
In case of independence, would Elizabeth remain Queen of the Scots ?
(after all, she is a descendent of Robert Bruce)
@ThomasPornin Dun dun dun:O
We all thought you were Canadian
@Adnan I passed the exam for Canadian citizenship, but I am still waiting for administrative completion of the process.
I'd love to see Scottland independant because it would mean we can get independance too
@LucasKauffman From what?
If Scotland obtains independence, then this may give some hopes to the Québec independentists, which would in turn call for reaction from the Canadian federal government, including speeding up citizenship application processing (because newly-made citizens tend to be federalists).
At least that's how it went in 1995.
@LucasKauffman Flanders independent from Wallonia, or Wallonia independent from Flanders ? Or Bruxelles independent from both ?
Sometimes it is hard to see who is leaving and who is staying.
@Rory: in case of Scottish independence, what would be the capital ? Edinburgh ? Glasgow ? Scone ?
@ThomasPornin I'd opt for a more federal states approach rather than a complete split up
@ThomasPornin I think it's Edinburgh, as the current capital
Scone would be fun though
I drove through Birnam yesterday - visited the Beatrix Potter gardens
very nice
@ThomasPornin to be fair I'm getting fed up with the walloon Partie Socialiste
Robin Williams on Scots :P youtube.com/…
@ManishEarth Well you saw what happened in the end.
Nothing happened in the end of the video
@Adnan the man killed himself
Well, meh. Too bad for him
Or, too good for him
Who cares?
@LucasKauffman She wasn't interested in celebrity stuff, may her soul rest in peace.
Startup Idea: Speed dating, but where people just sit at a table alone and accept no one will ever date them.
@TerryChia We should call it #TheSimoning
@AviD Wanna develop an app with new hipster technologies?
@TerryChia Aaah.. finally monetizing one of my hobbies
@TerryChia Dont need an app. Just have a homepage pointing at #Simon.
@Adnan @Kisu begs to differ.
@AviD Running on MongoDB?
@AviD That video was all CGI
Even the water, it was fake
@Adnan Dayum, you totally crushed Pixar.
Have you noticed that I wasn't wet at all after that CGI threw the bucket on me?
@AviD That is brilliant!
@Adnan YOU weren't.
@Adnan Ahh, so this is you:
@RoryAlsop With a bit more chest hair.
But that's a very close approximation, yes.
@Adnan heh heh
@Adnan how did you manage getting the simoning so high on twatter?
@RoryAlsop That's exactly what we want @Simon to think
Funny! Don Friesen: Forgot Password - YouTube
I don't think we're doing a very good job of helping kill terrible "security question" practices....
@nealmcb I do like this one
@RoryAlsop thats brilliant.
@Adnan how the hell?
@nealmcb love it.
@Simon The #Simoning was successful!!!!!
We need some advice on best practices. E.g. when someone comes to ask about good security questions, we should say something like: A) don't manage user passwords, use openid and recommend that they use an openid provider with good 2-factor authn B) if you must use passwords and security questions, you need a good practice behind them like [insert 1,2,3....]
Google Chrome's font on Windows changed, ffs.
My Macbook, where are you? <3
@Simon No you updated chrome and that broke most fonts for some reason.
It seems like it doesn't recognize most of them.
Apple’s Two Factor Authentication Doesn’t Protect iCloud Backups Or Photo Streams | TechCrunch
@voretaq7 @AarthiD @sycobuny The average person is only secure on the net because nobody cares about them. Targeted attacks will succeed. :|
I'm going to frame this and put it up on my wall. It's the answer to so many security questions people ask me.
@Simon I've never even met your son.
@ManishEarth you forgot about mass / aggregated attacks.
This is strangely addictive: nowykurier.com/toys/gravity/gravity.html
@AviD Yeah, but those are hard.
doesnt mean they wont succeed
I guess I meant to say "somewhat secure'
But compare targeted attacks to these -- so much easier
@AviD "To view this page ensure that Adobe Flash Player version 10.0.0 or greater is installed."
Strange indeed.
huh. saw it on a mac. didnt realize there was flash on it.
oh well.
@ManishEarth easier, but rarer. as you said.
@AviD yep
@AviD But it's a very useful way to demonstrate security to friends. hack a couple accounts, scare the living daylights out of them
And explain that there are millions of ways to do targeted attacks
mass attacks usually require resources
and stuff.
@nealmcb yep - good idea. We have some good questions on it, and the odd blog post which rolls guidance up, but a definitive blog post could be good
@AviD yeah, I had a situation in trade chat in WoW the other day where someone was trying to call other users idiots, but he did it all without punctuation so that I went through and added some commas
suddenly he was calling himself an idiot
> in trade chat in WoW
@ManishEarth TWSS!
@TerryChia lulz
@AviD so peaceful. But I had to click on the OMFG button
@RoryAlsop did you click the Big Bang button? ("proto disk")
@AviD I keep on clicking it
@AviD sometimes I can't help myself watching the trolls
mostly because of perfect moments like that where I can throw a board in to their bike spokes and watch them slam in to the pavement
@RoryAlsop I love the slingshot effect
because I'm cruel like that
yknow you can make one with mass much larger than OMFG, btw
@AviD trails on, trails off, trails on - ooh, that one's purrty
@AviD oh yeah - much spinny
one massive star, then a proto disc of very light stars
heh. protodisk + trails, eh?
I always did love a good kaleidoscope when I was a kid.
@AviD your parents were beautiful people too, eh?
heh wat?
y'know, hippies
@RoryAlsop no they were jewish
@LucasKauffman most of the original hippies were jewish
@RoryAlsop ah, and no
@Arperum Ah, so it's a default font.
@AviD You understood anyway you donut.
@ello chaps
Hi @Simon, nice to meet you!
@a20 Don't say that yet, I'm one hell of an asshole.
But, nice to meet you too.
@Simon how bad an asshole can you be when you declare it upfront, haha.
@a20 Is that a geometrically improbable pun ?
@a20 A #yolo type of asshole.
@Thomas unintended ;)
@a20 Yeah don't worry if you didn't get what he said, we just all pretend to understand.
@RoryAlsop @AviD Would it be an asshole move to flag a bunch of old questions or that's fine?
(Considering that they should be flagged, of course).
You donuts should answer quickly because I've already begun the revolution.
Or actually, let's name it #projectdonut.
I just flagged one of @AviD's questions #yolo
Oh no!
Who fucked the close queue?!
Does that mean someone reported a bunch of questions? That'd be me.
By reported I mean flagged, eh.
@Simon Flagged for closure?
@Adnan I dunno, off-topic.
Half of them are from 2012
Why the fuck would you do that?
What does closing a 2 year old question do?
Gotta get dem flagz.
There are donuts answering old ass questions fucking daily.
plus, too old to migrate to any site
It's all product recommendation, which means they're a waste of space.
So unless you wanna open ProductRecommendation.SE, it doesn't matter.
@Simon Idiot! Closing doesn't mean removing
Like I said, there are people answering very old questions often. Let's just close them to not cause any trouble.
@Simon Idiot, again.
Anyway, what's the matter with all that?
What trouble does it cause to your happy life?
@Simon The matter is that you're wasting our time by clogging the close queue with unnecessary stuff.
No one's asking you to take care of that queue; I'm sure other people will gladly take care of them.
One of them is a question by @AviD with 18 votes
I think the problem is that @Adnan didn't think of it first.
Is it off-topic or not?
@ScottPack Yeah, that might be it.
Who, @AviD? Fuck that guy.
@Simon No one is asking me.. ahh..
such a kid.
Really? I'm the kid right here?
When I simply used a feature on a website.
@Simon What kind of argument is that?
Close queue looks nearly empty to me.
If old questions shouldn't be flagged, then why was I able to do so?
As a member with +3k rep it means I'm exposed to the close queue.
@Adnan Only if you look at it.
I have every right to complain about your actions
@ScottPack and I choose to look at it
As a human with eyes you'll be exposed to me every time I take a shower.
No one's forcing you to open the damn queue.
If you come into my bathroom.
and I choose to give an opinion about his stupid actions
You still haven't been able to tell me exactly why it was stupid, but sure.
Keep calling me an idiot, you seem to be so much better than me.
You're committing certain actions (good or bad) to this site in public. I have the every right to comment/complain about them
What is wrong with the world? I'm inclined to agree with #Simon.
Tell me about it.
The idiocy isn't in your actions, perhaps. It's in your argument that I cannot complain about it or comment on it
@Adnan Sure you do, but are you able to have an argument with someone without calling him an idiot?
@Adnan You do have every right to have opinions on them. Just because you have the right to be condescending and qockish doesn't mean we don't also have the right to call you out on it.
@ScottPack Go ahead, call me out on it.
@Adnan - Your argument is running in circles. "I think your actions are stupid, because you don't allow me to complain that they're stupid."
@Adnan That's what we've been doing.
@Simon I'm sorry I called you an idiot. That wasn't needed.
@Adnan Ok, I appreciate the apology.
I still don't understand what harm I have caused.
@FEichinger Nope. I think the argument "nobody is forcing you to look at the queue" is stupid.
His actions of flagging might be good or bad. I'm sorry I jumped on calling him an idiot
Okay, let me put it differently: What are you bitching about?
That's for you @Simon.
@ScottPack ^_^ thanks.
@FEichinger Sorry, I'll have to flag that. Adjust your language. Nobody said anything to you.
@ScottPack Damn. Imgur isn't working for me
Blame Alan.
Fucking Alan!
@Adnan I'm having to flag that. Please adjust your language.
@ScottPack I hope you're smart enough to see the difference
I still fail to see the point of the whole argument.
If you're complaining about the volume of the close queue - well, tough break. Get the site cleaned up, then there won't be the opportunity for that in the first place.
@FEichinger I have to say, my first comment on the matter was a knee-jerk reaction
It wasn't well-thought
However, I don't see the need to mess around with 2 year old questions that the community thought they were good (lots of upvotes)
Flagging them is unnecessary
Site policy can change over time.
What the community thinks and what the written rules say is different.
@FEichinger and it has retro effect?
And if the posts are flagged, and you are one of the reviewers, it's your role to decide whether the posts still stay valid.
@Adnan There is a reason the historical lock exists, as much as people like to hate on it.
@Adnan I see two instances of foul language. One called out as such. The second, universally considered stronger than the other, also called out as such.
@ScottPack I guess I was wrong.
06:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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