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Why, I remember when they called themselves 'Non-Stops' for a reason. These lazy things get all whiny and say things like, "It's been a whole week, I'm leaking memory..." or "I just installed a .NET update..."
4 hours later…
@ScottPack Interesting thoughts. Do you think IT Security should try to make the facts that the participants are international, and that by posting questions, answers and comments they are licensing their posts in a way that makes redaction difficult, explicitly obvious to posters?
I have my own legal theories, but I am hardly qualified to argue law from anything other than a novice perspective. However, that don't keep me for arguing.
@Graham Lee I think I failed to detect your humor in the satellite hijacking question. Obviously it is rocket science.
That got me thinking the it would be interesting to watch what happens when a bunch of high school students launch a satellite. I can visualize a scene where after separation the satellite spins off in a unintended direction as horrified students watch. Followed by the mission backers voiding the contents of their stomachs.
3 hours later…
@thisjosh :-)
Rory, I don't think that he knows he can ask the question on SuperUser or ServerFault, maybe migration would help.
Yep - have just left a wee update to my answer on the meta Q and I think I will migrate across
thought your answer was right on the money
Thanks, for some bizare reason I was feeling exceptionally sympathetic and failed to revert to a 12-year-old.
LOL - I know what you mean. Sometimes that xkcd comic "someone is wrong on the Internet" takes over
Yea, I think there needs to be more applied game theory taught in school. You can win an argument and still loose.
Oh hai!
hai @Mvy
Happy diurnal bijection!
diurnal bijection?
Well I never know what time period someone is in, so diurnal covers a day, and the bijections should be able to translate whatever time it is her to whatever time it is there, or did I misunderstand bijection?
I thin we can refine this, because we have surely a bijection
and the value are ordered in the same order
what with the tiemouts?
timeouts? or tie-mounts?
Happy diurnal isomorphism?
time out + plural :P
That seems right, but I never feel comfortable with a inverse function in the time domain
Well it just means you can go from one time to another and back
or should :P
Yes, but I get concerned that some junior programmer at NASA's JPL will make the next Mars rover go back in time.
or maybe the previous Mars rover
nterestng - interesting without identity
@thisjosh @Mvy Just came back from a meeitng and read your conversation. Feels like xkcd should do a cartoon about it:-)
2 hours later…
@thisjosh The problem with such notion is, as always, how to make things clear without overdoing it. For instance, such warnings already exist at the bottom of every page and on the FAW under the "Other people can edit my posts?!" section.
So, do we have that as an extra warning such that the asker/answerer must have an additional click-through? "Post (Question|Answer) -> You realize this is CC right...? -> Post to Site Anyway"
@ScottPack that would be annoying
That's definitely past the reasonable point, in my opinion, but is there a middle ground? I'm not sure.
Morning @Scott, Afternoon @Graham
I have arguments like that with people w.r.t. our AUP or Student/Employee Code of Conduct sometimes.
@thisjosh - see I managed that split bijecty thingy :-)
Lovely Morning @RoryAlsop! And also something pleasant to @GrahamLee!
actually it is quite pleasant today, though I'm going to Slough soon which some claim can put a damper on any day
@thisjosh You would be surprised how often people get pissy when you hold them to those documents, because better than 85% have never read them.
Heh, Slough....nice...erm...
Oh hey! You're going to....Slough....hm. Yeah, happy Monday!
On the warning notifications, I'm not sure where the balance should be. There is quite a lot of info around SEI to notify, but if people just come to Sec.SE and click on ask question without doing any Due Diligence...dunno what we can do
It's for an interview so hopefully it will go well despite the friendly bombs
@ScottPack Nah, the Happy Mondays were from Manchester:-) (I'll get me coat...)
@RoryAlsop That's kind of my point.
So Slough is no longer an industrial wasteland?
@GrahamLee that's brilliant!
no, it's a technological wasteland now.
although it does still have a big industrial estate with some epic chemical works on it
I hear that about Rochester, NY. Something about Kodak.
So, @RoryAlsop, I see that you're actively locking out contributors to securitytube. Nice. Way to be elitist.
indeed, the best way to grow any community is to actively dissuade experts from contributing :)
He must not be British enough, wot wot.
This promises to be a good post about getting started on log management
Time to go to work. Ciao.
@ScottPack To be honest, I hadn't heard of securitytube until today
Don't know who the guy is - definitely wasn't trying to lock anyone out :-/
I've heard of it, it has security-related videos. Sessions from past confs and the like
I see a few of J4vv4d's videos up there too:-)
always entertaining
yeah, he's a good lad (though don't let anyone know I told you ;-)
@GrahamLee hahahaha
@ScottPack He seemed to take a 'close' decision very personally, and the 'don't you know who I am response' seemed a little over the top:-)
@RoryAlsop as long as he doesn't read the chat room and discover that the whole of SEI is really just a front for an organisation to discredit him
LOL - everything is a conspiracy, against everyone
really? I would like to subscribe to your newsletter
you accept cash, right?
send it to Dr. Treasurer the Honourable Truth Jones (esq)
Nwotse Town
not before I find his Google+ page to verify that's a real name
I'm not sure it meets G+ guidelines - too many words:-)
then no.
right, I'm off to catch a train to Slough - see you on the other side
@RoryAlsop I had someone try that on me in person about 2 years ago. I think I'm just starting to get over it :)
@ScottPack it's worse when you read his profile
Oo....I like worse goes reads
Different Rory Alsop?
I mean, normally I would think, "What are the chances?" but I imagine that name is the northern equivalent to John Smith.
I don't think there are any others, anywhere:-)
but the false email address makes me think someone was misusing my name perhaps.
That reminds me, I need to check on my business card order.
So, I've never felt like the 'Unsung Hero' badge is one worth really getting exciting about.
It's like you're saying, "My answers are*just* correct enough to be accepted, but not worthwhile enough for anyone, not even the accepter, to upvote."
Heh - I had to go and see what that one was
@Scott yes sort of on unsung hero. @Rory yes - i guess you got the response about someone must have been using your information on ST
Can't link to the page b/c stack forced questions.securitytube.net section take-down
Morning, @aking1012
@ScottPack I got unsung hero because I'm answering and nobody cares about this
Yes - I am not sure why they would, unless it was to use my reputation.
This morning was the first time I had seen or heard of that site
@aking1012 Do you mean that SEI made a site wide decision to block links go questions.securitytube.net?
@aking1012 and seriously - I'm not part of any conspiracy to prevent anything:-) Just do my bit to keep questions on-topic
I mean SE pulled support for private groups. the questions.securitytube.net subdomain was a stack code driven site where questions were often more about aggressive security stuff than managing firewall rulesets and the like...read as "I can't get this bufferoverflow working...help" or "Does anyone know how to use internet radio streams to grab credentials"
And the question repost added the "OR what other tool exists to provide similar functionality" but this was removed as well
Yep - my comment on that was that a question asking for a tool that provides similar functionality to FastBT would be absolutely on-topic, so was more than happy for you to make that the question, whereas the other bit is more suitable on SU as it is just an IT question
When a question is closed, and the advice is to change the question, you don't need to repost - we can re-open a question once it is on-topic
this can be done by mods or the community
Did you look at the one closed as duplicate or just close it? quote - "In the context of anti-virus research, which is DEFINITELY an IT security discipline, does anyone have a patchset to get FastBT running on windows OR what tool provides the same functionality? "
... are we back about that question that was closed yesterday?
close - open - migrate - close the revised question is where i am. i wasn't aware that closed questions were re-openable
yep - had a read through it. The fact it is a security tool is not relevant. You have two questions: does anyone have a patchset... (offtopic) and what tool provides same functionality (on-topic). If you change the question to just be on-topic, we can re-open it
@JeffFerland yep.
@aking1012 - do you want me to edit it to an on-topic form to show you what can work?
@RoryAlsop Devil's advocate: where do we work the lower-level details? He does have a point that we seem to mostly discuss governance or rulesets. Can this be a place to learn the pen-testing craft as well as the defense?
@JeffFerland I definitely think so.
@JeffFerland Absolutely - I think that we already have a fair amount of questions and answers in this space, and to be honest, it is the more exciting end of things. The problem we had in the early days was to understand where the boundaries had to be drawn
@JeffFerland My rule of thumb has always been, "Is it something that I would principally expect to me part of my job, or someone else's?"
eg. How do I run nmap - totally offtopic, which nmap flags will help a scan evade detection - fairly ontopic
@ScottPack Good indication - works for those in a formalised security role:-)
@RoryAlsop In fact, I think the recent, "What do these ports mean?" is an excellent example of that distinction.
@Rory - at this point I'm pretty disgusted with the question thing, so no need to keep going through mangling it. I'm just going to write the patch myself and keep it private. So much for community knowledge.
@RoryAlsop I said, my rule of thumb. Your thumbs are your own problem. :)
@aking1012 No worries. We do occasionally have that expectation gap, so have re-written the FAQ a few times to try and make it easier on new members to understand what is in and out of scope
and this discussion includes members and mods - the community decides where the boundaries lie, and the implementation of boundaries comes from all. The mods get a little more power than individuals, but not much.
@aking1012 Would it be more fair to say you're looking for windows binary instrumentation with that one patch, or could you word it to suggest the patch would be an answer? I know that would fit.
@ScottPack I may be entering the conversation late, but... why should OT be limited to what's part of a job?
Meeting time
Also, got a good job offer last week :)
@JeffFerland excellent news!
I'm looking for that specific functionality. The patch for that tool or another tool that provides the same functionality(doubtful)
@Jeff - also awesome on job offer - i just finished a $2k USD project in a weekend so I'm set for a bit
@Incognito I work in a fairly formalized Information Security department that is distinct from Networks, AppDev, Systems, etc.
@Incognito So for me, I can look at the question, figure out whose job role it would most properly fit in. For instance, Sensitive Data Handling policy development versus Puppet configuration.
I think if anything, I may have been instrumental in widening scope slightly - as I pushed to move towards information security, rather than the initial IT security remit, as it seemed appropriate in a professional context (as no IT security team works entirely separate from information security & risk)
While I do both of those, at my organization, one of those more tightly fits into a Systems role, and one more in a Security Analyst role.
A lot of people don't have that type of formalization and differentiation to draw from.
@RoryAlsop Especially with the push to spread out into more technical and non-programming issues
Yep, so I tend to use relevant examples from financial services, energy, pharma and a bit of local government/university/health services as the larger organisations in these industries do have formalised roles defined which include governance, risk and compliance
What about asking questions that have nothing to do with the primary business sector of security? What if this were a few decades ago and someone asked "How might I abuse the telephone system?"
@Incognito That is entirely within security
I don't think that one would have any possible acceptable answer though...as in it would get wiki-ed instantly
Again, I may be late to the conversation, but what's the question that's sparked all of this?
although we try to persuade Q&A on the attack side down the route of also providing countermeasures, as that will benefit the security professional more
@aking1012 Yes - it is a bit of a shopping list question
@Iszi - a'noon
Someone educate me here? Do we have any idea what OS this system is running?
Q: Do these ports mean anything?

SecurityEnthusiastI'm diving to the world of penetration testing and I decided to port scan my server. My website is completely managed by a friend of mine but he lacks any knowledge of security. PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 21/tcp open ftp ProFTPD 23/tcp filtered telnet 25/tcp o...

@Iszi The target system?
@ScottPack Yeah
I'm kinda curious about the radmin and vnc services - shouldn't these be shut down or filtered on a web server?
@Incognito it's not worth going back in to the question. I had a very specific question and I thought it would stand a better chance of getting an answer on security instead of superuser. And I can't seem to convince anyone that it's valid.
@Iszi - it's linux/unix
dovecot doesn't run on windows to my knowledge
@Iszi We don't, though we can make some guesses. I would assume (until proven otherwise) that it was a linux box that, among other things, serves up smb shares.
@aking1012 Still more than happy to reopen as just that 2nd question which is ontopic
Isn't radmin a cleartext protocol? Or, am I thinking of another service?
ahhh - I finally found the meta post I was looking for:
Q: What is the boat programming meme about?

Michael StumI remember some time ago there was some huge problem regarding some question that had something to do with a boat, and I think I missed that topic completely. As I see it being mentioned every now and then, I'd just like to know what it was about.

replace boat with security application
@Iszi Hum the last radmin thing I saw was on windows computer in school when I was 16 year old. And the net admin though it was sufficient to just "hide" the C:\ drive to prevent user to access programms
@Rory - I guess, but if you want to find users of security applications...you go to a security site...not a general use site. This is with the possible exception of Ignatius
@JeffFerland - have reviewed your blog post. I'm happy to publish it any time - let me know.
@Rory - I think you're REALLY reaching on equating my question with that though...and yes a really prolific stack fellow
@aking1012 I do totally agree. I reckon in your specific use case, asking in chat is likely to get results. We do often talk offtopic stuff in here
Yes - was a stretch, more for the comedy extreme than a direct match
Ignatius == general stack answering fellow that is also in to security
@aking1012 ahh - will have to have a look. Thanks
I don't do that much over on the other SEI sites. Only a few where I am over 1k - as there are people who know far more on most of them than I
wow - 6000 answers:-)
I think he's pretty close to the top on the 3-site leaderboard too
I think that's relevant.
@ScottPack Amusing to see Jon Skeet so far down. Obviously very focused on just the one site
@RoryAlsop Yeah, less than 5k of his rep is from the other two sites.
whereas more than half of mine is from sites other than this...think I'm spreading myself too thin
Users' passwords, our responsibility or theirs? I think this question needs to probably be broken up two ways: 1.) Password strength is the responsibility of the user, although we should provide some guidance and technical restrictions to help this along. 2.) Secure password storage is absolutely our responsibility, so that hopefully even the "weak" passwords won't be easily exposed or cracked.
Q: Who is responsible for users passwords' strength?

Michal MUs (developers, architects, etc.) or the user himself? As a web developer I've frequently wondered whether I should enforce the minimal password strength on my websites/applications users? I frequently meet regular people (not geeks or IT professionals) that hate when they are required to mix l...

@Iszi I would say "It depends." to both of those :) Defining the password complexity requirements could come from us, implementing those requirements would probably be someone else, and choosing/using those passwords would be the user's.
The storage aspect, I would say divides up pretty equally. Defining the minimum requirements for said storage would definitely fall under us, but implementing might not necessarily be.
@ScottPack Oh, by "us" I meant IT as a whole - not just the Security department. I see your point, though.
So, in a strictly "IT vs. Users" comparison, it seems we agree?
@ScottPack I didn't claim it would be easy. If it was easy it would already be done.
And easy problems are boring.
@aking1012 Actually though I could probably figure it out I was not aware that closed questions could be reopened. If a question you post is closed do you get any guidance?
Closed questions are re-openable by either community vote (req. 3k rep.) or "Diamond Moderator" action. More details here:
I think I plot more towards the closed side of things than Scott Pack and Rory Alsop.
@ScottPack What about having it appear the first time you post?
@thisjosh Could be, I've never really tried to tightly pin down my on-topic opinions. Most likely, I lean towards the wider scope than narrower. I am a pretty technical, and non-programmer, person so that drives it quite a bit.
@thisjosh I think new posters already get some additional guidance, though I honestly don't know what.
Just thought I would put this out there...Rory said he had never heard of securitytube...this profile looks a lot like him: webcache.googleusercontent.com/…
@ScottPack I know there's a good bit of "first-time posting" guidance, but I don't think it particularly calls out or highlights the CC-BY-SA license.
@thisjosh - sort of...sort of not. all i got was "off-topic per faq", and i just disagree that it is a)off topic or b)will ever get an answer if migrated to one of the more general sites. like you don't go ask a walmart cashier about marine biology...but you might ask someone at seaworld. make sense?
@aking1012 Meh, I'm not getting in that pissing match. I don't know enough about the topics involved to have an informed opinion.
@Iszi Here's a good question. Were I to create a dummy account, in order to determine exactly what is shown, would I violate ToS. Mmm
@ScottPack Not at all. I think there's been a few Meta threads about so-called "sock puppets" and the consensus has been that, as long as you're not using them for system-abusive purposes (up-voting yourself, etc.) it's okay.
@aking1012 I will say, however, that I've gained enough trust in @RoryAlsop to trust his statement that he's never heard of the site. Now whether you've gained enough trust in any of us to put any faith in my statement is an open question :)
@Iszi That's good to know. Non-use sock-puppets certainly seem useful.
@ScottPack - yeah. well that account wasn't a member for very long or even active i don't think. to my memory that profile only asked two questions and one was about getting a database dump or peeling content/licensing. shortly there-after SE pulled private community support so...it's really - odd. the only reason it's upsetting is that i would have gotten an answer or useful dialogue instead of a shut-down.
@ScottPack Here's what seems to be a relevant thread...
Q: I am a sockpuppet, may I exist if I have a real purpose?

Josh's SocksI am a sockpuppet account of Josh, AKA The OutOfStars Exception. I am going to help him test the XMPP chat integration system he's building. Am I allowed to exist? I promise to behave, and never leave Meta or Meta's chat. If so, may I please have enough rep to chat? EDIT BY JOSH: I have drawn a...

@ScottPack More details, with input from the big man himself.
A: What's the SO policy about having multiple user accounts?

Jeff AtwoodIt is not a problem to have multiple accounts, as long as they aren't voting for each other and doing other sockpuppet-y things. Though it is generally discouraged, as what legitimate reason would you need for multiple accounts? Idle hands are the devil's playground, etc etc. That said, for thi...

@aking1012 I seem to recall listening to the SE podcast where they talked about shutting down the 3rd party sites. The arguments seemed pretty well business related and not entirely unreasonable.
@ScottPack - Yeah I get that mostly. If they were doing all the hosting - etc. All I was getting at with the thing getting under my skin is that the particular question I have has NO appropriate place to be. Programmer - no that's about employment in the field...SO - no I'm not looking for directions on compiling or a particular error. SU - super general and I highly doubt it will EVER get an answer. This seemed the most reasonable place.
@ScottPack - but yes, I'm just letting this thing die. I'll just keep my patch private and SE won't have an answer for that question if/when someone goes looking.
@aking1012 At the risk of sounding rather douchey, that is the first non-emotionally driven statement I've heard from you on the issue. However, it's not a concern I disagree with.
I've thought about those kinds of issues with examples like enVIsion or SecurID
Most questions about, say, configuration or use of those kinds of products would end up at SF, but since those products are traditionally run out of a security group, then the expertise would be here.
@aking1012 Just seen that cache - that does look remarkably like the exact thing I might have said
Don't see any sign my computer knows about that site, and I don't remember it, but I guess it's possible I was one someone else's computer and typed that. Seems unlikely, but the words look like mine.
If that is the case - I apologise for that, however it doesn't change any of the rest of the discussion:-)
Always causing problems...
@ScottPack so it would appear. One of those days. Also had to sit my mandatory anti-money laundering, financial independence and a range of other courses for my new employer. The exciting side of professional services
How else do you get your bills clean and crisp without laundering?
heh - right, off to feed the kids, after first persuading them to put down the musical/noise instruments and remain stationery for more than 20 seconds
Posted by Nick Larsen on August 22nd, 2011

For the longest time, Careers users have been requesting an export feature. We recently released a PDF generator tool to help you turn your profile into a customized résumé. You can find the link in the sidebar on the edit page of your profile.

Using the résumé generator, you can customize the info you would like to provide to perspective employers by selecting each item you would like included.

Once you get it just right, press the “Export to PDF” button at the top to download your résumé!  Check out my sample résumé. …

1 hour later…
@RoryAlsop @aking1012 current diktats appear to be against the idea of a wiki question: if it's a poor question it just shouldn't be asked. blog.stackoverflow.com/2011/08/the-future-of-community-wiki
wow, I always miss the fun stuff
instead, I'm just hanging out on the beach for a few days...
@AviD I was going to say "you always seem to go and do work", but now I'm not so sure :-P
@GrahamLee weeelll, everyone needs a holiday
some time away
Missed ya @AviD
kept myself busy...obviously:-)
up north with the family for a few days - relative's beach house :D
@RoryAlsop sweet
@RoryAlsop hate to be your pantsweasel, but in this case you're wrong - you were on the aforementioned site.
Yes - I ended up kind of accepting that fact
Totally don't remember, but it looks like me and sounds like a duck
back in the early days of yon beta, we had discussed looking around for other sites we could draw crowd from, and someone discovered the SE 1.0 site. You dropped a couple of drive-by comments, leading to here.
"looks like me and sounds like a dick" - what are you trying to say??
U...U... not I
ahhh, right, the witch thing.
anyway, to be fair - faulty memory is to be expected at your age ;)
@AviD very good
so, as long as we have all moderators here - who's next on our blacklist?
hmm, maybe we should ban @JeffFerland. That guy gives me the creeps.
I'm not sure about that @ThomasPornin. He knows too much to be human.
I agree. What a tool.
what about that @Scott guy
Oh, hello @Scott
whistles nonchalantly
@GrahamLee yeah, I think he's probably @JonSkeet's sock puppet.
I need to find the sock puppet video my team made a couple of years back...
that's all I can think of when sock puppet is mentioned
wait wait, didnt we all agree that @Iszi is the butte of all jokes here....? ;-)
@RoryAlsop Is it SFW?
if it is, then don't bother.
sorry - I think it is
@AviD isn't that in the Grand Canyon national park?
Great Joke Butte?
maybe not...
you mean people use videos for SFW purposes?
/me would not want to see a NSFW porpoise
@GrahamLee already seen it.
no wait, I think it was a walrus....
oh, that video exists - see rule 34
Why do I keep getting mod flags for other chat rooms?
Speaking of which, after going back and doing a deep inspection of the XKCD Tetris comic, I did finally see it.
I'm almost embarrassed to admit how long it took me to see.
@ScottPack LOL - it's the new purity test
@GrahamLee because you're admin on all chat rooms.
@GrahamLee I do too. D'ya think it is to relieve the load on other mods? It tends to be in SO
I am?
@AviD - noooooo, you've released unspeakable horrors
@GrahamLee In chat, all mods are mods in all rooms.
all site mods are uber-chat-mods
@RoryAlsop Ate too much Mexican?
@ScottPack ohhh maaan, and now we're on
see, I'm trying to complete this weeks QOTW post and you keep distracting me:-)
I didn't realise shower pictures from @RoryAlsop were , but it does make sense
Ewwww - I haven't got his tentacles
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