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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

Brilliant. Our kind of lady.
Also, all you #ShinyMac freaks - hengedocks.com /cc @TerryChia
@AviD 0_0
@JourneymanGeek the macdocks? yeah, they're pretty.
well they are, but I was thinking the whole modern day camp follower thing
In the army I got forced to serve in, we'd likely be spending time in DB for that sorta thing ;p
@AviD Seen that.
@JourneymanGeek seriously? They would punish you by making you write SQL?
@AviD: detention barracks
@AviD Pssh, it's a NoSQL DB. Probably mongo.
aaaand if you're really bad, like mutiny or shooting someone, they make you write PHP!
@AviD Tsk!
@FEichinger oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
> and if you're really bad, like writing PHP, they make you shoot someone!
Strength-wise, is one long cable tie better than two short ones extending each other?
@RoryAlsop Very cool. I'll look for it.
Question, if I log onto a windows computer using a smart card and then retrieve my domain credentials with $creds = get-credential -credential “$ENV:username” and echo out my username with echo $creds.username I get a string of gibberish that starts with two @@. What is that string? Is it some kind of hashed/encoded value?
I thought it was something with the ID I haven't looked at a certificate in a while.
@John it might be that the end is @something.net, followed by hash and the something.net is being echoed out followed by the hash that follows
if that make any sense
It means a smokin' hot wind just blew by. — Jason C 27 mins ago
I just measure it and add 3 inches
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
hello social rejects
@kalina cue crickets there doesn't seem to be any here
@Kisunminttu god just take all of my fun away from me
@NoTime behaviour like this is why I half any such values I'm given.
@kalina This is the fun police. No fun allowed for you.
@Kisunminttu Do you tell @Adnan that as well? ;)
@TerryChia He's the boss. He decides if there's fun to be had.
@Adnan is not boss material
You should feel ashamed for allowing such an individual any control over your actions
I've just found zero calorie peanut butter whip spread and marshmallow fluff. I call BS...
zero calorie peanut butter?
with marshmallows?
@kalina Oh, you're funny!
@kalina No, separate items
oh right, well that's still pretty impressive
@Kisunminttu It's either a lie or it will taste bad. ;)
@kalina TWSS!
@TerryChia I think it will taste horrible and the mouthfeel will be all wrong
@Kisunminttu TWSS!
How did I not see that
@Terry just TWSS both women in the room in the space of a few seconds
we should leave
@Kisunminttu You clearly have not practiced enough.
Morning Ladies, Gentlemen, and anyone I wouldn't accuse of being either.
Well afternoon, verging on evening,
@JourneymanGeek why are you even here?
don't you have someplace else to be?
Why are you?
like... not here, perhaps?
@JourneymanGeek that's a good question that I ask myself every single day
meh. I can be everywhere, and nowhere
well, you smell, and stop following me around
I try to avoid the smell and then turn around and you're there... again
I am not following you around.
are too
(also, meh, I have a reason for hanging out here. I should more. I do have some degree of professional interest in computer security ;p)
take a picture, it will last longer and spare me from your obsessive behaviour
Besides, why would I even bother to stalk you?
I know you do, I'm just bored enough to try and provoke a random argument on the internet so that I can laugh and then walk away
ahh right
I would have thought that the desolate plains that are the DMZ would have remained quiet
but in the time that I've been here, several other people that I know from other sites have started idling here
and it defeats the purpose of not using SE except for the DMZ when the DMZ is becoming a big room full of people
so I'm going to write my own javascript based web chat
with blackjack
but no hookers
did you know that people with what google believes to be a celebrity status are allowed to remote things from google without the EU ruling banner?
@kalina Are you in that list?
I can't state an answer to that
actually, no, I'm not
Dammit! :)
but in the future I won't be able to state an answer to that
right, I've written the basics of today's track. I'm going back to bed
need to make sure I maintain enough energy reserves to complete my main snooze
Last night, a girl asked me if I had a sex change after seeing me wearing the kilt.
I said "Yeah yeah. I removed my penis"
She answered "Did you have one in the first place?"
There were too many witnesses to kill her.
@Adnan Hmm, it may have been @kalina. ;)
@TerryChia I don't think so. That girl was physically attractive.
@Adnan Ooooh, burn!
@TerryChia Photoshopped?
@Adnan Dunno.
It's a bear doing stuff. Basically star bait in The DMZ.
I wonder if SE makes awarding a star the same as giving 1 rep
things would be interesting
Wasn't there a website that tracked the most starred person in chat or something?
@kalina ranks highly as expected.
@TerryChia Thanks
Now I learned some new dirty words
Hmm, in a REST API for authentication. Should authentication be POST or GET? (This is solely for verifying the password, no state is tracked.)
@TerryChia What does the authentication request return?
@TerryChia I like how "See quotes in context" simply says "Nope"
@TerryChia Thomas cooking
REST will require you to send a token across GET requests at some point if you want to track authentication without having state
@TerryChia If it returns true/false for valid password or not, then GET. If it returns some sort of a temporary key, then POST
@LucasKauffman Technically speaking, a token generated after authentication and used to track authentication for subsequent request is the definition for keeping a state.
Whether it's in the GET or in the COOKIE header
@Adnan Hm, GET it is then in case. That's what I thought.
For context I'm writing a microservice solely for verification so I don't have to redo this bit for every webapp I write.
@TerryChia But but but.. I'm worried a bit about your implementation
@TerryChia Oh, not worried anymore
@Adnan :)
@terry note my stars to quotes ratio
@LucasKauffman Technically speaking it's not required. It's just really expensive to verify the hash for every request.
@TerryChia Now I'm worried again
Walk me through this. You send the password, your receive true. What's next?
@Adnan The idea is that whatever service that calls this microservice handles the token stuff.
I'm just pointing out to @LucasKauffman that it is possible to include the authentication details and verify for every single request.
Also, food. Brb.
@TerryChia Just to be sure. You send a password to service A, which sends it to your microservice. If the microservice says the password is okay, then service A generates a token and sends it to you?
@Adnan Yups.
Sounds legit to me
But how is that different from sending the password to service A and generating the token there?
or why is it better
On microservice you'll generate the token once after authentication, and so on service A
I still don't see the advantage
@Adnan I want to remove the need for me to write the password handling stuff for every single webapp. I'm gonna wrap this in an easy to deploy Docker container. No real advantage, just making my life simpler.
Just something I'm experimenting with.
Alright. Fair enough
This will also do 2FA stuff so I figure it will save some time if I just make it a write-once deal.
@TerryChia And of course the first of my quotes I find is this one:
in The Bridge, Mar 28 at 4:47, by FEichinger
@spugsley BUTTS. BUTTS.
you like butts
so does she
you two should get together
@kalina ಠ_ಠ
According to Finnish laws, it is okay for sixteen-year-olds to have sex, but it's illegal to sell them sparklers.
@Kisunminttu if they have sex they can only hurt themself and their partner, with sparklers they can hurt many more
@Kisunminttu Well, technically sparklers do classify as fireworks, so ...
@FEichinger Technically
I'm definitely wearing gloves and protective eyewear the next time I'm handling sparklers
I want a USB lava lamp
do you know of other online infosec communities
in particular, ones that allow questions that on SecSE are closed as "too broad" or "opinion based"
@Kisunminttu good idea next time you have sex with one of those 16 year olds, too.
@Kisunminttu interesting
@paj28 yahoo answers
@TerryChia that's nothing to do with drugs, that's more to do with men
@AviD What was that about your daughter again? ... braces for kick
meh, I can trust @Kisunminttu.
and shes not 16 yet, so its all good.
@AviD I totally thought you meant that I'm not 16 yet
that... that would be saying something horrible about @Adnan....
Let's all just remember and appreciate that the age of consent in Germany is 14.
@AviD That's why I was so confused.
@FEichinger Are you living in Germany?
@Kisunminttu I am, yes.
@FEichinger In that case, good for you!
@AviD Remember to buy a shotgun before that day arrives.
@TerryChia Only if they live in 'Murica
@Kisunminttu That is one way to look at it, I suppose.
@FEichinger Have you appreciated it?
If I answer that, @AviD calls me horrible, too.
@FEichinger We already know you are a horrible person. You contribute to the pool of existing PHP code.
inb4 PHP
@FEichinger nuh uh.
@Kisunminttu that I would say something horrible about @Adnan...??
@TerryChia slingbow.
@AviD You know... this is so wrong if taken out of context.
@TerryChia hahaha, true....
Which is why someone starred it I imagine...
still probably safer for all involved.
A: Does Reinstalling windows ensures removal of all malwares/spywares/virus/rootkits etc?

LeptonatorAbsolutely no. It goes back to the "chicken and the egg" thing.. One of the things that Microsoft as well as other vendors warn against is installing/re-installing the OS when you have a virus/malware/or other rogue software. You ** MUST ** have the "bad software" removed and/or disinfected fi...

what about it?
Isn't it wrong?
didnt read it
need motivation, first
If you do a system recovery and reinstall the OS, it's gonna get rid of everything.
and no, its not wrong
He says you must get rid of the infected software before you reinstall everything.
formatting is a good option.
Well, doesn't reinstalling the OS imply formatting?
well, obviously except for those malware below the OS, like BIOS.
@Simon of course not?
Ya but he's saying software.
Weird. I thought people would format before reinstalling.
At least that's what I always do.
some would. but that was not explicit in the question.
ooh! @Simon! I finally remembered.
happy birthday! it's pillow time! #Simon
It seems to be doing a great job.
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod ... It's coming baaaack.
yes, that is a pillow in the wall.
probably mostly disappointing, but it is what it is.
sierra is still alive??
It's even better than I expected, actually.
@AviD No, it's been dead for years.
... Possibly a decade already, even. It's been a while.
I think more.
@AviD Less, actually. It stuck around until 2008.
Just checked.
Activision closed it shortly after the Vivendi merger.
Last release was 2007, as far as I can tell.
Reinstalling is not always enough to kill malware because it can hide outside the normal hard disk space. Perhaps in the bios/efi, perhaps in some firmware (harddisk, network card etc.).
Though in practice almost everybody assumes reinstalling is enough.
@Simon But that answer makes no sense to me.
Yeah it's odd.
Being able to store something on a network card would be a vulnerability on the card itself, no?
It should be read-only I assume?
@Simon You can do firmware upgrades for a lot of hardware in your PC
@CodesInChaos I would imagine that's pretty rare though.
Oh, true.
for some hardware these are persistent, for some it only lasts until the next reboot.
If you just naively format+reinstall the virus might survive in parts of the harddisk outside the partition you format. Perhaps he's referring to that.
I see. Those are not typical infections though.
@Simon TWSS!!
^ Worst TWSS evar.
@Simon TWSS!
cmon #Simon, can't you talk about anything else? ;-)
No, I love dicks.
So do I
I love 'em more.
I am not going to let you provoke me into a starrable statement
Psh. You're too much of a pussy to fight for the love of dicks.
yes I am
I certainly wouldn't advertise the fact openly on a regular basis
well tough
even though I don't like it you can't hear it
well it does
but it's muted in the mix
well played
here, have a listen, I don't actually like the track at all
in fact, it's two tracks, and I don't like either of them
and I didn't bother with an outro because I DON'T LIKE EITHER OF THEM
actually the first half is passable, I should have made something harder and faster out of it
@kalina ahem
you disgust me
I can see the deadmau5 influence all over the track.
there is no deadmau5 influence
I'm kidding you donut.
The break's good, you should do something with it.
And I liked the first track too, actually.
@ 2:05 are you reducing the gain or something?
It doesn't sound natural to me.
It ruins the flow, it seems.
Also, you should extend the break. Keep building it, it has great potential.
When it stops building, it's like if I was expecting more, or at least it would feel right.
You know the fact you heard it at all means it's a reject, right?
Keep the break.
@kalina that was a good response :) (halving measurement)
Is the truth
@FEichinger What's this? A new version of Oregon Trail? I'm probably up for that.
@NoTime Don't be a donut.
@Xander No, it's Sierra Entertainment (responsible for series such as Police Quest and Leisure Suit Larry) returning to life after it was butchered by Vivendi and Activision mid-2000s.
I wasn't even born in mid-2000s.
@FEichinger Yeah, but the video looked like it was for an updated version of Oregon Trail. At least that's what I'm hoping for.
Nah, that's just a modern version of the Sierra intro.
There we go, found a link to the old one.
@FEichinger Ok. Go ahead then. Spoil my dreams.
Well, one of the old ones, at least.
@Xander Sierra coming back is one of my dreams, though. :P
An Israeli Sense of Humor at United Nations set the record straight.
An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly
and made the world community smile.
A representative from Israel began:
'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses:
When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought,
"What a good opportunity to have a bath!"
Moses removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water.
I read all of it.
@fei you dream of the return of Sierra?
@kalina Yes.
@Adnan yea with token I meant anything that you use to validate login, username+password or a hashed form of it
only if they make the sort of cool games they used to
@JourneymanGeek I hope this is a sign that they're reviving the old IPs.
@Simon donout?
@NoTime Donut.
@Simon doughnut?
You're so European.
What do you mean when you call someone a donut/doughnut?
Well, we have to wait until 2016, but it's about time I say. theregister.co.uk/2014/08/07/microsoft_old_ie_end_of_support
@Xander Right ...
You know how that worked out with XP, right?
@FEichinger DIfferent issue.
@NoTime Absolutely nothing, it's a funny word.
@FEichinger Forcing an OS update is hard. Forcing a browser update, not so much. Apple, Mozilla, and Google all manage it just fine. There's no reason Microsoft can't have success with the same model.
@Xander Except Microsoft gives in to the industry's whining all the time.
When you say OS update I assume you mean major updades/upgrades right?
@FEichinger Yes and no. They certainly do where it has potentially significant revenue impact. This is not that.
@NoTime Yes. Major versions, specifically.
@FEichinger they are, with microtransactions and dlc
Think problem with some versions for MS products is they become really different for UX
can you imagine how different the world would be if "Sierra" still owned the rights to Half Life?
@kalina A SWAT 5 with campaign DLC or a Kings Quest MMO would probably get a lot of money out of people.
They wouldn't be a dead company
@FEichinger oh look, Activision are releasing a new SWAT and a new King's Quest
@kalina They would get a lot of money out of me too. Probably.
yes, because even though you hate EA enough to not log in to Origin you would happily give your money to blizztivision
@kalina To be fair, Activision doesn't shove a shoddy "let's fight Steam!" DRM in my face like that.
Or makes their games exclusive to said client.
wait Half Life was Sierra
@NoTime Published by Sierra, developed by Valve.
@NoTime no, Half Life was Valve, Sierra was the publisher and owned the IP
Valve negotiated for control over the IP back and got it
I'm trying to think back to the opening sequence
when Valve first came into existence it wasn't the "we own ourselves and do what we want" superpower that they are now
@kalina And while Activision is known for failing to produce anything new and original, bringing back these old IPs would still be a different move. And, unlike EA, they actually bring their dead studio back to life in a way.
I remember the EA sports dome
@FEichinger Like dungeon keeper
Ooh the frog company
I loved dungeon keeper 1/2/gold
@CodesInChaos Well, if the Sierra IPs are ported to mobile, I won't buy them either.
@FEichinger psh, hardly "back to life"
it's just a brand
"dungeon keeper 3"
with my quotes
I think they worked with Bullfrog (yes I found the name) or something like that I haven't read it in a while
Its cross platform too :_ )
everything in the early days of computing was cross platform
Game released! For the following platforms:
BBC Micro, Acorn Electron, Apple II, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, MSX, Tatung Einstein, IBM PC compatible, Acorn Archimedes, Amiga, Atari ST, Nintendo Entertainment System
nowdays if you ask a developer to create something for consoles and PC they start crying
They are trying to make all windows devices compatible (diff screen resolutions)
if only there was reliable way to use a program cross platform.
have to look at lines of code now too though in comparison, and the architecture
and how many other languages there are now
it's like a freaking tower of babel
@kalina Of course we do. We are the glorious PC gaming master race who doesn't want to support consoles.
The different platforms have different playstyle
It's generally more than a basic 1-1 code translation
> Come the (computer) revolution, all persons found guilty of such criminal behavior will be summarily executed, and their programs won’t be!
What the hell happened to the star wall.
@CodesInChaos more likely that the game gets developed for console than for PC
@DavidFreitag The usual stuff?
so @Simon
@TerryChia No, this time it almost seems composed.
@DavidFreitag Happy coincidence.
@kalina I like it. But yeah, harder and faster would've been better.
Harder and faster is always better.
did you like the bassline?
@DavidFreitag Harder sure, but faster?
@kalina Yeah it was good. I was kinda expecting it to be more trance-y and try to put me to sleep.
well tbh the only part of the track I like is the intro up to 1:45
but I was going for something that was low tempo but still felt pretty fast
Yeah you succeeded in that, but after like 2:00 it got pretty repetitive.
well that's to be expected
it all goes wrong at the pads
@kalina I have no idea what that means, but just know I'm nodding my head in agreement.
@DavidFreitag the breakdown at 1:45, consists of all the long notes?
@kalina After a second listen I really like from 0:50-1:20. The long notes don't quite seem to fit, but you bring it back... and then do nothing.
I feel like if you changed just the second half, you could make that track really good.
3 hours ago, by kalina
You know the fact you heard it at all means it's a reject, right?
I will probably reuse the bassline arrangement at some point though because I like it
Ok. so the way I understand PAT (from a security standpoint) would help with security through obscurity, i.e. the source address/path taken may be harder to determine. Is this correct?
I am unsure how else it could be used as a security measure
2 hours later…
Jesus why does every chip manufacturer require an NDA to use their TPM chips???
@DavidFreitag what are you doing beyond Trousers?
@Gilles One day I made a decision, and I've never looked back.
@NoTime The security aspects of a point-after-touchdown can be summed up by the quote "The best defense is a good offense." The fact that you get an extra point means that the opponents have a harder time catching up, thus, a more secure position for you.
If you're talking about port address translation, however, I've always thought of it like any other form of NAT. It's a network management tool. The security benefits, when any, are more or less incidental.
Speaking of inscrutable acronyms, anybody using SNI in Internet-facing production systems? Any anecdotes on how well it's working, and any problems you've seen?
@Xander It took me longer than I'm willing to admit to figure out how that relates to infosec.
@FEichinger The question, or my answer? If it's my answer, well, nobody ever claimed I was good at making sense.
The answer, yes.
@FEichinger Then my case rests. Yogurt. Zebra. Blue.
Man Atmel is really annoying. They have a bunch of pretty cool crypto chips, but in order to get your hands on a datasheet they whine at you to sign an NDA
Oh god my eyes, seeing some code and seeing a object called "trustAllCAs"
and a todo entry with low priority "Fix SSL hack"
@Xander Kali/Backtrack, probably Sun Tzu as well. That makes sense even if it is incidental.
@DavidFreitag I kinda expected it to be slightly more kalmah, to be honest :)
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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