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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

@TerryChia Any more than half a rack is overkill for most folks at home anyway
@Adnan Nope. HTTP 500.
@TerryChia Thanks
@RoryAlsop Any rack is overkill for most folks at home.
oh, damn and blast it all
FTFY @Adnan :-)
What the shizzle is wrong with JSFiddle today?
I need that example
@Adnan Made that one rhyme and all
@RoryAlsop Jesus, Rory! :D
@Adnan Drink!
and my work here is done :-)
@RoryAlsop bbye
I'll play ShellShock Live while JSFiddle goes back to normal
@Adnan heh - oh, I'm not going anywhere for a bit. It was just my work that is done :-)
So, I know scary breach announcements can be a big marketing bonanza for security firms, but Hold Security seems to be getting it wrong, just a bit.
I saw the service they speak of explained on the site, and apparently after you sign up you have to send them an "encrypted" version of your passwords (which they let you know they can't crack!) and they'll compare them to whatever it is that they have in their database to determine if you've been p0wned.
No thanks.
wow - epic fail
So, you're supposed to send them a sql dump of your users' passwords?
Ah ha! They've changed it. They no longer require an "encrypted" password, but: We have developed a secure methodology for you to share with us a very strong (SHA512) cryptographic representation of your passwords for verification.
@Simon Yes, apparently. Along with $120.
So, it means that they somehow managed to get the attackers' database?
Or was there a leak that I'm not aware of?
@Simon which is clever of them
some might find that suspicious
@RoryAlsop Very.
@RоryMcCune Huh, didn't realize that malware you linked was open source.
It could also be a great way for them to build their own database if enough people trust them.
I need an idea for an app to code in django.
I'm almost done with the login, it's all embedded anyway.
@Simon Make a Facebook clone.
@Xander It would actually be a very good exercise. I'm thinking of something smaller though, I wanna build some sort of portfolio.
@Xander And get sued by any twins that come along??
@AviD Lawl.
@Simon Ok, smaller project. A Twitter clone then.
@Xander I had to concentrate very hard to not laugh outloud.
I guess I could do that and call it Twitbook.
Or FaceTwit.
Isn't that what people call you now?
Oh, they do still say "encrypted passwords." It's just on another page.
@AviD No, they call me the Donutator.
@Simon Donut Eater
@RoryAlsop How did you read through my obfuscation?!?
Clearly my DOfcuscation v0.1 algorithm needs a fix.
@Xander Still harmless compared to the new Russian hack which exposed OVER 800 BILLION emails+hashes.
group of Russian hackers steals 800 billion emails+password hashes http://pastebin.com/Exsxz6cM #BreakingNews #DamnRussians
@CodesInChaos Ha ha ha. I wonder if they'll offer to let you send them your passwords for $120 too? This market is heating up!
@CodesInChaos and we'll get panicked calls from users and customers. The media will have a field day
I like the answer @Thomas gave to one of these questions. It was along the lines of "Yes. You do need to change your password. The same as you need to every time"
How about we pretend that we stole an outrageous amount of passwords and try to make some money out of it too?
@RoryAlsop Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that. That was a great answer.
@Simon For $560 I will check to see if I have your password
I think it was after the Adobe hack, perhaps.
that's US dollars
"Us, InfoSec.SE users, stole over 239784234823423743278462343287324234 passwords from various websites, essential websites, including Hello Kitty Online."
@Xander yeah - trying to find it
@RoryAlsop Yeah, none of that Canadian crap.
ebola more popular than Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber combined: google.com/trends/…
@RoryAlsop Yes and our passwords are in clear text because we can decrypt any hash so you must send your password in plain text.
Make sure to say where you're using it too!
Hmmm - I need to answer some questions. I've been sitting at around 39.8k for a long time. 40k seems like a fun meaningless milestone
@Simon We could go the extra mile and have them encrypt them using v. strong salt-free MD5 which will make them unreadable by us or even the NSA.
@Xander Which was developed by Steve Jobs himself. It is also the reason of his death, the NSA didn't want this to be released so they killed him. However, we managed to get our hands on it.
@RoryAlsop Just wait and get that passively.
So... iVibe is an actual thing that exists
@kalina Does it have iCloud integration?
I don't know
Nor want to
@kalina ... And now we know what you're going to do for the next few hours ... or days.
I don't own an iPhone
Well I do
But I wouldn't ever touch it again
This is so damn creepy. @FEichinger is silent and as soon as @kalina says something, he talks. kalina-alarm.js?
@kalina ... Because you did things with it.
Come on, you're making this too easy for me.
I'm making what easy?
@Simon It was actually @Terry's message that pinged me.
Otherwise I wouldn't even have noticed anything.
I wouldn't use a multi function device for that
I have dedicated hardware
Hehehehe - check out the room description:

 The Base Camp

Nothing running?
@kalina quite right too
@kalina and software.... (sorry)
@kalina I don't think @FEichinger qualifies as hardware.
There is no software involved in my hardware solution
@TerryChia Last I recall, I was mostly software controlling the hardware.
Found it! // CC: @RoryAlsop
A: Should I change all my passwords due to heartbleed

Tom LeekNo. You do not have to change all your passwords due to heartbleed. You have to change all your passwords because everybody seems to have become a huge herd of panicking sheep; changing your passwords will give you a warm feeling of doing something useful while you are running to your ultimate de...

@FEichinger I don't think PHP qualifies as software either.
@TerryChia OH SHUDDUP.
@TerryChia you keep saying things like this but the truth is you all know exactly the same amount when it comes to this subject
@FEichinger TMI :-)
@Xander that was the one!
I was merely reading the register
not because I am geeky but for some other reason I haven't yet made up yet
@Xander How did that only get 21 votes?
and there was an article about iVibe
and then a comments section which goes downhill slightly from there
@kalina Did you push or did you pop?
@TerryChia It has five downvotes for not being patronizing enough.
@TerryChia I'm sorry I don't understand your geeky joke
@kalina And, as always, I'm the exception to your generalization.
Or even nurdy**
@Simon I'm sorry I can't be seen to be agreeing with you
Someone should name a major exploit "panicking sheep".
@FEichinger I'm sorry you spelt generalisation with a z
in all honesty, the article was called iphone user shamegasm
and I saw the "-gasm" and got curious
@kalina Which is not an incorrect spelling.
@TerryChia Graham Cluley said something similar earlier today.
I can't take seriously infosec folks who say things like "Operation Poisoned Hurricane"... Get a sense of humour. Call it "Lumpy Trousers"
Not sheep specific of course.
But that we needed better names.
Lumpy Trousers is amazing.
@Xander @Thomas can probably come up with a 100 awesome names.
I'm scared
Simon is talking about how he loves lumpy trousers
@CodesInChaos Shit! They even posted a proof!
@Adnan Is it me or that's the most ridiculous proof I've ever seen?
stupid flood protection
@kalina you
Hungry for D?
@RoryAlsop Wouldn't yoda be more like "Hungry, I am"?
@Simon you're so immature
... ok?
You're such a donut.
right, wasn't even an insult
I hate developing in ASP.NET, I feel like a mini @AviD
@Simon ymean, like a real programmer?
@FEichinger yes. But I wasn't paying attention
And @Simon got his D in the way
@AviD Oh yeah, adding runat="server" everywhere makes me feel like a pretty amazing kinda guy!
@Simon Why aren't you using MVC you little donuthead?
@RoryAlsop How can @Simon's D get in the way? It's practically non-existent.
@Simon umm.... that's not programming! #simon
fixed that for you Simon
@RoryAlsop I doubt Simon's "D" has enough mass to get in the way of anything.
@kalina inb4. Sorry.
you can't inb4 and also be sorry
No, but I can pretend to be sorry!
typical german
@Xander Meh, the project is not big enough to bother. I'd have to learn how ASP handles it and I'm not sure if it's worth it at this point.
@RoryAlsop Thanks, it's probably better that way.
@RoryAlsop No, no, a Canadian would actually be sorry.
@Xander no, that was on heartbleed.
@AviD Yes.
22 mins ago, by Xander
A: Should I change all my passwords due to heartbleed

Tom LeekNo. You do not have to change all your passwords due to heartbleed. You have to change all your passwords because everybody seems to have become a huge herd of panicking sheep; changing your passwords will give you a warm feeling of doing something useful while you are running to your ultimate de...

@AviD Yes.
27 secs ago, by Xander
22 mins ago, by Xander
A: Should I change all my passwords due to heartbleed

Tom LeekNo. You do not have to change all your passwords due to heartbleed. You have to change all your passwords because everybody seems to have become a huge herd of panicking sheep; changing your passwords will give you a warm feeling of doing something useful while you are running to your ultimate de...

yes, yes, sorry sorry. Transcript be delayed.
Delayed by 22 minutes?
its me, man
juggling too many windows
he says juggling too many windows
Why don't we replace every starting letter followed by a vowel by "D"?
he means "brain just start working again"
@AviD Better than juggling a bunch of linuxes.
Dimon sounds awesome.
okay, juggling too many machines.
@AviD Netbooks, notebooks or servers?
@Simon and yet you fail to fulfil the requirements of your rule
only most of them VMs. one is a #ShinyMac.
... I'm too tired for this.
such a piece of clunky crap.
@AviD Either way juggling computers are an expensive idea.
@AviD Send it my way. I'll even pay for shipping!
@TerryChia derp. not physically, duuuh
@kalina How?
@Simon surely it would be "Didon ddunds adedode"
@TerryChia no! its shiney!
@AviD Hipster.
@kalina You're somewhat right except that I said "starting letter"
My sentence was fine.
Just like my D.
@Simon nope, it would still be "dimon dounds awesome"
stop talking about your D, it is insignificant and a waste of everybody else's time
the only time a man is allowed to talk about his D as much as you do is when it's 10 inches long and as thick as my arm.
@kalina Oh yeah, that sounds like good times. Or not.
@kalina why, is that rare?
@Simon oh no, it wouldn't be good times
but at least it would be something worth talking about, rather than the waste of breath that yours is
@AviD What exactly are you implying? ;)
Look everybody, it's the daily @kalina rage!
@TerryChia do you really have to ask?
Hourly might be more appropriate though.
@Simon I'm not raging, would you like to see raging?
@kalina No, I have better things to do like mentioning stuff about my D.
@kalina Well, no. :P
here is Simon spreading more misconceptions
something he does literally every time a thought crosses his mind
I'm not mad, I am wearing a smile
@kalina The chat I'm looking at is pleasantly absent of stupid.
Simply because you're thinking about my D.
This is fun to watch, but, yeh, I'm going to take a nap. o/
@TerryChia oh? which room are you in?
@AviD This one. With a filter in place to cut out 80% of the crap. :)
Yeah yeah, we know. A filter that ignores me; "ha ha ha".
@TerryChia ah, you have @Simon and @kalina on ignore. cool cool.
@AviD Well, only one so far.
If I block @kalina I'll be missing out on great iOS app recommendations.
ah okay, speaking of which - Mac calendar isnt showing me event contents. e.g. a link to google hangout. how do I get it to give me that?
@AviD I have literally no idea. I don't use calendars in general.
@Scott can help you out there probably.
okaaaaay... is this one of your weird anti-populist beliefs?
@AviD Nah, I'm just incredibly disorganized.
How to get Terry mad:
Step 1: Tell him that he's gotta learn that sometimes he's wrong
Step 2: Sit back and relax.
> After years of trying to force things in various languages and frameworks (like MVC ala Struts on top of WebForms), I've learned this simple thought: don't kick against the bricks; they don't care and you'll get hurt. If you're in Ruby, program idiomatic Ruby. If you're in Python, program idiomatic Python. If you're in PHP, get a new language.
/cc @FEichinger
If you use WebForms get a new framework. It's worse than php. At least php doesn't try to hide you're writing a web application.
Q: What is your way to create good passwords that can actually be remembered?

lbwtz2What are the methodologies which can be used to generate "human" good quality password? They have to ensure a good strength and also easy to remember for a human being.

went through the list, cast 5 upvotes and 12 downvotes, and I was pretty generous
started flagging dupes but got tired of it
@Gilles Yeah, it's pretty awful.
at least the top-voted answer is the best one @AviD
and with just a few more votes we can rank xkcd above bad and worse
c'mon guys!
I like that one:
> Klingon Folk Songs are even better.
@CodesInChaos I dread the thought of living an existence in which I believe that memorizing Klingon Folks Songs is a good or reasonable pastime.
Wow the documentation for Crypt:RandPasswd says "Instead, it uses perl's built-in rand() function, which in turn is (usually) built on the pseudo-random number generator functions of the underlying C library. "
Proudly documenting that your password generator uses one of the shittiest PRNGs in existence.
That tops even Microsoft's documentation for System.Random where they explain at length with an example that the default constructor uses a bad seed instead of simply fixing the seeding.
That question is a gold mine:
> I found KeepAss pretty useful.
2 hours later…
I like those guys. I'm not really sure why either. It's oddly upbeat... but not at the same time.
In case you are weary about clicking, it's not my usual genre hence the missing cc to simon.
Awww @terry didn't have me on ignore and he thought the chat had any stupid in it
How adorkable
Why auto correct chose adorkable instead of adorable I don't know
@kalina You have to admit it kinda works.
1 hour later…
Anyone around here play nice with Windows Updates? Beating my head against the wall with this one.
Q: MS13-081 doesn't update Usbser.sys on Win7 Embedded

IsziWhen deploying updates for MS13-081, on multiple systems running Windows 7 Embedded SP1 x64, Usbser.sys is not being updated as it should be according to the KB Article. An affected system reports the update as installed, and will not let me run the installer again without uninstalling first, bu...

not a clue
@Iszi Did you try turning it off and back on again?
@DavidFreitag How about I turn you off?
@Iszi Bring it
@Iszi That sound like something that might be worth opening a support ticket with Microsoft to resolve.
@Xander Conceivapossibly. Not my call though.
Unfortunately, I'm actually a bit of the middle-man on this one. I'm allowed to poke around the system when I want to look, but other people are the ones to actually do the work. And it would be rather unpleasant for me to suggest that I need to personally supervise them to make sure it's being done right. (A piece of me can't help but feeling that if I was the one to do it, we'd be done already.)
@Iszi Ugh. I know the feeling.
What's really fun is when they say "Okay, I tried XYZ to fix the problem. Can you verify it's fixed?" after I've told them at least three times how they can check themselves.
In the end, my validation is the authoritative one. But at least they could look for themselves instead of wasting time passing it off to me every time.
Well, there goes $350 on books...
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

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