> flying elephants and snow cones. They're very kid-friendly, accepting of all races, genders, and sexual orientations, and extremely respectful of other organizations. It's basically how gangs in Canada work. There aren't even any infringing on a rival's territory,
@kalina all my own teeth, and I'm not even getting any more fillings. I do have to go back and get one replaced though. But I didn;t add sugar to anything as a kid either.
@AviD Honestly, not for the act of firing the rockets itself. Fortunately, the Iron Dome is handling quite well. All these idiots are doing by firing rockets is revealing their positions only to be toasted by the IAF soon afterwards.
@Adnan The reporting of this in the UK is entirely one sided: staggeringly anti-Israel, because of rockets killing children. The whole Hamas side is brushed under the carpet, along with the firing from schools and using children/civilians as human shields etc
@AviD What pisses me off even more, (and I'm sure you already know this) for years years in Syria we were told that our situation is shit because we're the heart of the resistance and we're supporting the Palestinian cause (which I wholeheartedly support). However, all I saw throughout the years is neighboring (and non-neighboring) countries pushing rockets and rocket martial to Hamas so they can fire at Israel and get more Palestinian civilians killed in the process.