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Oh god these are fucking hysterical
Esp. When I'm told that my code is broken in production
I literally died.
also this: thecodinglove.com
@ScottPack I literally survived though. Literally.
2 hours later…
I saw someone on LinkedIn with their skills listed as ASP, Flash, Silverlight & Perl. I wasn't sure if it was a resumé or a confession.
Programming tip: Throw a bluetooth keyboard down a flight of stairs. The longer the stairwell, the more likely the result will be valid Perl
@ScottPack Do you do that? ^
3 hours later…
First we have @AviD and @RoryAlsop Y'wording and now @ScottPack is doing this
Ohai guise! Just a few more days until #bsidescle. Who of my tweeple are going?
Sure sign of the apocolypse I tell you
@RоryMcCune He may have even stopped writing Perl in favour of a something a little more hipster.
@TerryChia good point, don't think they'd let someone who says "tweeple" in the perl club, he's probably writing in erlang and kotlin now
@RоryMcCune Ehh, Erlang doesn't really count. :P
No hipster web dev will be able to wrap their head around Erlang.
@TerryChia ouch careful with the insults. If you call the room owner a "hipster web dev" he'll probably change the room topic to "Nono-Terrychia" !
@RоryMcCune Hah!
I have the moral high ground since he said "tweeple".
good point
Tmux is proving really useful. Can't believe I didn't start using it sooner.
@TerryChia You'll need some pretty long range for your bluetooth if you take a long stairwell.
Huh. My phone thinks I'm in Amsterdam.
@FEichinger Are you sure you aren't?
Since I have an exam in Augsburg in an hour and a half, I would be rather shocked if I were.
bah I drove around knocking on doors because of inaccurate location reporting on fb messenger
@kalina heeyy !! I could have easily come up with that, too.
@AviD Erm... that's not really something to be proud of.
@TerryChia Graaandma's chicken saaalaad. :D
@Erik is that how you ended up here? ;-)
@AviD We need new mods.
@AviD hahaha
@TerryChia I agree. the bonuses suck.
considering the wage, the bonuses are grand
@TildalWave Hey @TildalWave, wanna be a mod for Sec.SE? ;)
You are the only sane blue name regular in here now anyway.
LOL neah you're forgetting @RoryA
18 hours ago, by Rory Alsop
I'm not forgetting anything.
plus, I'd miss reviewing as a regular member, it's a lot less stressful than mod hammering
@TerryChia even considering his obsession with space ships and black holes?
@AviD At least he isn't a dinosaur.
Unlike @RoryAlsop. ;)
Dinosaurs.... ON A SPACESHIP!!!
@AviD Black holes your mom!
thats racist.
"What does Sheldon Cooper and a black hole have in common?"
I actually can't stand most questions about black holes, they're kinda ridiculous with all that trying to apply Newtonian physics to special relativity
So, no Doctor Who fans here, I take it. Shame on you. Shame on you all.
@AviD I have never watched a single episode.
@TerryChia Shame on you, and shame on your mother.
Oh BTW, if any of you are interested, this is kinda cool and free summer session on Einstein’s Special Relativity with Brian Greene: worldscienceu.com/summer/courses/university/special-relativity I'll follow it, but I won't apply for cert
@AviD that's different, nobody is trying to write scientifically accurate scripts there, they're pure fun and lots of wacky imagination
@TildalWave what, of course Dr.Who is scientifically accurate, but with a higher level of science.
but thats not what I meant. I was talking about:
6 mins ago, by AviD
Dinosaurs.... ON A SPACESHIP!!!
I know, brilliant, right?
Terry Gilliam?
hmmm no IMDB says Chris Chibnall
ah Torchwood ... yup, makes sense
who are you talking about?
Chris Chibnall
and dinosaurs
the writer for the Dinosaurs on a Spaceship part
ahh right, okay.
you confused me, started talking about Ms. Gilliam.
No no, Terry Gilliam, not Gillan damnit!
you know, Monty Python, Brazil, ....
right, Karen. AKA Amy Pond.
@AviD Troll.
@AviD aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
"Trolls do not build." – Aragorn
I know you hate me, phone, but I'd really appreciate getting the connections from Augsburg Main, rather than Amsterdam Centraal.
@AviD I'm here now!
@Terry - I predate Dinosaurs! Hey, isn't predate a great word - 3 meanings in one :-)
Only one of which would actually be true, as I would want to see what they taste like
Predate is the period of time you spend getting ready for a date
From this I've established that Rory puts make up on dinosaurs
@kalina hahahaha - not any more. They are extinct
that is only one meaning
@RoryAlsop chicken
drunken fist!
@LucasKauffman always
hey gang
@FEichinger I'll be in Amsterdam in 2 weeks. yay
@deed02392 morning
hi @RoryAlsop
@deed02392 Work stuff or fun?
@TerryChia Fun :) friend's birthday
@deed02392 Ahhh. Nice. :)
@deed02392 best reason!
Been twice before and love it there
if you don't do drugs
what's cool in amsterdam?
@Erik last time I went was for an empeg meet. No drugs (apart from alcohol) but we fired home made cannon, we used a homemade turbo to toast marshmallows, we flew drones - was all a bit geeky. Other than that, there's the shows...
there's a lot of IT meets in amsterdam?
@Erik not sure - you could look on the Meetups pages...
@deed I haven't been to Amsterdam and I'm not planning to change that either.
Also, as far as I recall, they stopped selling drugs to foreigners a while back. @kalina probably knows better than me, though.
A: Are there any systems out there that use a one-time pad?

computerilliterateE.g. finnish Pohjola bank uses one-time pads. I got first one through normal snailmail and I have gotten new ones when I visit the bank. One list has 350 entries and I need one to sign up and another for accepting the payment of bills. If the amount is larger (thousands of euros) the bank sends a...

He knows!!!
He understands!!
Well, the answer is wrong.. but still, he knows!
@deed02392 AppSec EU 2015 will be in Amsterdam :D
@Adnan hahahaha - is it wrong?
@RoryAlsop Well, just like the answer below him, he's confusing One-Time Pads with One-Time Passwords.
@Adnan ahhhh - sorry, I hadn't really read it
@Gilles @Codes @Thomas Would stretching (with a KDF) a one-time password to the size of the message qualifies it as a one-time pad? I highly doubt that the answer is yes, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
@FEichinger That definitely never happened in Amsterdam :)
@FEichinger @deed Indeed. 95% of the "cafes" don't sell to forefingers anymore.
@Adnan Nope.
@Erik Anne Frank museum, Heineken museum, sex museum, beautiful city suitable for cycling everywhere or taking canoe trips, day trips to seaside towns, madam tusauds wax museum and so much more
One time pad has to be truly random data.
@TerryChia Yup, figured so.
@RoryAlsop didn't it make stuff taste of fuel?
Else it's just a frakenstein stream cipher.
@Adnan AWESOME, I hope I get to go
@deed02392 Get your company to pay for it. ;)
@TerryChia yeah that's what I mean :D
@deed02392 19th-21st of May 2015
doubt I'd pay to go myself
@deed02392 Or, you can get a student ticket. They're about 30% of the original price.
@Adnan I doubt he qualifies as a student anymore?
@TerryChia Even if you're employed, as long as you have a valid student card of some sort.
all this OTP talk is the perfect opportunity to plug my python script github.com/deed02392/crib-dragger
no student card anymore :(
@TerryChia @deed02392 Another option is to volunteer in the first summit day for 4 hour and the second summit day for 4 hours, and you get a free ticket for everything.
@Adnan hmm nice. still cost me a couple hundreds to get there and live though
@deed02392 Heh. I wrote a similar script. I may have deleted it though.
@TerryChia high five
I think it was for the Matasano crypto challenge.
I think I got inspiration to make it after doing some challenge actually
@deed02392 For me, it was definitely worth it (networking wise)
then I adapted it to be generic explanation of why re-using them is dangerous
I want to improve it some point, use a GUi and let you drag things by hand
@Adnan nice, but I guess I'd have to sell it to management as being something to help improve my expertise
@ThomasPornin Grr, girls always go for the jerks
@deed02392 Yeah, or you can convince them to setup a booth there.
@deed02392 Heeeey! I'm not a jerk!
@deed02392 Infosec cons are always good.
oh who knows, maybe we are
I have had two cold coffees today
I just keep making them and leaving them alone for too long
@deed02392 My story with girls in bars.
@deed02392 nope - was grand
@Adnan Haha I was referring to Hitler...
@RoryAlsop that's pretty awesome
so for the first time since I acme here, I have 0 unread e-mails
good feelign
@deed02392 was impressed the guy with the cannon and turbo was allowed to just travel there from the uk with them in his van.
This is incredible! dailymotion.com/video/…
@Adnan blocked here - category, high bandwidth streaming media
@RoryAlsop That's actually a reason?
@Adnan I reeeeaallly wanna try that swing thing
@TerryChia it is for our internet provider, yes
A: What in this proposal is not already covered under the scope of Information Security Stack Exchange?

Furqan ShakoorI understand that the boundaries of this proposal overlap SuperUser and Security.StackExchange. But there are some considerable differences here. The questions you can ask on SuperUser are the likes of "is this a virus?" and "how to get rid of this virus?". Security.StackExchange is mostly focu...

@Kisunminttu erm...wait, I'll need to ask the wife :-)
@RoryAlsop Sex swing?
@Adnan And she managed in well under ten minutes?!
@LucasKauffman I dunno - I can't see the video so I was guessing
@Kisunminttu Plus, she managed to be sexy as hell all the time
@Adnan No.
@RoryAlsop ha, good point :|
anyone got a recommendation on web application directory/file enumeration tools?
@Adnan IKR?
@deed02392 Direct access to the system?
@TerryChia yeah it's on the LAN
or did you mean can I actually locally login to it
@deed02392 No, as in can you execute stuff on the system or are you doing remotely.
If the latter, probably Burp.
@deed02392 Are you gonna do that a lot now that you started working?
@Adnan I def don't look nearly as sexy at the gym...
@Adnan lolol, yeah probably
Your company may already have licenses. Burp is indispensable for webapp testing imo.
yeah I'm already using it
I see a scanner tab... perhaps I should investigate
@deed02392 yes
@deed02392 There's also a really nice tool, I don't remember the exact name, but it starts with Intelli..something
no idea what we're talking about.
in fact I'm not really here.
There's dirbuster but apparently it's now only developed as a plugin to some thing
@AviD who said that?
Definitely give the spider/scanner functions of Burp a shot.
Yeah, I really like that tool
nice, thanks
@AviD Question about yesterday's topic. If the experiment is performed with an unattractive profile picture and the results showed that those women didn't put up with any crap this time, wouldn't that minimize the bias in the results of the first experiment?
@Adnan: sorry, was interrupted for something related to work
"One-Time Pad" is a mythical beast whose unbreakability comes from the idea that the key stream is really random, not something generated from a smaller seed
Extending a key (or password) into a long stream, to be XORed with the data, is called a stream cipher.
Stream ciphers exist. A stream cipher can be built from a block cipher by encrypting successive values of a counter (that's called CTR mode).
There are dedicated stream cipher algorithms which are not as versatile as block ciphers, but are (supposedly) faster than AES in CTR mode.
How I hate it when there is a power cut for 1 second and then it comes back up... I don't have a UPS yet -.-
Usual KDF are rarely competitive because they are not optimized for speed. Mathematically, the requirements for being a "strong stream cipher" are not as strict as the requirements for being a "strong KDF".
So the KDF-as-stream-cipher is overkill, and it shows on the performances.
one time pads are sexy
girls get to use one time pads all the time
@deed02392 ...
God, not you as well...
it helps handle streams
haha, it's in the room tags!
@deed02392 "double-entendre" is supposed to be a matter of intellectual subtlety.
@TerryChia There there Terry sssssshhht
@TerryChia just had some amazing Sushi
@ThomasPornin Perfect! Thanks a lot.
@LucasKauffman that that you telling terry that you had some amazing sushi or a clever use of @ tags to tell the room that Terry had amazing sushi?
@RоryMcCune I had some amazing sushi
@LucasKauffman ahh
@LucasKauffman You are amazed ?
@ThomasPornin yes, for the given price it was quite alright
@LucasKauffman You are in the wrong country for sushi. ;)
@TerryChia I know, but it still was very nice
@TerryChia already had a bowl of Laksa on my first day
@LucasKauffman How much?
@Adnan 58 SGD
that's like 35 euro
@LucasKauffman Holy shit! That's expensive!
blue fin tuna sashimi , dragon roll, phoenix roll, spicy maki, salmon egg sushi and some other roll
@Adnan mind you that I almost eat for two people when it comes to sushi
@LucasKauffman How many pieces each?
@Adnan 6?
except the salmon and tuna, those were 4
@LucasKauffman Oh.. Jesus! Okay, then that's reasonably priced.
Even a bit cheaper than Finland
@TerryChia my boss just sent me an address to get some seafood, the seahouse at Robertson Quay should be nice
@LucasKauffman Mmm. Seafood in SG isn't exactly cheap though.
@TerryChia Define not cheap :p
@TerryChia Yeah, that's because Singapore is very far from the sea.
@Adnan Erm...
@TerryChia he does have a point ;p
@LucasKauffman $50 per person easily I guess? More if you eat a lot. Keep in mind I'm a poor student. ;)
@TerryChia By Belgian standards, that's still alright. I know man no worries :P
@TerryChia Oh, that's actually quite reasonable if it's in a nice place and the meal is good.
@TerryChia the beer here is more expensive than the food :P
@LucasKauffman Oh yeah, they can get quite expensive.
@TerryChia I'm used to beer being cheaper than water :p
@TerryChia so when are we going for beers :O?
@LucasKauffman Should be sometime next week if that's ok?
@TerryChia sure
Q: What is the difference between KeePass and KeePassX?

Kasper SourenI've been using KeePassX for a while now. I want to be able to show passwords as QR on my screen so I don't have to enter 24 random characters on my cellphone. I noticed there is a QR extension for KeePass, but KeePassX doesn't support it. So that's one big difference. According to Wikipedia: "...

Thoughts about this question? Seems a bit too Googly to be on-topic to me.
@Xander I dunno but it sounds like the part from Wiki he quoted has answered his question...
anyone here have experience with ZFS?
@LucasKauffman Nope, but I'm running BTRFS.
@TerryChia apparantly you don't need a hardware raid controller, it's all software based right? I was wondering how it works and how easy it is to extend an array?
@Simon Yeah, certainly the bulk of the answer at least.
@LucasKauffman The last I looked into ZFS there were some limitations. You can't resize the array dynamically or something like that.
But BTRFS doesn't appear to have such a limitation.
@Xander too broad, I'd say. Needs more focus on specifics the user is looking for.
@TerryChia mmm BRTFS might be better then, does it require all the disks to be of the same size?
within a single array
@LucasKauffman Nope (I think), but I'm running a single HDD so I didn't look that closely into it.
@TerryChia It's because I might set up a NAS at home
Hmm, no it doesn't. Both my SSD and HDD is BTRFS.
@FEichinger I VtC as a product recommendation, because even though he's not specifically asking for a recco, it'd be the same type of answer..Listing features that will change from version to version.
Meh. The content of answers should have no bearing on a question.
You can answer it without making a spec sheet of the program in question.
It's pretty stable as a normal filesystem actually, I have not played around with the fun things like snapshots yet.
The question just opens up to a range from code details to UI colours.
IIRC BTRFS is self-healing, so you don't need to worry much about corruption.
@Xander I closed. A bit recommendation - but also off topic. Left a comment
> Kasper - this doesn't appear to be a security question at all, and Wikipedia quotes the differences. I think we need to close this as off topic for us. I'd advise asking the project directly
@RoryAlsop you should have requested to surrender his soul to Ch'tulhu
"What's the difference between HHVM and a LAMP stack?" is a question I want to ask just for the reactions ...
@FEichinger Hahaha!
Oh right @RоryMcCune ^
Hipster language of the month.
@FEichinger well, you may need to "surrender (your) soul to Ch'tulhu"
@RoryAlsop Ok, thank you.
Just by reading HHVM's description, it looks like shit.
@RoryAlsop I actually didn't see it as PR (yeah, initialism for product recommendation, it's a thing now). I'd say it was borderline on topic.
It's so simple to build a LAMP stack, why would I use their thing?
But I'd also lean to closing it as answers are very easily Goolable.
@Simon Erm.... I hope you aren't being serious...
@Simon I prefer the PEEF stack.
@Adnan I can't see it as on topic. The OP is asking what the differences are, while quoting an article detailing the differences. Any other info should come from the developers
@TerryChia What now?
@Adnan wat
@Simon Do you even understand what JIT means?
@TerryChia oh good lord, I'd not even heard of this one
@TerryChia "... to achieve superior performance while maintaining the development flexibility that PHP provides"
@RoryAlsop Honestly, the Wiki article doesn't really highlight the differences. But yeah, it's more suitable if the info is asked from the devs.
@RоryMcCune Which langauge do you choose? Go, backed by Google; Rust, backed by Mozilla; Ceylon, backed by RedHat; Hack, backed by Facebook.
@TerryChia kotlin backed by jetbrains
@RоryMcCune Not really the same league when it comes to mindshare though. :P
@TerryChia true, although IntelliJ has a pretty dedicated following
and they do make good dev tools
Ok, so. TIL @Simon doesn't know what JIT means.
@TerryChia well if he ever gets to an interview for a development job, here's hoping he finds out Just In Time in case they ask...
@TerryChia TODIL I learned what TIL means
@RоryMcCune I think most people know about IntelliJ and Resharper but they don't necessarily know about the JetBrains brand.
@RoryAlsop hahaha!
@TerryChia I'm not most. I hadn't previously heard of Jetbrains, IntelliJ, Resharper, Rust, Ceylon or Hack.
And I'm quite happy about that
@RoryAlsop You are stuck in the dark ages of COBOL.
Well, this is impressive.
@RoryAlsop so you're more of a kotlin man then

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