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This is taken from the "Secure Development Guide" for a big application by a gigantic company. The application can (and does) handle power stations, railway switchboard, trains, wind turbines, etc.
1 message moved to Trashcan
@Adnan you need something else annihilated? :)
@Tildal Thanks a lot
@Adnan sure
1 hour later…
TIL: Good random number generation is hard in PHP, so Wordpress HTTP GETs random salt from http://wordpress.org. https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/fd838ccb2b1d37bda02eecdf09c324863f050812/wp-admin/setup-config.php#L211
Wait WTF?
@TerryChia it's early here ... is that bad?
> define('AUTH_KEY', 'akrK9Mt?daanGQ9,g`+Ci>XoSn7Ntkky[8C}cg-@Pcs&X| !@)$Q4eBso1XAv;oi');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'D%4/]#x@elT0!YVU+3HSZ&n&YOt~&+9e+sTg%;|>`TsF($(Z KKspiJ017`%`1](');
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', '$<g0:wz.M|PT[H`*cKdp}8SCE{DdKaFsX-+jR3]Ii5zNj=U]O=<{9zw8j<{e=J9z');
define('NONCE_KEY', '$W$rsB`r@(-~Zo|eiqLRCU[E};cuS8`48kocEfJ.$=p){|lriQa?1HZ7StSV6e]J');
define('AUTH_SALT', '[gv-g$on>*X +0X:{C+dbs`;V`O<&+eJ;Wx?_cnoNZ>Vd|<EJY*]wh[5#pDM%MV~');
define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'K4Y}.*f|)R<H<D=87hO87;X<AjbfvEs}E8ej),u-G$nIn{{jGKyEI<5}MGnJ6~qn');
@TildalWave Wordpress generates salts by sending a GET to a remote URL instead of generating one locally with a CSPRNG. So yes, that's terrible.
@TerryChia you mean because it can be intercepted? or ... ?
ah OK yes ... sorry, slowly waking up still
@TildalWave Because the idea that my local installation of Wordpress has to rely on a remote service for salt generation is terrible.
@TerryChia The idea of using Wordpress for anything isn't terrible enough?
@TildalWave It's just another level of terrible.
man, you realize it would probably take you less time to write whatever you have it setup to do for you yourself and do that properly?
1 hour later…
Well, this is a new one for me. WiFi on the airplane
@Adnan I have been on one or two flights with WiFi. Isn't it crazy expensive though?
lol wat
@LucasKauffman wat?
the wordpress thingy
that's really funny
@LucasKauffman Ah. Terrible isn't it?
@TerryChia I'm not really sure why they do it and even if you would need such a feature, it would be better to be able to opt in rather than ou
@LucasKauffman Because generating random data locally is a terribly difficult thing to do!
@TerryChia well we must not forget one thing Terry, in the end it's wordpress
and wordpress is written in PHP
I should migrate my blog one of these days though
I'm still using WP
@LucasKauffman Layers of crap piled on top of one another isn't it?
@TerryChia the performance is terrible
@LucasKauffman Jekyll ftw. (Or Pelican if you want Python.)
Can't beat static pages served out of a CDN.
yea I think I might change to jekyll
oh wait they have an easy migration tool
@LucasKauffman You have to check the results first, it screwed with one or two of my pages when I migrated.
Not too bad though all things considered.
yea of course, I mean dev, test, acceptance -> prod
that's what you are supposed to do right not go in all #YOLO
@LucasKauffman Awwhhh cmon! No one reads your blog anyway. ;)
@TerryChia I'm not sure how many people read it actually, the android tutorials and the java to python tutorial were actually quite popular
let me have a look on analytics
This month so far, from the first of june until now I had 2404 visitors
I only get 1k or so sessions a month, I'm not sure how well Google filters out bots though?
So yeah, the only reason I blog is because I like reading the stuff I write. (Same reason I'm on Stack Exchange actually) ;)
@TerryChia not sure either
@TerryChia you like reading the stuff you write :P?
@LucasKauffman Well, someone has to.
that's a bit like smelling your own fart
I think at my peak, I got about 6k visitors a month, but that was just the android tutorials
Q: How can I send an unencrypted message from one computer to another?

user15082As you can see, I'm a noob. I'd love to do a demonstration where I send an unencrypted message from one computer to another, and be able to intercept it and read its contents. This might sound stupid, but I actually cannot find a way to send messages across a server in plaintext. Any help would ...

@Gilles genius
@Terry I don't know. It's free with this airline (Norwegian)
@Adnan Woah! That's pretty neat.
Aaand.. Whoa! I've just noticed. They didn't ask us to do anything with our electronics
No flying mode and no turning off
Yup! Norwegian is my new best budget airline
it's a new thing, the US stopped forbidding using electronic items a few months ago (last year maybe by now), the EU followed suit, and many individual airlines stopped having the no-electronics policy now that it isn't mandatory
@Adnan wow: say that... and get booted offline
@Gilles Yep, I noticed the same on my recent trip to Korea.
@Adnan can you read arabic?
I'm trying to understand this:
@LucasKauffman have you tried Google Translate? They have a scan-ocr-and-translate facility now
@Gilles wait wat
@Lucas Let's see
of course, with automatic translation, the result can be as obscure as the original
2 hours later…
@Lucas Basically, first comment says that the dead dude is going to hell for being Christian. Second comment condems the first and wishes the best to the dude's family and RIP. Third comment says that you shouldn't say RIP because the dead is Christian.
Last comment says "I'm ashamed of the things spme of us Myslims do and say. Religion has nothong to do with this. Some dude died, may him RIP"
From what I can infer, they're talking about some mudered dude
1 hour later…
This talk has an interesting title.
1 hour later…
@ScottPack Hey Scott, have you given RHEL 7 a whirl yet?
I work for an Ubuntu shop now.
Ahh I see. Was wondering how the OS is.
Can't personally give it a try until CentOS is ready.
If I remember I can reach out to some guys and ask if they've started testing it.
Nah, no need. I probably won't remember as well. :)
@LucasKauffman One nice thing about WP is the ability to write and schedule posts. The workflow to do that with Jekyll is a fair bit messier. You also need to pull in several doodads from different places and glue them together to get a good feature set.
@ScottPack at?
@LucasKauffman What I've done is Disqus for comments, Google Analytics for tracking, bufferapp for announcements.
@TerryChia It depends on your workflow. What you'd have to do is have the full jekyll tree on your web host and have the webserver serve up the _site directory. You could then set an at job, or a cronjob for that matter, to run a jekyll build.
@ScottPack Personally I am using GitHub pages now so it's a simple git push. My previous setup was building locally and using rsync for deployment. Both works well with at.
@TerryChia I didn't want any of the build tools on my webhost so I do all my authoring and building on my laptop and have the _site directory as a git repo. When it's time to publish I check that out on the webhost.
@ScottPack what you using for build automation now you're ubuntuing?
Unless you only ever have one future post in the queue timing gets wonky if you try to build in advance.
@RоryMcCune I'm getting Foreman up and running. I'm really digging it so far.
I had a look at chef-solo the other day but it's chances of working on windows == smeg all :)
@ScottPack That may be true. I never run across this because I never had the interest of scheduling posts to go out at certain times. I just publish whenever I'm finished.
@TerryChia When I decided to host my own I went through my history of guest posts and pulled them in to publish. That way everything I really liked would be in one consistent location. That made the idea of putting up a schedule pretty reasonable.
@ScottPack Ahh. That's sensible if you don't want everything up at once.
@RоryMcCune I haven't set up Foreman to be an ENC for puppet yet but it's pretty slick. Go into one web interface, define your server, hit go, and walk away. It'll create the VM in the right ESX cluster, on the right datastore, configure the hardware how you told it to, use gPXE to boot it, install it with preseed, then run puppet.
@ScottPack Wrong Rory.
@RоryMcCune Allegedly if you set it up as your ENC it'll even do all the certificate signing.
@TerryChia His attempt to reduce errant pinging has resulted in more errant pinging. :)
@ScottPack Yeah, but the pings go to @RoryAlsop so I'm sure he's fine with it. ;)
@TerryChia Probably so.
@TerryChia @RoryAlsop loves pings
I'd switch back but if I did I'm sure the generic pings would return :op
@RоryMcCune It was a lot more efficient when one can ping both of you at once. ;)
Or when I had the right keys on my keyboard to actually ping you @RоryMcCune
@TerryChia yeah but it's far more frequent for people to want to ping @RoryAlsop rather than me, him being a mod and all....
@RоryMcCune True. Especially since he is the only reasonable mod that hangs out in The DMZ. ;)
@TerryChia oooh @avid burn
Yaaay! I'm in Cambridge!
Soo damn hot!
No crosswalks!
@Adnan I laugh at your complaints about the heat. :P
Everybody has a funny accent
@Terry Beeecause?
@Adnan Because I live in Singapore. Where its hot and humid every single day of the year. :)
@Terry That's a mistake you can fix.
@ScottPack Nah, it's a pretty great country except for the weather.
Good food, great internet.
It may be a great country but what about the city?
@ScottPack One and the same thing. :)
So do you ever hang out with JourneyMan?
@ScottPack I'm not a ServerFault person remember?
Neither is he.
@ScottPack Hmm? Then SU? I can't remember.
Aye, Superuser.
@ScottPack Ahh. I don't use that either. :P
@TerryChia we will put you together until you kiss
Apparently I love the pings! :-)
Afternoon all
@Adnan woo! watch out for bicyclists...
@RoryAlsop yep I'm sure I've heard it said that you love big pings and you cannot lie...
@RоryMcCune Is pings a euphemism now?
@TerryChia well I was kind of referring to a sir mix-a-lot track...
@RоryMcCune Sureeee. ;)
@TerryChia wait you've never seen/heard the classic "I like big butts and I cannot lie"?
@RоryMcCune That sounds vaguely familiar but I can't say for sure.
@TerryChia here (evidently NSFW) youtube.com/watch?v=SYyd0dvNNXU
Have you heard the Jonathan Coulton version?
I find it hard to live in a world where the children haven't listened to Sir Mix-A-Lot growing up.
@ScottPack Funny...I was just talking about Sir Mix a Lot in this very room the other day.
In a generational boundries sort of conversation.
@RоryMcCune I've hired one once I arrived. So I'm now one of them
Riding to the left.. arruugghhhh!
I was on the train to Cambridge this morning, and I heard the following: "I looked at it, and I couldn't believe it. It was massive!! It was very blue as well"
Then after a few British sentences that I couldn't catch, the lady says "I felt so bad for her"
The other lady answers "Yeah, I know what you mean. I've hit my toe on the door so many times as well"
and she said "massive" with a very English accent.
@TerryChia Great? You seriously call Singapore great? It's tiny.
@CodesInChaos It's not about the size. ;)
@TerryChia I kind of agree with you. So far, all I've heard about Singapore is positive.
Except the freaking weather
@TerryChia Admittedly it might be slightly bigger than massive blue toes.
and why do the bikes ride in the street next to the cars?!
They have lanes, but they're very limited
And what's with the police everywhere?
and what's with the 45-minute "interview" I had to take part in when I arrived?
Most of that is because you're a terrorist.
"When was the last time you've been to Syria? What have you done there? Do you know people involved in the events there?"
People involved in the civil war... let me think.. the whole fucking country?
@FEichinger That's a relatively good assumption considering the things he says in here. ;)
@Adnan "Well I do have an explossive character constable"
@Adnan You're obviously a muslim nazi communist who wants to terrorize a tiny Asian country. Sounds plausible...
@FEichinger The dude next to me, from Russia, was asked about his plans in the UK, to which he answered "I'm just coming forrr two dayys vacations. Have you ever heard of a white man making bomb? I just do vacation!"
@CodesInChaos he's in the UK I think not singapore :p
White man make no bomb. Brown man make bomb.
I said in a low voice "Breivik, IRA, etc."
@Adnan 2 day vacation :p
The officer lady laughed
@Adnan okay did they do a cavity search?
@LucasKauffman They didn't, but they took my halva :(
@Adnan your what?
@Adnan More evidence towards you being a TERRORIST.
@Adnan ah why did they do that? You were coming from another EU country no?
@Adnan the British have an aversion to decent food
@LucasKauffman Umm... the most delicious thing god ever created! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halva
Fish and chips mate all you need
@LucasKauffman Finland, yup.
why weren't you allowed to bring it in then?
@Adnan Isn't that bacon?
Cambridge has some semi-decent Indian and Chinese restaurants (bad ones as well)
@Gilles Psh. "Decent".
Avoid any European restaurant
@Gilles Ahh.. don't salt me wound. A few hours I went to have some "authentic British food"
@Gilles you mean in the UK?
@Adnan curry?
@Gilles I went to a place called Dojo
@LucasKauffman I mean in Cambridge, at least. Most of the UK as well.
Much like the JS library, it was awful
@Gilles there are good ones, unfortunately they are also very expensive
I was yelled at at least 3 times
"Go sit on the table!!!"
What the fuck? Just asking where the toilet is
"Could I have a fork please"
"Why do you want fork?!"
@Adnan Fork you!!!
If you're asked to sit on the table, you've entered a strip club, not a restaurant.
"Can I have the bill, please?"
"Stop asking. We'll get it when we get it"
and I'm not exaggerating
netherlands is also not too great when it comes to food
They're the Amy Bakery of Asian food
Germany is actually quite nice, so is France and Belgium
@CodesInChaos I just got it :(
@FEichinger Maybe he was eating at a strip club. Why the judgement? ;)
@FEichinger Not a big fan. If I wanted a saggy lady with a tuna-dipped groin, I'd hook up with a Russian girl from the school.
@Adnan yeah that happens, dedicated bike lanes are somewhat in short supply in the UK...
I'm now staying in a place a bit outside the city
I'm looking at my contact information and there's a phone number that I've never seen in my life, marked as mine.
On Hungtingdon Road
@Gilles actually less true than it used to be.... we have some good restaurants
@Kisunminttu That's your stalker! Does it start with +32?
@Adnan No, 0400. No +...
@Adnan what did you eat?
@TerryChia I just figured, what with @Kisu reading here, he might not want to share that information. ;)
@Kisunminttu I don't wanna talk about that experience.
@Adnan ahh asian restaurants in the UK sometimes are like that, renowned for extremely quick service, for better or worse. I'd recommend looking at trip advisor for lists of good places :)
@FEichinger Nah, I wouldn't think about going to such places. I already see in @Kisu all I want/like.
@RоryMcCune Hmm.. I've actually found a couple of things to do in the town on Meetup.com
@Adnan Is this a hint that we need to get a pole in the living room?
@Kisunminttu Don't I already bring one with me every time I come to your place?
@Adnan Well played, my good sir.
wink wink
@Kisunminttu That's not how you address me
@Adnan I apologize, Master.
@Kisunminttu You've been a bad girl.
@LucasKauffman Only @Adnan can judge that
Get a room, you two.
@FEichinger @Lucas and I?
Yes, exactly.
@Kisu "Nyt tuntuu Suomi."
@Adnan Yeah. I said it when I noticed the temperature difference between the hot tub and outside air. The hot tub was "Mallorca"
@Kisunminttu Mmhm
@Adnan What is it?
@RoryM Is it customary in the UK to have a "Midsummer picnic" or something like that?
I saw many people drinking wine and eating sandwiches on the grass this afternoon
@Adnan basically when it's nice in the uk loads of people pile out to parks for outdoor eating
I think mainly 'cause it's rarely nice enough :)
so everyone is conditioned to take advantage when they can ...
@RоryMcCune Nice! Tomorrow I'm going with a bunch of people to do that. Fucking vegans! But still, they seemed nice
@Adnan you found a group of random vegans? or was this via meetup?
@RоryMcCune Yep
Also, on the train, I met a lady who started telling me about her little cactus
@Adnan cool!
@Adnan random!
I swear, all the time I thought it was a euphemism
Until she showed me an actual tiny cactus
She had it in her purse
@Adnan that is .... very random, the english are eccentric tho'
On the bus (Citi 1) form the train station to Cambridge center, a young lady (18-19) was sitting behind me. She insisted that I show her what color my mobile is
When she saw it's yellow, she said "You're cool. I'm Rachel"
I said "I'm Cool"
@Adnan It is an unusual colour
@Adnan you must have an inviting face, I can honestly say I've almost never had a conversation on public transport in the UK
apart from the usual "late again" grumbles
@RоryMcCune I've arrived this morning, and I've had at least 5
2 ladies and 3 gentlemen
how unusual..
@RоryMcCune Hmm.. I must say I initiated 4/5
I was going to say the british are pretty reserved but I've heard that finns are likewise...
@Adnan ahh talking to people, you'll get away with it though you're foreign :)
@RоryMcCune Oh no, from what I've seen today, Finns are much more reserved
@Adnan wow.
right I'm off for some homemade vegan curry...
@Kisu On the bus from Stadion Hostel to Rautatientori, I talked to the driver. He's Lebanese. He gave me a regional ticket for free (so I don't have to pay for the Rautatientori-Lentoasema bus)
@RоryMcCune Then you'd be perfect to join us tomorrow
@Adnan Score!
@Kisunminttu He also told me his story. He's been here for 14 years
To me ear, he spoke perfect Finnish
@Adnan What's his story? (I'm off now, see you in a bit)
@Adnan heh, we'll prob. be a bit late in for tomorrow but dinner sounds like a plan at some point during the week :)
@RоryMcCune Damn! If @Kisu was with me, we'd do couply things and tease the DMZ
@Adnan darn ! Well anyway this'll extend the chain of DMZ regulars who have met. Now covers quite a few..
@RоryMcCune Let's see if @RoryA won't chicken out in the last moment
Because others (not calling names) have done that
I'm not in Cambridge... :-(
@RoryAlsop No no, I was thinking Glasgow or near it
Well, if it is in the next 5 days but not Thursday, definitely!
@RoryAlsop Oh.. hmm.. At least for me I won't be there before 30th
Ah. Damn. I will be near Gibraltar by that point.
@RoryAlsop When are you coming back?
Hmm.. well.. too bad I guess
Nah, it;s alright. We'll have lots of more chances later
@Adnan moving to Scotland?
1 hour later…
@RоryMcCune He will become a highlander
From the Syrian mountains to the Scottish ones
1 hour later…
@LucasKauffman There can be only one!
@TildalWave So, what's up with the SpaceX broadcasting policy? I could understand them saying "We're just quitting it" if they weren't already planning to broadcast this launch yesterday.
Space launch providers that don't broadcasts them: Chinese & Russian military launches, Israeli launches off a mil. base & now @SpaceX
in The Pod Bay, 42 mins ago, by TildalWave
> SpaceX spokesperson Emily Shanklin says there is "no special reason" the company is not webcasting today's launch.
"We've actually been ready to move away from the webcasts for awhile," she wrote in an email to Spaceflight Now. "It takes a lot of resources but the main reason is these launches are becoming more routine and the full webcast isn't really appropriate anymore."
their policy seems to be the very same routine complacency that Feynman bottom spanked NASA for
According to Google, Thomas is pedobear :O
@LucasKauffman that's awful lol
@TildalWave Yeah, I get that. But it still doesn't really make that much sense from a PR standpoint since they were already going to be broadcasting it if it had launched yesterday.
@Iszi I don't know man, it's odd ... but I have no additional info on their reasoning, except what I posted. I could speculate tho, that it has something to do with latest developments in Senate / House, SpaceX lawsuit against ULA / Air Force, and information embargo for the sake of lobbying. But that's all speculative.
From yesterday to today, what happened is that US is seeking more sanctions against Russia, and House is looking to sponsor domestic built RD-180's ... that last one isn't in SpaceX interests, quite the opposite
@Iszi You have Channel 13 available? They're telly broadcasting it, and will post a video of it online if it launches. If the weather clears in the next 15 minutes that is. Otherwise they're gonna scrub it again.
@Iszi Also ... move your butt to The Pod Bay for Space Exploration stuff ... can't you see everyone else is on topic here in the DMZ?? LOL
in Software Recommendations, 2 mins ago, by Gilles
@damryfbfnetsi no, I don't do dogs
in Software Recommendations, 10 mins ago, by Gilles
I could get behind this one:
@TildalWave Are you sure about that? I haven't seen a post about boobs in awhile.

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