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03:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

@RoryAlsop Seriously, what's the real point of OneBoxing YouTube if you're not gonna actually let the video play in the OneBox?
The "wo wo waoh waoh", that's when the writer lost inspiration ?
@RoryAlsop Cool video, btw.
LOL - we were crammed in a little aluminium caravan, basically. There was just enough room for Hamish to sit up the other end to watch
@ThomasPornin it's supposed to be slightly taking the mickey of AC/DC
I think you should do the music for StackExchange The Movie.
If there ever is one
@Ninefingers Hahahaha - will that be like the Facebook/Zucker movie?
Isn't there always someone named Hamish
that's ma boy
this is Scotland, after all
If it's not Scottish...
it's cr*p
I think that was the line:-)
Yep, almost as good as my setup for the toe line theotherday for Scott Pack
@Ninefingers possibly getting to do the music at the Whitehat Ball 2012
Aug 6 at 6:07, by this.josh
hard to forge fingers. The purple is really just to prevent re-voting though...
@RoryAlsop that's cool. The part around 2:00 reminds me of Frank Klepacki, the composer for the C&C/Red Alert music scores.
@RoryAlsop He's most famous for youtube.com/watch?v=-SQVvfFTcEk but all his tracks sort of combine metal with industrial and electronic sounds. Somehow, it makes a great backdrop to computer related activity.
We do seem to get a lot of techies as fans, which is nice:-)
@Ninefingers I do like that
Whats the spectral efficency of your eyes? Are you wasting power just for showmanship?
optical spectral efficiency staple
new password
They just run off a 1.5v battery
I think those masks are pretty cool
probably a must have, something like that, for a metal band
Mine came from Vienna, and we bought a range of gasmasks online
@thisjosh Hamish and Rory, apparently.
Damn I'm comming up with tons of passwords today. It must be because I scorred low on the on Test Your Vocabulary yesterday
@RoryAlsop do you ever use the tremolo bar at all, out of interest? My guitar has one, but I need to take it apart to use it and I haven't had the guts/interest to do that yet...!
for some songs, yes, however for this one, the song is set up for me to play it on a BC Rich Warlock with a fixed bridge. On This Kiss, Useless and Phenomenal I use it a fair bit
most of my guitars have a floating bridge, this one is a bit different - it's got Ibanez's new 'zero point' - which means you can pull up or divebomb and it will go straight back to in tune as soon as you let go the bar
ah ok
I think to be honest my guitar skills are no way near good enough yet to really need it anyway; when I get there, I'll try it.
on that topic, you know there is a music.stackexchange.com with a large group of guitarists:-)
I have learned a lot of theory since joining it - most of my stuff is just from playing, and some musical theory learned at school on violin
On a related note, @Rory, where can one buy your music, and if there are multiple supported methods are there any in particular with re more favorable to the band members?
I second that question
@Rory good point on music.se, I'll join. I have a bit of theory knowledge, and I can play some reasonably complicated bits of music, but I'm just not "comfortable" if that make sense. So I take a while to pick up new tracks and my playing isn't perfect. I think it's basically I need to keep practising, but learning a few tips, techniques and shortcuts will also be good.
Because the sample that I heard from Burn Your Planet didn't really sound like my bag. Wasted, however, was a good fun time.
Burn is not really our core, and neither is This Kiss - they are the heaviest end of what we do
the player on www.metaltech.me has links to various places, but I think the online vendor that screws us the least is Amazon
if you were in UK it would be easy to get you a physical CD
but the mp3's work just fine:-)
@Ninefingers - are you in the UK?
@Rory yep
in which case I think the album downloaded works out at £7.66, and we're selling signed CD's with Metaltech badges enclosed for a tenner
@RoryAlsop Hell, if the CD puts the most money directly in your guys pocket, and the shipping isn't stupid, and it doesn't impose undue burden on you guys, I could probably live with it.
They don't officially go on sale until Monday, but we bought a stack to sell personally so we have been doing that since last weekend.
The %age difference is quite surprising - the online stores take an awful lot more than I expected
@Scott - lemme find out shipping to Ohio
@RoryAlsop Let me know and I'll see exactly how much support I'm willing to give to the arts ;)
(admittedly we don't really expect music to replace the day job, but it must be rough for folks who have no other income to survive)
@Scott LOL
will do
Tell me about it. I've had a few friends try to make it. Long story of tears there.
My wife likes it as a hobby, as it pays more than it costs, and keeps me off the streets:-)
One of our good friends really makes her living off lessons, and lets the "real" music keep her happy.
I think it's like starting a business really - "making it" i.e. making masses out of it is a lot harder than it looks.
Speaking of sometimes depressing hobbies, I should probably go pick up my child.
@Ninefingers In the UK, membership of the musicians union is at two rates. High income is anything over 20 grand!
@ScottPack from which depressing hobby?
if you guys want to hear a wee bit of a selection, I have popped up a recording of a gig we did late last year at King Tut's - a pretty awesome venue in Glasgow.
this is just recorded off the mixing desk, but gives a flavour
@RoryAlsop that doesn't surprise me. There was a similar statistic regarding acting i.e. most actors working in the UK don't make that much out of it... except for the few that end up in the big films/tv shows/musicals
still, I used to jam once a week with a band back when I was making no money out of it, so this is considerably better
Starting a business is painful and dangerous
kind of like rock music
@thisjosh although now I've started two businesses I can see where a lot of the pain can be minimised
finding a niche in huge demand (Information Security) was a good start
Yes, the third time your don't run into the wall as hard knowing it's there now
nicely put
Thays why I prefer a regular paycheck though it encumbers me with all the corporate stupidness
yep - one of the reasons I am leaving behind my independent consultancy and starting a new role with PwC on Monday
In the right company, though, you can get minimal stupidness.
Have you retraied your brain to supress the obvious comments, quite important
Unfortunately you have to accept the job before you find out...!
Luckily I will be in charge or 2IC for the area
well, I was doing similar for EY for 10 years, and my director at the new gig is very rational and down to earth, which will be nice
although I I seem to get away with quite a bit
some big corporates are okay - the infosec side of the Big-4 are quite independent
How did Security Engineering take so long to be mentioned in Resources to learn about security?
Hi @Gilles
good question
Not enough pictures in that book?
I was looking if Learning Network Security could be a duplicate, it's a pretty poor question to begin with
@thisjosh But lots of anecdotes
It is of quite poor quality and so it the answer
@thisjosh yep - you guys want me to take it out?
What the potential dupe @Giles?
consider it gubbed
(Scottish technical term:-)
Maybe you should start a Scottish jargon file...
I'd probably end up adding at least one word a day:-)
They other day I was looking for stats on English vocabulary (due to password and entropy questions) and I found testyourvocab.comwhich has some beautiful graphs, but I just realized its all American English speakers.
I wonder if password cracking is geared towards American English.
We did always use a password list which included US and UK English
Right, but what aboout hackers in regions where English is not the first language, like China.
@thisjosh or (God forbids) France ?
French hackers, now there's a scarry thought.
They don't even pay their parking tickets!
@thisjosh didn't find one
Bummer, maybe we can fix up the question.
oops, too late
I gubbed it
Eh, someone will ask a better question.
Rule 34 on duelling analogs. Once you see you cannot unsee
That one took me a while.
When you see the word sex and cant find the register argument for the number of bits to shift...
@RoryAlsop OMG! It took me a few seconds to realize... then OMFG!!!
@Thomas - suitable for crypto?
Q: is this algorithm for a random string cryptographically secure?

pythonscriptI've pieced together this algorithm (if it can be called that) from various bits of code I've seen online, and I'm wondering how cryptographically secure it is. It's used to generate passwords: function seed_random() { $seed = crc32(uniqid(sha1(microtime(true) . getmypid()), true)); mt_s...

@RoryAlsop I'm on it.
summary: suitable, but weird
as a 10k can you migrate from here to crypto?
if not I'll pop it over for you if you like?
evening @CRoss
@RoryAlsop No, migration is a mod-only feature (except when there's a migration path, and then the rep threshold is 3k like closing)
@RoryAlsop I do not have migration power, I think
ok - I can ping it over for you then
Also, it is borderline
@RoryAlsop evening, how goes the land of IT Security
@ThomasPornin ah - would you prefer I didn't.
it looks a bit more "security.SE" than "crypto.SE" stuff
@CRoss always good, sir:-)
generally speaking, in crypto-specific groups we are not extremely keen on the whole "here is code is it secure ?" theme
@ThomasPornin and I'm thinking not really security, but hey - lets see if it gets any flags.
@ThomasPornin gotcha
we prefer that questioners do their homework. The crypto question is: "is /dev/urandom good enough for generating keys ?" (and the answer is: "yes")
that reminds me
Q: Running proprietary software on Linux safely

wearilywanderingAs a summer project, I'm looking to prevent any piece of proprietary software like many games I run from have access to my personal files. After looking a lot at sandboxing, I've decided that anything like chroot is far too complicated for me to use, as simplicity=security. I've created a user al...

SO is trying to fob it off on someone. Unix and Linux or IT Security?
That could get some good answers here - but I can see why SO don't want it:-)
My feeling is that this is more of a Sec.SE question, because he's designing his policy. I'd lean towards Unix.SE for implementing the policy later.
@RoryAlsop so, do you want it?
@Gilles Yep - kick it over:-)
@RoryAlsop Could you fix the comments? The “Quebes” one would be more informative if spelled right, and the ServerFault one is obsolete
Anybody feel like the bar for security jobs might be a bit lower than other ones? jobs-akamai.icims.com/jobs/5118/job (also, mine! no competing!)
03:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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