@RoryAlsop that's cool. The part around 2:00 reminds me of Frank Klepacki, the composer for the C&C/Red Alert music scores.
@RoryAlsop He's most famous for youtube.com/watch?v=-SQVvfFTcEk but all his tracks sort of combine metal with industrial and electronic sounds. Somehow, it makes a great backdrop to computer related activity.
@RoryAlsop do you ever use the tremolo bar at all, out of interest? My guitar has one, but I need to take it apart to use it and I haven't had the guts/interest to do that yet...!
for some songs, yes, however for this one, the song is set up for me to play it on a BC Rich Warlock with a fixed bridge. On This Kiss, Useless and Phenomenal I use it a fair bit
most of my guitars have a floating bridge, this one is a bit different - it's got Ibanez's new 'zero point' - which means you can pull up or divebomb and it will go straight back to in tune as soon as you let go the bar
On a related note, @Rory, where can one buy your music, and if there are multiple supported methods are there any in particular with re more favorable to the band members?
@Rory good point on music.se, I'll join. I have a bit of theory knowledge, and I can play some reasonably complicated bits of music, but I'm just not "comfortable" if that make sense. So I take a while to pick up new tracks and my playing isn't perfect. I think it's basically I need to keep practising, but learning a few tips, techniques and shortcuts will also be good.
@RoryAlsop Hell, if the CD puts the most money directly in your guys pocket, and the shipping isn't stupid, and it doesn't impose undue burden on you guys, I could probably live with it.
@Ninefingers In the UK, membership of the musicians union is at two rates. High income is anything over 20 grand!
@ScottPack from which depressing hobby?
if you guys want to hear a wee bit of a selection, I have popped up a recording of a gig we did late last year at King Tut's - a pretty awesome venue in Glasgow.
@RoryAlsop that doesn't surprise me. There was a similar statistic regarding acting i.e. most actors working in the UK don't make that much out of it... except for the few that end up in the big films/tv shows/musicals
They other day I was looking for stats on English vocabulary (due to password and entropy questions) and I found testyourvocab.comwhich has some beautiful graphs, but I just realized its all American English speakers.
I wonder if password cracking is geared towards American English.
I've pieced together this algorithm (if it can be called that) from various bits of code I've seen online, and I'm wondering how cryptographically secure it is. It's used to generate passwords:
function seed_random() {
$seed = crc32(uniqid(sha1(microtime(true) . getmypid()), true));
As a summer project, I'm looking to prevent any piece of proprietary software like many games I run from have access to my personal files. After looking a lot at sandboxing, I've decided that anything like chroot is far too complicated for me to use, as simplicity=security. I've created a user al...