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Can anyone please tell me when is "Today, Jun 12, 3:00 AM - 4:00 AM" if it's displayed on Google Hangouts?
(I'm not signed in)
The same event on YouTube says "Scheduled for Jun 11, 2014"
Google ... go figure.
NVM ... I just won't watch it then, who cares what timezone Google thinks time should be displayed in
5 hours later…
good morning dear internet
@Lighty why good morning sir
@strugee why not?
@AviD must we always pounce on even the slightest gramatically ambiguous phrase?
let's get real; this is the DMZ, of course we do
are you claiming that you were NOT implying that you had hoped he would have woken up to find himself with his ass nailed to the wall, his intestines spilling out to the floor, his hands stapled to a very unpleasant surface, a hole where his kidney had been, and his girlfriend chuckling in the kitchen while frying up his Bobbit?
Or maybe just, yknow, a bit of a hangover headache.
that would only happen to me if i would cheat on her @AviD
and rightfully so
No, I'm sorry, Ramsey is just a sick sick inhuman individual, that is always just too much.
The cook?
The bastard.
i was talking about Gordon Ramsey
@Lighty why?
@Lighty Do you have some odd gay crush on Gordon Ramsey?
NOT that there is anything wrong with that.
but his swearing is attractive though
i mean
@AviD have you by any chance had a large amount of coffee this morning?
heh, working on it.
but I blame this damn spanish code.
and i thought Adnan was creepy according to people...
not that he is
@Lighty you wouldnt know. He is a different person since @Kisunminttu happened.
And we thank her for that. :-)
as i said, according to people
and those two make a great couple :3
like you and coffee
*yawns loudly*
hits kalina's face with a soft pillow
no yawning
@Lighty What kind of rule is that, it's not like you can always fully control it...
oh hush you, i just wanted a reason to smack her with a pillow
Quick, before @Kisu logs in. Here's a photographic evidence of her filthy habit of eating cheese-cheese sandwiches.
@Lighty this can still happen. In fact, I would say it is now likely.
and that.. that's an old Gouda
@Adnan oh that looks real nice.
On top of cream cheese
except for the healthy-style bread.
"filthy habit of eating cheese-cheese sanwiches"
whats so filthy bout it?
and @AviD, as i said, that could only happen if i did something horribly wrong, and deserve it :3
@AviD Oh.. I think this bread is more commonly bought in Finland that the other kinds.
4 mins ago, by Lighty
oh hush you, i just wanted a reason to smack her with a pillow
People love their whole grains
nice toes btw
@Lighty What toes?
@Adnan so, Finland is not so into all those lard-based breads, like in Netherlands?
on th picture, i see toes
@Lighty oo titillating.
@AviD Hmm.. actually, they might be, I don't know. It's just that the people I know (including myself) usually buy this type.
Lard-based bread? i dunno, most sold bread here is grain too
but i prefer white-tiger bread
tasty when fresh, escpecially with some salami
@Lighty Ooooh.. those are my toes
i just complimented your toes, feel special
@Lighty Why? I like my toes. Intrinsically, they're themselves a compliment.
Ah, but they look so blue... just like everything else in Finland.
finland is basicly full of smurfs if everything is blue
I love lard bread
nothing as good as bacon
i like meat and all, but i cant stand any lard-dyness in the morning
@Adnan ... everything? I sincerely doubt that, judging by some of your stories.
@Lighty I suggest you leave the room
unless for religious reasons, you are to embrace the lard
what about health reasons?
actually, i can't eat anything in the morning, the first hour when i wake up atleast
or even just non-fat reasons.
i think i should be more worried about the crap in energy drinks then food containing fat, in my case
i should gain some weight too.... i look like a slim stick with an attitude
@AviD you wouldn't give your life for bacon?
No. But I would gladly give your life for it.
anyway, lard isnt just bacon...
@Lighty so basically
@AviD what do you have against bacon?
@LucasKauffman sadly, religion
Q: what is the best keylogger for security uses?

Someone Like YouToday we were robbed. A thief come to our home at night and stole some stuff including my brother's laptop. I think that the right thing to do is to download a keylogger on my PC, just in case... I want a free keylogger, which has GPS to locate the PC, I know professional thieves will not conne...

@AviD a certain person doesn't feel that way about it, don't worry
Shouldnt this be in software recomendations?
@AviD jews are not allowed to eat bacon? I thought you just weren't allowed to mix it with butter?
all pagan-based religions are against bacon, or pork in general
@LucasKauffman "bacon" could potentially be fine, as long as its not pork bacon.
so, yeah. no bacon. :-(
for asfar as i know
@AviD you are not allowed to eat pork?
@Lighty you are showing your complete lack of education.
semitic religions are explicitly NON pagan based.
@LucasKauffman nope. And in general, I would have interest - with the exception of bacon.
@AviD spare ribs with honey mmmm
or piglet roast
i always classed 'jewish' religion under the same tree as 'christian' religion and 'islamic' religion
@AviD I wasn't aware that semitic religions weren't allowed to eat pork, I thought it was just an islamic thing
am i wrong? because then i'm going to do some study on it
@Lighty islamic yes, christian - not so much.
well, actually, more like "kinda sorta". but not exactly.
@Lighty good idea.
werent chrisitan and islam not a indirect descendant from paganism? since alot of items and stories etc. in their holy scripts are almost direct copies from pagans?
and yes, i should take up a class or two, religion and culture is rather interesting
early christianity was influenced by the local pagans (e.g. saturnalia), even though it was intended to "subclass" judaism.
there is a conversation about religion happening in here
you're not invited, go back to sleep D:
may I share my religious views?
@Lighty no, from judaism. Though like I said, early christianity did have some pagan influences.
Islam, on the other hand, has some explicit anti-pagan issues.
@kalina probably not a good idea.
issues as in the scripts, or the people?
that's not very nice, you get to talk about religion, I want to join in
so... aliens
its not a theological discussion - it is a general historical / etymological one.
came here thousands of years ago
@Lighty Christianity just adopted the pagan holidays and gave them a different name because people wanted their traditions to be kept somewhat intact.
built the pyramids as landing pads for their space ships
taught primitive mankind to make fire
@kalina, go play Serious Sam the second encounter
@Lighty scripts, customs, etc.
and then the hobbits went to isengard
@Arperum you have to change your avatar. Glancing at it makes me think you're @Kisunminttu.
it was an epic journey
involving first contact with the ents for the hobbit people
@Arperum yeah, a lot of the traditions.
i sat in a loacal mosque, where they give dutch-languaged...err... forgot what theyre called in english, but just a bunch of muslims sitting together praying, and one Lighty sitting in the back listening to them
and then gandolf
also known as hesus
commonly translated as jesus
died and rose
changing from gray to white
@AviD I have the same issue, I always think her posts are mine until I notice the lack of different colored background on the text.
and ofcourse i have bene forced to go to church too, so i heard alot there too, and i just cant stand it that the Muslim scripts look alot like the Christian ones
before commanding an eagle to drop the hobbits off in mordor
smacks @kalina with a pillow again
@AviD WTF you also can't eat lobster?
@AviD I'm not planning on changing it though, it's part of the picture my ex-girlfriend made as a parting gift, it looks a bit like me in real life :)
@LucasKauffman eewwww sea roaches.
the destruction of the one ring is commonly known as "opening pandora's box"
and evil spewed forth unto the world
@Lighty what? no not really.
@Arperum so just color in that window in the background.
@AviD dude, you don't know what you are missing
@AviD lobster is like the bacon of the sea
@LucasKauffman eewwww sea roaches.
I also dont want to eat live-ish octopus.
@AviD you can't, it's not kosher
and then the internet was invented and humanity suddenly rose above all of the old folk fiction that was also known as religion
well, they have the same form of indexation, the 'rules' some verses have sound alike, the ideology (of the past) looked alike, and both religions have the same rules on eating pork, playing football and clothing etc.
and became a space faring race
@LucasKauffman thats not the only reason
finally elevating themselves to the level of the old gods
im a real fish-eater..
you also can't eat mussels, oysters, shrimps, coqui st jaques or escargots
@AviD There is no window
smells rather fishy
That's the full picture.
@Arperum ah flame, whatever.
flame should be red.
@LucasKauffman eww eww EWWW meh and yuckkkk
@AviD I'm not an artist, I would fuck it up big time.
@AviD whatabout horse?
@Arperum ask @TildalWave.
@AviD nope
@LucasKauffman horse is not food! its entertainment!
everything that consists of meat is food :3
@AviD It's actually quite tasty
@Lighty according to this statement, penis is food
@AviD whatabout whale or crocodile?
yes, indeed
@LucasKauffman dunno, and BIG EWWW
and instead of making a flag-worthy comment, i will jsut sit down and eat a cookie
@LucasKauffman From that list I don't mind eating Mussels and shrimp, the others are a no-go for me.
@AviD and you can eat some sushi I guess?
did someone say sushi?
fish is yak
its like instant puke
no, fish is a sea creature, a yak is canadian
there's not many things worse than fish
although pineapple on pizza is right up there with it
@kalina you do several drugs which have most likely been up someones ass for transportation and which most likely have been cut up with other disgusting components, yet fish makes you puke?
@LucasKauffman er... nope
ouch :3
@Lighty I think a Yak is from Nepal, not canada
You mean a moose
or @Simon
you see, I know the guys that grow the weed I smoke
@Lighty *it's
and any mdma is made in country so doesn't pass through customs
pff >:
@kalina cocaine?
@LucasKauffman oh definitely. I would say that there is some that I cant.
@AviD It's really cool to read about this, I wasn't aware eating kosher was so complex
@LucasKauffman pure enough that you don't do silly quantities of it and transported inside of laptops
@kalina sure "laptops"
they don't go through scanners and have plenty of space inside if you remove everything else
@LucasKauffman yeah, kinda. I just avoid anything complicated.
@AviD but do you take it strictly or do you interpret the reasons behind it?
both, as much as I can be bothered.
I really wonder what the reason is actually
because for instance rabbit isn't allowed either
"taking it strictly" explicitly requires understanding the reasons behind it.
why would you ever eat a rabbit
you might as well eat babies
@LucasKauffman there are different reasons for different things, and not everything is clearly understood/agreed upon. And of course I only know part of that.
@kalina this.
@kalina cause it tastes quite well if you put it in a pot with some oyster mushrooms, pieces of bacon, cut up onion and a bottle of brown beer
just... no
@LucasKauffman so would carrots, and I dont even like carrots.
anyway, what, you run out of cows?
not even really a big fan of eating cow
you guys make me hungry
@AviD no, it's just quite nice
or if you want to eat something cute - how about ducks?
at least they're not cute with big floppy ears
@AviD I do like myself some duck breast or maigret de canard
or fois gras
@LucasKauffman "quite nice"?
or kitties
@kalina yea it's good meat
@Lighty s/k/t/
@Lighty kitties are carnivors
@AviD ?
and i saw eat cute things
@LucasKauffman dammit, now I gotta go to my steak place - they serve a fantastic mullard.
kitties are cute :3
@Lighty you don't know sed?
@LucasKauffman you think it's acceptable to murder for "quite nice"?
hmm, not really
sed (stream editor) is a Unix utility that parses and transforms text, using a simple, compact programming language. sed was developed from 1973 to 1974 by Lee E. McMahon of Bell Labs, and is available today for most operating systems. sed was based on the scripting features of the interactive editor ed ("editor", 1971) and the earlier qed ("quick editor", 1965–66). sed was one of the earliest tools to support regular expressions, and remains in use for text processing, most notably with the substitution command. Other options for doing "stream editing" include AWK and Perl. History ...
isnt mallard a synonym for duck?
@kalina I don't consider killing animals for food "murder"
@kalina right. If you're going to commit murder, it should only be for "really great".
@AviD yes
@Lighty ish, yes.
or atleast rare
@LucasKauffman well it is
@kalina coming from someone supporting the drug industry I find this rather funny
you're still killing a being that can think for itself
@kalina unlike cows.
@kalina and you are indirectly killing beings that can.
or @Simon.
plants are beings too @kalina
@LucasKauffman you know what, if you're going to pull this argument out, let's talk about leather, diamonds, Americans destroying the lives of American Natives so you can build cities
still, biology is all about survival, being able to survive is to eat, and what is a great source of food and neutrients?
@Lighty plants don't think
@kalina I'm not American
damn, I have nothing
I don't do diamonds
we did have the rubber and gold thing in congo though
@kalina some do
the exploitation argument applies to everything in modern society
a few years back
some people die because of my cocaine way back in the chain?
your phone was made in a sweat shop
get over yourself
@kalina no, I think they were referring to your fire habit, not the cocaine habit.
@AviD psh
my fire never really hurt anybody
might have damaged some prides, caught some people off guard, and confused a lot of people
but never actually hurt
you made kitties cry all over the world though
@Lighty I wouldn't kill one and eat it though
@kalina I was just pointing out that it bothers you that I indirectly kill animals for food, but that you don't care about the exploitation of human beings. I didn't start the argument about "murder" as I do realize it can be pulled quite wide. The only reason I have my current life standard is because in the past and probably also in the present people are dieing or have died for it.
ofcourse not, the internet would disaprove
I just find it illogical that you care about animals but not about humans
@LucasKauffman I am not bothered by any of this conversation
I don't understand why somebody would murder a cute little bunny rabbit for food
but it's your choice
I will look at you like a blood thirsty rabbit killing lunatic if we ever meet though
I think that's still quite okay then
I mean I think llamas are cute and fuzzy
but I also eat those
I am a vegetarian that eats bacon
I have nothing to say
then youre a fake hippie
my misses is also vegetarian
no, I don't like eating meat because I feel guilty every time
but bacon is so good I can live with it
I've grown up on a farm, goat kids are cute too, doesn't mean I can't eat their meat. It's tasty, so I eat it.
and... well... KFC is coated in crack
atleast KFC uses meat
instead of mcdonalds, they use oil and tears of unsuccessfull swaggers
@Arperum mmmm I love lamb
random statement is random
i love Kebab :3
@LucasKauffman lamb*
@kalina ty
you monster
throws kebab at @kalina
Yup. I eat stuff I've fed and nurtured since it was born.
and baby goats
@kalina I'm not a big fan of sheep, I like goat more.
I haven't had goat meat before
@Arperum why are you suddenly active in here, anyway?
Goats are kinda cute
just as cows can be
@kalina Bridge is asleep in the mornings, and I accidentally stumbled in here.
@Arperum where can you get goat meat?
Guys it's time for the QOTW draft submissions
Guys, don't forget the QOTW draft submissions
@LucasKauffman I know of one place in Belgium, one person who sells it. All of the goat meat I've eaten is from our own goats though, and that's not for sale.
Hey, QOTW draft submission time guys
@Arperum aaaw :( where in BE? Where do you slaughter your goats then?
QOTW: It's time for the channel to go inactive so the draft can submit itself
where does Arperum live anyways? in belgium?
@Lighty yea
according to his profile
not sure if French or Dutch speaking though
Arperum? spreek je nederlands of frans?
@LucasKauffman My dad butchers them himself. And for where you can buy it in Belgium: between 9AM-12PM in Dilbeek on saturday mornings. The guy probably sells on other places too, but I don't know any of these.
@LucasKauffman Dutch.
knew it ;3
@Lighty That wouldn't work if I spoke french :)
@Arperum ah good, Dilbeek is the other side of Brussels
@gsuberland @digininja The other one is dont think about the ~1Kg of meat you call a tongue that is always moving about in your mouth
@LucasKauffman Basically on this market
@Arperum how does it compare to sheep/lamb?

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