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Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly tolerant of any religion or belief. As long as it doesn't ring my doorbell on a Sunday morning, or stand in my way at a train station, or evangelise in any way
@RoryAlsop "excuse me" followed by a knee to the nuts
@RoryA Suit and long hair seems to indicate a problem for them. :P
@FEichinger Just long hair doesn't work though.
i once opened the door, and it was such a jahova witness, i said no thanks and closed the door, finding his foot inbetween my door and the post, i opened it and calmly asked "do you believe that you lord will save you froma broken foot within 2 seconds?"
Bad logo choice for a resort
that foot was gone in a blink of an eye, and i could go back to wasting my life with sleeping
@Arp Now what are you doing here?
@Adnan for a resort?
@Lighty I've seen that exact post on so many places now that I don't believe it.
@FEichinger Hiding in the shadows. And being bored. Bridge is asleep too much.
@Arperum good fo you :3
@Adnan i'ts totally not a coverup for a super-uber-secret biologic reshearch facility for bioweapons
@Arp Tsk. There are plenty reasons to abandon the Bridge. "It's asleep" ain't one of them.
@Kalina Looks like some biohazzard area, so I'm not sure
This is so interesting
@Lighty Also: it's not because someone is being a complete moron that physical damage is a good solution.
@Adnan well it does have a logo reminiscent of a biohazard warning
@Arperum if you read it, you could see i got rung out of bed, for someone to says useless stuff, and when i deny them, they set a foot in my house, and how is scaring them away not a good idea?
@Kalina infested with old rinkly rich people.
@FEichinger Also: occasional gifstorms.
@Adnan sounds like the perfect place for bioweapons testing
An old dude offered me a beer
@Adnan You know what they say
you always accept drinks
@Kisu no I don't
@Adnan Oh.
@Arp Also, yeh, long hair alone doesn't work. Then they either think you're a tree hugger or a "satanist" worth "saving".
Me, neither
And I'm sure he's not trying to hook me up with his daughter
Or wife
@Lighty Last time they bothered me I was really deep into the coding I was doing at the time, them visiting for 2 minutes caused me at least 1 hour of extra work, still didn't try to smash their feet. I told them very clearly that I was not interested and that I was at work, and that they should not return at a later date.
Or, looking at him, his grad grand daughter
@FEichinger someone wanted to sue me yesterday for Blasphemy (which is illigal if you publicly say something like death to all muslims over here, not if you dont believe, racism in public is illigal too, to compare) because i showed signs of autism
i pissed my pants laughing
@FEichinger Yea, I assume they expect satanist with me, with me always wearing a bandshirt that may or may not contain skulls and/or blood.
@Adnan my boss just asked me if you can cook
invite them in, pick up the phone, mock a conversation about how you've got two ripe ones ready for processing and that you'll keep them talking until the meat van arrives
@kalina thats not really a bad idea :)
If I have time I keep talking until they are desperate enough to flee for themself. Or cold enough, because I don't mind standing in the doorway for half an hour pointing out flaws in their arguments.
"have you found jesus?"
yes, next door
@Arperum this is my preferred method yes
saves other people from being victimised
Jehova's witnesses, god they tend to be annoying
and removes all of their momentum
@Arperum My dad used to happily talk to them for ages. He would stand just inside the door. They would be just outside. In Orkney weather - notoriously windy, rainy, stormy and horrible :-)
@kalina They also look so demotivated after half an hour.
@LucasKauffman i actually pulled that one on my over-religious aunt
people actually live in Orkney?
she went like " oh, lighty can be saved, he's athiest, if we just read him the bible..."
@kalina sure - then they move south to Edinburgh :-)
my folks still live there
i stood up, tried to mimic a low voice and went like "you cannot defeat me, mortal"
It is one of the most beautiful parts of the world
hardly any people
my favourite one after convincing them you're their personal best success story is turning around and saying "so how does the scientifically proven process of evolution fit into all of this?"
then i sat down and minded my own buisness, which was eating pie
@kalina could get them to sit down on the couch, then just before starting to chat, put on some Lamb of God at high volume
@RoryAlsop if I were going to do something like that, I'd use gabber
@kalina I should try that one day, I suck at pretending that they got me though.
@kalina heh - fair enough. Not sure I'd cope with that at my age. I used to be able to cope
gabber reduces most mere mortals to very sad people
@kalina they would reply with "its not scientificly proven", heard that before
@RoryAlsop The song "Pagan war' from Manegarm should work too.
or Highway to hell
@Lighty too obvious? and too much like 'easy listening' classic rock
Q: Why are my kids naked?

DaveTheGamerI was playing my old hearth fire save in skyrim when my kids where only wearing their underwear and when I attempted to give them cloths they didn't do anything with them. Anyone else have the solution? EDIT Now the rest of the skyrim kids aren't wearing cloths

This is an interesting title.
it has a word in there that makes over-religious people melt, and people without music knowledge refer all rock to metal
and guitars are a sin according to them, sometimes
you know what i read (dont have the proper verse), i read, that there is a sentence in the bible, that explains that going to the toilet for a number 2, is a sin, if you sit on something, instead of hovering above a hole
still trying to find it xD
@Lighty really - I don't remember that. Unfortunately I don't have my easy search db on the 3 main bibles and the Koran here at work
neither have i, but i have a list of "laughable" sins, but nowhere the verse numbers to confirm
this one has confirmation
@kalina ping @AviD, @Thomas, @Terry and others who have promised a qotw......
I might need to write a brief one tonight otherwise
whats a QOTW? xD
Q: Requests for Question of The Week blog posts

Rory AlsopSince starting the Security Stack Exchange Blog on 15 July 2011 we have some excellent blog posts, and a large number of these are from our Question of the Week posts. Going forwards, it is probably simplest to post your favourite Questions of the week as answers on this question, and vote for yo...

@kalina That needs to be pinned.
ohh, alright
@RoryAlsop Wasn't that 2 years ago? (@AviD's one)
@TerryChia feels like it
When did I promise to write one anyway?
@TerryChia I'm glad you approve
I mean overall it didn't matter either way, since I couldn't edit it
but your approval is important to somebody
@TerryChia I don't think you actually did :-)
but you probably should
The last one we published was 11th April
@RoryAlsop Actually, get @Adnan to do one.
get @fei to write one on the merits of PHP
I don't think he has written for the blog yet?
and how it's so good it's not worth learning another language
@kalina Today isn't April 1.
I was being serious
@kalina Negative length posts might cause an issue.
@Arperum the way I see it a post titled "The Merits Of PHP" would not be negative length
it would have 16 characters in it
from the title
followed by three more and a full stop
for the body, consisting of "LOL."
@Adnan how's OSCP coming along?
@kalina Stop mocking me! Sheesh.
20 > 0
@FEichinger that wasn't a mock
You made me laugh out loud in the office, good thing noone else is in here.
@kalina YOU'RE SO MEAN :(
At least I didn't make out you were some talentless fuckwit whose parents bought your success
although you do use nano
PHP is good to learn. It makes you appreciate all the proper programming languages.
nano is foor noobs
Real men use VIM
no-lifers use EMACS
@LucasKauffman yay - I'm real
@LucasKauffman To be fair, Emacs is a pretty solid operating system. It just needs a good text editor.
but then, I still use CP/M and COBOL on occasion
oh, @rory uses vim, suddenly it's uncool
@kalina Nono, @RoryAlsop uses the original vi.
@RoryAlsop you use COBOL on occasion? In what scenario? No one ever said, "I need to automate this task here on Windows, let me write some cobol for that"
@kalina TSK!
@RoryAlsop do you use a custom .vimrc?
@TerryChia actually, this is true
and @FEichinger here learn to use a real editor: vim-adventures.com
I only have vim on one of my machines. A couple are old enough that there isn't a useful vim implementation
somebody who doesn't know vim needs to try and quit the application
@RoryAlsop how old are we talking?
@RoryAlsop Wut?
@LucasKauffman My oldest computer I still use? 33 years old
it doesn't run vi
you use a computer that is older than I am?
@kalina I guess so
@RoryAlsop What exactly do you do on that?
I would imagine I use a few older than you
if you are still in your early twenties
@kalina no that's 17 years younger than you...
@TerryChia learn
@LucasKauffman I know how to use vim. I just cba to install it every time I set up my PC anew, when all I need is syntax highlighting.
@RоryMcCune psh
@RoryAlsop Learn what?
@FEichinger Errrrrr.
@TerryChia he's so senile he needs refreshers on basic computing
@TerryChia stuff. I play with cp/m, I play with Z80, 6500, 6800 and 68000 machine code
I play with low level stuff
I'm still writing compilers for some hardware
@RoryAlsop Do you still have an old school IBM with OS300?
@RоryMcCune I'm going to write an app in that
@TerryChia What?
@RoryAlsop Which part of a modern device stops you from doing this? :P
@LucasKauffman Actually no - the oldest IBM machines I have, one runs AIX and the other may still load Dos 6.22 (not sure - haven't powered it on for some time)
@TerryChia modern chipsets - haven't got around to learning them
no time
I have a family you know
keeps me busy
@FEichinger I'm trying to fathom what sort of system has nano but cannot have vim installed in a single command.
@TerryChia maybe later
@TerryChia Why bother installing it at all, is my point.
@RoryAlsop x86 and ARM will probably be considered ancient in a hundred years.
@TerryChia ARM I know much better than x86
because I have had to learn how to hack my car stereo properly
@FEichinger Most modern Linux distros has vim installed by default anyway.
as far as x86 goes, I don't have as much of a need
@kalina BTW any truckstops you'd recommend in Nebraska?
@RоryMcCune that's a weird question
And obviously should be asked over on travel.se
@RoryAlsop kalina has confirmed she's actually a 50 year old trucker from Des Moines
@RoryAlsop You write assembly for your stereo?
@TerryChia 8 bit music
@RoryAlsop thus qualified to answer questions on truck stops in Nebraska :)
@TerryChia Ubuntu doesn't, because Ubuntu is speshul.
(And before you ask, I use Ubuntu because it actually works with EFI rather painlessly and comes with pretty much all I really need out of the box.)
@FEichinger Really? It's likely they just aliased it to vi.
@TerryChia yup
@TerryChia Nope. I may be mistaken (and I'm not booted into Ubuntu right now), but last I recall, Ubuntu kept vim off in place of nano. I remember a few discussions on launchpad about that.
@RoryAlsop NURD
@FEichinger Ahh. Interesting choice...
It currently runs a full implementation of pac-man, breakout and whack-a-mole, has a lyrics scroller, can run distributed.net (but hasn't for a while)
Also Ubuntu is stupid blah blah blah. ;)
@TerryChia Well, why install clunky-totally-complicated-not-user-friendly vim when you could just give everyone nano rather than having to do tech support for people not figuring out how to exit it. :P
@TerryChia Show me a Debian install that doesn't shit itself over EFI every time, and I'll gladly switch. But they still haven't figured that out.
@TerryChia you should see the user group meets - we have a guy who designs and builds UAV's, the guy who wrote the linux IDE drivers, the guy who designed the audio subsystems for the first couple of iphones, a guy who builds jet engines... all nerds and geeks!
@FEichinger vim is user friendly. It's just that most users are too stupid to use it.
@RoryAlsop Heh, I actually first thought "Integrated Development Environment" when you said IDE. :P
I prefer vim over nano
@FEichinger What
@TerryChia But I thought it has the instructions written on the back? saponia.hr/household-products/cleaning-products/vim
@Kisunminttu Psssh! Who reads instructions? #YOLO
@TerryChia you trying to summon @simon?
@TerryChia #nonoyolo - hang on, wasn't that a room topic?
@RoryAlsop It was but after yoloing started becoming more popular they removed it
peer pressure
im hungry :I
@RoryAlsop That was silently removed when the Roryhood fell.
@Lighty I'm eating a baguette with chorizo, chicken, manchego cheese and tomato :-P
i need to wait before i can eat, dun wanna shove my face full with noodles while next to me there is a client talkign to my boss :S
solution - just eat one noodle at a time
and do it all subtle-like, no cutlery or fingers, just slurrrrrrp
Subtle, huh.
@FEichinger that's me - all about the subtle
Why would I know about truck stops in Nebraska?
@kalina lol
Oh right
I get it
Bit slow
@kalina Because you're a trucker from Des Moines, remember.
Maaaan Des Moines? You must've killed hundreds of prostitutes.
I wear their skin to stay warm at night
Made a patch work duvet
See, with you that is actually quite likely.
@FEichinger are you suggesting kalina is Jeremy Clarkson?
That's even more insulting than calling me Rebecca black
@RoryAlsop I don't think that's quite possible. Not once have i heard @kalina say ".... In the world."
I have something I've been debating exposing you to
No, not chemical weapons
Although nearly as dangerous
@kalina Me?
@RoryAlsop it was the apostate @AviD that removed it
I found a track I made a few years ago
An idea
room topic changed to The DMZ: The first breach costs you an arm.... [double-entendre] [food] [libations] [nonoavid] [nonoyolo] [rory] [security]
With me singing on it as a place holder
I'm game for pretty much anything. I spent five minutes in a chamber with tear gas in it, give me your best shot.
It sounds like somebody is murdering kittens
... Fitting.
Because I can't sing
And I don't know if I want such a thing existing on the internet
Might come back and haunt me
You probably don't.
@kalina I can have you email a link, or just the file.
If you really want.
Anyway, gtg. Work and stuff ...
Lol "just the file"
sounds like a plan that
avoid uploading the file by uploading the file
You could create a local FTP
send me a public key
and hope I don't share.
But then, even if I do it presumes I have friends i can share it to.
making fun of yourself isn't going to help get me to upload this stuff
time to create a brand new alias that totally isn't me
tools.cisco.com/security/center/content/CiscoSecurityAdvisory/… - affected products = everything... have a fun Friday chaps
@RоryMcCune ahahaha - just read that :-)
@ColinCassidy oh, the joy
@kalina You would think that by now you would've made a script that generates you a new identity. Complete with blood type, education, and even a complete medical history going back eight generations.
@RoryAlsop and that's just cisco
@RoryAlsop nice the CVSS 10 one will get people jumpy
especially the co's who do everything based on CVSS levels
@RоryMcCune exactly
@ColinCassidy Already linked the openssl advisory yesterday. This one is just the cisco branded one. :)
@TerryChia this one is the one many corporates will want to see though
@DavidFreitag I don't need that much detail
@RoryAlsop There's one from RedHat I think. Maybe that one is useful as well. :P
I actually don't know what my blood type is
my blood type must be THC
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
@TerryChia tbh, there will be a few, but as everyone uses Cisco, it is a key one
@kalina I didn't know until recently, then I had a gap between tattoos long enough for me to give blood. And they tell you then. I even got a badge with it on
can't remember what type it is, but I'm sure it's 'original'
@DavidFreitag She just needs ASL and a name, really.
@TerryChia yeah this + Oracle + SAP + IBM will be important ones...
@RоryMcCune Depends on your perspective. ;)
@RоryMcCune GE, Siemens, ABB, telvent... depending on your definition of important :)
@ColinCassidy @TerryChia well I was thinking banking
back in the days when I worked in banks those were the biiig it suppliers whos kit was everywhere
I'm bored
@kalina And no one is surprised.
I would suggest that anyone with potentially strongly held views steps away from the keyboard now :op
deafening silence ensues :)
g'day ladies, gents
@TildalWave @Til
how goes it
goes well, and the weather seems to be holding so it'll go even better in a couple of hours :) you?
temperature here is 10 degrees warmer than yesterday
which is nice
and weird
it's also much warmer here than last week, was odd for this time of the year but it's normalizing ... 26°C now, going towards 30
@TildalWave Hello, how's the logo business?
@TerryChia You discovered some vulnerability? Besides my inability to say no to requests for designs? :D
@TildalWave Heh, nah. Just being polite. ;)
@TildalWave good afternoon
You should volunteer to do the logo for crypto.se so they can graduate faster.
its almost 30C here...
sun shining on the windows
this office is a sauna X.x
@Kisunminttu Hello to Finland! (which is not in Scandinavia, so I hear)
@Lighty Man, I wish I booked sauna for this evening.
@Lighty Well then, get naked and sweat.
i have a sauna at home...
if i wanted to sweat, id go in there
@TildalWave It's okay, it's not like we wanted to be a part of it anyway...
@TerryChia It's not too frequent, so I'll take it :) you're OK there? I saw some storm cells forming over your stretch of the woods this morning via ISS HDEV
@TildalWave That happens a lot in Singapore. ;)
@TerryChia I bet. So you had a storm then? Or I saw it wrong?
@TildalWave Yep. Raining these couple of days so the weather is nice.
Wait, raining is nice?
The Cat B15Q seems like an interesting upcoming phone phonearena.com/news/…
@TildalWave It's definitely preferable to 35C.
@TerryChia ouch, yup I agree and looks like we're headed there during next week, or so they promise (33°C on Tue).
So what's up with that last OpenSSL vuln.? Any crisis on the site about it?
front page seems strangely calm
@TildalWave I haven't actually paid close attention to the main site in months.
@TildalWave I really need to update my alerts script ...
@Kisunminttu yeah. Not on my list, but interesting
@RoryAlsop Stumbled upon the predecessor of that one last year and I was impressed seeing it IRL
im logging off, mom's birthday, going to buy her a pack of white flowers, and a sweet bottle of red wine
"logging off"
@Lighty Doesn't that symbolize something like murder?
well, more like throwing my Mac out of the window
@FEichinger no, that symbolizes "look, i spend money on you"
like every birthday rpesent
sadly xD
Birthday presents work perfectly fine without money, too. Cue euphemism.
@kalina so whats the plan now?
"birthday presents" also known as "blowjobs"
@DavidFreitag I don't know, I don't really have a plan atm
I was just watching futurama
@kalina that isn't a euphemism.
@RoryAlsop are you sure?
@kalina love that show.
@kalina Aight let me know if you still want me to subject myself to your creation.
because I figured you would have expected it to mean fellatio but I actually mean handing somebody a package full of RDX with a detonator set to blow on opening
literally... "blown away"
well, maybe
@DavidFreitag I don't know
@kalina I always imagined euphemisms being a little more subtle
@RoryAlsop it was pretty subtle, everybody excepted fellatio
why is it called a blowjob when the act involves sucking
@kalina okiedokie.
that's what I want to know
@kalina Wait - you mean it's not supposed to inflate?
@DavidFreitag well, it is, but that's only tangentially related
@kalina Oh, good. I freaked out the first time it happened. I got worried that it would rupture.
So I stepped away for 5 minutes and things turned weird.
did you know, it's possible to snap it
(suddenly the entire channel cringes)
yep, possible to snap it
while it's erect, if you bend it with enough force quick enough, it will rupture
@kalina Yes, but I doubt it's large enough to get that kind of leverage.
well yours might not be, but don't rule out the whole of mankind based on yours
my habit of googling just nearly destroyed my existence
@DavidFreitag That would make a good What If? question. Someone write to Randall.
as I opened up google images and started typing "snapped pe..."
before realising I was about to permanently damage myself
@kalina Just imagine "boomerang"
it swells up like a baloon
Government contracts are such a nightmare.
Governments are such a nightmare.
I mean, they are a significant source of income for us, but it means i have to have a quarterly meeting with two marines, an five assorted army, navy, and air force goons.
And the occasional awesome NASA teams.
subtle but well executed change of subject
@DavidFreitag How's the job btw? Everything better?
8 out of 10
Nah, I still want to talk about penises.
I would but I'm bored of the subject
they never bring me anything but disappointment
I could see why. There's nothing appealing about something that looks like an earthworm in a turtleneck.
in fact, I'm pretty bored in general
even futurama isn't unboring me
time for drastic action

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