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@Adnan Aww, shucks. I forgot that it might be in "retaliation"
@AJHenderson I'm completely of the opinion that an individual only retains their human rights until they violate those of another
Because in my head it's just a nice thing
@Kisunminttu Or it might be just a coincidence
@AJHenderson This is a dangerous route to take, though.
@Adnan Or maybe the Finnish flag acted as a catalyst?
I hope so.
@FEichinger but that's the whole point, there is no perfect solution
@Kisunminttu Now the whole neighbourhood will be raising flags
@Adnan In good spirit, I hope.
Then Timo Soini will get angry
I don't want little Timo to get angry
@Adnan little?
I'm mostly just trying to explain what I see as "equality" because the term itself is unclear
@AJHenderson Really mostly referring to the part I replied to in particular.
@Kisunminttu :D
@FEichinger ah, yeah, more ideally would be to define the law based on ability to protect yourself, but that's far harder to judge or legislate sadly
so you can only really go on general rules, and the general rule is that men are physically stronger
@AJHenderson Definitely. But, knowing quite a few men who were in abusive relationships of some sort, it's a really dangerous route. It just furthers them not being taken seriously whatsoever in their claims.
@FEichinger yeah, well I'm not saying that the law shouldn't be strict enough and take men being abused seriously too
culturally, it is ignored too much
@AJHenderson Yeh, but blanket statements about men being more capable of defending themself doesn't help there either. ;)
but abuse in general is ignored far FAR too much
@AJHenderson Seconded
and that's why I had the "generally" in there
the statistics are staggering. 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime
The statistics are also slightly rigged, by choosing very select notions of "sexual assault".
(I was a peer crisis counselor in high school)
well, not rigged so much as people not understanding what "sexual assault" actually consists of
someone cops a feel is technically a sexual assault
but even the statistics on things like outright rape are mind blowing
though I don't recall those numbers off the top of my head anymore
The thing is, I've seen quite a few of these studies use questions like "Did you regret a sexual encounter?" and factoring that in as well. Or being utterly strict with the defintions and then including things that, while technically indeed valid, were consensual, accidental or simply misunderstandings.
(Though that last point of course also opens up the door for "Ah, but I didn't mean it!" excuses, but where I'm going with this is really that this is really hard to quantify, and I'd take it all with a grain mountain of salt.)
@FEichinger and then on the flipside, you have the number of people that don't want to talk about it
or think they are just being too uptight and they didn't mean anything by it
excuses are made on both sides. I tend to figure they probably average out
A few years ago, I would've agreed on that. Now I'm more cautious, because a lot of this has turned into very loud mudslinging and I'm not particularly convinced by what's going on.
point still is that objectification of women is a huge problem and it naturally leads to a great many other problems, and our society really doesn't have much of an interest in seriously dealing with it
@FEichinger I guess for me, I've been in the trenches of dealing with it before, so I have a lot of first hand experience with abuse victims
including many who were hard to get out of their shell
I do still give the rape statistics far more reliability in my head than the sexual assault ones though
since it is so much more ambiguous to people what is and isn't sexual assault
@AJHenderson Definitely. Although, having seen one of those infamous fake rape claims in action myself, I have some issues with those as well. But they're definitely a lot closer to the truth more reliable.
Yeh, I prefer your phrasing. mine comes across a bit too dismissive there.
@FEichinger personally, in my experience, the worst thing is the emotion trauma and if I could reliably measure amounts of emotional trauma, I would set that as the standard for how severe a sexual assault is
because that's the other thing with the sexual assault stats, in some cases it is things where the women have objectified themselves a fair bit too and didn't really care emotionally, they just were angry or disgusted by the guy
not that those cases should happen
but they aren't really particularly damaging either
but in other cases, the exact same behavior does have a scaring impact
Precisely. And that's exactly why I said this is really hard to quantify.
ironically, I know someone who was the victim of a fake rape accusation and he ended up married to an actual rape victim
These studies and statistics are, essentially, worthless for their actual subject matter. They're very interesting as a view on the society they stem from as a whole, but not so much for what they're actually asking about.
@FEichinger it does depend on the study too, some of the more clinical ones are trying to evaluate the problem for clinical reasons, but even in those, there is some desire to inflate it because making people feel like they aren't singled out and that it isn't there fault is a big part of healing
so having statistics over-inflated is preferable to under, but reliable, exact statistics is all but impossible
and yeah, the much, much deeper problem is that our society as a whole has no interest in addressing the underlying problems
because most of our society breaks down then
Anything in the transcript worth reading?
since a lot of the root of the objectification is in the marketing and entertainment that is central to our culture
which all loops back around to some people are dicks
@AJHenderson These people also tend to have dicks. ... Cue Simon.
Ma D
@AJHenderson That said, I'm not entirely sure about that point. Marketing and entertainment are pretty even on objectifying men and women alike, depending on who they're trying to reach. It definitely factors into gender roles in some way, but I'm not sure it's that deeply a problem.
Or, phrasing it differently, I don't think abandoning the "sex sells" model (both ways) is going to help much.
Not just because society wouldn't really care (or, heck, oppose it), but because I don't think the model itself is that badly a problem.
@FEichinger I didn't mean to say that it is out of balance gender wise in causing objectification, but when you see people as objects to be used, abuse is far easier
for men, it is using their brute force to take what they want, for women it is using their sexual attractiveness to get what they want from men
it's two sides of the same coin
point is that abuse isn't really possible if you see the subject of the abuse as a valuable human being
the strongest argument that marketing and entertainment don't cause it would be to argue that people objectify each other even without the aid of entertainment and marketing
which may be true
but encouraging the objectification still isn't helpful compared to trying to encourage relationships
@AJHenderson Removing the existing objectification, though, one could easily argue that "X gets Y thanks to X's traits." actually makes Y an object of desire - which would indeed be valuable. The "human being" part is the more important one here, which I really can't blame the media for.
It tends not to be marketing that degrades people - implicitly or otherwise - but other people.
I think it's not so much the objectification itself that's the problem with marketing and entertainment. It's more the "ideal" it paints that causes these problems. That degrades people of all sorts. The ones who don't fit that ideal, because they don't, and the ones that do fit the ideal because they're now supposedly desired by everyone.
@FEichinger yeah, but it also paints a picture of drunk guys going after too skinny women to have as many of them as they can as "the cool thing"
but the chicken and egg problem still remains of, is that because that's what people do, or wish they could do, or does it also partially cause the acceptance of that way of thinking
@AJHenderson Which is the second part of my last sentence, really. It's causing a "competition" of sorts, because this ideal is supposedly desired by everyone.
And, yes, it certainly boils down to a chicken/egg problem (boils down, hah.) - did society create this ideal for itself, or did marketing implant it?
@FEichinger nice (the boils down bit)
Mmmm my bed
@FEichinger well, it is certainly a natural thought as history shows, the question is if marketing and entertainment make it worse by glorifying the behavior
Oh how I have missed you
So comfy
... Now this was creepy spam.
I just got an email titled "Two hour commute? Two hours to watch movies!".
@FEichinger It could be worse, if could've said: "Two hour commute? Two hours to enjoy these male enhancement pills!"
@DavidFreitag Nah, that wouldn't make it through my filters anyway.
@FEichinger I've never gotten a spam email. Not one.
And my main email isn't particularly private either.
@Adnan I utterly sympathise. So far, to renew our daughters' passports (a 3 week turnaround, apparently) it has taken 6 weeks; they have lost; found; lost the forms; argued; promised to call 9 times (actually called once); told us we'd have to reapply; sent us one passport back successfully, while insisting it was lost; eventually appear to have a team who has a clue (after I contacted the Home Secretary, Which Consumer Magazine and others)
they are intensely and actively rubbish at what should be really simple
The daftest bit - because they messed up for so long, our eldest daughter has turned 12 so now they require another form with her signature......
@kalina hmm - I disapprove of this. How about 'all men under the age of Rory'
@RoryAlsop Whoa!
Worse bureaucracy than Finland
@Adnan v. annoying
holiday may be cancelled for this year
kids might cope - wife won't be pleased
@RoryAlsop wow
so despite the forms being submitted with the necessary documentation they now require more because of processing time, that is crazy
@RoryAlsop reminds me of futurama
@DavidFreitag hahahaha - I said 12, not 1200
@RoryAlsop No i meant the bureaucracy. They deliver a package to the bureaucracy home world where, in line, a man waiting for his birth certificate dies of old age.
@DavidFreitag you've seen Brazil? It reminds me even more of that...
hi guys ! requesting help ! there is an issue at youtube system flag please see my question here webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/61299/…
save people (your friends and your people from being hacked ! ) please flag this video youtube.com/watch?v=96Qh_FrJ2TI and review my question here webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/61299/… thanks ! i will really appriciate this !
@K3rnel31 Whoa!! I can get free credit on LiveJasmin?!
I'll download the application
Thanks for the tip, @K3rnel31
I don't see why anyone would try to "save people" by stopping them from getting that free credit.
@K3rnel31 Why are you spamming us about spam? How are you better than other spammers?
57 secs ago, by CodesInChaos
@K3rnel31 Why are you spamming us about spam? How are you better than other spammers?
and now I'm spamming about you spamming about him spamming about spammers
16 secs ago, by Adnan
57 secs ago, by CodesInChaos
@K3rnel31 Why are you spamming us about spam? How are you better than other spammers?
now don't start that again...
and now you're spamming about me spamming about him spamming about him spamming about spammers
@RoryAlsop He's never gonna learn if we don't teach him.
what are you people ! im not spaming you ! i just want you to help me stop this spamer ! because my friends are hacked that's it !
@K3rnel31 You cannot really stop spammers.
@Adnan read again my request and my question ! im not spaming you !
@K3rnel31 Then teach your friends to not download malware
Spammers will create more accounts
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@K3rnel31 Is that a question?
@K3rnel31 No need for such language here. Flagged.
pfff you seem not professionnal as i think !
@K3rnel31 Alright. Fare well.
To be perfectly fair I don't think "faked" there was a "typo"
If somebody downloads and executes a trojan while trying to hack/scam a porn site, they deserve what they're getting.
@badp I think he actually meant 'faked'.
That said, wishing ill of others does not count as Be nice so I'm leaving his suspension in place. ♫
@CodesInChaos but i thought trojans were for protection?
@badp Precisely why I flagged. Thank you.
@CodesInChaos This is also how I feel about the current hot topic known as "Self-XSS."
@badp You beat me to it, but for some reason the flag doesn't wanna dismiss. (I'm assuming since you handled it, it can be now?) Yet the blue tabby thing remains
@Xander It enrages me that it has "XSS" in it.
@WendiKidd shouldiblamecaching.com
@Xander That has been fun for decades on IRC
I hate it when people to be the savior of humanity and then get mad because people don't want to help them.
@badp Aha. Thanks
Let's start calling voluntarily downloading and executing a trojan "self-remote-code-execution"
@CodesInChaos Yes, it has, which is why I'm so perplexed that browser makers now somehow think they need to have a setting to do something about it.
@badp - thanks. I was afk for a wee bit
though there are some variants of it where the technology is to blame
for example when you copy&paste a url and the website use javascript to replace it directly before copying
@RoryAlsop that would leave you alive as the only man on the planet
or uses control characters/unicode tricks to achieve a similar effect
@kalina Rory cannot be under the age of Rory.
why are you in here
@kalina Flag party
I was about to ask the same.
@kalina Mods flocking to flags :)
ask not why am I in here, but why here is around me
@Adnan I prefer the other website that involves lemons.
@badp you don't have the mass to pull something as opinionated as the DMZ towards you
@Simon I also like lemonade
@kalina ... Did you just call yourself fat?
Because you clearly can.
@FEichinger no
@FEichinger God damn it! I was just about to make a joke about that
@FEichinger my presence here affects NOTHING
A bit more subtle, though
@Adnan Well, if you had said what I said, you'd probably be dead in a ditch.
face down
@badp 'ere, that sounds a bit like a Rory or a Great Bear statement :-)
> my presence affects NOTHING *
gargling on your own faeces
@RoryAlsop I blame Phoenix Wright
dead and gargling, you say? :-)
@badp heh
@RoryAlsop Smart, init?
@RoryAlsop corpses still exhale as they decompose
SO anyway - this new fangled Tram system Edinburgh has - just had its first casualty, 4 days after opening: edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/…
girl walks out in front of moving tram
well, they are completely silent
at least that's more positive than girl sent home for wearing clothes
apart from occasionally sounding a crap bell
@kalina ...for wearing clothes?
> The girl was unhurt in the incident
@Adnan yeah, I know - there'll be a worse one soon
@RoryAlsop I linked something earlier, Canadian schools sending girls home for wearing tops that don't cover up their bra straps
There it was only travelling at 17 mph
because "boys will boys" and "it's distracting the male teachers and students"
@kalina that don't? The mind boggles
@kalina Which is the same as "girl sent home for wearing clothes"
oh, I see
Had to re-read that
sounds like they need to arrest all their male teachers for being perverts
@kalina Ugghhhhh.. I hate that sentence when it's used to justify certain behaviour. "Boys will be boys". Fuck that!
and then issue a swift fire based punishment to all of the boys so they associate perving with having their face melted off
@kalina it's that same old line used to justify rape in some places - the girls provoked them into it. Utterly indefensible!
"Terrorists will be terrorists", so let them have their way.
@RoryAlsop we're talking "girls wearing tank tops"
that's fully clothed
@kalina don't care what they were wearing - still indefensible
I'm not defending it
I'm making the initial accusation that the girls are doing anything wrong completely invalid
@kalina I know - I'm just astonished at that school even coming close to the line
@kalina You're so emo today, god damn.
So what exactly happened now? Some boys attacked a girl or something?
5 hours ago, by kalina
Girls sent home from school for wearing sleeve less tops that show their bra straps because it distracts the boys
Start there.
And then skip the rest, because you can fill in the blanks anyway.
@FEichinger I remember that, but i wondered if there was more to it.
I was more hoping for a link to some news site though.
@Simon yeah, sorry, I completed Watch underscore Dogs and it wasn't very underscore good
@DavidFreitag there is a link
did you not click the link?
once you click the link there is a link to be clicked
Must've missed it the first time 'round.
don't tell me you started complaining without even looking at what @fei linked you
ungh. oh god. bare shoulders. I can't even read the story.
@RoryAlsop this website is so slow, I didn't realise Scotland was such a third world country
@DavidFreitag What a whore.
@Simon Seriously! I bet their ankles are even showing too.
No doubt.
@kalina have you not heard me complaining vociferously about my sub 3Mb broadband speeds?
You know what else is a third world country? My D.
@RoryAlsop Dude you got it good. I get 10Kb speeds at home.
@DavidFreitag noooo
@Simon country? You're not that big... more like a miserable little island somewhere cold
@kalina That sounds pretty big to me.
not in comparison to a country
@Simon Yeah a third world country for a dozen or so helium atoms. Overpopulation is rampant.
@DavidFreitag Nobody understands those nurdy jokes.
Especially not chicks because chicks are dumb /cc: @kalina
@Simon Your penis is microscopic.
Now it makes sense.
:15907504 That's ... one hell of a change of topic from "you need a microscope to find @Simon's penis". Good job!
@FEichinger No, see, because of the laws of physics @Simon's penis can't actually be observed.
^ Yep, rookie mistake.
@DavidFreitag nothing can be observed at the location where @Simon's penis should be
Daddy @RoryAlsop, @kalina is being mean again.
he approves
you can license cryengine for €7 a month
@kalina There sure is, it's just a sort of weird fleshy patch of skin seemingly completely devoid of anything.
+all associated development tools
@kalina But only on Steam.
@FEichinger problem?
@kalina You used to be able to get it for free. I tinkered with it for a while.
I know you can get the unreal development kit for free on a non-commercial license
@kalina Well, for a development tool that, by itself, has nothing to do with Steam, that is a problem.
@kalina Torque3D is also free for non-commercial.
For a while I was working on a project. Torque3D is a lot of fun.
@FEichinger still don't see an issue
@FEichinger offline mode, disable updates
(if updates are your issue)
his face is his issue
@FEichinger If it has nothing to do with steam that isn't really a problem. It just means you have to download it from steam
I believe my face is also somewhat your issue, dear.
it's fine I can close my eyes
or you could wear a bag
@badp humans haven't advanced in the field enough yet
I know, I'm so mean :(
It's his problem if he's lacking confidence and gets affected by this.
if it's any consolation, I've written a riff with 64 notes in it and only 20 or so of them even sound any good
Shift them all up a perfect fifth and I'm sure it'll be fine:-)
@RoryAlsop After a fifth I'm sure anything sounds fine ;]
nope, now I just have 7 minutes of riffs with each riff playing for 16 bars then swapping to the next one
so time to lay in bed and watch tv shows
I am bored
You're always bored, get a man to entertain you, jesus.
just for the record are you stating that men are so amazing that I won't be unbored without one?
@kalina Men are pretty amazing, I have to say, in my totally unbiased opinion.
Then get a girl if that's what you're into.
@kalina That double negative is shameful.
I try
unlike the people who wrote the story for watchdogs
who clearly wrote the entire thing down on the back of a beer mat during a drinking session
... Fine, I'll go and finish it >.>
no point
God, how much of a nerd are you to complain so much about the storyline of a video game?
where are you in the story so far?
@Simon you're a far bigger nerd than I am
@kalina I dunno.
@FEichinger saved Nicky?
@kalina Oh sorry, I mean geek because that's today's hipster way of saying it.
Don't think so. Played while drunk last night, though, so ... could be.
@FEichinger killed Quinn during a quick time event?
you can't spoil something that's this bad
did you know
watchdogs has four endings
and which of those four endings you get literally depends on how slow you are during the final quick time event
@kalina Just lemme see the crap for myself.
@FEichinger I CAN'T TAKE IT
@kalina Seems like they've managed to outplay Mass Effect
@badp psh, Mass Effect 3's ending is world class in comparison to what happens here
That's what I said
it's not even fair to call it an ending
its like 5 minutes of dialog, a quick time event, and then roll credits
in fact
how you played the game has more effect on the end credits than on the actual ending
sadly, the end credits were the best part of the game
... uPlay, you're making me mad.
Well, actually, I'm making myself mad.
Did you get to hack the credits and replace all the names with your own?
in my dreams, anyway
Wait for uPlay to start up -> Press "Go offline" -> Wait for uPlay to start up again -> Press "Go online" -> Ram my head into the wall for being so stupid.
@FEichinger what the hell is uplay?
@FEichinger PEBKAC
1 min ago, by FEichinger
Well, actually, I'm making myself mad.
@DavidFreitag it's where you play
it's also not compatible with Steam family sharing
so I've been logged in to my old steam account all week getting messages asking where I've been
ubisoft im guessing.
another reason why I need to get bored of this game already
Are the rumours that you need SLI'd titans to squeeze 90 fps from this game on the lowest settings true?
@badp no
but you need to approach the game considering they designed the engine for consoles
@badp It can't possibly be that poorly optimized.
and consoles have 8gb of unified memory shared between cpu and graphics
so Watch underscore Dogs is optimised for 3gb of vram on "high"
while many PC graphics cards only have 2gb
(I'm talking about the lowest settings here)
and the game looks shit/is semi unplayable on "low"
because they tied the street lights into the shader settings
so if you turn the shaders off below "high", all the lighting disappears at night
one sec
no I trust you just... wat
@Simon What are you a penguin?
shaders on high:
shaders on low:
Personally i think the latter looks much more realistic.
Let's try again: "go offline" ...
personally I think the latter looks unplayable unless you're standing still taking screenshots
I totally agree.
But it definitely looks more realistic.
@badp there is supposed to be a patch that allows for split memory
ie: the way PCs deal with memory, with separate RAM and graphics memory
which "should" improve performance noticeably, but since it's not out yet...
@DavidFreitag Some would say that I'm a Wasted Penguinz.
@Simon pahaha - in your dreams.
Wheee, successfully clicked "Play" instead of "Go offline".
@kalina Not knowing the actual game you are talking about, I note that in the days of Doom, playing in utter darkness with confusing flashes was the way it was supposed to be done.
A good Doom player played by the sound, not the pictures.
Oh, btw, @kalina. Last thing I remember, I burned my reputation by shooting up a train in that police chase from Damien.
@ThomasPornin this isn't supposed to be a horror game, additionally, it isn't supposed to be dark
oh and finally, this isn't the 90s, we don't have such limitations on lighting
also: stop being so old
@FEichinger oh right, yeah that's basically the end of the game
unless you're talking about the first chase
@kalina Doom III was even darker anyway.
in which case you haven't saved nicky yet
@ThomasPornin also due to limitations with lighting in the game engine
@kalina Be respectful to my dad.
@kalina Looks like it, from what I'm seeing now.
Guess drunk me got stuck on a random Gang Hideout for whatever reason.
all that matters is you murdered some civilians
Oh insomnium why are you so good.
So i had a needle stuck into one of my eyes today. I guess my doctor is a bit worried about that whole bleeding from the eyes thing.
2 hours later…
in Unix and Linux, 31 secs ago, by derobert
@slm Look at @Braiam's cucumber a few lines up...
@kalina It is done.
@Gilles erm...okay :-)

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