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Ohai guise. I necro-repped my way up to 10k. Rock on.
4 hours later…
@ScottPack Congrats. Another 4 years to 20k I suppose?
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Jesus Christ! It's 21C outside!!
I'm melting
@Adnan Im in Greece... you think 21C is hot? :P
@Nick Just different tolerance edges. When I was in Syria, the normal spring in my city was 26C. I hated it!
morning all
@Adnan Any wind up there? It's about 19°C here with wind again, but it's supposed to be nice this week, I'm thinking of taking it a bit easier
Congratulations @Scott!
@Adnan I want to smack you so hard. 21C and you are complaining? I would kill for that temperature. :P
Syscan '14 videos are up btw, if anyone is interested in the talks.
This one is particularly funny.
@TildalWave Yesterday it was windy. Today, not so much.
@Adnan good, because the wind is coming from there till here so that means it'll calm down here too in about a day ... time to fix the bike then :)
@TerryChia Well, come to Finland then.
@Kisunminttu Sä oot tässä!!
@Adnan I totally agree!!!!
juusto munakas
@Adnan Mä oon täällä!!! Ja säkin oot täällä!!!
@LucasKauffman Oh, good. You're talking to me now. I thought you were being an asshole on Skype.
I was just looking at my jewelry blog and realised that I did way more than just one custom wedding set
@Adnan Isn't that just @LucasKauffman everywhere?
@TerryChia Nah, not really. He's alright.
In the last week he's been acting weirdly. Very weirdly.
@Adnan if my laptop had a good battery life I'd go outside and finish my assignment B)
Apparently my router doesn't' firewall off the DMZ :O (Or it allows ping to pass through)
@Adnan Probably drinking too much.
Oh wait, that's usual for him.
@Nick Why would you firewall us off? :(
@TerryChia Ohh... you know what I mean :P
@Adnan aaah I haven't turned my skype on in a few days
@LucasKauffman , I hear this one works, too: wearyourbeer.com/images/Wine_Bottle_Glass1_POP.jpg
@LucasKauffman Oh good. I thought you were sick or something.
@LucasKauffman That's got to be 2-3 bottles in the cup. Are you telling me you drink that much each day? :P
Anyone here familiar with the format of a TLS ClientHello?
@TerryChia you can always check openSSLs code
@Nick I'm trying to avoid my eyes bleeding. :P
I'm trying to construct one from raw bytes, so it's kinda painful.
@TerryChia its not that bad ... just... a bit xD
@Nick Oh, I work with OpenSSL on a regular basis but mostly on the crypto primitives side. The TLS code is even worse from what I can tell.
@Adnan ah no went to a company party on thursday, still recovering
@LucasKauffman Sounds fun
it was
I was dressed as the pope
@TerryChia is it not detailed in an RFC somewhere?
@deed02392 It is, but the TLS RFC doesn't have all the handy hex values I need. I found this as a reference though: gist.github.com/takeshixx/10107280
Ahh I see
@TerryChia Hehehe... I was just about to tell you to check the Heartbleed PoC scripts.
@Adnan One good thing came out of it at least. :)
I remember that dude who came here on the DMZ and asked about it. I forgot his GitHub repo, but I remember that he had some nice client exploit there.
Too bad OpenSSL didn't have the option of just sending ClientHello (that I found).
Oh, I found the repo, but I was a bit off about the content. github.com/Lekensteyn/pacemaker/blob/master/pacemaker.py#L77
That's server hello
I'll need to parse that as well later, so should come in handy.
So how true is this - are Macs really that good for nerds? I always thought they were for people who wanted to pay too much for something shiny
@deed02392 Good quality hardware, great to use GUI, unix-based for when you need the power tools.
Or get a Thinkpad and install Linux. Meh.
@deed02392 Just this weekend I had a similar discussion with a friend. Let me see if can chip in
@TerryChia Seems like this blog and comments are saying Linux just isn't as nice to use as OS X
@deed02392 I use both and it definitely isn't. Especially out of the box.
too much fiddling required... I can definitely relate to that across the many times I've attempted to have Linux natively on my laptops
And I'm a huge Linux fan.
@deed02392 Im a linux fan... and im on linux right now xD
I have to spend 10 minutes tweaking the fonts on my Fedora desktop for example.
Yeah I can appreciate that. But the cost always seems silly for a Mac
And that's one of the many things I need to do.
With Mac, you get this magical box that just works
@Adnan What d'you use?
@deed02392 You pay for quality hardware as well. Thinkpads and solid laptops aren't cheap as well.
@TerryChia Exactly. And good luck getting the trackpad working how you want it
@deed02392 For work, Windows and sometimes Linux. For home (and my everyday-use computer), Ubuntu.
Hmm see I'm on Windows for everything and VMs when I need an environment that's not hostile to scripting languages
Around 2005, a friend convinced me to try Ubuntu. I installed it next to me then-OS Windows XP.
I fiddled around with it for about a year and liked it
Suddenly, my wireless card stopped working while I was on Windows. Just completely disappeared
Even after a week of trying to get to work, I wasn't able to.
I've had bad experiences with Ubuntu for being quite bloated, but maybe that's because I only usually tried it on old machines I was trying to repurpose
I just always ended up using Debian
I thought I'd try to see if works on Ubuntu. It did
On the same day, I migrated completely to Ubuntu. Ever since, it's my only everyday-use OS
I still have the same computer I had since then. It's shitty, 1.7GHz, 512MB RAM, 40GB hard disk
But Ubuntu runs smoothly on it.
Nice. Odd fuck up on Windows part. I'm starting to get involved with helping someone with printer problems they have where it keeps moaning about drivers. And this guy has been using the same printers in the same laptop/OS install for 2 years...
Damn, what do you do on that?
Skype, Facebook, watch non-HD videos, StackExchange, etc.
How come non-HD?
Can't get it to do hardware acceleration?
I can't watch YouTube videos above 360p
They become laggy
10-15 seconds in and the sound becomes out-of-sync
The only way to watch anything higher than 360p (but lower than 720p) is to download it and watch it offline on VLC
Huh, what's the CPU usage like when you try above that
Yeah that sounds like your browser/flash player isn't getting to use hardware acceleration
@deed02392 Here's @MaciejGurban, the dude I just told you about. He uses Mac at work on daily basis
Well hello
Hello indeed
As for using Macs perhaps I can share my own experiences. I've been working on Windows my entire life, until I started working at a company at which everybody was using one. After a while I tried transitioning into it. Gotta admit, the beginnings were tough. I didn't even know where to change my resolution.
Haha yeah I had this problem when I was using a friends Mac to troubleshoot her network
But that was mostly because I was not accustomed to the interface. The more time I spent on it, the more tools I've found are pretty nearly designed. I also noticed that it seems to be currently THE platform for developers, (looking at Github editor, LiveReload, GhostLab etc. etc.)
, SourceTree
@Adnan not for linxu tho... :(
Interesting. Maybe I'll sell my bulky E6410 and grab one. Presuming I should just go for the MBP Retina?
Oh yes, there are plenty of examples. Apps that are specifically designed for Macs
@Nick You really need to use the reply-to option. :P
I would advise so
I figure with Apple it's only worth going for new ones since the old ones aren't far from needing to be sent off for battery replacements etc
@deed02392 Do you need the super high res screen?
@TerryChia meh
If you don't the MBA is a solid option as well.
@TerryChia Hmm
It is, but if you're going to work on responsive designs, having a retina screen will give you a similar experience as the one you have on your phone's or tablets screen
Plus, everything is so beautifully crisp
I'll weigh up the specs and see what value you get between the two
The Air looks impossibly thin, it's quite amazing
Btw, I used to work on a MBP Retina, but currently I'm on MacMini
@MaciejGurban True, but you would want to test on actual device instead for the real thing. :P
The MBA's screen res is a little bad but it won't be a problem if you use external monitors at work.
Oo, people actually use the Mac Minis for something other than an HTPC?
It's way more powerful (SSD, 16GB RAM etc.) for price lower than MBP, but it's a box, so unless you pack your monitor into your bag every time you want to code on a train or somewhere, I'd suggest MacMini only for home/office stationary usage
@deed02392 I have seen people rack them to compile iOS apps.
It's my main dev machine, and I love it
@TerryChia How complex are these iOS apps that you need that much processing power :|
@MaciejGurban That sounds like a friend of mine trying to get me to buy a mac before I bought this linux build im on now
Boot in 8s, Photoshop opens in 3, 5 secs if it's a huge file, and because I have SSD my vagrant boxes are fasting as a mother lover
@deed02392 You must build iOS apps on an Apple machine.
@TerryChia I know that, but needing to rack them?
And Mac Minis are the only ones that come without a screen except the Mac Pro.
@deed02392 I'm guessing automated builds at larger dev shops?
Whoa! I feel very lost here. MBP MBA MacMini Mac Pro!
Sooo many things I haven't heard about
MBP = Mac Book Pro
MBA = Mac Book Air
I really need to get to the lab before I leave to go teach HTML at school
Talk to y'all later
@deed02392 Good luck!
Hmm, why is Breaking Bad so widely praised?
I'm halfway through the last season and it's the only one I really liked.
@Adnan Thanks :) Getting more confident now, third lesson today
@TerryChia Did you watch it while doing other things?
Gotta give it your full attention to fully appreciate it
@deed02392 Nope, not really.
The first four seasons were kinda boring except for the last 2-3 episodes.
@deed02392 How's the Raspberry Pi thing going?
I need to check on my investment. I own 20% of the stocks of your future company.
@Adnan Haha :) It's still in the post, might arrive today actually. I have a better idea on how to go about the coding side for other volunteers to set up vhosts and FTP accounts
I need to talk to the techy at the school today and ask about how DNS works in an RM domain. Probably the same as standard AD but you never know
Thanks a lot for your donation, it's gonna make a big difference and it will ultimately lead to more Raspberry Pis in class rooms if other volunteers start doing similar thing
@ArjunVs Hello, stranger.
@deed02392 but incredibly annoying from the perspective of an old Unix neckbeard like me
@RoryAlsop You predate Unix.
@TerryChia I never dated Eunuchs
@RoryAlsop So that's going up on the star wall.
@TerryChia obviously
@TerryChia Meh, maybe. Between free time and interest in the content that shows up on the site....
@RoryAlsop I've learned to rely on the GNU coreutils as my default toolset so I end up using ports or homebrew to pull in all that nonsense.
@ScottPack Oh definitely, brew and the GNU tools are the first thing I install.
Is ports still active?
@ScottPack I agree on the GNU, but never used brew. Might someday figure out just how to do
@RoryAlsop ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)";
brew install <stuff>
:1560075I was still using ports until February. When I switched jobs I took the chance to jump and try homebrew.
@ScottPack Ahh. Pretty much been using brew forever.
They even have the whole cask thing for GUI apps now.
@Rory Is the toilet-seat-side water hose a thing in the UK? In Finland it's not that common outside ladies' bathrooms (it's called the pu**y telephone).
Oh cute, so they're trying to move it towards an all encompassing package management system. Not just augmentation. NEato.
@Adnan The upward jet of water used to clean one's underside?
@ScottPack That, or the handheld one.
@Adnan nope
God damn it!!
You get the bidet type thing in some posher hotels
@Adnan In English it's called a bidet
@ScottPack The handheld one is called bidet?
@RoryAlsop Sounds like he doesn't know how to use the 3 seashells.
@ScottPack heh heh - I was just thinking that :-)
@Adnan I would presume so
This is my biggest fear when going to a different city/country.
Having to use wadded clumps of paper for removing feces?
I usually use the paper after the pu**sy telephone
or, bidet.
How did the conversation get like this without Lucas in the room
I've always found the paper-only system quite barbaric
@RoryAlsop I'm actually really concerned about this since I'll be in the UK for about 2 weeks.
Some of our interpreters take water bottles in with them.
They fill them up in the sink before entering the stall.
@ScottPack With a hole in the cap?
@RoryAlsop Because @Adnan and @ScottPack?
and they squeeze the bottle to simulate a water jet?
@Adnan no - handstands
@RoryAlsop :|
@Adnan Actually no.
@ScottPack Then how do they... umm... use it?
I've not asked that level of detail on how the bottle is used.
I do know that when it's in use there are no feet visible under the stall.
@Adnan Use your imagination. I'm sure you will figure it out,
Since the bottles crinkle so much it's pretty obvious.
@ScottPack Is it a French thing?
@Adnan probably
Ahhh.. I'll have to think of something. Hopefully Travel.SE will have some ideas.
@Adnan I'm sure it does - they have a few questions on that topic
@Adnan The interpreters?
@Adnan I think most of that segment is Somali.
1 hour later…
“Why isn’t this working? You’re incompetent. I can’t click any of the links”, “You’re clicking a Photoshop mock-up boss”. Weekly.
@Adnan the bidet is the fixed one
I never used it until I went to Turkey, to be honnest it's a lot more efficient, cleaner and better if you use a water hose to clean yourself than when just using paper.
and we are back to moisture...
@ColinCassidy did you get your pirate paper welcome letter :p?
@LucasKauffman yes I did
It's awesome
@ColinCassidy congratz btw :)
say Hi to Wim from me
@LucasKauffman Thanks, and I will do.
@LucasKauffman Hmm.. that's what I thought as well.
@LucasKauffman Oh I very much agree. Paper only mashes the stuff around and you just can't clean everything.
I cannot even imagine how people don't use water for that.
@Adnan I prefer to think of it as "smear".
@ScottPack Yup, that's the word I was looking for.
1 hour later…
Thanks for suggestion. In my example how will this work out? Can you provide an example for that as well if possible? — Webby 3 hours ago
No. I very intentionally did NOT code up a solution for you.
@tylerl I ducking hate help vampires
Abby T. Miller on May 19, 2014

Welcome to Stack Exchange Podcast #58 brought to you by the Stack Exchange iOS app! Our hosts Joel Spolsky, David Fullerton, and Jay Hanlon are joined this week by our guests, the Stack Exchange Design Team: Jin Yang, Stéphane “The French Guy” Martin, Courtny Cotten, and Josh Hynes.

Let’s kick things off with Community Milestones (assuming Joel knows where he is).

Joomla! IHOP dot com is a Joomla! site.

IHOP dot com is a Joomla! site.

Unrelated: Donald Knuth mentioned our TeX site in a recent TUGboat. …

uurggghhh. My brain is bleeding.
@AviD for?
stoopid low level training.... These people are actually paid to be programmers??
@AviD wat? Im so confused
Aaaauuurggh. I read the transcript, and now my eyes are bleeding.
Jeezus Aitch Christ, what is wrong with you people??
@Nick I was giving secure coding training today.
@AviD Erm... "H" is spelled A-I-T-C-H.
@AviD and? xD
@Iszi no idea what you on about ? ;-)
@Nick no real requirements, other than "being a programmer".
and most of them failed that.
H (named aitch , plural aitches; is the eighth letter in the ISO basic Latin alphabet. History {| class="wikitable" cellpadding=4 |- bgcolor="#F9F9F9" ! Egyptian hieroglyph fence ! Old Semitic ! Phoenician heth ! Greek heta ! Etruscan H ! Latin H |--- align=center |N24 | | | | | |} The Semitic letter 'ח' () most likely represented the voiceless pharyngeal fricative (). The form of the letter probably stood for a fence or posts. The Greek eta 'Η' in the Archaic period still represented (later on it came to represent a long vowel, ). In this context the letter eta is also kn...
but don't tell their bosses.
@AviD I know people that know html or basic DOS and pretend to be programmers
1 min ago, by AviD
Jeezus Aitch Christ, what is wrong with you people??
What's got your sandy panties in a bunch now, @AviD?
3 mins ago, by AviD
stoopid low level training.... These people are actually paid to be programmers??
@AviD Oh, you and your edit powers.
@AviD Yes, I saw that part.
Evenin' All
So I'm trying to explain some basic web hygiene. Yknow, stuff like CSRF, etc.
"Okay, so everybody understand that part?"
"So in this next section..."
"Wait, what is a 'cookie' ?"
@AviD and this is devs your explaining to?
@RоryMcCune supposed to be.
I did get caught out last week by assuming that web devs would know how to set a proxy in their browser
turns out that's not universal knowledge...
@RоryMcCune That is a fair assumption, yes.
@AviD I also assumed that when the talk description said "make sure you have java installed" that they would..
BTW if anyone's looking for a test web app like webgoat, I'd recommend the railsgoat project
I would not hire a web dev that does not regularly review his own HTTP traffic. I would not even interview one that has never done so, and doesnt even know how.
very nice and the devs are v. responsive..
Well, actually, it depends on what I was hiring them for.
@AviD yeah it seems like a pre-req these days...
@RоryMcCune well part of it is the necessary inquisitiveness, curiosity, and verifying how things actually work.
@AviD indeed
a dev without that really is not worth a cup of coffee.
oh, and their coffee sucks.
I had to drink instant today. Instant! And not the good kind either.
@AviD yeah the place we're at at the moment has the instant problem too, it's horrible!
seriously, I simply must get me a regular "job" thing. I have to stop whoring myself out to hopeless clients.
.... who are probably reading this now ;-)
@AviD and if they are youre screwed :P
@Nick meh, couldnt care.
Sometimes... developing is like trying to break into a vault ... with my head
I had to withhold way too many times the urge to shout "STEP AWAY FROM THAT KEYBOARD!" or scream hysterically "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU A PROGRAMMER??!??"
@AviD yeah I must admit I'd quite like a change from consulting for a while, just need to find someone who does cool Ruby stuff and wants an Appsec person :)
@RоryMcCune ooh hang on, I had somebody ask me that a while back. who was it?
@AviD heh realistically I'm tied to testing for now, although a longer term gig would be nice
trying an interesting experiment this week low cost WP8 and android phones to see how they compare to the expensive things
Lumia 520 and a thing called a Mi-Saga C1
So far quite impressed. for the cost they're both quite nice looking, decent screens and specs
early days tho'
@Adnan you probably have some good answers for this question, mentioned on the podcast:
Q: OK we're all adults here, so really, how on earth should I use a squat toilet?

hippietrailOK so for anyone that's travelled beyond North America and Western Europe you know what I'm talking about. Left: Romania, last year. Right: Turkey, last night. They start popping up in the Balkans and of course they're everywhere by the time you get to Turkey and become totally unavoidable no ...

@AviD I saw that question a while ago, and it's very far from my problem.
I can work with any toilet arrangment. Many times in the army I had to do it in very... unpleasent situations.
Western Europe, first world countries, and they still smear poop around their arses.
actually, I was just tryiung to get you to go do your scat talk over there :-)
bloody hell Arrow is so frikkin intense, I cant even eat my dinner. And its getting more so.
Also. The bad guy hella reminds me of a guy (ex-partner/ex-client) who just screwed me over largely. So I can relate to wanting to stick him full of arrows.
1 hour later…
@RоryMcCune And we really need to come and visit. Not only with your half of the @Adnan goody box, but also with samples of my gin and whisky!
(admittedly very small samples, but still...)
what is this chatrooom
@mdlp0716 no human knows
is i human?
and then... A SKELETOOON POPPED OUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@mdlp0716 Honestly? We just talk about whatever we feel like talking about.
The general "spirit" is information security, but that's never been a requirement.
@RoryAlsop Oh, @RoryM still hadn't received his goodies? I thought he already oblitirated the Salmiakki
God damn it! I'm all out of port wine.
Good night, all.
@Adnan It is?

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