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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Looks at star wall -> Out
@AviD HALP! I need a video clip of Joey saying "Grandma's Apple Pie"
I can't find it.
False alarm. He actually says "Grandma's chicken salad"
Damnit! I lost The Game again! I don't know how "Grandma's chicken salad" had anything to do with it, but damn you @ScottPack!
Wow. The SRBs on this thing look so tiny.
@Iszi Are those the same SRBs the shuttles used?
@Xander I'm pretty sure not, but I think @TildalWave is usually more up to speed on those topics than I.
A quick perusal of Wikipedia seems to indicate no.
@Iszi Yeah, looks like these are GEM 60s, and about a third the size of the shuttle's. (53ft x 60in vs 149ft x 12 ft)
Still, pretty big to look so small.
@Iszi So you are into big rockets.
@TerryChia No, I was just comparing those to mine.
that looks like Delta IV (Common Booster Core) in 4.2 config (medium+) with two ATK SRBs ... the whole configuration has less than half the thrust of a single Space Shuttle SRB
looks like the one for the next launch tomorrow
@TildalWave Yeah, took that from here.
The Delta 4 is revealed for tonight's 8:08pmEDT launch http://t.co/BM6tuAfYH8
@Iszi ah yes that's today your time
Yeah, a little late for me too. I'll already be home and done with dinner. Maybe with clear skies we'll see it from there.
@Iszi What's the weather like there? I've seen some reports of only 30% favorable weather conditions for this launch, but that was yesterday
*chance of
@TildalWave Was fair enough walking into the office. Haven't seen it since.
Then again, this is Florida. A nice morning can still end up in a nasty afternoon.
Yay - got my Travel swag pack! T-shirt, stickers and a towel - and in time for Towel Day!
@RoryAlsop still beta, though -- how?
@ManishEarth Is it beta? It's got a nice logo
@RoryAlsop link?
@ManishEarth dammit -= I meant Travel.SE
it's been a long day
that's my defence
oh, I see
fixed :-)
see up there ^
@ManishEarth Snakes. It has snakes.
@JeffFerland saw the surprise?
You probably know of this:
Q: How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools?

Derek 朕會功夫So apparently because of the recent scams, the developer tools is exploited by people to post spam and even used to "hack" accounts. Facebook has blocked the developer tools, and I can't even use the console. How did they do that?? One Stack Overflow post claimed that it is not possible, but F...

The scams that caused Facebook to do that^ in the first place might just be effectively prevented by bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=994134 / the related Chromium bug
The Chromium patch is checked in, my Firefox patch is waiting on a final review.
@ManishEarth Thank you :D
@JeffFerland 'course, this will take a couple of months to reach release Firefox (not sure how long the Chromium->Chrome dev->beta->stable cycle is), but it should be there.
yw :)
@ManishEarth Can I thank you with an interview referral? :)
@JeffFerland also, stats on effectiveness (when it finally gets rolled out in Chrome/Firefox) would be nice to have on the thread.
@JeffFerland I'm a physics student with primary interest in physics and I am no great programmer, they won't take me :p
(plus I've got two years to go for college)
If you think something can come out of it, sure, though, thanks :)
@ManishEarth This one is a lofty example, but let me know if it's the kind of thing you might find interesting: facebook.com/careers/department?req=a0IA000000CykygMAB
Also, we apparently have a division dedicated to shit that flies :P
Hm, looks very interesting -- optics is fun. I don't satisfy the requirements, though :)
@JeffFerland wut
Facebook's Amazon Prime?
"We deliver your likes to your doorstep"

Just saying, I might be able to find you an internship since I've got some time to work with on that.
We LIKE the way you look in your bathroom from our blimp :)
... or a drone
@JeffFerland That could work :) If there is a winter internship that doesn't require a pending CS degree (and is within my capabilities, of course), I'd be happy to try it.
@JeffFerland So FB is now into spying? Go figure LOL
@TildalWave You say "now into" like this is new for them?
@Iszi I did add "go figure" didn't I? :P
a drone, some facial recognition software they're playing with,... lots of liking
They also bought Oculus, right? /me tries to fit the pieces together
has anyone already challenged Google Streetview that those blurs they use on faces and registration plates aren't really irreversible?
@JeffFerland Alright, I need to turn in now. I'll keep you updated on the console bug situation, it might be worthwhile to keep a close watch on the result of the fix from both sides. And thanks a lot for the referral offer -- let me know if there are any developments on that front :)
@ManishEarth so how about getting it into IE? Oh, and might as well go for Safari and Opera too, while we're at it.
@AviD did you even fire up Safari, like ever in your life?
@TildalWave Once. There were lions.
actually its a fair question - as in, I wouldnt, not ever, if I had the choice. In fact I did use it, a few times - on ipad, and at a client's Mac workstation.
I did use to be an Opera user, but that was loooong ago. Oh so very long.
back when they had actual features none of the other browsers did.
like what? built in proxy and fake certs so you save 4kb/s of bandwidth?
dude. this was back when 4kb was the whole bandwidth.
well, not really, probably 28kb.
or even 36...
there, there, don't obscure the issue with the truth now!
Actually, I still have them all, inc. Safari but I rarely use anything else than Chrome
did use Opera quite a lot too back in the days
in other news, the intro to the latest Simpsons episode was funny :)
Have three votes to close on this question based on the idea that it is a "primarily opinion-based" question. Given neither the question, nor the top answer are opinion-based, why does it keeping getting votes to close?
Q: How many passwords does the average user know?

blundersLooking for research on the count and complexity of passwords that an average user is actively using. Note: Also, just to be clear, by research, this is not a request for you to respond with an answer entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. Likely the b...

@AviD Funny. :-)
@blunders I'd suggest adding tag and perhaps slightly rewording the title (maybe something along the lines of "how many passwords can an average user remember")?
@blunders It's also just begging for link-only answers.
well one way to test that would be inspecting the number of password reminder requests per number of active users on some big sites, and somehow remove all the bogus requests from stats
@Iszi Thanks, though how would the question's expression in it's current form result in link-only answers, and how is that related to 3 of 840 users believing it is a "primarily opinion-based" question?
tho just using password reminders is plain wrong anyway
@blunders It doesn't? Welcome to DMZ :)
@TildalWave How would password reminders relate to the question?
@Iszi kinda, maybe - but thats an easy fix. Anyway, there is a great non-link answer...
@blunders Keep in mind that you can't definitively say only 3/840 users believe it's "primarily opinion-based". Given the current evidence, all we can say is that only 3/840 users hold that belief and have the permissions and motivation to vote for closure.
@TildalWave Thanks, not really new hear, though also not around much either.
@blunders well you'd get an approximate number of how many forgot their password ... but yeah, that's be pretty darn hard to correlate for the results you're hoping for
you'd need a huge dataset and many, many sites
@Iszi Yes, I know, though funny how the votes don't scale based on the views of users able to vote.
@TildalWave And a reliable means (not just e-mail address or name matching) of mapping user accounts to individuals.
then you could say: N percentage of our members forgot their password when they had to remember T of them,...
@blunders Oh, they never do. It annoys me to no end how many Q&A I have that have thousands upon thousands of views (many, if not most, presumably by people with the ability to vote) and yet still have single-digit vote counts.
@Iszi could work on some crap large network
@AviD Okay, well - I'm out since it appears that there's nothing major that I'm missing; which is fine, thanks for the feedback!
@TildalWave Just got an alert to the potential for 0.75" hail from 1600-1700 EDT.
no, no that is too crude, even for me.
@AviD Awww, why'd you have to go and do that? Almost had you starred.
and too insulting even for @Simon.
@Iszi that's 3 hours ahead of the launch, hope it clears before that
@Iszi heh. still, it was likely a mistake.
@TildalWave This is Florida. It could clear up in fifteen minutes.
I'm not so much into ULA launches but the SpaceX one's date now depends on this one and the next Atlas 5 launch because apparently CC has the FIFO method of serving its customers
@Iszi TWSS
@TildalWave speaking of which, Elon publicly agreed to give Oatmeal money to build the Tesla museum.
@AviD you mean more of it than he already did?
that was just to save the land. then oatmeal wrote that epic request...
I just saw, seems he'll fork out those $8M needed
@Oatmeal I would be happy to help
oh sorry, thats already in that article....
dunno if y'all seen this one? theoatmeal.com/comics/beer
chat message 21 mins ago
AviD: 0.75 inch? Wow, that's even bigger than @Simon's manhood.
@Simon True. But now YOU posted it, not me.
It doesn't matter, it's not accurate at all. 0.80 would be right, get your facts straight.
why bother with the facts being straight, if you're not?
@AviD It's really lovely seeing this as the one message in the sidebar when I don't have a tab with this room open ...
@FEichinger I think it works well with that gif coincidentally just 2 lines up.
cuz you just know he is getting all moist from it.
@blunders One thing to remember as well is that the reason given for closing isn't necessarily accurate. When questions come up in the close queue, you get to see why they were nominated for closure by previous close-voters.
So, if you're voting to close a question for whatever reason, choosing an option that's already been chosen by others is the path of least resistance. So, it may be that it was only 1 individual who thought that was the best (note, not necessarily correct) reason to close, and the other 2 just followed along.
@AviD Is there a problem with homosexuality?
@Xander Agree, about the logic behind "choosing an option that's already been chosen by others is the path of least resistance" - thought the part about "when questions come up in the close queue, you get to see why they were nominated for closure by previous close-voters" is unclear to me. Are you saying the reasons I am seeing are not the same as the ones shown in the close queue at some point? If so, why is there a difference?
@IQAndreas Nope it prioritizes from PXE. But the problem is that it will only boot from PXE and then the hard drive.
The IT staff deploys images to computers by rebooting them and spitting a PXE image with WDS. It's actually pretty intelligent for what they usually do.
@tylerl boards are at fab now. I'll probably get them in two weeks or so. I can send assembled pics then.
@DavidFreitag purple pcb?
@TildalWave Yep. It's pretty distinctive. But it's pretty high quality for what you pay for. FR-408 with hot air leveled gold
$4 per square inch for 2 layer, and $8 per square inch for four layer.
@DavidFreitag they look cool, would be nice to see when it's assembled
@DavidFreitag geez that's quite a lot
@TildalWave Like i said average fabrication time is about two weeks, once i get the parts and everything i can put a picture of them assembled.
@TildalWave Nah that's dirt cheap. Other fab houses like sunstone want $200+ for three boards of the same size and quality.
I got 3 for $13 as opposed to like $386 from sunstone.
@DavidFreitag oh you mean that's the price for custom printed one?
@TildalWave What do you mean? All PCBs are custom printed...?
@DavidFreitag I meant "not bulk orders"
@TildalWave Oh yeah, pretty much every fab houses expect bulk orders. These guys are great because they combine your order with a bunch of other orders on one big panel.
They aren't a fab house so much as they are a middle-man. They take a bunch of smaller boards from people like me and make them into one big board and send the panel design to china where they actually get fabricated.
@DavidFreitag at that price they have to, yup I take it back that's dirt cheap then, I thought you meant that price was for the usual bulk orders, in thousands of units
@TildalWave Nope, minimum order is one square inch. I have made quite a few one inch boards.
hahhaha ohh groooosss
crazy aussies
@DavidFreitag so, you handle one inch units often, you say?
Croc is good to eat, duck is good to eat, bacon is good to eat. Perfect
@AviD Oh yes.
@RoryAlsop croc? really?
it looks almost as bad as I would imagine it tastes.
Croc is power good actually. One of the better meats, definitely
So my data structures final is in about a half hour and the instructor is a useless toolbox.
@DavidFreitag s/toolbox/tool :-)
Best of luck
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