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cheers @tylerl interesting point on those bolts that wasn't covered yet
2 hours later…
@AviD You obviously don't use Linux. ;)
So I see the star wall is fucked.
3 hours later…
@DavidFreitag I second Recuva as well. Fantastic product for about 95% of my data recovery.
However, when all fail, GetDataBack always works.
It's not cheap, but it's fantastic. It saved my ass last year (I made a big fuss about it chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/10113341#10113341 )
On another topic, I was presented with the following solve-and-get-hired riddle. A PHP-MySQL application with an SQL-injectable URL. The end result is:
SELECT [YOU_CONTROL_THIS], Username, Password FROM Users
and I was asked to simply insert a new user in the database. I spent about half an hour. I failed.
Any ideas? @Terry @RoryM @tylerl
@Adnan SELECT [* FROM Users; INSERT (blah); SELECT Username], Username, Password FROM Users
Something like that?
Not particularly good at coming up with novel SQL injection attacks.
@TerryChia Does MySQL (through PHP) support multiple queries delimited by ; ?
Because I tried something similar and it didn't work.
@Adnan Hmm, not too sure actually. It's been a while since I last played with webapp stuff.
Got really bored of it.
@TerryChia Yup, docs and Stackoverflow say that you can't do that.
aaand, the job was at McAfee
@Adnan Why is a AV company testing potential hires for SQL injection? :O
@TerryChia Fun fact, they also make intrusion prevention systems. To test them, they have a whole team that is dedicated to developing new attacks before the bad guys.
I don't know how effective that methodology is, though.
@Adnan IPS protecting against sql injections doesn't seem very effective though.
@TerryChia That made no sense.
Q: Attackin on port 80 while 20 is open

belgian_truphelThere is a question bugging me a after reading on network security. Theoretical situation: there is a packet-filtering firewal which only accepts tcp / ip communication with destination port 22 on a protected private network. (The port on a machine outside this protected network is not specifie...

oh well, got. It's not a great question, but if it makes sense at all this is the place for it
1 hour later…
@Adnan If multiple statements is enabled, then this is trivial. Otherwise it'll probably have to be a multi-step exploit.
@kyhwana @troyhunt On plain text passwords... http://t.co/wNnzgUyzAk
@tylerl No possibility for multiple queries.
I think the best option would probably have been popping a shell, and from there getting the DB creds from some app config files, then connect to the DB and do the insert.
@Adnan I'd go for information disclosure first, and then trade that for increased access, etc.
Is there escaping? Can you select a string of your choosing into a file at an arbitrary path?
@tylerl No escaping, but no rights to write into files.
Then again, working for for mcafee is its own punishment. Prolly safest to avoid the puzzle altogether.
I had complete control over that portion of the query. It was appended as is
@tylerl I don't know, I was very impressed with them. Maybe their office in Finland in different.
@Adnan I guess it's really Intel, though. Right?
They're pretty respectable.
@tylerl Well, it's actually Stonesoft, which was purchased by McAfee
which in turn is own by Intel
(They're the dudes behind Evader/Predator)
They really got me with that project.. the idea that you can mangle any exploit you want and bypass IPSs is pretty neat.
Some mates of mine had a fun time with Github yesterday. bookingbug.com/blog/2014/05/…
It's completely independent from the nature of the attack, vulnerability, or exploit.
@Ladadadada Amazing stuff. It's on Hacker News by the way
@Adnan Yeah. That's kinda the dirty little secret of well over 98% of today's security products. They're all about as effective as a "please stop" notice when faced with an attacker who's received the sort of thorough education in attack tactics that you would get from.... watching YouTube videos.
@Adnan Sweet.
@TerryChia Like I said, I don't trust it.
@TerryChia Linux is only "free" if your time has no value.
@AviD You corporate swine, it's because you do not want to embrace the power of open source!
GNU Linux
oh not a all. It's just those damn Finnish programmers.
@AviD You obviously have not used a modern distro. ;) It's about as easy to configure as any old Windows system.
@Adnan so you would think all you need to do to get hired is snort a line of coke and beat up some whores.
@LucasKauffman Please don't go all RMS on us. :P
@TerryChia the ease of configuration doesn't matter, it's the support you need
@AviD Heeeeeeey! Finnish programmers are alright
@AviD Too soon
@Adnan hehe, just poking
@Adnan SELECT ['Adnan', 'blabla' into Users --], Username, Password FROM Users
@AviD It's not SQL Server!!
so? "SELECT xx INTO" is standard SQL.
MySQL doesn't have SELECT INTO
@Adnan wat.
@AviD Nope, INSERT INTO SELECT is standard SQL
meh, too lazy and indifferent to go check that up.
@AviD :|
hang on, that link says you can select into a file.
> hey - I want an answer to a question. why don't I spam it to 5 stack exchange sites all at once? blimming port 80 port 20 (22) nonsense
and thats about all the interest I have, sorry.
Q: I'd like to hack the NSA would you all help?

caseyr547I'm not really a hacker but I can poke holes in anything. The NSA sent me this letter and they asked me to do some social engineering on my application with keywords. Would you all tell me the correct keywords and stuff or is that off topic? My question would be "What do I need to say able to get...

@AviD AGGGG!! You can do that with MySQL, but on that particular setup you can't.
@Adnan ahhhh okay.
1 min ago, by AviD
and thats about all the interest I have, sorry.
sorry, I'm just cranky this week.
too much training, too much accounting work.
@AviD yeah - it's that same individual who was...challenging
has bans on two sites
@AviD When you were young, you had a way of escaping responsibility, didn't you?
@AviD = any accounting work
@Adnan not really. Quite the opposite in fact - I would gladly take on way too much. I'm only recently kicking the habit, and I am quite burnt out from it.
@RoryAlsop pretty much, yeah.
@RoryAlsop his ideas seem... interesting.
as in, less likely to result in employment at the NSA, but that doesn't mean he won't be on some of their lists.
@AviD :-)
I was tempted to say that, but I had a sip of coffee instead
and wrote nice, possibly helpful stuff
ooh yeah, I should go brew.
@LucasKauffman There are companies offering paid support for Linux...
wait WAIT, since when do you drink coffee??
@AviD I said I don't like coffee. I drink loads of it
@RoryAlsop ahhh, yeah key difference.
could that just be because you drink crap coffee?
in the form of vanilla latte - the least healthy of all the coffees
@RoryAlsop whoa. The guy wanted to meet an SS agent on this site???
@AviD nope - I have been taken to the best coffee places (according to my beanophile friends) and still hated the taste
@AviD :-)
I call Godwin's!
@RoryAlsop ah. it is possible, I guess. On the other hand, I would love to go to that beanophile coffee place.
@AviD Don't molest those poor beans!
@TerryChia Don't get me wrong, I like Linux, but I wouldn't use it at a company except maybe for Ubuntu and Red Hat because they offer commercial support. (I wouldn't consider Ubuntu actually because it's shit)
@LucasKauffman Well, yeah. I was referring to them when I said "modern distro" :P
No one is suggesting people deploy Gentoo.
I'm in a rush to finish the next book, so the entire second half will be written from Hodor's perspective. http://t.co/6trvaOZHp0
@TerryChia awesome. Now we will all get to know what it's like being @Simon.
@TerryChia I think Nasdaq or Wallstreet actually run on Gentoo
Hodor Hodor Hodor. — Simon 18 hours ago
Chromebook pixel comes with 32 GB of memory? that better be RAM
@deed02392 as opposed to?
@RoryAlsop It's actually storage. £1050 for a 30 gig hard drive.
and it only has 4 GB of RAM
appalling! that is Apple level debauchery
eh, wut. That doesn't count as memory in my mind
it's storage as you said
you and your ridiculously precise semantics
@AviD you smooth talker
my hero
@RoryAlsop yeah and I expect most of the demographic interested in buying a Chromebook think the same way. but that's what it says on the google play store
@deed02392 most of the demographic interested in buying a Chromebook wouldn't know the difference.
then again they also probably wouldnt know the difference between a diskette and a SAN.
@AviD dyou really think? It seemed to me geared towards nerds,
really? perhaps I didnt look too closely recently. I had the idea that it was more of a bottom-end, raw laptop aimed at people who wouldnt know better, but still want a good laptop. Like e.g. my dad.
who btw is happy with his gen 1 iPad.
@AviD Whisky helps
@AviD /me is too :)
@deed02392 I am a geek, rather than a nerd, but it certainly doesn't appeal to me. Terribly underspec-ed
@RoryAlsop Yeah exactly, it's the poor spec of it that's most ridiculous
so, I'm not wrong.
@deed02392 SSD. And the screen is beautiful.
Also, it's almost a year old at this point.
so, almost as old as you.
@AviD Har har old man.
not old man, OLD man.
@RoryAlsop Can't go wrong with a good Thinkpad, it's ugly as hell, but it's like the Nokia 3310 of the laptops
@LucasKauffman ^ drunk?
@LucasKauffman The newer Thinkpads actually looks pretty good.
laptops are dead. today it's a bad compromise between mobility (just get a tablet!) and workhorse (go for a real desktop!).
a better compromise is tablet + remote VM (for most situations, though not all).
@AviD That won't really work for a student say.
au contraire. for most of what a student would need, a tablet is better.
@AviD I can't write code on a tablet.
true. that's what the VM is for.
@AviD My school wifi is shit and I'll burn through my data plan if I tether all day.
Not really practical.
@TerryChia ah, there you go. Not all situations - I did base my statement on the assumption of always-on internet access.
though RDP is very low bandwidth protocol, I doubt you'd use up that much. Then again I havent measured it against your data plan....
And tbh, the 11" or 13" MBA isn't that much heavier than a 10" tablet.
@TerryChia ah they are making them look like the Y and Z series
@LucasKauffman I love the X1 Carbon. Pretty sleek machine.
@TerryChia ooooh mama
that's a nice thinkpad
@TerryChia its not just weight....
@LucasKauffman agreed. The proper old laptop. Or alternatively, I still like the Dell D610.
I say like
I mean - it is a solid workhorse
@AviD no
@RoryAlsop but you mean "better than a hot poker up your arse"
you can't beat a 17"
weight was never an issue - even a big one doesn't weigh that much
@RoryAlsop I don't like 17"
I prefer 16"
or smaller
but still above 12"
@RoryAlsop meh. after living on a 17" for a few years, I have to tell you my productivity took a HUGE leap when switching to 27", proper keyboard, and much more powerful machine(s).
oh my god
@AviD oh, absolutely
@LucasKauffman wow. somebody went nuts with the euphemism starring there....
@AviD well, I did set em up
@AviD Guilty.
On desktop I want multiple 27" screens and a proper keyboard
but when mobile, a 17" laptop is my ideal
phones - meh - they are for phoning ... and Ingress
tablets - meh - they are for IMDB, wikipedia, and quick googling while watching TV
@RoryAlsop and while it is far from mobile (though I will be dragging it upstairs next week for gaming :-) ), a tablet is much more mobile than a laptop.
@AviD I'm going to hook up a MBA to my monitors and keyboard and stuff as my main machine when I get a new MBA.
So going mobile basically involves unplugging the machine.
@TerryChia well your MBA will probably cost more than my workstation.
@AviD much much more
@AviD Probably. I do have a desktop that I'm going to convert to a headless server once I get a MBA though.
well... I did trick it out pretty well.
@RoryAlsop tablet + keyboard though....
Oh hey, the moist crap is gone from the star wall.
macbook air
I prefer a macbook pro
@LucasKauffman Toss up between the beautiful retina screen and being more mobile really.
@AviD Image not found.
@TerryChia I need to pack punch
I tend to run 2 - 3 VMs at the same time
bah. nevermind.
@RoryAlsop fancy
like that, @AviD?
@LucasKauffman I figured 8GB of RAM is enough, anything else I can offload to my desktop/server.
@TerryChia true I'm actually thinking deploying desktops on my server
@RoryAlsop sure, why not
but I still need to replace one of my older machines with a new one
what is "powdered alcohol"??
@LucasKauffman it may be fancy, but it is still an iPad. The best bit about it is the case. Which has magnets everywhere
you sniff it, or just add water?
@AviD heh - wondered if you would spot that. Google it - just been banned in the US
@LucasKauffman More hardware is always good. ;)
part of the initial marketing suggested it would be ideally suited to smuggling into football games and other venues where alcohol is not permitted
generally add water, but apparently you could sprinkle on food, or snort it!
@RoryAlsop Whatever happened to getting drunk before?
@AviD do you like my Metaltech tablet stylus/pen?
@RoryAlsop okay, so instead get a good tablet.
Either Surface X, or something android based.
@AviD but they don't do a good 17" one with a nice keyboard...
Some day
@RoryAlsop ha, nice! almost didnt notice that.
@RoryAlsop You can buy the Surface table thingy.
@RoryAlsop ah, no, screen size is still the drawback for that setup.
@TerryChia haha, not so very mobile though.
@RoryAlsop I also notice the Miley Cyrus article open.
you need to be more careful with screen scraping.
@AviD that isn't open. That is just the side bar on the powdered alcohol article
That said, my colleague went to see Miley Cyrus two nights ago. He is a grown man (but his girlfriend wanted to go) - he said it was the most bizarre, LSD-inspired thing he had ever seen
@RoryAlsop uh huh.
@AviD heh, you
@TerryChia my Dell E6410 is better specced and was half the price 2 years ago
@deed02392 I highly doubt your dell has a 2560×1700 screen.
@TerryChia new dell xps 15 has 3200 x 1800 IIRC?
no but it has twice the RAM and 15x the storage
@RоryMcCune Yeah, but he said his Dell was at least 2 years old.
that given the price difference, i think my point remains
@TerryChia hey you're not expecting me to actually read up the transcript here are you
ain't nobody got time for that
@deed02392 High res screens aren't cheap. And your Dell has a 480GB SSD for half the price of a Pixel 2 years ago? I highly doubt that.
@TerryChia you are such a pedant
What? You are arguing that SSDs cost the same as HDDs?
lol.. you're so far off
When the Pixel was released the only other machine with such a high res screen was the MBP.
@TerryChia but the pixel is a really odd idea
you do realise 'better' is qualitative don't you?
@deed02392 well, he is an apple fanboiii afterall...
@RоryMcCune It's a showcase of the Chromebook after all, I doubt Google is expecting to sell much.
@AviD Oh. That explains it. I'll stop feeding then
@AviD I'm defending a Google product in case you haven't noticed?
@deed02392 it's obvious really, he's talking about buying an MBA.
@TerryChia yeah to me it's weird to see such a nice system with smeg all local storage..
@deed02392 Yes. And a higher res screen is qualitatively better than a lower res screen. A SSD is qualitatively better than a HDD.
@TerryChia a) no I haven't, and I can't bring myself to care. (b) that's besides the point, logic does not apply with fanboiiis.
@RоryMcCune Exactly, it's not even a compromise, it's practically unusable. I've had a 30 GB SSD as my main drive before
And in case you have not noticed, you aren't exactly running a full OS on a Chromebook Pixel.
@AviD So who's the troll now?
so, weather's nice
@TerryChia hopefully as you grow up you'll become less pernickety. your intelligence will be of greater value.
@deed02392 See, you can't accept the fact that the Chromebook Pixel is a nice machine. It's not for everyone but it's a nice machine nonetheless. Then you resort to personal insults. Yay!
It appears to be rather moist.
@ScottPack TWSS
Anyone have experience or know of something like BuddyBackup buddybackup.com ? I am looking to do peer-to-peer encrypted backups across PCs under my own or my family's control. Windows+OSX at a minimum would be great, and would like to avoid setting up SFTP servers on each computer. Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.
@EricG Crashplan looks pretty nice. Not sure if it's encrypted or not though.
Crashplan is encrypted at the client prior to transmission.
@TerryChia I've looked at the before. Concerns about vendor lock in and server issues if it goes bust, open source prefered
The problem you have is looking at the wrong platform collection. Windows+OSX is going to be tricky for what you want.
OSX+Linux would be much easier since it would likely be based on existing tools, like ssh/sftp and rsync, which are available in both.
Most of the family
's PC are Windows, only one mac
so I can manage two different solutions if that is going to be more efficent
Can you get rsync on Windows somehow?
You can.
Just copying files though is inefficent, my understanding is that these backup programs can do deltas, versions, etc.
Honestly, though, the best solution I've come across with that needs your requirements is Crashplan. Since it's fully cross platform and meets all your requirements.
@EricG Rsync handles that nicely for you.
@EricG rsync by design does deltas.
@ScottPack Yeah, I'm definitely going with that soon. Still deciding if I should pay for their online service as an additional backup though.
I've thought of just setting up the SSH servers and doing-> areca-backup.org/features.php
Rsync does what's called a "rolling window" to do many many md5 operations across the file so it can find only the blocks that changed.
The problem with the regular backups is they are not real time
@TerryChia I've been really happy with the cloud storage part. I had been doing site-to-site backups just using all boxes in my own environment. The cloudy stuff is cheap enough, at least on a single instance.
so I guess if some of you have experience with Crashplan I'll give it a try, my feeling is that as long as I have the software I can always get the files and decrypt - do you know what information is exposed to the vendor - like is there a password on their server, that if someone knows they get your keys?
@ScottPack Are you feeling ok now that I almost never say anything creepy to you?
@ScottPack Yeah, it's pretty damn cheap for unlimited storage.
@EricG I've not done a full analysis of the solution but from what I recall the keys are never exposed, they're generated and tied to the installation.
I'll look into it some more; I saw some short articles talking about how the future is to distribute this through a blockchain mechanism, but I don't think those techniques are prime time yet.
@EricG I think "blockchain" is the cloud of 2014.
@TerryChia yep, cloud is so 2012
Is anyone watching Silicon Valley?
@Simon Planning to. Is it any good?
@Simon why - what is it doing? It hasn't vanished in a singularity has it?
I'll just keep the important stuff in their own encrypted containers that I control
@TerryChia It's quite decent, I like it. A bunch of nerdy jokes.
@RoryAlsop It's a tv show!
@EricG I've seen whitepapers describing their process, I'm trying to find them.
@Simon It never bothered me.
@Simon Cool. Will watch after I finally get done with Breaking Bad.
@TerryChia Haha yeah, definitely watch BB first.
@Simon is it a documentary? :-P
I can't watch more than 2-3 episodes of BB in one go though... Jesse, Skylar and Walter Jr annoy the fuck out of me.
@RoryAlsop Noooooooo tv show!
@TerryChia Which means they are good actors :P
@Simon How is a documentary not a tv show?
tv show as in it has seasons
Man, this is scary high memory usage. blog.mozilla.org/nnethercote/2014/05/14/…
@Simon David Attenborough documentaries on nature are typically seasonal
@Simon Welcome to The DMZ.
@Simon Sorry - am working in a large spreadsheet an mercilessly using this as my comic relief.
@RoryAlsop Oh boy, keep on trollin' then.
(but you did make it easy for me :-)
@Simon Deadliest Catch is a documentary tv show with seasons.
Series would be a better term then?
@Simon I doubt there is a better term. We are just making fun of you.
Oh, it all makes sense now.
I'm not sure what pedantry you're trying to accomplish.
deadmau5's new album's title: while (1 < 2)
Almost fell off my chair because I was too lazy to get closer to the trash can, I'm so fucking retarded.
@Simon Starred for honesty. ;)
@ManishEarth So this looks very interesting: wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Automation/WinterOfSecurity2014
I'd be applying if they had this last year.
@TerryChia Nice :)
/me has no hope of getting selected for that
@ManishEarth Why not?
@ManishEarth Where are your winter hats, sucker?
@TerryChia Projects look pretty daunting, wouldn't know where to start
@ManishEarth The compliance checking one looks easy enough.
And hey, that's what the mentors are for isn't it?
@TerryChia Hm, it does, but what about the competition? :)
@ManishEarth Not easy, but definitely interesting.
More interesting than 90% of uni projects I would guess.
Remember that I'm a physics student, with primary interest in physics. Different ball game, for me
Programming/Security are hobbies
@ManishEarth Ah right, you aren't a CS student.
(the fact that I'm actually earning from both is a completely different issue :P)
I feel like typing in caps "nurd" but I'll be nice for once.
@Simon Turd
@Simon DURT
From now on, call me Drut.
@ManishEarth Any thoughts on the fuss about Mozilla supporting DRM? ;)
They sort of have to
it's going to be disabled by default
To me it's not so different from an addon that contains non open source stuff
@ManishEarth I don't care. I just want the chance to call you a sellout! :P
just that it ships with the ability to install the addon turned off
My D is disabled by default.
@TerryChia me != mozilla :P
The fuss on HN about it is really stupid.
@Simon twss?
@ManishEarth Well, you are the only Mozilla guy I know so...
It's like how we all diss @JeffF about Facebook.
I wish he'd hire me as a janitor at FB.
@Simon Their janitors probably know more about low level unix stuff than you.
That's true, I don't know shit about kernels.
Except that it's also a brand of popcorn.
@TerryChia Reminds me, there's a treat in store for Jeff and his FB Security friends
@ManishEarth Hmm?
I went to a talk where the guy is responsible of the caching at FB.
@TerryChia I'll be writing a blog post when this gets committed, but till then, bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=994134
Chromium has it too
Q: How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools?

Derek 朕會功夫So apparently because of the recent scams, the developer tools is exploited by people to post spam and even used to "hack" accounts. Facebook has blocked the developer tools, and I can't even use the console. How did they do that?? One Stack Overflow post claimed that it is not possible, but F...

@ManishEarth Ah that. I still have not changed my mind about the CSP thing you know... ;)
Although this approach definitely seems better.
@TerryChia there is no CSP now :D
That's neat.
@JeffF, around?
dammit, you girls talk a lot.
@AviD So we've been getting a lot of rain lately.
It's making things all hot sticky and moist.
@ScottPack fascinating.
@ScottPack ah! there IS a point!
nicely done, btw.
I like how it turned out.
Plus it gave me a break from adding a single field to 137 entries in our CRM
@ScottPack yukk. not scriptable? or direct db access?
@AviD or new CRM if it isn't scriptable.
Actually, sounds like @ScottPack needs an intern.
@TerryChia you're looking?
@AviD Oh no. Most definitely not. ;)
I've done my time.
Moist definitely not...?
This is getting out of hand.
@AviD Hard to say. I don't have much experience with it.
Dammit, man! Stop feeding us those easy lines!
you have GOT to make it more of a challenge, I tell you!
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