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@TildalWave So when you become a 10k user it gets both bigger and longer?
@ScottPack you'll see in about 70 more rep ;)
in PHP on Stack Overflow Chat, yesterday, by ircmaxell
Participate in my study by playing this game! :-D
4 hours later…
Hey everyone! I'm from over at Math.SE, and I was curious if you guys had any tips on running a good site blog. This site's blog seems to be the most active on the network (from what I can tell), so I was wondering if there was a technique of some kind that you used to keep entries from slowing to a trickle. (We're considering starting a blog, so I figured I'd ask and see if I could learn from people who've done it before.)
@anorton Heh, our site blog doesn't have much content nowadays actually. :P
We have a "Question of the Week" blog post although it's been mostly ignored recently.
Q: Requests for Question of The Week blog posts

Rory AlsopSince starting the Security Stack Exchange Blog on 15 July 2011 we have some excellent blog posts, and a large number of these are from our Question of the Week posts. Going forwards, it is probably simplest to post your favourite Questions of the week as answers on this question, and vote for yo...

Hmm, this isn't good... allenpike.com/2014/burying-the-url
2 hours later…
Mornin' All
@TerryChia s'one of the reasons I use Firefox now (and FF29 is quite shiney) Google's incentives are a bit dodgy when compared to Mozilla...
@RоryMcCune 2 things stopping me from moving to FF -- 1) Single process browser in 2014, wtf? 2) Chrome sync is incredibly convenient for syncing stuff between three or four machines.
@TerryChia FF has FF sync :)
and on the single process thing, well I know what you mean but in practice it doesn't seem to cause a big problem for me...
@RоryMcCune Don't think it's as convenient as Chrome's sync on iOS and Android devices?
@TerryChia hmm not sure about that one. You can definitely get FF for android, haven't seen it on iOS
@RоryMcCune Yeah, fiddling with this stuff gets stupid after a while. Chrome just works and is good enough for me. :P
@TerryChia hope you'll be ok with losing the ability to see full URLs soon then :op
@RоryMcCune It looks like there's a flag to turn that off for now.
like what you posted
@TerryChia for now.....
I just reckon that google have the incentive of "make the most money out of peoples information as possible"
that's unlikely to be good for me
unless they start charging directly for services
which I'd actually prefer
@RоryMcCune Well, we will all just move to IE when that day arrives. :P
Hmm, looks like syncing an iPhone to a Windows VM works after all.
5 hours later…
@RоryMcCune Historically it's caused big ole problems for me. A single javascript on a single tab spools a core up to 100% and makes most of the browser unusable.
Infosec14 was really good
@RоryMcCune Also chrome has a built in task manager where I can see which tab is using the most ram or cpu and go take care of it.
@RоryMcCune Katie noticed her mid-2012 MBP was only getting about 2-2.5 hours battery life for the past few months. I look at it last night...FireFox was running at 50-60% cpu all the time. With no way to see what each tab is doing there's no way for me to know which one is the problem.
@ScottPack Ouch, CPU? I can understand 50-60% of memory but CPU is a little excessive.
@ThomasPornin I also have a memory that 3DES was designed such that it could be implemented using existing DES hardware by running it 3 times, which you couldn't really get with 2DES. Am I remembering right?
@TerryChia Like I said, a single tab with some bad javascript could easily do it.
@DavidFreitag Do these laptops have any endpoint security solutions?
@ScottPack I have never heard of that (doesn't mean it isn't right...), I always thought the only reason for 3DES is 2DES not providing the expected security margin thanks to meet-in-the-middle.
@deed02392 I have no idea. They are in Norway and i don't have access to them other than an email.
But even if they did it's not like we can tell our customers that they have to disable it to use our software.
@DavidFreitag that kind of software can forcibly close connections that were opened with write ability
@DavidFreitag Why not? If they have software which restricts data flow and they want to use software which requires data flow then they need to configure it so that it doesn't restrict data flow.
@deed02392 But that's just it - other software works perfectly fine. They can use Tera term to send data all day
Over the same serial port?
With the same cable
Then it's unlikely to be that
so your software is not working where tera term is?
I'm making a test application which disables hardware flow control as per that comment, but otherwise I'm completely out of ideas
very frustrating that you don't get an error
i wonder what that in itself implies
wrt where the issue might lie
Network issues are a bitch to diagnose.
@TerryChia Serial, not network
@DavidFreitag Well, same concept. :P
Bah, gotta set up my kernel dev VM again. Forgot to save it when reformatting my system.
@TerryChia We discussed it in my grad school class on crypto. We worked through the logic to figure out how it actually worked that way. Knowing the prof that's also not to say it was all a sham.
@ScottPack No, you are remembering it wrong, but there is indeed a non-security-related reason for 3DES.
In "normal" 3DES, the middle DES is used in decryption mode.
Thus, if you set the first and second 56-bit chunks of the 3DES key to be equal to each other, they cancel out.
@ThomasPornin Ok, that's what I was remembering.
This implies that a 3DES system can be used in "degraded" mode which is compatible with simple-DES
You cannot have that with 2DES.
Said prof described it as a design consideration so existing DES systems could still be used to perform 3DES.
However, that's only a secondary reason (it is the reason why the middle DES is in decryption mode, though).
@ScottPack Well, he said it backwards. It is not for existing DES system to perform 3DES; it is for 3DES systems to perform like existing DES systems.
Or rather so that primary systems could be upgraded to use 3DES without having to replace all of the deployed DES systems.
Ok, I think we're all on the same page I'm just describing poorly.
I'm also trying to remember a 1 hour lecture from 2006.
@deed02392 I think i may have had a breakthrough. If you look at their logs it appears that hardware flow control is off. Something tells me that something on their end is forcibly disabling RTS.
@DavidFreitag Not all serial devices support flow control which might mean the device can't perform handshaking, I think.
@deed02392 Yeah but they have USB emulation devices that can
Still, it's not critical to implement it
But it's odd that it doesn't work on any of the serial devices on the same system
are there any Windows settings that could affect such a thing
I'm going to have them check the COM port setting in device manager
I think those settings are overriding my SerialPort settings.
Good thinking
Would have thought they are just defaults though
How do you know you shouldn't be writing crypto code? When you ask questions like this.
Q: AES encryption do I need to use a Mode?

JohnHello I am currently working on a file encryption program. I am using Java Cryptography Architecture. My plan is to have a number of encrypted files where each file has a different AES key. To keep track of the encrypted files I also include a metadata file which stores an entry for each encrypte...

@deed02392 Yeah looks like it. I tested on my machine and those settings don't really change anything.
anybody here happen to use the W/WP8 calendar app with google calendar? /cc @Iszi
since google shut off EAS support, havent found a workable workaround.
though I was considering subscribing my gcal to outlook.com calendar, and subscribing the outlook.com calendar to gcal, then just using the outlook.com one from the app. so whereever I am, I would get a unified view, and still be able to add events wherever.
@AviD It's called an Android device. :P
@AviD Oh dude that sucks... Now i need a third party email app? WTF Google?!
only downside is not being able to edit in the app events that were created by gcal.
@TerryChia yeah, but I upgraded :-)
@DavidFreitag I know, right?
@AviD Well then, write a calendar app. ;)
actually wait no, its just for calendar. IMAP works just fine for email.
I can't even imagine the amount of corporate drones who will be switched to crackberry or - god forbid - iOS because of this.
@TerryChia hopefully the seething sarcasm didn't show thru too much in my response
@TerryChia eeeexcept that google explicitly blocks access. unless I want to start parsing the HTML....
"Microsoft said it would support newer Google access protocols in Windows Phone"
@AviD Hey, you could use regex!
@TerryChia heh.
@deed02392 out of date. Google threw the switch in March '13.
> You may recall that Google infamously declared war on Windows 8/RT and Windows Phone customers in December
@AviD And calendar information is pretty good fit for XML. Regex and XML together! Perfect combination.
@TerryChia google allows readonly view access. its the updating thats a problem.
@AJHenderson Well, you can encrypt data without a mode of operation with a block cipher. It's just that you will be limited to one block per key.
@AviD I linked my Office365 account for school with my Gmail a while back. All hell broke loose
@TerryChia hmm, good point
@TerryChia updated to make the answer more accurate and still dripping with sarcasm
it actually works even better since you technically could encrypt without one
it would just be completely useless
I would just export everything from gcal and migrate to outlook @AviD
@AJHenderson What is the point of sarcasm if it does not show through ?
I wouldn't want something as important as my events getting messed up by relying on a hacky sync solution
@ThomasPornin well ideally, those who know what I'm talking about see it, but the OP doesn't
@AviD mine synced , somehow
@deed02392 hmm. problems with that.... I actually use both, for different reasons. Also, my wife and kids are on gcal - besides hating change, they all have androids. So suffice it to say, not really feasible.... they would sooner just use the gcal web interface.
and I was hoping this question would make incompetent question of the day
Q: Whenever an unhandled exception somehow makes it into production, is it safe, viable, etc. to print an encrypted stack trace to the end user?

PanzercrisisWhenever an unhandled exception makes it into production somehow - whatever the reason - there's generally an option (especially with .NET programs) to print out a stack trace to the end user before the program ends completely. Even though this helps with debugging the program, if the user sends...

@ManishEarth in the last 10 months?
@AviD /me checks
@deed02392 yeah, there is that.
but I do think the block mode one shot any chance it had
when I saw he was concerned about showing the stack of a client .Net app I literally LOL'd
@AviD I set it up two months ago. The app knows that I have two calendars on Google
@ManishEarth is this on W8 or WP?
@AviD Yeah, what's up?
but I don' see any synced events
haven't booted W8 in weeks
@ManishEarth wait, so does that mean its not working?
I've got WP8 connected to a Google Calendar, but nearly never actually mess with it.
not working
@AviD doesn't that make them smarter than you? ;)
@Iszi r/w or RO?
@AviD yeah, I have RO
@AJHenderson to some extent, yes :-)
not the android part...
@AviD Pretty sure it's RW, but hasn't been tested in awhile.
of course, I suppose I'm one to talk since I still prefer Windows CE
which is also probably why I'm bitter about Windows Phone
I'm going to link this album again 'cause it's so damn good.
It's always funny when you buy a CPU from eBay and it says "Programmed" in the title.
in fact
@RoryAlsop aren't you in a band
@kalina It has been a while since you were around.
yeah I don't use SE much/anymore
however right now my ears are lying to me and I'm hearing vast amounts of unintentional distortion in something I'm doing and need somebody to have a careful listen to it and tell me I'm wrong/my headphones are fucked
yeah this isn't quite the same sort of thing but distortion is distortion at the end of the day
> IDT74FCT240A 25% faster than FAST
Man that's fast.
@DavidFreitag TWSS
@kalina whoa. Are my eyes bleeding?
unless you're having an allergic reaction to my presence
@AviD Yes, but that's normal.
@kalina That would be @Simon.
Daaaaaaayum son. $13 for a configurable register chip? And i need six of them?! Hmmm... Maybe pairing an FPGA with a CPU from 1990 might not be a terrible idea...
@DavidFreitag Of course it isn't, it's an awesome idea
@deed02392 Well i suppose since I'm using E-paper for the console display... why the hell not?
what is it you're making again?
A MIPS3000-based computer
> public string LastSixDigits
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Number) || this.Number.Length < 6)
return string.Empty;
return this.Number.Reverse().Take(6).Reverse().Aggregate(string.Empty, (s, c) => s += c);
oh I remember you asking tom about the instruction set being compatible or something
@TerryChia uhhh wat?
@DavidFreitag I'm reading thedailywtf.com :P
@TerryChia I think i just died a little
this is Java right
@DavidFreitag I think that's the point of the website.
@deed02392 .NET. Those are LINQ functions.
@deed02392 Looks more like C#
or C#
Hm, I meant C# yet I said java
i'm hungover it's fine
right I think I've exterminated the random distortion in my bassline
@kalina What was the problem?
what does Aggregate do?
Q: LINQ Aggregate algorithm explained

alexanderbThis might sound lame, but really - I have not been able to find a really good explanation of Aggregate. Good means - short, descriptive, comprehensive with a small and clear example.

you're a pal @TerryChia
@DavidFreitag my bassline is made up of three parts, two of those parts of EQ'd heavily below 150hz so they don't interfere with the lower bass sound. One of those higher parts had distortion on it which was interacting with the harmonics in the lower bass and causing a particular note to sound really off when played in conjunction with one of the three other sounds playing during that part of the track
@kalina Interesting. Thanks :]
it's not interesting
that's like the last four hours of my life
It is to me.
hunting down a single rogue sound
I love useless (to me) information.
that you can't even hear on 90% of the speakers I've played it on
@kalina My entire life is spent hunting down and eradicating bugs.
@DavidFreitag Software or insects?
@TerryChia Depends on the day
`public static void setDelay(String delay) {
String yes = "YES";
if ((delay.hashCode()) == yes.hashCode()) Scenario.delay= 10000;
Happy May Day, everybody!!!
@deed02392 Hyvää vappua!
@Adnan moi! kiitoksia
Great. I'm either stuck with a few ridiculous VFSSOP chips or some shitty old 5V FPGA. :\
@kalina - yes. WWW.Metaltech.me
@Adnan Happy May day :*
What can I do for you
Jesus! That's a... dark one.
> Why do they drink Sprite at NASA? Because they couldn't get 7 Up
moikka means 'bye' right?
@deed02392 It means hi and bye :)
aww ok
I met Ivan Ristic yesterday
@RoryAlsop I need your ears
I say ears, chat goes dead
if I had said literally anything else everybody would be in pervert mode
@kalina @AviD != everyone
It's true. @AviD is, without question, the perviest guy here. I just like to feed it.
You have to understand the guy though. He has 387432 kids which means that his sexual life is nonexistent
Also, he works for Microsoft. It's a known fact that people who work for that company never get laid.
@kalina You mean everybody isn't in pervert mode at all times?
@kalina no, we're just still trying to figure out how to make something perverted out of that
There are many ways to make something perverted out of that.
@Simon I think you have a misunderstanding how the children happen.
@Simon except for bill gates
but balmer doesn't, that's why he throws chairs
@kalina - can do, in a few hours. Just heading off on a brewery tour...
@ScottPack hehe
@RoryAlsop I hate you.
Team building
@RoryAlsop Righhhhhhhhhhhhht.
That's why you are going.
@TerryChia Do you even drink beer?
@Simon Who doesn't?
@RoryAlsop Wait. Are you flying remote people in for said exercise?
@TerryChia either that or he is going because it involves team building... as in, he needs to be drunk to survive the team building
so going to bars for team building kind of makes sense
@TerryChia 12 years olds.
@Simon I'm sorry they didn't teach grammar in Canada. :P
I can't stand beer- give me a single malt
although perhaps not at 9:30am ...
@TerryChia They only taught us how to use our big D /cc: @kalina
@Simon Flagged as delusional.
life has taught me that the number of men that know what to do and the number of men who think they know what to do are two wildly different numbers
@schroeder A nice yummy beer is just as comforting as a well made Manhattan, invigorating as a piney antimalarial, or a glass of Highland single malt.
@schroeder But it definitely takes the right good beer.
@ScottPack Several beer experts have tried to get me to like beer, and I have had some of the best in the world, even special hand-crafted offerings, but I still can't do it. I can't stand the hops.
@schroeder Me neither.
I tend to stick to porters and stouts for that very reason.
I don't much like beer either. Now hard cider on the other hand.
I actually learned to like beer, I didn't like it at all at first.
Now it's like BRING ALL DA BEER
I don't like beer
@Simon Canadian beer. Does it have maple syrup in it?
@TerryChia The finest of all maple syrup.
Mm...I really dig a nice cider.
(Sorry, you weren't around for a while. :P)
@kalina - was that one pushing it to far?
@TerryChia How dare you to apologize to a Canadian?!?
@AJHenderson I can't answer that question or the question before it or the next question
In the fall when the trees start to turn and you get that slightly sweet smell of decaying leaves in the air...I loves it. It also makes me want cider like none other.
Have you tried Angry Orchard?
is that the sequel to angry birds?
@DavidFreitag It's my go to. Reasonably priced and good.
@ScottPack Yes it's be far my favorite as well. I'm partial to the original but every so often i get a bottle of iceman and get tanked.
@kalina Reminds me of a friend who spend quite some time editing a sound out of "curse my name" that 90% of people (including me) can't even hear.
@DavidFreitag Whatever you do stay away from Red's. That stuff is foul.
@ScottPack Yeah I've had it. It's very tasteless in comparison to a cider
@DavidFreitag It tastes like a shitty American beer that's had an apple dipped in it.
Isn't that basically the premise behind Reds?
It might be, I dunno. Katie came home with it once because it was something we hadn't had before and was labeled as cider.
@ScottPack but am I, really?
in most rooms, I would say, sure. But even here?
@ScottPack Nah, it's "Apple Ale"
I keep meaning to try their strawberry ale. It might turn out to be delicious. Not likely though
@DavidFreitag That sounds like a bad idea.
@ScottPack Eh, worst case i have to drink a whole six pack. But that will only be bad for the first three. I won't really care after that
Best case scenario i finally find a beer i enjoy.
@TerryChia Dogfish Head 75 Minute IPA is a fantastic beer with maple syrup in it.
@Xander There's not a single thing about that that sounds tasty. Except maybe the maple syrup.
@ScottPack Yeah, but that's because you don't like hops. It's not the beer's fault you have poor taste.
@ScottPack How is that an "ale"? Looks "stout" to me.
@Iszi I recently discovered that not all ales are pale ales - there are "dark ales", which are very similar to stouts.
Isn't stout a type of ale?
while I too prefer the stouts like @ScottPack, I recently found a local dark ale which I really liked.
@ScottPack dont think so, but I could likely be wrong.
anyone still have that graph of classifications of beer types?
@ScottPack Mmm...Malty goodness right there.
@Iszi "Looks like" (SRMs) is only a single factor in the style. Stouts are indeed always dark, but so are many ales, and even black lagers.
@AviD Looks like a stout is a type of ale
@ScottPack @AviD Generally beer is divided into ales and lagers, depending on the yeast used and the brewing method. Specifically, lagers require an extended "lagering" peroid at quite cold temperatures. All non-lagered beers are generally classified as ale, at the highest level.
@TerryChia Aaand they're updating XP as well.
So I guess XP will still be somewhat supported when I'm on my deathbed.
Did I ever mention that onenote is really useful these days
@RоryMcCune It is, but the notebook structure confuses me. I have a bunch of duplicate pages because I can never figure out how to navigate up and down to the pages I've already created for the same purpose. I probably just need to sit down for a bit one day and get it all cleaned up.
Just too many levels for me to keep straight, it seems.
Yeah the section/page metaphor takes a bit of getting used to (but then you can ignore the multiple sections thing and keep everything on one page).
it's v handy now there's a good web client + mac client + ipad client
I think linux is the only one missing and you can use the web client just fine there
@Xander It smells like a dark molasses raisin bread.
@RоryMcCune Yeah, a good Android client too.
@ScottPack That sounds incredibly yummy.
@Xander I heard rumor of a growler house in town that has it. I'm going to have to stop by.
@Xander Speaking of beautiful beer...you have any trips up this way planned any time soon?
@ScottPack Nothing planned. Since I've left professional services for our product development team, I haven't been travelling much at all.
Oh I hadn't heard that.
@ScottPack Yeah, well, I may have forgotten to mention it. It was a year and a half ago, but I haven't gotten around to updating things my SE bio, or LinkedIn...Or anything else that needs updating for that matter.
I know. It's just a bit of a hassle. I'll do it one of these days.
I use Evernote for some things, OneNote for others, depending on data structure, love both
@schroeder Me too, but I'm considering consolidating down to a single tool.
@schroeder yeah I use evernote for web clipping would like to get it down to just onenote though if poss. but their web clipping is still a bit lame comparitvely
Remember the rule: if it is not plutonium, then somebody, somewhere, is making a beer which contains some of it.
@RоryMcCune agreed
@ThomasPornin I dunno, I'm sure we'll find a beer somewhere with plutonium
I've counted 10 posts in my twitter feed this morning from various people announcing that Microsoft is issuing a XP patch for MS14-021. Including 4 from one person. I have a feeling I'm either going to be annoyed by the end of the day, or taking a break from Twitter. One or the other.
@Xander Or both.
@ThomasPornin Yes. There is that third way.
@Xander wasn't me :) but I did retweet a few related posts a few days ago about vulnerabilities linked to the IE bug
@TildalWave LOL, no wasn't you. Wasn't anybody I know from SE.
@Xander Why patch security holes? Anti-virus still work on XP
The most obvious vulnerability related to the IE bug being that there's still people using IE :)
anyway, I didn't notice too many questions about it on the site ... one really obnoxious one asking to explain it like he was a 6 y.o., but I don't remember any others
the heartbleed experience did make me wonder how it would've looked like here if the site was up when the y2k bug was all the rage tho :)
@CodesInChaos Good point!
@TildalWave Y2K was not a security hole, though. It was exploited by the year count going to 2000 without any malicious intent anywhere.
@ThomasPornin It was also exploited by authors to sell many copies of many books explaining how the world was going to end in fire and destruction at midnight, Jan 1, 2000. In which timezone they did not make clear.
@Xander The wave of fire sweeps around the world as more and more of it crosses midnight.
@ThomasPornin oh I know that but I still think it would be pretty crazy here (tho perhaps a bit more colorful since we only killed physical security during the last site rename)
I was 9 in 2000.
Hello guys.
@CodesInChaos That was one possibility I considered. However, many of the theories I read seem to hinge on everything falling apart simultaneously.
@Simon 9 is not too early to appreciate insanity of scared masses
@TildalWave I was too busy being amazed by how France was already in 2000 and I was still in 1999.
I'm a security noob and I'm trying to learn more and more every day. And recently I discovered this game where you guess the algorithm used for creating the hash.
@Simon what for those few hours?
@TildalWave Yep, it's sad I know.
I was here yesterday as well, and I think @Xander linked to it. But anyway, I have got a question. How would you "guess" the hashing technique (it probably isn't a standard hashing function) just by looking at the password, salt and the known hash? One way I could think of is by checking the repetition of characters, the length of the output etc. Is there anything else I could use?
@Xander Fun fact: on the Eiffel tower, there was a big electronic display which counted seconds left to year 2000. It turned out that the counter was not Y2K compliant: it ran well for a couple of year, but crashed some time in the afternoon of Dec. 31st.
@CodesInChaos For instance, I vividly remember one book that described how many car crashes there would be in the US assuming that "only" 10% of cars manufactured before that date would fail catastrophically. He failed to mention that in order to reach his conclusion, he also assumed that all cars in the United States would be on the road and in motion at Midnight, 1/1.
This seems improbable if the people in California have several hours to hear about the calamities that have already occurred on the east coast. I would think that some of them might choose not to drive instead. Perhaps he was also assuming that we're all irrepressible optimists.
@ThomasPornin LOL!
If I have a list of pass, salt and hash, then I guess I could narrow down the possibilities by checking if the salt is used. But how do I get more useful information out of it? I realize this may be a stupid question, but... I guess this is how you learn :-P
@AmalMurali It is a game. It is not necessarily realistic.
I feel like you should be looking into plenty of other stuff before analyzing hashes.
I suppose the point of the game is that you "guess" whatever combination of hash function invocations was used by the game developer, and you test your guess by seeing if it matches the provided hash values.
@ThomasPornin I know. I'm just trying to solve them for now.
Yeah, exactly. My question is how would be able to "guess" the "hash function invocations used by the developer" just with that much of data?
@Simon Probably. I don't really understand the internals of hashing etc. As I said, I'm a newbie.
@AmalMurali That's what guessing is about: to fill in the blanks. You guess because you don't have any data to build upon.
So far I've solved 6 of them (most of the easy ones :-P).
Surely, there must be some way to analyse the given data so you can make more meaningful/probable guesses, right?
@AmalMurali No. Wrong. Unless you can actually break the hash functions.
Well, you can take the output length as a hint: e.g. if the length is 20 bytes, then some SHA-1 is probably involved.
at MIT campus
@ThomasPornin Yeah, that's the only useful information I was able to get from the output hash. For example, take the case of #3. The known hash is 80 characters of length, which suggests it may be the concatenated result of two SHA-1'd results. How would you proceed from there?
Fucking Calculus. Had to do 2 classes and I wanted to shoot myself in le head badly.
I too have integration/differentiation stuff in college. I hate it as well :-(
I've started to use the line, "assuming that you have done basic research, tell us what you didn't understand about what you've read"
I hope it will focus users on the specifics and encourage them to look at first principles before asking broad questions
trying to provide actionable response without being a jerk
But being a jerk is fun.
unless that response comes of 'jerky' ....
1 hour later…
@schroeder Not a bad line but you should combine it with a close vote (seems either "unclear" or "too broad" should fit). Problem with comments alone is that you often get clarification back in another comment, instead of the question itself.
if you need backup for your line, just use [ask] shorthand for the link to "How to Ask"
might even work here, lets see: How to Ask
yup :)
@schroeder I really like the SF close reason: Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved.
It's says "go away, you're not smart enough to sit with us"
@tylerl LoL
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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