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@RoryAlsop and @ThomasPornin, RE: security.blogoverflow.com/2011/08/03/… - This doesn't mention ATA Secure Erase - the solution promoted by NIST and the leading answer at How can I reliably erase all information on a hard drive? - IT Security - Stack Exchange
It also seems like the blog title doesn't match the content, which is much broader
Given the broader focus it would seem helpful to reference that question also (though of course I'm biased :)
5 hours later…
AviD, congratulations.
Yay - congrats @AviD
(a week late....ahem)
and Morning @HendrikBrummermann and @Mvy
Hi @Rory!
Hm... Was about to print a paper... ended up I have a 3 pages of the DMZ instead.
@Mvy hahahaha - it happens:-)
@ScottPack nice:-)
@RoryAlsop I see someone's handled QotW 4? Sorry, am in the middle of deployment for a product and like all deployments, it's a little bit crazy with 11th hour problems/bugs...
@Ninefingers no worries - @Thomas stepped in. Totally understand - all blog posts are from folks volunteering their spare time in between their day jobs:-)
@RoryAlsop well providing it's done. I'm trying to work out what I should write for my next one now...
@Ninefingers :-)
2 hours later…
G'day Gents
Hi @ScottPack
So, based on a few of his recent comics, I get the feeling that Mr. Monroe (or a loved one) is going through cancer treatment.
Ah, yup, there's the blog post. blog.xkcd.com/2011/06/30/family-illness
posted on August 03, 2011 by Thomas Pornin

Today we investigate the problem of disposing of hardware storage devices (say, hard disks) which may contain sensitive data. The question which prompted this discussion “Is it enough to only wipe a flash drive once” is about Flash disks (SSD) and received some very good answers; here, we will try to look at the wider picture. [...]

Argh, and this is a fail!
accepted answer.
1327->1342 :S
I was hoping to get the 1337 reputation T_T
urgent! we need mods from security.se to comment! URGENT!
A: Rename: Security --> Physical Security

GillesThis proposal can't easily be called “security”, since the “IT Security” site is called security.stackexchange.com (security.SE for short). I have long supported merging all the security proposals; the Security.SE community may now be open to broadening its scope.

they're trying to state that we'd be broadening our scope
which would encompass physical security in ITSec
and that's not true
me not being a mod here, I have no say. But if the ITSec mods comment and affirm my statement to that discussion answer...
then it has some say
fyi i commented on the meta thread they linked to
kind of important we quell this person's line of thinking, no?
because in all truthfulness
we arent going to expand ITSec to be just "security"
expediency is necessary, i've downvoted their comment but that wont hold for long
I think they should com on IT Security Meta before any renaming of our site
They cannot just do it on area51 now
i think though they should stop being asshats and actually learn this stuff
i say one of the mods here asks them to bring that discussion over to here regarding our scope
i could ask Dori to do it, he/she is a mod on area51
s/renaming/rescoping/, right @Mvy?
well yes. it's a rescope.
note i pinged @Dori in one of my comments... that should get their attention that it needs mod review
We indeed can tolerate some physical security in security.se... but not too much.
I mean, protecting your server from theft is definitely on-topic.
Protecting oneself from fire is not.
which is why we need to comment directly on this
> I do agree though that lockpicking is not ontopic, therefore it might be a mite tricky to delineate between the types of "physical security".
From AviD♦
that's irrelevant atm...
they seemed to have made a merge request before...
Q: Merge with the security proposal?

GillesShould this site merge with the Security proposal, and other security-related Stack Exchange site proposals such as Cryptography and Social engineering? In spite of the previous merges, this site still has a narrow declared target audience (it's for “IT security professionals” only!) and a restr...

> Security, Proposed Q&A site for security professionals including physical, airplane, bank.
and they were "I am just saying it should be brought up again"
now before i go into a fit of rage on that person...
you shall let me eat food and drink a cup of coffee :P
considering that missing breakfast is bad...
Maybe we can link him the newest topic
you mean the recent meta discussion?
he already linked it
it's already in his post
but is too lazy to actually get off his *** and come over here and discuss it </rage>
While I don't think crypto should be merged in (I liked @Thomas's perspective on where we stand relative to crypto) I am all for bringing in Social Eng and some physical aspects where relevant.
that was my thought too
The merging of guitars and music has actually worked well - you just list all the tags you don't want to see (eg Oboe) and still get a very usable site, despite there being many many non-guitar questions on there now
they are proposing to merge all of physical security with security.se
we need to be highly careful with the definitions.
I don't think that makes sense
i already proposed a rename of security -> physical security
sorry - that was a response to your first line
due to this.
I agree with the being careful with definitions
I'll pop over and check it out
@Rory i think we need to go yell at people at the area51 discussion
and that proposal
because it'd be problematic since they already removed IT security from their proposal, and have very specific definitions
have you got a link to the merge discussion - not finding it
he links to the ancient merge discussion from 2010
and the recent meta thread about phys. sec.
ah - sorry, I thought tehre was a new merge proposition
if you read the area51 post though... he kinda already brings it up there
@TheEvilPhoenix that's the bit I don't see
rather than a new one over here... regardless, he should be shot for his proposition, because it has no real base
I can see the links to our old meta post and the new one, but not an Area51 one
I have long supported merging all the security proposals; the Security.SE community may now be open to broadening its scope.
the last sentence in his statement.
and forgive me, i'm in hyper rage... just got 6 new projects all due Friday...
which is my last day of work before I head back to University full time
no way in hell can i complete them... </hyperrage level 500>
You are working as teacher?
or still student?
@TheEvilPhoenix :-) in that case I have responded to everything - voted up your renaming proposal and commented on @Gilles
from numbers, that proposal is going to fail - so it may make perfect sense to bring the relevant disciplines over here
we should definitely discuss here or in meta
@TheEvilPhoenix Whoah, have I been missing out on some fun or something?
> How can you prevent hotel chain locks from being bypassed? blackbag.nl/?p=1315
Off-topic to me.
@Mvy student
Are we merging security proposals?
that's the issue
If we were to merge it, we'd have a serious business with voting on the definitions.
someone proposed that in a sense over on area51
(I always knew naming us security.SE was going to be a mistake.)
if we do anything...
> How much safer does simply locking the door make you?
we should rename our site domain itsec.SE
@TheEvilPhoenix That should have been done before we got too far into public beta.
Now, it's kinda too late-ish.
Right now, our definition in the FAQ is a little too vague "...discuss protecting assets from threats and vulnerabilities..."
i think we should narrow that definition then.
"Well, my china cabinet is an asset, and so's my home theater or the refrigerators in my appliance store."
@TheEvilPhoenix I disagree - but I would support renaming it Infosec.SE.
Is it safe to eat ?
@RoryAlsop infosec, or itsec?
infosec would probably be better
@RoryAlsop if the site is called IT Security, shouldnt it be itsec.SE?
@Iszi Yes, and the techniques to assess risk and protect them should be broadly similar, just not necessarily to the same degree
seems the word is more used than itsec
@RoryAlsop Why disagree? Our banner is "IT Security", so "ITSec.SE" or "IT-Sec.SE" or (better) "IT-Security.SE" makes sense.
@TheEvilPhoenix infosec
@Iszi +1
@Iszi That is the key - we don't want this to be about door staff etc and those sorts of physical security, but we come into a lot of contact with things that aren't pure IT Security, but that are Information Security
@RoryAlsop I'm not quite following. Care to give an existing example Q?
my answer here has a good chunk of it:
A: What about Physical Security?

Rory AlsopI tend to err more on the side of being inclusive for anything that comes under the wider 'Information Security' banner for three reasons: The other Area51 proposals covering physical security seem to have gone nowhere and it would be good to have a place for it which is at least in the right s...

and even my answer on the earlier question
A: Merge with the security proposal?

Rory AlsopA challenge, especially in the maturing world of Information Security, is that segregating IT security from the other disciplines makes it very difficult to manage a central risk register at board level. While I got late to this beta, and I agree that this forum seems to be reasonably targeted,...

@RoryAlsop I meant non-Meta (and non-self-promoting :-P)
Backup tape security?
I think we've spent enough time in Public Beta that, if there's going to be a good amount of valid "Info Sec but not IT Sec" questions we should have seen it by now.
@Mvy Still an IT asset.
HR paper files
@Iszi at first we explicitly avoided them, so I wouldn't have expected there to be much
@RoryAlsop +3 because i just remembered that information security also falls under itsec
And all of the business paper archives
@RoryAlsop Each of those is targeted at protecting IT assets.
but wouldnt, then, the privacy proposal fall under us?
@Mvy agreed
@Mvy I don't think we've seen that come up here yet.
since a majority of its proposal's example qs are infosec
@TheEvilPhoenix a lot of the privacy stuff could - but there is an active privacy community which is quite separate from infosec, and it veers a lot over towards the legal side
@Iszi maybe people did not ask since it's not clear you are allowed to do it
If that proposal fails, I would imagine we could take on a chunk of that
@Mvy Then, maybe we are an IT Security site, after all.
and we have had 16 privacy questions
@Iszi of course we are. Isn't it our scope?
now i've already proposed c losing the privacy proposal because too many of the example questions fall under us
@Iszi we definitely have a core of IT Sec, but if you look at our question profile it is information security
Question is: should we extend this scope or not.
and they havent defined the bounds of them so... :P
@Mvy i think we should extend our scope to be information security
rather than just ITSec
I just don't want us to start accepting Physical Security and other non-IT-related privacy/security questions, and then have other proposals for those broader realms closed because they appear to be dupes of us.
I liked @TheEvilPhoenix 's point - we should consider each discipline carefully and extend where relevant, not just a blanket acceptance
@RoryAlsop Agreed.
I also agree with you @Iszi
if we DO extend into non-ITsec but into infosec, then we should specifically define what we would then cover
@Mvy waah - that's a very specific narrow proposal
@TheEvilPhoenix yes - and realistically we want to discuss fully on meta/in the dmz
to get a consensus view
@Mvy Arguably, that falls under the "A" of CIA.
i think it should be brought up now: "Specific definitions of ITSec Scope" :P
@Iszi yep
but that's just my opinion
@TheEvilPhoenix Definitely link any relevant discussions from here to the Meta thread.
i'm not gonna do that because i'm on the phone :P
supervisor has questions about a project i was working on
@Iszi I guess the real scope of records management goes far further than this; but question will be raised if that should be included in our scope or not. The same way as all definitions of physical sec.
If you want to raise a q referencing meta.security.stackexchange.com/q/311/485 asking for lists of what people think should be in or out of scope, we can gain a consensus view from the answers
Q: Regarding Our Scope: What's Acceptable, What's Not

The Evil PhoenixThis has been asked, but this will be a list rather than a question (hence I recommend everyone CW's their responses). Regarding this: What about Physical Security? What specific topics and types of questions from Physical Security should we cover? This was all brought on from this: http://dis...

btw can someone make the meta tag ?
i dont have 300 rep so i cant :P
@TheEvilPhoenix - done, and slightly edited the question
that's fine i'm reviewing now :P
just to take into account some other possible near future merge proposals
> of questions fshould we cover
you have a typo
@RoryAlsop nice, preemptive thinking... i like it. :P
does a featured tag exist?
if it does ya might put that on that meta thread
oh yes - will do
Shouldn't the feature tag trigger a banner on the main?
it should, i think, but shurgs
Or was it only for beta?
Or maybe it's just a different thing.
it should still do that for metas
but it shows up as the "Meta posts" pane
not the actual banners
or it should have
@Mvy I wish it would trigger stickyness.
Removed the from that question, as I think it's redundant of in this case.
i put because didnt exist
but now that exists... :P
@jcolebrand hello :P
i'd ask for a mod to pin this to the chat, but i wont :P
Q: Regarding Our Scope: What's Acceptable, What's Not

The Evil PhoenixThis has been asked, but this will be a list rather than a question (hence I recommend everyone CW's their responses). Regarding this: What about Physical Security? What specific topics and types of questions should we cover? Not just from Physical Security, but in general, as this topic may co...

@RoryAlsop - Loved the U.K./Great Britain/England video. Thanks!
Oh... my! Just watched that...
He's talking very fast sometimes :P
@Mvy It takes a bit of focus to keep up, but it's cool info.
I've always found myself confused about the distinction between those entities.
@RoryAlsop Why was London referred to as the "de facto capital" in that video?
Pssst. I'm in Vegas.
Shhh! What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
@Iszi so have I, and I'm British!
@JeffFerland psst. I'm so jealous...bring us back a t-shirt? :-)
@Iszi because we also have Edinburgh and Cardiff as capitals of Scotland and Wales
@RoryAlsop ...and Northern Ireland has...?
well, Belfast, but not seen so much as a capital
as those in Ireland who wanted a local capital got Dublin:-)
Northern Ireland's the red-headed step-child of the U.K. isn't it?
@RoryAlsop Fly me out there and I'll bring a T-shirt
I've never been to the UK
@JeffFerland That's always the challenge:-) I'm planning now for next year's Defcon, as I'll be leading a PwC team by then it should be a bit easier. (self employed right now, so any time away from paid work is a difficult decision)
Alright, time to get my day started
Hope to see you next year. Will try "encouraging" you with awesome stories of this year.
Awwww - too kind (grrrr:-)
@JeffFerland I require no such encouragement. If you could motivate my employer though, that would be nice.
Hello everybody
@ThomasPornin Hiyo
@ThomasPornin ey up
(timezone independent, but Yorkshire based:-)
Hi @Thomas
For my two cents on the matter, I've never much liked IT Security as the site name anyway and would rather the 'T' be dropped if anything. However, the problem with rescoping now is the fact that we've graduated and are now a full public site.
The scoping and name changes should, probably, have happened during the beta period.
Hi @Scott
@ScottPack I completely agree. Although expanding to "Information Security" may just be a logical extension of "IT Security", going further than that is much too far to stretch post-graduation.
I started to read through the transcript, got to the part about the Physical Security bit, realized how much more scrolling was involved, and skipped to the end.
@Iszi Right, in my mind the distinction is more about semantics and how others view us. We are, after all, more concerned about the Information. The Technology, in my opinion, just happens to be where it's often stored.
I think if some of those otehr proposals had succeeded, then they obviously would have demonstrated the high enough level of interest, and that would have been fine. As they failed, they are obviously small sub-genres, and I think where relevant we may be able to incorporate them in here without damaging our existing site
@Iszi yes - definitely
I do agree with your assessment on lockpicking being a grey area. It is definitely a valid area of expertise for our field, but so is server management and programming.
@RoryAlsop It is the "vegetative reproduction" theory
The "mother" site spawns new sites out of parts which have grown enough to have a life of their own
The idea would be to have a mother site (security.SE) which encompasses security as a whole, and if some sub-themes emerge with significant traffic, new specific sites are created
@ThomasPornin You're saying we're SU, and PhysSec would be our Unix/Linux?
That's the idea -- I do not claim it is a good idea, though
The problem with that idea, as the situation stands now, is that while we were created as security.SE we are not simply "security".
Right, our site name doesn't match the domain name, which causes confusion and oddness.
Yes, the vegetative reproduction is adapted to a hierarchical setup
it comes from Usenet
...and will cause even more confusion if/when another security-related site spawns, or the true "mother" site comes into existence.
to which it was partially applied with less than stunning success
@ScottPack And sadly, I think we're too far along in the life of the site to do anything about that now, practically.
as the url is simply security.se, we could look at removing the 'IT' from the banner and name and being entirely branded 'security'
@RoryAlsop That's exactly the direction I thought we were trying to avoid?!
we steer content by our description in the FAW and by our acceptance or rejection of questions
@Iszi see my next sentence:-)
@RoryAlsop Site name/banner says one thing, but the site itself is another? That seems quite horrid.
hopefully through discussion we are likely to get some areas of security the majority agree can be included, some grey areas (maybe acceptable on a per question basis) and some definite no-nos
oop - time to get my train
If we change the banner name I think we need to keep it somewhat descriptive. I'm not sure changing it beyond "Information Security" would be such a good idea. The name should at least tell something about what's acceptable and what's not, and just leave the FAW to be the authoritative source.
Meaning a change in design too?
Seems all this is not going to happen.
Right, hence my original concern about timing.
All of this should have happened before we graduated.
@ScottPack All this should have happened early in the public beta, if not in the definition phase itself!
@Iszi Ideally, yeah. Shoulds, woulds..... If wishes were horses, we would all be eating steak.
@ScottPack ? Never had horse steak.
Then this probably isn't for you either.
Point of interest: The critter is dead.
@ScottPack Oh, that's what you guys were talking about the other day? Cool.
Was it? I don't recall. One of my coworkers shared that on G+
It's not that I haven't had horse steak because I don't care to, it's just that I haven't been introduced to it before.
I imagine horse is tough and not too tasty, though I can't say that I've ever eaten it
@ScottPack Has anyone found a good, scientific-yet-layman-friendly explanation for that?
No, he just loooooove the sausage :P
even beyond death
@ScottPack Har har.
By the way, since when did GIFs get such high resolution and framerate?
I can't think of any Pathfinder spells that I could use to flippantly answer that question. Sorry.
Ah, here we are I think: "The energy lies within ions contained in the sauce's high sodium content. These ions are used in cells to create voltage differences. Because the squid is served fresh, the cells inside are still active and when the sodium is applied, the signals across the nerve cell membranes are temporarily reactivated causing the squid to "dance.""
So, the point (I'm guessing) is that the squid is so freshly killed that the muscle cells in its body haven't completely died yet.
Well, the nervous system is still active and rigor hasn't set in yet (presuming that squids suffer from rigor).
I think this is freakier than the squid...
"dog fish, which had been killed, skinned and gutted"
Listening to Cofer Black's keynote at Black Hat 2011 - free, online, after they take some contact info....
1 hour later…
@Mvy Vegas must have very good egress controls ...
@thisjosh Do you have Twitter? Wanna put attribution on that quote.
Sorry, I don't. I have occupationaly acquired paranoia. Broadcasting information makes me nervous.
That's what she said points at @Iszi
@ScottPack facepalm
Try the veal.
Candidate for migration?
Q: OSSEC New Install: Scan and analyse full log?

gAMBOOKaWhen OSSEC is installed and started, it starts analyzing configured logs starting the date it was installed. Is there a way to have it scan and analyze the full logs?

To where?
Seems more like Server Fault/SuperUser
There are many Joshes but it's easy to identify this one.
I still haven't fully grokked some of those distinctions yet.
@thisjosh Boo!
Its better than the engineer the chemist and the mathematician/physicist, or maybe not
There seems to be some feeling that all software related questions go to SU, but I tend to think of it as a home or power user site, not necessarily for Application Adminstrators
@ScottPack "Application Administrator" sounds more like SF/SO
Maybe, I think it would depend on the application.
Managing FSMO roles? Sure. Managing RSA Auth Manager?
In this case, it sounds like SF.
I've only ever seen Security guys handle OSSEC, which is part of my waffling.
Isn't this a dupe &/ S&M?
Q: Most recommended books of security

woliveirajrDoes anybody have a book list focusing on security? Not a topic-specific (like web or servers), but in general: which books do you recomend? I think it would be good to have a list where anyone could check a recomended bibliography about security.

(I think I've decided I'm going to use &/ in place of and/or from now on.)
In other news, SF (particularly) is becoming my own private storage space for handy commands.
@ScottPack LOL
That reminds me, I still need to finish that PowerShell book I started.
Hm, I really need to do X but I can't remember the syntax. I could either A) Brute force it, B) Google it, or C) go to my SF profile, and look through my answers until I find it.
But of course, I'll probably finish this first instead...
Amazon oneboxing? Cool!
I'm finishing up 'Shadow Rising' then I figure I would go pick up the new Dresden book.
Way go to, guys
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that ISC isn't one-boxed
Can't believe we've made it out of beta and still don't have an easter egg... RPG had one pretty much since the launch of chat, it seems, and they're still in beta.
I wonder if, since the merge of the chat system, easter eggs carry across all the sites?
Rolled pretty well on that one too... :-(
in The Game Table, 31 secs ago, by Dice Service
Aww, the pretty image doesn't carry over?
The javascript that defines all of the easter eggs on all sites is available, but they're only called on the appropriately associated rooms.
@ScottPack Ah. You should see the discussion that got sparked by my one roll in that room.

Easter eggs and magic missiles

10 mins ago, 9 minutes total – 46 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 8 secs ago by Iszi

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