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Thanks to the power of ASP.NET, I was able to write and deploy a service in merely 6 hours which would have taken a full 35 minutes using Python.
Microsoft: Enterprise Ready.
Are you fucking kidding me?
CIS released a benchmark for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Wednesday of last week.
14.04 LTS will be out within a couple of weeks.
@ScottPack The answer is no. I am not fucking kidding you. Or indeed either one of those options on its own.
@tylerl I refuse to believe.
Oy. I have 99 answers on Sec.SE. I should find something else to put up. Get myself an even 100.
@tylerl Hey, that same service will probably take you 2 days and 30 XML files in Java.
@TerryChia And if you write it in C++, it'll take 25 minutes to compile and will have 83 remote code execution vulnerabilities that will slowly be discovered one by one over the next 18 years.
1 hour later…
I don't know why we tolerate this bullshit!
A: Does Heartbleed mean new certificates for every SSL server?

scuzzy-deltaIt means much more than just new certificates (or rather, new key pairs) for every affected server. It also means: Patching affected systems to OpenSSL 1.0.1g Revocation of the old keypairs that were just superseded Changing all passwords Invalidating all session keys and cookies Evaluating the...

A: What should a website operator do about the Heartbleed OpenSSL exploit?

scuzzy-deltaThere is more to consider than just new certificates (or rather, new key pairs) for every affected server. It also means: Patching affected systems to OpenSSL 1.0.1g Revocation of the old keypairs that were just supersceded Changing all passwords Invalidating all session keys and cookies Evalua...

Same exact answer (99%) posted two times.
three times
A: What should end-users do about Heartbleed?

scuzzy-deltaEnd users should just wait until their sysadmins contact them with further instructions. At some point, after your sysadmins have patched to OpenSSL 1.0.1g, expect to have to: Change all passwords Login again to all services (because all session keys and cookies need to be invalidated) Help sen...

(this one is about 85% similar)
@AviD Where are you when this crap happens? Or do we only crack down on April Fools self-flagged posts?
(Yes, I'm still pissed because of that message you left under my flag. I know the post was crap and a joke. That's why I fucking flagged it)
So the heartbeat bug got rewarded 15k. That's kinda sad.
@TerryChia By whom?
@TerryChia Why is it sad?
@Adnan Ehh, pretty small reward for a large bug don't you think?
@TerryChia But that's just one organization's reward. Surely, others might reward as well.
@Adnan Nah, I'm pretty sure not. The IBB team is sponsored by FB and MS.
AFAIK that's the only bug bounty out there for OpenSSL.
Plus, OpenSSL doesn't really have a bug bounty program. So, to be honest, that's not bad at all.
What I find interesting is that Neel had decided to donate the money.
Was his decision? What about the other alleged contributors?
@Adnan I have a feeling that was Google's decision though. What's 15k when donating it is good PR?
@Adnan Nah, the IBB has an ongoing bug bounty for OpenSSL and a few other projects. Decent way to cash in legally if you find bugs in them.
@TerryChia Probably paid the Finnish dudes 5k each to shut them up. #ConspiracyTheory
On a different topic, Microsoft has published the RTF patch. So, it's time to push the update to work stations and enable formatted emails again.
@Adnan You mean the people who came up w/ the heartbleed name? I don't think they actually contributed anything. It appears that they set up a website with some marketing immediately after it was disclosed and claimed themselves as discoverers.
@tylerl Seemed like that to me. They, however, only shared their first names.
All three seem to work for Codenomicon
@Adnan fishy
At least according to the Internet, Codenomicon has indeed helped with this.
Fishy as Finland in August.
Here's some dude talking about the fishyness of the subject techrights.org/2014/04/08/howard-schmidt-codenomicon
They got on top of it after the patches went out. But if they already knew about it, then why did they sit on it for so long?
@tylerl Because web design takes time.
@TerryChia the domain was registered last saturday, btw.
2 hours later…
@Adnan I would agree, but mainstream media never picked it up.
@Adnan haha, my message was ALSO a joke.... figured you could take it.
re those answers - do they, or do they not answer the question? And if they do - is it because the questions are dupes?
@AviD Didn't know it was a joke. All good then.
@AviD They do answer the questions, but are we really gonna sit here and just let one user repeat almost he same exact answer 3 times like that?
@Adnan Please. If it's something hurtful, surprising, insulting, or anything I said - assume it's a joke.
Unless it's about @Simon.
@Gilles Yep, now the company firewall won't let me access it
@Adnan my point is, if thats the case - look at the questions. it's likely they are dupes, in which case its moot.
@AviD I mean, you guys are the mods. In most cases, are votes/flags/opinions are helpful to you. However, in this case, this needs mod action.
@AviD Then close them as dupes!
if they are not dupes, but it does answer the q - I see no problem with it, per se, though they should refernce each other.
(or one of them)
@Adnan I just got here! havent looked at everything yet!
Alright alright. Take your time
@Adnan Old people move slowly. Give him a break will ya...
@ThomasPornin We just upgraded to Windows 7 and IE.. 8.
if you flag it / VtC, that helps....
But maaaan.. I'm really pissed. Those three answers are like a slap to the face. "Here you go, the same exact answer repeated three time with absolutely no effort. It's a copy from the first answer which, itself, is a copy from the heartbleed.com site. Yaaay"
I give @AJHenderson some hard time about his answer barrage, but that scuzzy lady.. she ones the #1 spot.
@Adnan Not @Lucas?
it could be a reaction to all the stupid bandwagon questions on heartbleed. I feel the same.
@AviD I think I asked already, can you nuke the tag?
We don't need tags for specific vulns.
@TerryChia Apparently, now we do.
People! It's just another vulnerability in a specific package. Serious vuln, sure, popular package, of course. But this happens, and will happen again. Deal with it.
Next time somebody asks an SSL question, I'll just re-post Thomas' canonical answer and link to it.
@Adnan @TerryChia yeah I was agreeing with you, till I saw how many q's there are there.
@Adnan that is legit, if it answers the question.
@AviD I'm pretty sure most of the questions can do with dupe cleanups as well.
Although I'm too busy to flag them myself.
@TerryChia I agree. but I cant be arsed to read - and understand - them all right now, need to get into all the details first.
hopefully can do so in the afternoon, but some leads there might help.
@ScottPack and other Marvel fans here, have you caught up with Agents of SHIELD yet? The past 3-4 episodes were awesome.
@TerryChia I'm a few episodes behind, but thanks for the spoilers.
BTW, if you want to avoid spoilers, don't watch the latest one without watching Capt America 2.
I got spoiled real bad. :(
yeah I heard something about that.
The heartbleed honeypots are funny
on the one hand, its kinda cool how they tie in the different venues in the same continuity. On the other hand, as someone who doesnt go to movies often, it kinda sucks.
@AviD This is the first real big tie in I think? The Thor TDW one wasn't that relevant at all.
well, other than the whole "coulson died" thing, which may have been mentioned once or twice.
@AviD Ehh, you can't blame them for that. Avengers was out long before the series even started.
Heck, the blu-ray torrent for Avengers was out long before the series started.
@RоryMcCune I need to set one of those up on my server.
no blame intended. it's what I'm talking about, cool that the series relies on the movies.
Yeah, Marvel has something really good going. Guardians of the Galaxy later this year should be awesome as well.
@Adnan yeah do one that has something like [main-transaction-site=shortened_url_here] and then redirect them to something like goatse :)
read an article recently about how, even after subtracting all the characters whose movies rights are owned by others (Spiderman, Xmen), Marvel still has many hundreds of popular characters.
most in the same continuity, which helps feed and snowball many more movies.
Which was one of the main factors in the Disney buy.
@RоryMcCune Oh come on man!
That's not cool
@Adnan what.? if people go round scanning systems with exploits what's the harm in redirecting them somewhere not nice!
(unless your exclamation was because you'd not seen goatse before and went searching for it when I mentioned it....)
in which case whoops, don't go looking for that
it's not nice
@RоryMcCune I haven't seen it before and I don't plan on seeing it.
@Adnan good plan that man
@Adnan oh you really should. You don't know what you're missing.
@RоryMcCune @AviD I've read other people's description about it. That was enough.
Same goes to most other Internet shock things
@Adnan if you're ever looking for a laugh look on Youtube for 2 girls 1 cup reaction vidoes
they don't show any of the content, but the reactions are v.funny
@RоryMcCune You.... have a weird sense of humor.
@TerryChia He is Scottish.
Finally I managed my boss to buy the cobit for isec
Definitely is a good manual
Heap allocation patterns make private key exposure unlikely for #heartbleed #dontpanic.
I got that same idea from what I know of OpenSSL
@tylerl I got that same idea from what I know of technology. #dontpanic indeed.
Also, this just underscores my original point that we need a language that (a) is safe, and (b) can be used to write code that you can embed into any other program without a messy FFI.
@ThomasPornin ^^
Did I tell you that I actually started building such a language once upon a time?
Crap. Besides the score of questions already tagged , seems we have another pile of q's about it, without the tag.
@AviD You know what we need? We need @kalina.
@tylerl Building isnt the problem. Design + deployment is the issue.
You know what a good interim step will be? Getting people to stop using the huge mess that is OpenSSL.
@AviD The actual design is a big part. How do you do system-wide garbage collection in code that get embedded in to a c++ program?
Even that's a monumental task.
@TerryChia GnuTLS isn't much better.
So.... NSS?
@tylerl PolarSSL is great as far as neat code goes.
@tylerl I'm not sure that a single twitter message is proof of that though. Even it seems to be correct.
@Jacob That guy found the damn bug.
@TerryChia what makes it better?
@Jacob The single twitter message is from the guy who discovered it, though.
@tylerl No huge #define mess, sensible error codes, much easier to read.
@tylerl Yeah, that does add a significant amount of credibility to it, but unlikely != impossible.
@TerryChia Yes, I can see they don't use openssl's silly STACK_OF(x) idea ... or whatever he called it.
Plus it's GPL2+, so that's reasonable. Not quite as reasonable as BSD, but you can't have everything.
argh, I hate Vodafone
@deed02392 And I hate visigoths.
@tylerl It's dual licensed as well if you want to use it in non-free software and aren't a cheapass.
they're too incompetent to serve up drivers for their own hardware on their business support page
@TerryChia A mere €2750.
and when I call to ask about it, they say 1: try installing in another computer, 2: oh well your IT support needs to sort out drivers
...per product
and now I try to have a banana to calm myself, it tastes completely bland
@deed02392 TWSS
@tylerl exactly. and even generally language design is not simple.
look at PHP.
@AviD I don't think an iota of design went into PHP really.
well, I would say half the language thats true. The other half, many iotas went in, but all unrelated.
but anyway, thats my point. It's not easy.
1 hour later…
Sorry that was a non-sense rant. I'm still confused and angry with Vodafone.
@Lekensteyn How is it going?
@Adnan He seemed to think he's done it
just sending a heartbeat request directly after server_hello
@deed02392 He's done some nice work. Clients do seem vulnerable.
Yeah it was said everywhere that clients would be vulnerable
I suppose the difficulty is though the negotiation is slightly different when exploiting the client
You have to wait for it to connect and then trigger the exploit at some point that heartbeat requests are valid
how does one get twitter to shorten links?
@AviD Happens automatically
@deed02392 not for me :-(
you can't just ask for t.co links though
@AviD Post a long link. Tweet your twat thing, it gets shortened
when you make a tweet or send a DM it should do it
ok thanks
DM me the link @AviD if you like
@deed02392 Well, what you've read is very likely what we also have read. It's just that we haven't seen examples of client exploits.
That's why @Lekensteyn's work is very nice.
oh dang, yeah it did. it just displays the full link.
@Adnan Yeah that's fair enough
@AviD yeah that's right, but hover over and it's t.co
hmm, that agenda seems even more apropos now... we have a big talk on the security of SSL, at the next owaspil meeting. coincidentally this was set last week.
Hope he can pivot to include heartbleed, could make it fun.
@Adnan I think that's because it isn't generally as interesting especially since most browsers aren't linked against OpenSSL.
@TerryChia Completely understandable. All I'm saying it's nice that someone is actually testing the possibility.
Damn Popular Bugs
25 questions tagged with ... really?
OK back to my coffee, maybe I'm just grumpy
@TildalWave You are, but you're also right.
Fucking heartbleed!
@Adnan Well I got 55 new rep overnight because I was too lazy to actually explain my VTC reason, so I answered that OAuth and OpenID don't send around your password. So there is one good thing about it (I got 55 rep), but there's so much bad (others got more rep) that it's offensive :)
joking of course, what do I care about rep
it's offensive, regardless of rep
4 hours ago, by AviD
People! It's just another vulnerability in a specific package. Serious vuln, sure, popular package, of course. But this happens, and will happen again. Deal with it.
It's just funny (or offensive) that the more some bug is actually documented, the more questions it generates ... don't people read? Most of the questions about Heartbleed are actually explained on pages that people asking questions link to.
hell, I've barely read the actual documentation, and I've got a pretty good idea of what it is, just from reading the flags on those questions.
You know what's funny? Just look at the damn patch. It isn't that complicated to understand.
OK I obviously need my coffee IV, maybe I really am grumpy and none of it even matters
even funnier? It actually has almost nothing to do with TLS, or cryptography in general. It's a standard non-validated-length memcpy bug, it just happens to be in the TLS implemenation code.
Someone explain to me why anyone would think this is a good idea? pastebin.com/90uKu0Wz
@AviD No, no it's not that. You understand what's behind it, so that's different. But folks actually are asking about nearly identical questions that are in the heartbleed.com FAQ (and they link to there)
nah, too early to read C code.
@AviD Eh, not much to do with C really. This library is generating salts by hashing the current system time.
@TildalWave because, they're scared. which is because, they don't understand it. which is because, they think it's crypto-innards of TLS.
Which it ain't.
@AviD Scared? You mean panicky? Scared is OK, I love scaring people. It tends to wake them up. Panicky ain't good. They cringe and lock up.
ah yeah, panic is more accurate. a subset of scared, but with different reaction.
Does anyone have code snippets for a CSPRNG in C that works across Windows and Unixes?
@TerryChia I'm not that good with C (actually, I'm not good at all), but I have used wincrypt.h and a /dev/random read successfully many times.
@Adnan Was hoping someone has something copy-pastable before I write the code myself. :P
/lazy mode
@TerryChia Here's a thing for Windows github.com/cjdelisle/cnacl/blob/master/randombytes/…
Ah nice, they have a urandom one as well.
I'll just stick those between some #ifdefs. Thanks!
@TerryChia You're welcome.
why, again, are we allowing anonymous users to suggest edits? security.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/24262
@TildalWave to keep things interesting.
@AviD No, seriously, is there a reason for it? Or just to keep us on our feet and some Shog's fetish or something?
Anyone used the SE mobile app?
Q: Do we have stats showing that anonymous edits are helpful?

Matthew ReadRejecting edits from anonymous users adding "plz to help of working things" is getting a bit tiresome. I haven't had to do it a lot, but I don't believe I've ever seen an anonymous edit that was worth anyone's time, which makes me wonder if this feature has any benefit. What proportion of anony...

The iOS one is pretty neat for browsing the site.
@RoryAlsop as a fan of musical pyrotechnics you might like this one.. flame-o-phone..
@Adnan that's pretty crap accepted answer there, it basically says that anonymous edits are awful but that he sees no reason to make any changes... nice conclusion, why even bother providing stats then?
@TildalWave You need to relax and drink more coffee.
@TerryChia I'm trying :) I could use a massage tho, if you're offering :P
@TerryChia ya know coffee isn't known to relax you... herbal tea that's what you want...
@RоryMcCune Or a beer or 3. ;)
too early for that
@TerryChia beer yep or gin, that's very relaxing
@TildalWave Too early for beer? Never!
@TerryChia you've been hanging out with those syscan types haven't you....
@RоryMcCune Heh, did I mention that the last three talks of day 1 took place in a bar?
@TerryChia yeah from what I saw on twitter of that con, it's pretty boozy, even for a hacker event..
@RоryMcCune OK this is only annoying me more :)) ... Chrome shows the sound icon but I don't hear a thing. It works in IE tho (no, it's not my sound levels, they're fine ... never really figured it out what's going on, most work, some don't)
@TildalWave ooh application selective muting, I'd actually like that as a feature but must be v.annoying when uncontrolled...
@RоryMcCune Indeed.... I even tried unmuting gtalk notifications to see if that helps, because with Google you never know where they're reusing some registry settings or whatever. I've seen more awful solutions, so I wouldn't be surprised if that helped. It didn't tho, so I'm still digging.
@Adnan mistype? I don't think I have any answers on the heartbeat stuff, or did I miss some sarcasm in that?
@Adnan you might like "Scuzzy lady" more now:
You may also be interested in @Adnan's answer to this similar question, which also involves tricking a Certificate Authority :) — scuzzy-delta 7 mins ago
@AJHenderson No no, not at all. It's a totally different thing. Never mind. I was joking anyway.
I figured, I just wasn't following. I haven't seen scuzzy lady's posts yet
(I tend to post early and often, but don't often check back unless someone comments on an answer)
@RоryMcCune umm, that already exists in windows?
@TildalWave Nope, still don't like her.
@AviD ? whereabouts would I find this setting, oh great windows guru?
@RоryMcCune click the volume icon in the systray... right below the volume slider, there says "Mixer"
@AviD cool! I did not know that was there!
@RоryMcCune I'll let my 8 year old son know you appreciate his efforts ;-)
ooh muting flash, that would be tempting if I wasn't ad blocking..
@AviD hey ya learn something new everyday, and I did think that was a bit good for you to have come up with it..
tbf, he taught me that too, I didnt know about it either till relatively recently.
@RоryMcCune hahaha, you're insulting me at the same time as flattering my son? I take that as a win.
@Adnan Why? And how do you know it's her, not him?
Calibration request: When Windows XP was released, Linux kernel 2.0.39 and Mac OS X 10.1 were current. Anyone still have support for those?
@AviD OK you Windows guru, and if all the volume sliders are fine (high enough, not muted), and you hear some videos and you don't the others? Then what?
@TildalWave find better porn sites?
@TildalWave could that video not have sound? could it have its own volume setting?
@AJHenderson ha!
could it be flash that is crashing?
@AJHenderson :P cute
kill the process and try loading it again.
in seriousness though, I'd check the source files first to make sure they actually have audio and aren't corrupt somehow
@AviD Nope, there's no console errors, nothing. So my focus is now on debugging codecs
I've had flash crash my sound service. I had to kill that process, kill flash, restart the service. then try again.
and then also check if they are using different audio codecs than videos that work
you need both an audio and video codec for a video file to play back
@TildalWave you think flash always gives you console errors? How adorable.
@AviD that'd mean I wouldn't hear a thing in other videos as well, yet I do
@TildalWave true, okay so not that.
gimme a link, I'll try it.
it's just some specific format, I've isolated it to MP3 VBR decompressor now ... could be timer
@AviD that last youtube link @RоryM posted
and other youtube vids work fine?
or actually the most of google's pronunciation recordings
@TildalWave Oh it's a her.
hmm. the 2nd one is quite a bit quieter than the 1st.
@AviD trust me, that "bummer" one is really loud so it can't be sound volume
there's not even a hiss for the "pineapple" one
Rory - will look at that later. Currently sat in with promoters and agents discussing touring prerequisites. Oh, and first drink of the day was 1015 :-)
Can I get a sanity check? I'm really sleepy right now. pastebin.com/fkXXGfq8
but only in Chrome
everywhere else is just fine
I think it's the mixer, because the one that doesn't work is mono, and the one that does is stereo
@TerryChia What's the problem?
@TildalWave ah! so maybe you have the speaker balance messed up?
@Adnan No problem, just wanting to make sure I don't write horrible code. :P
as in, you only hear the speaker which does not have any sound in that track.
@RoryAlsop nice!
@AviD only that it isn't ... it's all centered and I hear stereo in stereo, and I also hear mono on both sides in other apps, just in Chrome I don't hear a thing
so now the question is, how to access Chrome's audio graph?
@TerryChia This doesn't strike me as horrible code (possibly because I don't know much C). However, whenever I see a call like this memcpy(rand, buf, len), I hold my balls a bit.
might it have to do anything with the difference between the HTML5 / Flash players?
OK that's great, I can make it play via ykifle.github.io/audiograph
@Adnan The buffer is guaranteed to be len sized though because I allocated it that way isn't it?
@TerryChia To me it makes perfect sense.
I just connect the source to destination and hit play, and it works in Chrome ... how can I do this for Chrome's settings now?
@Terry Any reason you don't have an upper limit on the size of the generated salt?
I'd put something like 128 bits.
@TildalWave are you playing it in html5 or flash?
Doesn't need to be longer than that.
@Adnan No particular reason, I'm trying to replace some code in another library and I want it to be much of a drop in replacement as possible.
The library only calls it with 16 bytes though, so should be safe there.
@TerryChia If you add <memory.h> under the WIN32, you can use memcpy_s(). I like this one.
You specify the maximum size of the destination
I don't know how to code C, so that makes me sleep a bit better at night.
May I ask you how many sockpuppets you have, if even your non-compliance excuse comments are getting upvotes? This is ridiculous really! -1, edit when you can. — TildalWave 16 secs ago
can someone check this one for sockpuppeting please?
@TildalWave No no no no
Please remove that comment.
You're in NO position to directly accuse users of that.
Ask @AviD or @RoryA to look into it
Talk to the mods about it as much as you want, but do NOT accuse users directly like that.
You're an SE mod. This makes us look bad.
@Adnan Heh it does? C'mon, that's a link to "there's answers that might have you covered" and it has 5 upvotes, and upvotes on comments even. Please!
@TerryChia Mmh, there are some potential issues with your code
I can't readily check it until this evening, but moved it to comment
@ThomasPornin I updated it somewhat, pastebin.com/Qd1Pmxxf
@TerryChia First, you are using a variable-length array (stack allocated with a size obtained as parameter): this is "standard" but still does not work with every compiler, and it does not have nice failure conditions: if the length is too large, you overflow the stack, possibly past the guard page, so this could evade detection.
Also, you use #include <fcntl.h> which may fail on non-Unix systems. To read /dev/urandom, you should use the ISO C function (fopen(), not open()).
You don't check for a short read either. This is bad.
You don't check errno for EINTR, in which case you should read again, not fail.
In the Windows code, you don't close the context, so you are leaking memory.
In the Unix code you don't close the file descriptor, so you are leaking descriptors.
@ThomasPornin Anything else? Thanks btw. :)
@TerryChia Not for the moment. I won't comment on your placement of braces, which is ugly and contrary to the Tradition, but that's about aesthetics.
if {
@scuzzy-delta suggested to post a Q+A about the Heartbleed client PoC, is it appropriate in its current form? security.stackexchange.com/q/55249/2630
@ThomasPornin That looks like C# braces
@TerryChia That's what K&R use and recommend.
@ThomasPornin Cheers, I am trying to force myself to write more C to understand it better. :) Any little bit of criticism helps.
Hey @Adnan, the proof is there, clients are indeed vulnerable
@Lekensteyn Yup, I looked at GitHub this morning. Very nice work.
@TerryChia Show us how it looks after applying Thomas' advice.
@ThomasPornin I have always preferred the same-line-braces as well. Having braces on separate lines by themselves just seems like a waste of a line.
@RoryAlsop Cheers Rory ;)
I am beginning to be fed up with all these "does Heartbleed apply to FOO ?" questions.
The Bear has spoken. Time to nuke the questions.
I'm just waiting to hear about it on the local news
That sort of thing is usually a good laugh
@TerryChia @Adnan wut?
@LucasKauffman wut?
@TerryChia something about heartbleed
@LucasKauffman Yeah, you are gonna have to be more specific...
@ThomasPornin I guess we don't mind publicity, as long as it's shitty quality publicity.
Shitty heartbleed questions brings us more views = Good
Other good things that brings us more views = Bad
Uggghhh... I'm pissed.
Almost all of the regulars are complaining about this, yet the moderation team has been reluctant to even look at this.
We're still encouraging more people to ask by leaving all of the dupes open, leaving shitty answers laying around, etc.
I don't mind a revolution lead by @Thomas at this point.
What would be the best canonical answer for questions asking whether an unrelated part of OpenSSL is affected? For questions such as:
Q: PHP Apps and the HeartBleed bug

Elijah PaulI built an app that generates Certificate Signing Requests using the PHP OpenSSL Module. Is there any way that the HeartBleed bug can affect these (in use) private keys and CSRs that were generated while OpenSSL 1.0.1e was installed on the generating webserver?

The Canada Revenue Agency has just stopped its online services because of the Heartbleed bug.
@ThomasPornin Obliviously because it's safer than patching the issue.
@Adnan No, it's probably because it's a government website and there's 20 miles of red tape to go through before the patch can be pushed - so they'd rather have it down than up while it's un-patched.
Though, strictly speaking, a site that's not up can't be exploited at all so it really is safer to shut it down than to just patch a single bug.
Some times, the news in Finland is just ridiculous yle.fi/uutiset/emergency_calls_possible_without_a_sim_card/…
@Adnan so they're saying that they made successful mobile phone calls from areas with no mobile phone coverage ?!? (or am i reading it wrong)
That sounds like what they're saying @RоryMcCune
Makes me wonder if what was lost in translation was something like, YOUR network provider was out of range but another provider was
You know, when sometimes your signal quality is really low and it says emergency calls only, I think that's because you're actually able to contact say Orange when you're really only a Vodafone customer. So Orange's masts will allow you to connect to make an emergency call
@Adnan pissed or pissed off?
one is drunk the other is bloody annoyed ;)
tho you can be both
@Adnan If all the regulars were indeed having an issue with it, then (we) should be closing the dupes. We're not helpless here.
@Xander Man, I've been in the review queue since I woke up and it's still not empty ... help wanted!
@TildalWave It is empty for me.
I have 15 reviews from the close queue so far today.
I also hate that we can't vote on questions within the close review queue any more so it's slower because there's so many that really, really need to be clearly shown to that we're not interested in how hard they find reading
02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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