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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@PatoSáinz Nah, he's a talented dude.
@Simon yea talented at copycatism
@PatoSáinz Dunno, haven't looked much into his tracks. Animals is a very original beat though.
Now it doesn't sound too original because it was overplayed but that's not his fault.
@Simon holy lol
@PatoSáinz Ok I'm gonna have to read this later but I'm definitely keeping the link
@Simon also, originally Garrix was a ghost producer for spinnin
just fyi
@iszi I don't have to. I'm private sector baby.
Even at the university we weren't beholden to FISMA. We did use 800-53 as the basis for out security program, though.
There a great standards source.
@ScottPack cheeky google, wanted to search for 800-53 and it tells me it's 747 :))) encrypted.google.com/search?q=800-53
@ScottPack Oh, right. Forgot you changed jobs.
I was curious if you were aware of an 800-53 Rev4 desktop app, like they had for Rev3? Haven't seen anything myself.
Q: Kali Linux Can't Find Any Computer On Network

Osman ErcelikI'm trying nmap and arp. When i'm execute "arp -a" only shows "myhome.mynet". And when i'm trying to nmap [my_ip] it shows Starting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-04-03 00:23 EEST Nmap scan report for xox.mynet ( Host is up (0.0000040s latency). All 1000 scanned ports on xox...

I don't know where to start
anyone want to correct him
Too late - closed it.
@iszi Probably not yet. It's still pretty recent.
The changes were minimal, though.
@ScottPack Arguably. A fair number of things were moved from enhancements into the core controls - in some cases meaning they have wider applicability across systems of different Security Categorizations. Also, the Supplemental Guidance is much more meaty than Rev3. Then of course there's the added enhancement/control elements.
I'm taking the day off for crappy customers. Anyone who calls me who I don't feel like talking to today, I let ring to voicemail. "Sorry I missed your call...."
@tylerl oh, I try to do that most days.
and when it gets bad enough, I fire their asses.
though there are some "clients", especially of the corporate flavor, that are "good" clients, but one of the people in the clients are crap. Or the other way around.
that makes it tricky.
@iszi I think they only added a few, many more were rolled into other controls.
oof. Last episode of HIMYM. Last episode of Psych. It's like the end of an era.
Yep. The second half of the 2000s is finally coming to an end, even for television.
Hey! These shows have been an important, if minuscule, part of my life these past few years!
I've noticed that I quit watching most of them around 2010.
By pure coincidence.
you suck.
Your face sucks
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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