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03:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Iszi +1s for everybody!!
Has anyone else noticed that Edward Snowden has been unusually quiet today?
But, seriously guys, where the hell is all the snark that you usually pour onto some OPs?
Lucas is the only one who actually participated
@TildalWave Aww, undelete that! It was good. Just a bit too long. I think one PgDn is long enough.
@Iszi I edited it to make it one page long.
@Adnan Yeah, and @TildalWave nuked it at the same time.
@Iszi man, it's gonna be april 2nd here in 2 hours and I didn't plan on keeping it there anyway ... as long as I made a few of you scroll to the bottom, that's good enough for me :)
@TildalWave I pressed End, does it count?
@TildalWave Dude, I'll flag the question for deletion in a few hours. Plus, a mod will probably delete it in the morning anyway.
I don't feel good about the rep from it at all.
I took this site seriously until... — Mondrianaire 20 mins ago
@Adnan whenever you think you've guessed whether I've done something on SE, invert your guess. So far I think this'll give you a 100% success rate.
@Adnan C'mon, there's nothing to feel bad about on that question. Just so long as it gets closed.
@Adnan They've been around for 11 months. I should hope they know better.
@Gilles Ahh.. it was a joke. Take it easy, will ya?
Besides 0 Q&A, and no earned rep. I don't take such opinions too seriously.
OK undeleted... isn't it a bit too short now? I mean, that's the whole hax0r bible there, now gzipped edition
@Iszi I don't know, man. It's a joke question, and I gained 35 rep from it. It's a bit unfair. That's 3 votes on a helpful answer.
@TildalWave have you seen this? spaceflightnow.com/news/n1404/01shuttle
@TildalWave Could be about 50% longer, but that's as far as I'd take it.
@Adnan That's currently 0.1% of your rep, and that proportion will quickly shrink. I wouldn't worry about it.
You're already past 20k anyway. So what does any more rep really matter?
@Iszi aye, a proper cockup that is :)
yip yip
@Iszi that many more downvotes and deleted stuff to make you fall down again? :P
pour your wrath on people who don't use their votes.
@Gilles Oh wow. That answer is.
Okay, I get this is a joke but I'm still giving it -1 because it makes my eyes bleed to try reading this. — Iszi 5 mins ago
2014 LegitBS registration is open
@MMavipc post an announcement on meta? like the other questions
it's been a while
I know
the ctf room was frozen
this is my first time on SE chat in several months, lol
Q: LegitBS(DEFCON) 2014 CTF

MMavipcLegitBS 2014 will begin on May 17th at 00:00 UTC. It seems like team Sec.SE has dissolved. I'm running my own team for me and my friends, but I'm willing to let anyone in. My team will be in #bcsunite on freenode, join and ping me if you'd like to join. Someone might also want to revive the Sec....

The ctf room is deliberately frozen when it is not needed
@RoryAlsop no, we make it public, but we don't freeze it
it became frozen because nobody's been there for a while
@Gilles okay - it freezes itself, as it is pretty inactive :-)
It only gets busy around actual ctfs, as you'd expect @MMavipc
ugh. gnome-terminal has crashed 3 times on me today.
@tylerl typical gnome
@Iszi bluebies
@PatoSáinz I know. I hate GNOMEs.
@tylerl Almost as much as smurfs. Enlightenment for All - www.ingress.com
Hm. I doubt this is an april fools joke:
I am so over SQLi. If you can't write parameterized queries, then you shouldn't be allowed to write programs.
I think we should have professional negligence for software "engineers" and QA "engineers"
writing SQLi bugs is pretty much the equivalent of not calculating the maximum pressure on a valve and designing to minimum load instead of maximum
or ignoring rusty support beams on a bridge or whatever
and some of the fixes people do are roughly equivalent to randomly tightening tension cables...
03:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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