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@Gilles haha
@Gilles Poppycock. Science prevents the functionality of undersea cables. Can't work.
Or so vociferously claimed my college networking professor.
@ScottPack oh, it does? Next thing you'll tell me you don't believe in the earth-moon cables either
Of course, this is the same man who violently proclaimed that the words "hub" and "switch" are completely synonymous.
TWSS on the workplace:
@CMW needs some backing? thats what she said.. — Marriott81 9 hours ago
I'm filling out the form to sign up for my new insurance.
This is pretty fucking ridiculous.
It would be easier for me to just track down every doctor I've ever seen, hand copy my entire medical history, and walk it to the corporate offices.
3 hours later…
Why was @Adnan and @AviD making out with each other?
what is DMZ?
the chat or the actual thing?
actual thing?
what does it mean?
dmz stands for demilitarized zone,
in networking, it is an area outside your firewall that is able to talk to inside the firewall
in military, it's the area between two armies
@AJHenderson I think you have that backwards..?
(depends how you setup the DMZ)
the key of it is that things on the outside can talk to things in the DMZ and thing in the DMZ can talk to the internal network
The most common definition I have seen is the part of your network that you allow to communicate with the general Internet.
the general internet is able to talk with DMZ'd things too though
DMZ <-> Internal network isn't necessary.
and sometimes there is a firewall governing the entrance and exit to the DMZ
@TerryChia ah
ok, that could be
I''ll put my web server in the DMZ. I sure as hell don't want it having access to my internal network.
I've normally seen it used where it does talk across the firewall to internal network
it's normally somewhat restricted access, but more than the global internet
Also, it's mostly semantics. So who cares really. :P
for example, web servers go in the DMZ but DB servers often sit on the inside of the network from the DMZ
but only things in the DMZ can talk to the DB servers
not the outside world
@TerryChia further confused by multiple different styles of implementation
but the basis in concept is the same as the DMZ in warfare, it's a no-mans land where either internal or external can do stuff
but once can't cross over the other's lines without passing through it
@AJHenderson Yup.
Who was asking about blog engines the other day?
Probably one of the @rory's
Note to @RоryMcCune: In addition to Jekyll written in Ruby, there's also Pelican written in Python. Same idea: you write your content in markdown et.al., and it generates static sites.
Pelican uses Jinja for templates. Which is WAAAY cooler than Jekyll's silly concoction.
1 hour later…
Anyone alive in here?
I've already been infected, sorry.
Trying to figure out why a DLL file would show up in DIR but not in Windows Explorer.
It's also referenced in a CLSID key in the registry if that helps.
good luck with that. I take great pride in not knowing any of the advanced internal Windows stuff.
I get the feeling there's something stupid I've missed (though I've already checked show hidden/system files etc) but it's too late in the morning for me to trust any of my thought processes.
what time is it there?
I have your response
@Iszi it is probably the windows Virtual Cloud
@kiBytes This is a pretty old system. Doubtful.
@Iszi then I guess no
Interestingly, even fewer files are viewable in the same folder if I browse it via the C$ share instead of looking at it locally.
xp? 98? 95? 3.1?
you forgot the best one
@Iszi no clue, if you were a normal user I would ask you the following questions: are you sure you are looking to the same path? and are you really sure you are trying against the same machine?
And the last, is there another PC with the very same host name?
@kiBytes Thanks, but I'm not that sleep-deprived.
@kiBytes are you sure that the machine is turned on?
@Iszi I am sure, I just typed them in case that rings a bell =)
@strugee Have you tried to turn it off an on again?
@kiBytes I see less in CMD than I do in Explorer on the host locally, and even less when I browse the file system remotely. The former two are done via RDP so I'm fairly sure it's on.
@kiBytes Production server. I look, but no touch.
@kiBytes consider giving someone else money to do it for you.
I love that show
@kiBytes complete with the shirt
@strugee "Have you tried to force and unexpected reboot?"
@kiBytes "you don't want to end up in invalid memory! ...hello?"
if only that actually worked
Q: Help with PHP Remote File Inclusion in Damn Vulnerable Web Application

Or HalimiI'm learning pen-testing and for hands-on training they gave us the Web Security Dojo VM to try evil stuff on. I am trying to crack this code for a long time but couldn't figure it out. <?php $file = $_GET['page']; //The page we wish to display // Only allow include.php if ( $file ...

this is off-topic, right?
I mean, it smells of a homework question ("please sir, break this for me...")
Which close reason applies?
I like the "Damn" thing =)
@kiBytes thats the name of it....
@TildalWave its not "homework", per se, it's self-training. But the point is the app is basically a tutorial, so come on.
@AviD Well, my point was that there's very little to be learned by asking the guys on the internet to solve your task for you. Maybe not "homework" but still kinda pointless. Besides, I can think of about two dozen ways of exploiting that code...
@TildalWave yeah, I agree with that. but more over, DVWA teaches you all by itself!
@AviD So the answer is, "step back a few lessons"?
its like those annoying kids in class - keep asking other kids "what did the teacher just say? what did the teach just say???"
anyway,... good morning
and sorry for the caps
Morning all you lovely DMZ denizens.
@RoryAlsop ... and @Adnan.
seriously, how many questions does The Workplace have on working in porn??
@TildalWave I am not agree at all. You will learn or not depending on the answer not on the question. (In this one at least)
Today it is a great day
Getty has made all its photos freely available for anyone to use it (ok, you need to embed some code, but free after all)
I hope Internet turns into a better place =)
I'll just leave this here: Male version of Valentines Day.
> Sorry, this content is not available.
oh I bet it was awesome.
@AviD hmm odd attempted spotify song link, wonder if it's on Youtube..
@AviD don't worry wasn't that awesome
@RоryMcCune It would have changed my life.
Now I am stuck in the same dreary cycle that is my life.
@AviD do you have spotify? if so this might work spotify:track:3T1RKeHZXmpHCjKb99nJK2
nope. Should I?
I suppose I should, eventually.
Or not.
> Spotify is currently not available in your country.
Neither is pandora, dammit.
oh that's just lame goddamn country specific links
daawwww you wrote me a song??
@AviD nah I just found the MP3 on my server and uploaded it :op
@AviD Ivor biggun aka Doc Cox... his most famous track was "the Winkers song [Misprint]"
Q: Why can we still crack snapchat photos in 12 lines of Ruby?

Dmitri DBtldr/for all those who dont really care to know how computers work but still want to know what is up: I think probably most of my friends aren't really computer or computer security minded, so I'm going to provide a bit of an explanation to anyone who might come across this who has no idea what I...

Man, this has really blown up huh.
like your mother's waistline
@TerryChia Yes, too much hype for that question...
I have no stars in this room
this room is kalina-starless
this thing is really driving me crazy
(development question ahead)
Why is iconv function returning me an empty string when converting fomr a supported code to another supported code?
(and throwing no errors?
@kalina id recommend making kissy with @adnan after all worked for @avid
@RоryMcCune I'd rather catch something fatal
@kalina well it's not a technique I would've recommended lightly but you seemed upset about the lack of stars...
"upset" is not the correct word
@kalina You owe me.
let's call it partially even for the shitstorm that was totally your fault during winterbash
by partially, I mean you are 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000017% towards being liked again
@kalina Oh thank god. /s
I know, bit of an uphill climb
it will be worth it in the end, though
Oh, finally (PBKAC after all)
@kiBytes That's the problem in 90% of the cases isn't it?
@RоryMcCune Ugh! I'd rather get hit by two buses and then taken to a hospital, only to be poisoned by an Estonian nurse.
@RоryMcCune Also, after making contact with @kalina, I'm sure I'll be catching something fatal anyway.
I already said that but the other way around
be original
@kalina I don't know, the estonian nurse bit was new
I'm bored
I just thought you should know
righto I shall continue my day duly appraised of that fact
well, I'm glad I could keep you informed
@RоryMcCune @AviD I'm curious. When starting an entirely black box test against a web app, what are the first few things you do?
@TerryChia hmm, on web apps I start by fingerprinting what tech is in use, look for packaged products, look for "interesting" functionality, basically get an idea of what might be liable to have issues
in terms of tools, I'll generally run nikto on apps to find dumb stuff but after that it's mostly just burp
in other news apparently the real name of satoshi nakamoto is..... satoshi nakamoto .. mag.newsweek.com/2014/03/14/bitcoin-satoshi-nakamoto.html
@kalina Oh no, sweetie. You've said you'd rather catch something fatal. In my case, however, I'm 100% sure I will catch something fatal in the unfortunate case we make physical contact.
@TerryChia log in, get a link that requires you to be logged in, log out, try to access that link, sql injection into search fields, etc
@Adnan I am the cleanest person in here
@kalina kalina.thingsThatMakeMeSleepBetterAtNight.push("I am the cleanest person in here");
there are many things that make me sleep at night
Jesus! How many revisions did that need?!
showering just before bed is one that contributes heavily
@kalina So you shower once before bed, and once again after you wake up?
and around 2pm on hot days when I'm not at work
What about when you come back from work?
why would I need to shower after getting home from work
I mean, surely, sitting all day on a chair can create unpleasant scents in the Southern states
I work at a desk, I spend 8 hours sat cross legged on a chair mashing at a keyboard like a monkey
You've said it, 8 hours
How can you just go back home and sit with that?!
I want to punch you in the face right now
Even I take a quick wash after coming back from work
regardless, I don't smell
@kalina That's physiologically improbable. Eight hours of sitting on a chair makes anybody smell.
no it doesn't
@kalina Unless you have a small fan directly pointing down there, the lack of ventilation will, eventually, assist in creating unpleasant odors.
The fact that you weren't informed about said odors before doesn't negate their existence
@Adnan lack of ventilation is covered by being cross legged I'd reckon
@kalina Wow. You're the first female who doesn't get this.
The only way sitting cross legged would help is when you're doing it naked
Otherwise, there are at least two layers of clothing
The outer of which, I'm betting, is jeans.
and a few layers of skin
@TildalWave In @kalina's case, of course. I just had the courtesy not bring that up.
I see I stopped by at just the right time not to miss all the fun :)
Am I the only one who has a quick wash after coming home from work?
heh.. and you people where commenting on my "infrequent showering"
what if you work from home?
@Adnan actually, they're more like paper thing horrible things
@Adnan So, if I get this correctly, and I'll admit I haven't read all of it, you're saying that each time you come from work, you rinse your member? Dear lord, which industry you work in, again?
@TildalWave the best of it is, he showers like once a week or w/e
@TildalWave Not just my genitals, my whole body.
it's all those long days of penetration testing
Yes, I do have a full legitimate shower once every two days, but that doesn't mean I don't wash myself a few times in between
13 secs ago, by Adnan
Yes, I do have a full legitimate shower once every two days, but that doesn't mean I wash myself a few times in between
it's actually not even healthy to wash too frequently
freudian slip
@kalina Ahhh.. you knew I was gonna fix it
that's all I'm saying on the matter
@TildalWave THANK YOU!
it's true
@TildalWave No no, I fully agree. Fort hat particular reason I don't have full showers (with vigorous cleaning and scrubbing) more than once every two days.
you don't?
@kalina Thanks for the hint to fix it. I'm not typing correctly today.
your web of lies and deceit is coming undone at the seams
Washing too frequently with soap and whatnot will damage your skin and even with water alone you're just inviting fungal friends to stay over. Plus, you're risking allergies and worse simply for being too clean. Yes, there is such a thing.
@TildalWave Yup yup... fully with you
Of course, the industry doesn't really want you to know that ...
@TildalWave Oookay, now we're going koko
Next thing you'll talk about the illuminati and whatnot
"allergies and worse"
@Adnan why?
@Adnan "lol Illuminati"
shifty eyes
@kalina oh, say asthma
@TildalWave so you're saying that because I shower frequently that I'm basically going to die from a weak immune system?
@kalina He's confusing hygienic practices while being an infant with adulthood hygienic practices.
@kalina no
that seems like what you're saying
Being too clean while growing up does indeed affect your immune system negatively.
but we do keep our babies way too clean
I didn't realise anybody in here was still in the "physically growing up" phase of life
@TildalWave That's correct, and only relevant when you're a baby
I suppose Simon does drop by occasionally
there's some that are way under 18
how much is "way under"
not that 18 is of some relevance
@kalina I know one that comes here on occasion is 14
@kalina you should know actually
@kalina Griffen is probably 15
If I'm not mistaken
@Adnan who the hell is griffen
@kalina Undo is 14
oic, Undo
some others are also under 18
Anyway, why are we talking about this?
to kill time?
while (time<hometime){ procrastinate(); )
How does the community feel about avatars like that?
objectifying women
and let's face it, she's a bit out of league for anybody who works in IT security
@Adnan "Who cares?"
@TerryChia There's that, and there's our ToS.
she's fully dressed
@TerryChia I'm not "offended" by it, it doesn't bother me.
I just want to know if it breaks our ToS
That's all.
you break our ToS
Not everything has to be personal, @Terry.
@kalina Hehehehehe.. hahahahaha... ahhh
deep breath
your face is so ugly that even the terms of service commit suicide upon seeing your mug
no... a little bit too vicious
I hope you don't cry
@kalina Unfortunately, my face isn't ugly. Which makes your statement silly.
@kalina It would be, if it's true.
subjective opinion
bad subjective opinion
Objectively not ugly
as opposed to my good subjective opinion
@Adnan No it doesn't. Why would it?
attractiveness is always subjective
@kalina Nope
Hey, I know myself, on good days, I wouldn't give myself more than 5.7. And that's already hitting the upper range
but ugly? Nope, I don't think so.
I see you're extremely generous to yourself
@kalina In that estimate, I don't think so.
on the scale of "steaming turd" to "relatively attractive"
you score a -2
Alright alright, I made the mistake of sharing my semi-objective self assessment with an adolescent.
ok, I just bought myself to look at your picture again and -2 is a little unfair
it's more like -7
Yup, this thing is turning into "let's see how can we insult Adnan the best?"
@kalina Sweetness, I'm literally uninsultable.
oh yeah, I totally forgot you're an emotionless robot with no real purpose
Also, calling other members in a place that accepted you "steaming turds" isn't the best course of action.
@Adnan neither is discussing vaginal odours at length
@kalina If I recall correctly, you're the one who started the odour discussion about 3-4 weeks I go when somebody mentioned showering
Moreover, you're the one who said, explicitly, "last night's filth"
So, please, stop selling your bullshit
I'm also officially well out of "adolescence"
@kalina I'm not emotionless, or a robot, and, just any other human being, I don't carry an intrinsic purpose.
I process emotions differently, but there's nothing wrong with that.
Feb 11 at 10:53, by kalina
@Adnan and it's icky to be walking around covered in lastnight's filth all day
@Adnan yeah, everybody sweats when they sleep
@kalina Correct.
don't suddenly start agreeing with me
Alright alright, I keep making the mistake of assuming I'm engaging an adult.
I'm gonna go fill my glass.
2 mins ago, by kalina
user image
your glass is already full
Now it is.
Mmmm.. water! So good
even before the water, it was full of air
@RоryMcCune @RoryAlsop Any of you guys tasted and didn't like Salmiakki? I'm thinking of putting a coupe of packages in the box I'm sending
If you haven't tasted it, I'll send it anyway
@adnan - salmiakki? as long as it isn't fish, I'll try it:-)
@RoryAlsop Good news: It's not fish.
@Adnan I can send you "Juanolas" farmaciaacasa.com/images/099848_juanola_rombo.jpg in exchange for one of those
@kiBytes No idea what those are
@Adnan liquorize pills
@kiBytes Hmmm.. I wonder how similar to Salmiakki they are.
@Adnan That's what I thought
ciao.es/Zara_regaliz__Opinion_1462530 <- this is in Spanish but it talks about Juanolas and Salmiakki xD
@kiBytes Okay, they seem to contain the same base component - licorice, but Juanolas seems to focus on menthol as well
While Salmiakki focuses on salt
@kiBytes Yummmmm
One of my favourite drinks.
@Adnan I will try to find one of those around Spanish markets, I'll let you know but it doesn't really appeals me at first sight =)
Suomen Salmiakkiyhdistys ry xD
@kiBytes If you come to Finland, go to any bar and ask for "salmari shotti"
How is that pronounced?
@kiBytes translate.google.com/#fi/en/salmari%20shotti and click the speaker icon.
(make sure you click in the textarea on the left side first to have it in focus)
Also, just find a random Finnish girl in any bar and ask her to say "chicken", and then smile at how cute they are when they say "tsikin".
It is pronounced like Japanese (but with a strange accented "sho", and an strange stop in that syllable), also it is almost pronounced like I would pronounce it in Spanish
In fact I am having a look to this document: cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/finnish.pronunciation.html and I feel like Finnish and Spanish sounds are quite similar
@kiBytes Nice thing about Finnish is that it doesn't have special pronunciation rules. Each letter has one sound (consonant or vowel) and one sound only. When letters form a word, they're simply pronounced by putting those static sounds one after the other.
@Adnan Same here and you have an strong "R" as well xD curious =)
@Adnan I think I can safely say I've never tried that...
@Adnan Is that your move?
@TerryChia Nope, it's just something I enjoyed doing when I first came here.
Ah, good days.
My move with Finns is "Hey, I'm foreigner, I study and work, look at how cute I am when I mispronounce difficult Finnish words. Wanna come home with me?"
3-5% success rate.
@Adnan It's not as good as "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave you met Ted?"
@TerryChia What's the success rate with that one?
@Adnan 0, because my name isn't Ted.
@RoryAlsop are you thinking of this?
@Adnan @TerryChia surely the best chat up line for you young guys is "have you seen how big my reputation on Sec.SE is?"
@TerryChia Dude, it doesn't matter. I can't remember how many nights I was Andreas, Pedro, George, Jack, Mikael (well actually my middle name), or Aki.
@RоryMcCune The following isn't a joke. If a well-made Surströmming can is opened somewhere outdoors, it's safe to assume that up to a radius of 10-20m people will puke.
If opened indoors, it's safe to assume that anybody in any room in the house will puke.
The smell is almost impossible to clean
@Adnan the idea of eating something that provokes that reaction is.... odd
I mean scots get enough flak for haggis being gross
and it smells nice!
If you spill some the "juices" of the can on a couch, you really cannot get rid of the smell at all. The only way is just to throw it away and get a new one.
@Adnan TWSS?
@DavidFreitag nice

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