CEH is probably worthwhile on the resume as well, but I don't think it's nearly as sought after. I'd say it's rather close to being the CompTIA A+ of hacking certs though.
@LucasKauffman I dont disagree. However it does help those HR drones (and potential RFP reviewers) "see" them as "professional" pentesters, as opposed to a couple of highschool kids that know how to move a mouse.
@Adnan That's just it, the CISSP isn't designed to be used as an entry level certificate. It's designed for people with real experience who are moving into a more senior role.
@Adnan The problem is that it's used as an entry level certificate.
It's not quite as bad as the early 2000s MSCE but it's getting there.
@TerryChia I wouldn't do CISSP, start with SSCP, it gets you a year of CISSP and you can normally bullshit your way out of the 1 year work experience requirement quite easily
> The word has no meaning known to man on this planet. However, On the planet "Zilpgoun" it is commonly known as the act of softening a friends finger or toe nails by sucking on them and then chewing or bitting them off.
I think I might have been to that planet a few times :)
A non-random serial number does not imply, by itself, a security issue with the signature scheme, but, as @Jack points out, it can be used to leverage an attack. On a general basis, signature algorithms begin by hashing the input message with a given hash function; if the message or hashing proce...
@NullPoiиteя After you run them, they'll remove some crapware that might be on your machine. Wait some time. After that, if you still get that message, ping me here with a HijackThis report pasted on PasteBin.
@NullPoiиteя But, please, don't upvote me just because I tried to help you here. I'd rather get my answers upvoted because the voter actually finds them helpful.
@kalina Please, elaborate. Your accusation is very serious.