@RоryMcCune This one was basically a fast paced teaching style of, "Here's a line of PowerShell, check out what it does. Now try this. See how awesome?" Twas nice to see a live demo
@RоryMcCune No doubt. It was well planned. You could tell they set everything up and ran it in advance so that during the talk they could just click on the right tab, hightlight and hit run.
Oh - quick explanation of this pic: Patrick, when messing with radio controlled aircraft did what most folks do and have the antenna attached to his hat so he gets best range when facing the aircraft. Got fed up with that so from scratch built a system with GPS on the plane and one in this device which calculates direction and elevation, and accurately tracks 4 phased-array antenna onto the target
Just cos he does that kind of thing
coooool geek
And cool car pics on the 2nd page of that filckr extract - I'm just reminiscing now...this is great