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@Adnan Me and a couple of my friends were chatting about how awesome that must've been. Then we decided to look up what round trip tickets to Finland would have cost us.
10 hours later…
@AviD God damn! That's quite neat!!!
@RoryAlsop Thanks, Rory. That's a nice Sunday morning treat.
@DavidFreitag How much?
@DavidFreitag Also, give me your email. We need to talk about sending you the package. This morning I packaged the stuff for you in a small box. I can send it tomorrow.
@Adnan Let me know when you got it, so i can nuke that.
@DavidFreitag Done
@Adnan $1100 ish
@DavidFreitag Motherduckers didn't play Lai Lai Hei.
Everybody in the crowd was shouting "Lai Lai Hei, Lai Lai Hei" between each song. Still didn't play it. I disliked them a bit
@Adnan On one hand i want to sympathize with you, but on the other hand i remembered that you got to go to the show in the first place
@Adnan I trust that Turisas blew your socks off though :]
@DavidFreitag Duuuuude! They were pretty neat!
@DavidFreitag That's the thing I was talking about
It's actually this exact one
@Adnan Oh man I'm so excited, It's almost like it's Christmas!
@DavidFreitag What is it called?
@Adnan What is what called?
@DavidFreitag That thing in the picture
@Adnan A poster? Ensiferum? Awesome? Maybe it's the lack of sleep, or it's just me, but i'm confused as hell right now.
@DavidFreitag It's not a poster, it's some sort of cloth that you can hang on the wall, or just cover yourself with it while you sleep so you can feel the North.
@Adnan Interesting. I'll have to find a suitable place for it.
@DavidFreitag As for marking stuff as gifts, you just fill the CN22 form and tick the "Gift" checkbox. about.usps.com/forms/ps2976.pdf
@Adnan inorite? Got the heads up from an edit on my answer by an SEI community folk...
@Adnan so do we now update our userpages to mention that we were published on LifeHacker....?
And my LinkedIn profile too, of course!
@AviD I don't know, how big is lifehacker?
@Adnan its pretty well known... I think it's like the bible for Personal Productivity, but you could ask @RoryAlsop about that.
FYI, new working SHiFT code for Borderlands 2 up on twitter
@AviD Well, Alexa says 503 globally. That's good.
anybody here know anything about NUMA? I'm trying to figure out if this should be enabled or disabled on my (hyper-v) virtual machines.
@AviD Linky?
@DavidFreitag I did up above... here it is again: lifehacker.com/…
@AviD Oh, i didn't know, thanks
@AviD So, now that we're famous people, should we ditch Sec.SE and start our own security site?
@Adnan haha
@AviD Actually, what do famous people do?
dunno, well if @RoryAlsop can still deign to visit us, then we shouldnt complain....
@AviD On a more serious note, why did I win the Announcer badge for the same question?
I don't tweet, facebook-post, or share Sec.SE links almost at all.
shared the link?
@AviD Nope, not at all
@AviD Here's the person who shared the link
hah! this is brilliant - check the link to your answer in the LH article....
its your personal share link.
@AviD Ooooh! Also yours
yeah! pretty cool of them to make the effort,
though I didnt get any badge... :-(
@AviD Well, they wrote my answer before yours.
and, youre welcome - your answer become great thanks to that "small" edit... ;-)
@Adnan yeah, well - first link...
@AviD Oh, definitely, thanks a lot for the criticism.
@AviD I'm gonna send a thank you note to the writer for doing that thing with the links
have you noticed a lot of upvotes there last couple of days...?
@Adnan sweet. add from me, too ;-)
@AviD No :(
I got only one
also for the featuring and crediting in general, too...
@Adnan strange
though I guess most of the incomin LH readers arent registered sec.se users....
oo yeah
she can "feature" my "answer" any time
@AviD Done. Sent her an email.
I wonder if those two are the same person!
Q: Why these 2 regexp won't work as expected in mod_security2?

KreyPROBLEMRULE #1; SecRule REQUEST_URI "^/(|(.*)/)(lpt1|lpt2|lpt3|lpt4)(/|\.|\?|$)" "t:none,t:htmlEntityDecode,t:lowercase,t:removeWhitespace,block,msg:'X',id:'1000'" PROBLEMRULE #2; SecRule REQUEST_URI "^(.*)//(.*)$" "t:none,t:removeWhitespace,block,msg:'X',id:'1001'" // I also tried those, but no...

Q: Why these 2 regexp won't work as expected?

KreySecRule REQUEST_URI "^/(|(.*)/)(lpt1|lpt2|lpt3|lpt4)(/|\.|\?|$)" "t:none,t:htmlEntityDecode,t:lowercase,t:removeWhitespace,block,msg:'X',id:'1000'" SecRule REQUEST_URI "^(.*)//(.*)$" "t:none,t:removeWhitespace,block,msg:'X',id:'1001'" These 2 things won't work as expected. Other rules are work...

@Adnan blimey, why edit the first one when you can create a whole new account and write it all again? :D
flagged and commented... the first one is with 3 VTC for migration so I think it should be deleted before that happens
@TildalWave Good on you. Thanks.
Happy Sunday everyone!
This question was cross-posted. Should we close it on security.se or on stackoverflow?
Q: DSA Generates different signatures with the same data

Ibrahim.II'm using the example given in msdn article about the DSACryptoServiceProvider Class. The problem is that I get a different signature each time I run the code. I tried OpenSSL and didn't get this problem but I need to work with System.Security.Cryptography this time. This is some source code: t...

It's a mix of coding and conceptual issues. So I'm not sure where it belongs.
@RoryAlsop Thanks Rory & to you too! Do we have any landing page for all the Sec.SE banners? I'm reorganizing things around my network and thought to add some, rotating ones if possible, but a single one should do too... Any ideas? I thought if I don't find any I'd just change the text on the "Follow us on Twitter" one.
@CodesInChaos He's omitting some important parts of the code, mainly the part where he instantiate DSACryptoServiceProvider. It's very likely that he's creating a new instance for the second signature (which will geneate new public-private key pair), thus different outcomes. This is better suited at Stackoverflow.
The code is in the linked MSDN article
and as far as I can tell, he's using the same key both times
@CodesInChaos Nope. The MSDN article uses one signature.
He probably just copy-pasted the code two times
DSA being randomized is dumb but standard
@CodesInChaos In the MSDN article, Ctrl+F "public static byte[] DSASignHash"
First line inside try
I don't get your point. It takes the private key as parameter. And if you call it twice, you will get a different signature each time.
@CodesInChaos Because you're creating a new instance of the DSACryptoServiceProvider
no, it creates a new instance and imports the parameters i.e. it loads the private key
so the new instance behaves the same as a reused instance
@CodesInChaos Well I'll be damned. You're indeed correct.
I haven't paid attention to that part
Thanks for the correction
The OP's problem is that he treats DSA like HMAC. Compute the MAC twice and compare if they're the same.
@CodesInChaos But in the same article it has the DSAVerifyHash which should be used for verification/comparison
Question is somewhere between crypto.se, security.se and stackoverflow. Not sure which one it fits best
@CodesInChaos I think Stackoverflow would be good. You have lots of answers there with a crypto taste.
Damn you gog. Does it look like I have too much time?
@AviD @Adnan impressive!
@TildalWave I honestly don't know. The twitter one is probably a good one to edit text on.
1 hour later…
@CodesInChaos Oh, thanks a bunch. Just downloaded 4 more games!
I'm currently trying to figure out which baldur's gate mods to install
@CodesInChaos hahahaa - I remember Baldurs gate - the original from years ago
was quite fun
one of the mods downloads with 0.3kB/s
some bits of Skyrim remind me a bit of it
@CodesInChaos noooo
that's the first download that got several hundred times faster through TOR
crappy peering I guess
A proper star.RT @SimonNRicketts: Peter O’Toole has died. Worth watching his entrance to Letterman’s show again. http://bit.ly/Iszmv
3 hours later…
@ScottPack You wanna fight?

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