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mourning @AbeMiessler
How's canada?
Dark as hell.
weak sauce
How's SF?
I'm a few hours away, but it's probably cold, overcast and windy
as always
There will be an accumulation of 10 cm of snow tomorrow supposedly.
That's gonna be fun at least.
I hope we get snow here this year
Are people going mental when you get snow?
been a while since we got a good snow storm
Yes, the West can have all the snow.
people aren't used to it, so it's sort of chaos on the road
last big storm I saw 12 cars spun out on the freeway in less than 3 miles
amateur night
To be fair, it's shitty to drive in the snow without winter tires.
And also if people aren't used to it, that's understandable.
yeah, they aren't
I can't type for shit again.
WITH summer tires?
@Simon I have always had all season tires and i have never had issues in the snow.
same here
but we are probably smarter than everyone else
@AbeMiessler That would work too.
Accept that one time i slid sideways down my very steep driveway in my old explorer.
@DavidFreitag All season > summer in le snow
But that was just impatience.
That's funny.
Fuck. The accumulation will happen tonight. Hopefully, it won't be too late when it'll start.
Luckily it stopped sliding just before the two solid concrete walls on either side. It took me almost a half hour to inch it back out of there
There will be sooo many people drifting in the streets, haha.
@Simon We have been taken down to rain all night and all day tomorow
@DavidFreitag Ew. There will be rain here tomorrow too which means the snow will le die.
Poor snow.
Supposed to rain from 19:00 on to 12:00 tomorrow :\
But I'll take it over snow any fucking day.
Yeah exactly. At this time of the year, I'd rather get snow.
You prefer rain?
leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nooooooooooooooooooooo
Do i have to shovel rain?
I drive an AWD, I don't shovel.
being in 38 degree rain is WAY worse than being in snow
if you are inside all day I guess it doesn't matter
Snow is all cute, you can go ice skating will le gurlz in the park.
Rain you can do fuck all.
that's Fahrenheit @Simon
@AbeMiessler Ya i got that dw.
@Simon No amount of AWD will get you up my driveway with any more than a quarter inch of snow, and once you do get up in that little bit, whatever you ran over is now sheer ice.
@DavidFreitag Studded tires.
good point
@Simon Doesn't give a fuck.
@DavidFreitag Ya they don't give a fuck, they eat l'ice.
They go like this: "OM NOM NOM".
I tried that last year, lets just say it didn't work out very well.
How bad is the angle of your driveway?
The steepest part is just over 60º
Do you live in a tree or something?
And it's about 100 feet long
@AbeMiessler LOL
With essentially a four car parking lot at the top
Minimum 2 hours shoveling, even if it's just a half inch or so.
Shoudl invest in one of those plows you can hook to the front of your truck
@AbeMiessler Tried it, won't work.
Or if you own a four-wheeler.
there you go
The plow can't clear the driveway well enough, then ends up sliding down.
that blows
I'm genuinely excited for snow.
Your only hope for deep snow is use the Snow Blower that has direct drive and hope you don't slip and fall with it running in front of you.
Going to work tomorrow will blow though.
Will have to zigzag through cars.
Last year at one point, I was stuck behind a car that was going 50 km/h (~31 MPH) on the highway.
Great times.
Sounds like the time my parents drove the family to Boston and there was 8" of snow on the highway
My wiener of snow.
Accept somehow my step-dad managed to make it to 70mph o.O
Experienced driver.
Or insane.
No, the word you are looking for is "Crazy ass motherfucker"
We were driving along on the highway, nicely cleared, when we noticed the highway up ahead was covered in snow that was pretty deep. As i recall the look on my step-dad's face was one of "YOLO, Floor it!"
Well, if you're by yourself in the car and there's no one else on the road, why not. However, when there's other people in the car, it doesn't mean that they wanna pull out a "yolo" too.
So yup, insane.
Yeah, that was the sentiment of my mom, she was less reserved in her opinions.
And my wife wonders why I don't want to move north.
@Iszi Oh I sooooooo can imagine you shoveling your driveway.
Once we were like a quarter mile into the snow and going at a decent rate, my step-dad looked over at my mom and was like "You mad bro?" then i seem to remember a "Fuck yeah." in there somewhere.
@DavidFreitag Awesome guy.
@Simon Oh, hell no.
It's funny how you can express terrifying childhood moments using only internet-based memes.
If it weren't for the fact that my rent is $200/m i wouldn't be living where i am, and i probably wouldn't give two fucks about snow.
$200/month?! Are you in a dorm room or something?
or am I just used to California's insane rents
The average for a 1 bedroom apartment here is ~$700/m
@AbeMiessler Fairly sure dorms are more expensive than that actually.
$700/mo in not too bad
@Simon Yeah but usually you stuff a shitload of people into one, thus dividing the total rent amongst them all.
@DavidFreitag I'm definitely gonna do that next year.
And hopefully be with people as crazy as me.
living with 4 other dudes in a one bedroom apartment is always a good idea.
@AbeMiessler But that's for a fairly shitty place. If you want anything decent you go a few towns over and it's closer to $1000/m for one.
@AbeMiessler ALWAYS.
@DavidFreitag, sounds comparable to california
except for the big cities
$1000 will get you a phone booth at the bus station in SF
That's weird. Must be some Russian troll. Just got a PM from someone on Pololu saying "До и после..." which apparently translates to "Before and After..."
Hardwell plays Hardstyle at the end of his sets @Tomorrowland.
I dig that dude big time.
@Simon We should go to Tomorrowland 2014
@DavidFreitag Definitely. However, it was either a new car or a trip somewhere.
Since I can get some music shows around here, I decided to get the car.
Perhaps I'll just have to get a passport and go to a show up there then sometime.
Once I'm done with school, I'm gonna go on a crazy trip for sure.
@DavidFreitag You don't have a passport?!?!? C'mon!
I can go to le United States of 'MERICA anytime.
@Simon Why would i possibly ever need a passport? I work, school, eat, sleep, work, school, eat, sleep...
@DavidFreitag Weekends.
@Simon Studying.
@DavidFreitag You can definitely take a weekend off a studying if you plan your schedule properly.
Or if i just wait until the semester ends...
Quit taking school so seriously
no one cares
just get your damn degree
I was asked about my GPA exactly one time
and I mushroom slapped the guy
The school i want to transfer to next year has an entry GPA requirement of a 3.4
@AbeMiessler Well, exactly. I'd rather get average grades and say that these were the best years of my life.
They are very strict about it.
fair enough
You will have the last laugh when you are my boss
No way, peon for lyfe.
I'm with @Simon though
@DavidFreitag If you ever decide to go to a music show, I gotta warn you about something: you might genuinely get addicted to it.
Seriously though, i probably won't ever get the chance to experience the actual "College Experience"
That is, living in a dorm with other people on campus
@DavidFreitag That's because you decided that it wouldn't happen.
...and partying 'till your liver drops.
When you get transferred to the other school, stop being a wuss and be a god damn crazy bastard.
@Simon No, it's because the company i work for is paying my tuition in full. Their only requirement is that i continue working full time.
Do shit you would have never done.
@DavidFreitag You can still find time to party.
If it weren't for that, i would take my 3.8 GPA and take it to california
Also, you chose to work for that company.
I went to Chico state and look at me... I'm awsome
But you can't spell.
that's the Chico State education
@Simon $30,000 a semester is hard to pass up.
@DavidFreitag Oh absolutely.
That's pretty bad ass
When it comes down to it, i really like this job, and i really like the tuition payments.
what school?
And besides, if i get drunk at work, the chances of me getting someone pregnant and ruining my life are nearly nill.
@DavidFreitag Getting drunk doesn't absolutely mean that you become the most idiotic kid on earth.
@AbeMiessler I'll be transferring to the UCONN in the fall of 2014 with my new Asc in Science.
Hopefully some recruiter will come pick me up near the end of my term there. Then i can go on to better pastures. More moneys, a masters, possibly a few PhDs...
and a big "fuck you!" to the company that just shelled out 6 figures for your education!
god bless America
No, i have singlehandedly brought this company out of the '80s.
Besides, my tuition is just a tax writeoff for them, they aren't actually losing any money.
On a side note, I like the taste of blood.
On a side side note, you can drink 3 pints of blood before you start to become violently ill.
How often can you drink those 3 pints without getting sick?
Probably not often enough that you don't die first.
I mean I'm just wondering, I totally wouldn't do that.
That reminds me of a picture of this car that was at a Red Cross blood facility with vanity plates that read something like "VMPYR" or something like that.
@AbeMiessler How's your dog doing?
why do you ask?
Your dog's funny, why wouldn't I ask?
And you keep reminding me how funny he is by using his face as your gravatar.
How is he funny?
funny like a clown?
Look at the picture!!!
Does he amuse you?
Your questions are getting creepy.
hey, I ain't even mad
Q: Restricting locations for unzipping a zip file

chaseI hope that I have found the correct place to ask my question regarding unzipping files. I would like to see if there is a way to restrict the locations available to the user to unzip a password protected zip file in order to ensure security of the contents of that file. I believe this is useful...

How could you be mad with a dog like yours?
I don't have the energy today to answer that with anything more than "No.".
@Iszi waaaaaaaaaaaaaat da fuk
good point
@Iszi Imagine this. You downloaded a zipped file on l'Internet and then when you extract it, it goes somewhere on your drive.
How convenient that would be!
you might have something here
@Simon Yeah? So, how about you imagine up a way that this guy can prevent users from unzipping the files to any arbitrary location of their choice?
@Iszi Easy! First, you wake up.
@iszi - wanted to make you proud and just write No, but it needed more text
We're getting pretty full up on Rories. Very nice.
Ooh - did we get a new one?
Might need to update the meme post...
@RoryAlsop I think he's just being weird, I don't see any unusual Rory(ies) here.
Hahaha. Except me, you mean
I was about to answer that question :<
@ScottPack so I learned an interesting fact about Nessus on Windows at the weekend
Oh yeah! I forgot to ask how that went.
@Lucas - I'm sat in an airport. What else an I going to do
Go to the bar?
Well. I am already at it, with my phone charging and my iPad doing it's thing and a drink and Bacon and Brie panini by my right hand
That's me partying @simon
@RoryAlsop Lies, I know you're wilder than that.
@RoryAlsop That sounds pretty fantastic.
@RoryAlsop How about No.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;?
happy nurdlings
I like it.
@ScottPack so went onsite in london at the weekend, one scanner on Linux, one on windows. Start off and the windows one is 10x slower (at this point there were some nasty words said as we got a 3 hour delay at the start)
@RoryMcCune I figured Windows would have been slower, but wow.
@ScottPack turns out that on windows 5.2.4 when you install it's setting a global max simultaneous hosts setting of 5 on windows, and 100 on linux
setting it to 80 and it speeded up just nicely
but took me quite a while to find it as the per-scan setting was fine, it was the global one stuffing it up
That'll do it.
interestingly on the laptops it was CPU bound
That happened to us even on the linux version.
On both Linux and Windows?
so I was watching the output of 'top' and starting a new batch whenever it went below 250%
@ScottPack it did definitely spike up at 80-90% on windows
I'm guessing slower laptop CPUs are the reason
My experience has always been that it pegs the cpu when nessusd starts, but beyond that it's primarily memory bound.
These are i7s, yes?
the linux one is a ivy bridge 2-core (4-thread) i5
the windows one is a haswell 2-core i7
but it's quite a low voltage one as it's an ultrabook
Still way newer than most of mine. They're primarily Xeon, but the Core2 vintage.
At best.
@ScottPack I have a feeling the laptop CPUs quite a bit slower. The disk IO will be high on both though as they're using Samsung 840 Pros
IO can definitely be a thing, but I think that's gotten better.
anyway hopefully won't have to do that again in a hurry as it was a 10 hour day sitting on the floor of a noisy datacentre
Excepting the delay how did the scan go? It sounded like a pretty tall order.
@ScottPack managed to get round ~4000 live hosts in 11 hours
all complete with basic scanning
now just have the fun of the data analysis and write-up (thank heavens for nessie!)
Not bad.
That was a less productive google search than I would have liked.
what're you looking for?
@Rory - was it the pair of you sat there on the floor?
at least that's company :-/
@RoryAlsop yeah in one of the datecentres in Docklands
@RoryMcCune Nessie. I'm unfamiliar with it.
pity you couldn't stay around for the conference today. Loads of familiar faces :-)
@ScottPack Rly? it's the bomb for viewing .nessus files :) handling all 4000 hosts for me at the moment. lab.secway.fr
@RoryAlsop which conference's that?
@Simon Seriously, that's the bar you set for a nurd?
How about a Rock, Paper, Scissors script in PowerShell that's short enough to be tweeted?
switch($p=read-host){'r'{$w='s'}'p'{$w='r'}'s'{$w='p'}}($c=Random 'r','p','s');switch($c){$w{'W'}$p{'T'}default{'L'}}
The govt Cyber Security Summit - had some great speakers. Richard Cox was as entertaining as ever
@Iszi - that's clever
@RoryAlsop Thanks. I've been having fun with PowerShell over at Programming Puzzles & Code Golf lately.
I visited. It showed me how dumb I am. I left, slightly downcast
@RoryAlsop coolio, what was the mix like between offensive "we need to develop our cyber army" and defensive stuff like?
I've found that I generally have a difficult time maintaining an attention span long enough to learn things - particularly scripting & programming languages - when I don't have a problem to solve. This is giving me problems to solve.
@Iszi That's not nurdy, that's a lost cause.
@Simon no I'm not sleeping
Answered fucking 6 hours later.
I took my car apart, fitted speakers, emptied oil, replaced oil, replaced oil filter, replaced air filter, etc
Look at you being all motivated.
so all my clothes are covered in oil
What oil did you put in?
castrol magnatec
Castrol's decent in Europe, you guys have laws against false advertising. Here it sucks.
tomorrow I have the joy of fitting the head unit, running cables for amplification, and... washer fluid
Are you sure that you can do that?
I think so yeah
I did all the messy things today
I can do it
Alright, alright.
@kalina, don't forget your headlight fluid.
@DavidFreitag One time I didn't fill up mine and my headlights blew up.
Always wanna keep those buggers topped off.
you're so stupid at times
@AbeMiessler Good call on the directory traversal testing, but you totally missed the name of the tool right in the question. ;-)
@Simon Yep, that's what happens when you don't take good care of your headlights. They always need to be properly lubricated.
@DavidFreitag Yep, poor headlight motor.
speaking of properly lubricated
@kalina Relax, it's a joke.
@Iszi, yeah I saw your comment, good catch
@DavidFreitag your gullibility check failed
i don't need bad vibrations in here people
cool it
you're not my real dad
@AbeMiessler You want a piece of me, boi?
lets throw down big man
@kalina It's broken. I was up until 5am making a ring launcher with a friend. Red bull has repaired the necessary systems.
@kalina, you don't know that
also there are no vibrations, I used so much sound deadening material today that nothing vibrates anymore
good times
@DavidFreitag Saturday, I learned that a shitload of beers + red bull is not a perfect match.
beer in general is bad
Red bull sucks.
red bull however is awesomesauce
Here we go, sigh.
both are fine on their own
@Simon Jägermeister + Red Bull is where it's at.
if redbull didn't exist I'd sleep far more often
Red bull is fucking illegal in The Netherlands, the lands of legal weed + prostitution.
@AbeMiessler Yes sir.
he's wrong
red bull is banned in dutch schools
yeah @Simon you are full of shit
i just looked on the interwebz
just like everything simon says, he's only half correct
Don't make me get my Dutch m8s.
someone told me that he's mildly retarded
@Simon we don't have time for you to learn how to make friends, and then find some people willing to be your friends
@AbeMiessler I think it was him, actually.
most of the people in here will die before then
@KevinvanderVelden Are you alive?
back to our conversation about gullibility
that conversation was boring
why don't you guys talk about working on your cars again
that was a blast
technically, we were still talking about gullible people when @Simon said red bull is illegal in holland
Speaking of Red Bull.
@Simon I don't want to hear about your sexual exploits.
I would Falcon punch all of you right now.
If only you were deaf, then we could just call you the greased up deaf guy.
The pictures themselves were greasy. Like you grabbed them after eating sausage all day
You haven't seen any you donut.
you shouldn't call people donuts
It's a successful insult.
also, you insult like a Canadian
now say sorry
Sorry aboot that.
I meant to say: now say sorry, eh
Sorey aboot that, eh.
no problem, eh, we can still be friends, eh
I still believe that I pronounce "about" properly.
@LucasKauffman UDER?
@Simon aye
Are you aware of the illegality or at least ex-illegality of Red Bull in any European country?
@Simon sweden I think
@Simon but not illegal as in no-one can drink it
more as in: not for minors
@Simon Wrecked.
Red Bull at first did not get approved in France in 1996, Denmark, and Norway[34] for years. As of 2013 it is on sale in all 27 member states of the European Union and in 165 countries around the world.
The French food safety agency was concerned about taurine. A Red Bull drink that did not contain taurine was introduced. The French refusal of market approval was challenged by the European Commission, and partially upheld by the European Court of Justice in 2004.[34] The French food safety agency relented in 2008, because it was unable to prove a definite health risk, taurine-related or not
@deed02392 Google.

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