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What the fuck did I just walk into?
I don't know @Scott
Tell me!
Was if your misses with the guy who deliver your milk ?
@Griffin Only for sufficiently heinous crimes and even then the risk of "unlawful detention" is pretty scary.
The last dozen or so comments in this room.
Besides, we had a milk lady not a man.
Well the milk girl could even be positive I guess
Depending on her sexiness
Or how many gallons of Chimay you've gone through.
It wasn't just chimay it was also Orval, Leffe and karmeliet! And some taketsuru
And duvel
I'm pretty bent.
At dinner I ordered what the waiter told me was a stout.
Turns out it's a saison.
What was the name ?
It's black enough to be a stout but tasted bitter and was too yeasty.
@ScottPack You Americans!
Woohoo, crisis averted; and pistachio muffins!
Q: What does it mean to have a "file name with NULL bytes in serialized instances"?

Muhammad GelbanaI was browsing this page, which redirected me to this vulnerability because I'm a Java developer and I'm aware of the affected library. Basically the vulnerability says: It was discovered that Apache Commons FileUpload incorrectly handled file names with NULL bytes in serialized instances....

@LucasKauffman There are few things I love more than a Russian Imperial Stout.
What the hell guys? How is that a SO question?
@LucasKauffman There are also few beers I hate less than pilsner.
1 hour later…
@ScottPack Wikipedia classifies PBR as an "American-style lager".
Wait... I mis-read that as "few beers I hate more than pilsner".
4 hours later…
Ugh. This answer makes we want to get out the red pen and write NO NO NO all over it.
A: "Diffie-Hellamn Key Exchange" in plain English

stackuser explain to me what is Diffie-Hellamn Key Exchange in plain English? It's asymmetric encryption used to exchange some shared secret (it's assumed that there's some 3rd party passively listening to try to get the secret). Let's say Alice (A) wants to talk to Bob (B) and Eve (E) is listening l...

But he inlined the pictures from Wikipedia (which are accurate) which will make people think his answer is accurate. In reality, his answer is a disaster.
There are many other things wrong with this answer as well in addition to the previous comment. The pictures from Wikipedia are right, but you interpreted them wrong. It appears that you have a mistaken understanding about what DH is, what it does, how it works, why it's used, when it's used, what the result is, and several other key points. — tylerl 38 secs ago
This is me tactfully hinting that a user might consider voluntarily deleting his answer.
his answer doesn't have to be right, that's what the voting system is for
downvote incorrect answers
I think I broke PowerShell. Or it's trying to break me. Maybe it's just too late/early in the night/morning.
Q: What's wrong with my switching function

IsziI'm trying to write a script, part of which is similar to below: function FooBarMeh ($in,$1,$2) { switch($in) { $1{'FOO'} $2{'BAR'} default{'MEH'} } } $a='A' $b='B' $c=read-host FooBarMeh ($c,$a,$b) I expect the script to return FOO if I enter A, BAR if I en...

Holy crap! I never realized how freaky high the volume is on SO. I'm nearly off the front page of newest questions already!
Hello, gentlemen. @Simon.
@Iszi yeah, they get like a bajillion questions a day. Their flag queueueue is longer than our whole site's question list.
sooo.... have I missed anything the past week?
errm, anything interesting, I should say.
@AviD Nothing much really. Just @Simon being @Simon.
@TerryChia I said "interesting".
@TerryChia does he need to be banned again?
@AviD Naw, @ManishEarth unleashed his kickban bookmarklet on him for a bit.
@TerryChia haha, cool! @Manish - I think you need to share your @simon kickbanning bookmarklet with all mods.
@TerryChia Not just any kickban. It's a bearninja kickban:
@manish - what @avid said
Has anyone used Microsoft's Web Platform Installer?
It's for installing open source web apps and their dependencies; wordpress, mysql, php, etc
@RoryAlsop @AviD javascript:id=prompt("id please");int=setInterval(function(){$.post('http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/‌​kickuser/'+document.location.href.split('/')[4],{fkey:fkey().fkey,userId:id})},10‌​00);console.log(int)
@Fitzroy I have had to use it for some packages, dont remember which.
@AviD Did you use the command line version (webpicmd)?
only thing I remember about it was it was a bitch getting it to run the 1st time (installing/permissions issue), then it was fine.
@Fitzroy doubt it.
@ManishEarth nice. but that's not specific for @Simon. I thought you had a simon-specific script.
Actually, we should probably submit a request to Meta.SO to have that built in...
@AviD int=setInterval(function(){$.post('http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/‌​kickus‌​er/'+document.location.href.split('/')[4],{fkey:fkey().fkey,userId:79519})},10‌​0‌​0);console.log(int)
that's your homepage, right?
ah haha
@AviD I have been toying with the idea of using the cmd line version to install wordpress on some of our developer boxes at work. When you dont provide any parameters for the apps you are installing it prompts you for the answers (IP addresses, usernames, passwords, etc), and it records all the input provided to a plain text answer file (which you could use if you had to run the install again).
@AviD The thing is it records EVERYTHING to this plain text answer file - including things like the MySQL root password. Is it just me or is that just plain wrong?
@Fitzroy If it is just a dev box, who cares?
well, it doesnt expect anyone to record passwords, does it? That's just your own mistake. ;-)
@ManishEarth Good, now turn it into a cron script calling curl.
@AviD The point is - it just records all this input to the answer file for you - you dont ask it to - it just does it, you know, to be helpful...
@TerryChia True. In my case its not such a big deal, but who knows how others will use this product. Just doesnt seem right to me.
anyway, to the best of my knowledge, it is not intended to be used to distribute software on production boxes, but for pulling down development packages on dev systems.
Once you've answered all the questions it says on the console window "Parameters written to WordPress0.app". Being the curious type, I searched for the file and found it in 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64'. It just lives there forever as far as i can tell, unless you do another install, in which case it overwrites the file.
"morning" ;)
Any of you interested in researching and/or answering a "space security" question? It The Bear around, perhaps?
any taker? :P
Which bit of space security?
Ursus got satellites :-)
@RoryAlsop intelligence gathering, spy satellites, China space program... stuff like that :)
Q: If China wanted to hush the purpose of a space launch, would we be able to infer what they're up to?

TildalWaveThis question's title might seem a bit odd, but what I had in mind is that the China's territory is rather large and they could place a launch site deep within its territory, flow of information is tightly controlled as it is with the Great Firewall of China in place, and the communist Big Brothe...

not to beat around the bush, here it is LOL
@RoryAlsop hmm, we have that classic "how to hack a satellite" question from a couple years ago. think we need to migrate it? ;-)
I'm responsible for this week's TOTW on Space Exploration, so I'm trying to think of a few interesting questions
This is the first time I've seen your avatar large. The red bits are definitely skis :-)
@RoryAlsop hehehe good one, didn't think of that :)
Q: What would one need to do in order to hijack a satellite?

IncognitoI realise this borders on sci-fi, but there's been some interesting demonstrations regarding security of various satellites. What would be required to hack a satellite (in general terms, any hack really)? Are they all basically connected in the same way, or would I need different equipment, sof...

@TildalWave ^ in case you hadnt seen it....
Actually, @Rory's (both of you), I've posted a question re UK based spaceport too :)
@AviD I have, it's a classic ... but it's not really what I'm asking there. BTW I probably linked to this "hacking a satellite" question about a gazillion times on SEx.SE :D
hehe, excellent.
I'm now writing a question about WT* are Russians up to.. I'm going "global" :D
In currently out and about ingressing while youngest is at a laser quest party. Will be home in a couple of hours so will properly look then
@Iszi I think you could try to ask the quesiton on serverfault
they have lot more scripters and powershell users than SO
@LucasKauffman Looks as though he's had a good answer. Classic powershell mistake, separating arguments with a comma.
Urgh, that PowerShell question got me researching my personal pet peeve in PS, the fact that there is no way to enforce mandatory variable declarations.
EG, you cannot protect against this:
$myVar = "foo"
$myVaz = "bar"
write-host $myVariable
Was curious as to whether PS 4.0 had addressed this. It has not.
Great - made a mistake in my example!!! That should have been write-host '$myVar'
btw @Iszi re "how big is your mom StackOverflow" - see this blog post: nickcraver.com/blog/2013/11/22/…
So I'm reviewing the invoices from my cellphone company (which I happen to love, btw. I am aware how lucky I am to be in the singularly unique position...). I was very impressed with how my wife made good use of her unlimited text messages - over 750. Very nice.
@AviD makes you wonder who she's been texting huh
but that is nothing compared to my teenage daughter's two and a half thousand messages. And the month is not even over.
@AviD For me that's a few hundred years of SMS
@AviD Better grab your rifle
@LucasKauffman hehehe
I used to DDoS my friends who had those simple phones which could only store about 50 messages, I could copy paste their number on my qtek
so they would get like 500 messages at once
naw, I've seen her typical texts, usually takes a dozen messages just to say she's coming home....
but I am SO damn glad I have unlimited texts for her for free....
@LucasKauffman haha, funny bastard
I just gave a beginners course on security, gave a few examples of DoS, could have mentioned that one ;-)
hoooleeey crap. just looked at lat month's invoice. Seems like this month's 2500 was a slow month.
@AviD how old is your daughter?
4833. Text messages. In one month. From one girl.
I have to ask her teachers if she is texting in class all day long. Otherwise I dont know how she managed.
@AviD 155 texts per day
Also, surprised she hasnt sprained her thumbs.
6.5 texts per hour
so 1.1 text every 10 minutes
@LucasKauffman well, 161. its not calendar months, it starts on the 25th of the previous month.... but close enough ;-)
@LucasKauffman you didnt acount for sleep time, classes time, etc etc.
@AviD sleep time yes, class time...
@AviD you think she doesnt text during class?
yeah, that seems to be a problem.
@AviD I got my first phone when I was 12, if I sent 50 texts in a month, then I had sent a lot of messages
my good old nokia 3310
@LucasKauffman sure. though my first phone didnt support text messages.... that is a relatively newfangled technology.... ;-)
3310 :-)
@AviD in your time they used cans with a string between them
I remember doing that as a kid....
and I remember trying to do that with MY kids, who are like "why dont we just use our cellphones...??"
@LucasKauffman So what did @RoryAlsop use?
@TerryChia drums
and smoke
@LucasKauffman in his days, they didnt have smoke. until @RoryAlsop bravely went up to the mountain of the gods, and, well, you know the rest.
@AviD Interesting, I wouldn't have expected the entire SE network to run that little hardware.
@TerryChia they always do seem to make the most out of what they have, don't they.
then again, the site does seem particularly slow this morning. Or is it just me?
@AviD Seems fine for me.
@TerryChia link me
@LucasKauffman @AviD just did. Here it is anyway. nickcraver.com/blog/2013/11/22/…
@LucasKauffman duh, see what he is replying to.
Have any of you played around with that ops management thing they open sourced recently? Looks pretty interesting.
@TerryChia ?
lol, is @Simon here today? I feel the need to make fun of Canadiens.
@Iszi That's true, most American shit beers are lagers. They are also mostly pilsners. I also think I misspoke on that one.
@Iszi I find pilsner very bland, boring, and not tasty. They're acceptable on a really hot summer day when I'm thirsty but want something fun inducing.
I remember when mobile phones first came out. How we laughed. Before then I used to drive to my first job of the day and when complete I would use the customers phone to call the office to see if I needed to go somewhere else.
I also remember when rotary dial phones were replaced with these button things. Pah
@scott - a real pilsner can be pretty good. There are just very few.
@RoryAlsop Remeber when you didnt even dial at all, you just asked the operator to connect you directly? And of course she (it was always a she) knew everybody, and how to connect them.
@RoryAlsop I think the closest I've had is Pilsner Urquell.
And sometimes would listen in. Like the NSA today....
@AviD Party lines.
If anyone is interested, I just converted my Nexus 7 into a Pwnpad! :)
@TerryChia noone is.
@AviD Asshole. :(
haha, cmon, I've had a lot of snark buildup, after spending a week at a client in a foreign country! I had to be on my best behavior!
And on that note I'm going to go make coffee and start my day.
speaking of which, though, @RoryMccune have you seen the specs for the new Lumia tablet? Looks very interesting.
@avid - when we first went to the Falklands we used to raise the handset, twirl the handle and when the operator answered we would ask for the connection by name.
Did the operator speak Scottish or did you have to wait for the translation?
Quick, I need a good idea for a winter soup.
@Adnan Snow.
@TerryChia Oh no, that's the Finnish winter beverage. I'm look for soup
Thank you, Martha Stewart marthastewart.com/274637/winter-soups
@Adnan meal soup or normal soup?
chicken soup is nice in the winter
or pumpkin soup
I think I'm going to make a nice pasta with garlic and salmon for tonight
1 hour later…
@LucasKauffman Chicken soup it is.
cooking cooking and I hope you like cooking too!
CC @Simon
@RoryAlsop haha, every time I try to burn you about your age, you just go and turn it around and really ARE that old. Burn on me.
@Adnan make that yellow snow then.
@LucasKauffman chicken soup is always nice. It's Jewish medicine.
@Adnan you could go for a rich onion soup, loaded with cheese. Perhaps even served in a hollowed out loaf of bread like the cafe's used to do....
or a thick minestrone.
@GnomeSlice disappointing. I thought that was a classic Dr. Who.
@AviD Uh?
at a glance, it looks like the logo....
...Not really...
speaking of which - @RoryAlsop did you catch the show last night? (NO SPOILERS!)
@AviD imagenotfound
I'll just take your word for it.
huh, thats weird.
or click it.
but yeah.
referal not allowed
meh, just go to the imdb page....
Anyone here have the time / patience to baby my through an Arch Linux install (using Archboot) alongside W8.
@Simon your eyes too?
Does sound destroy sight?
@Simon seriously, that was the best you could offer him? It doesnt seem enjoyable at all, for either party.
@AviD I really missed the way you talk to me, boi.
heh. Me?? This was all you.
Don't go trying to involve me in any of your perverted celebrations.
I know the truth.
@AviD pffft :-)
And of course I caught the show, plus all the best of shows on the lead up to it (best monsters, making of, etc)
@RoryAlsop oh btw @Rory - you'd be pleased to know I just picked up a bottle of Highland Park. (The "Einar" line?)
Told the wife you practically grew up there, of course she assumed I say that about all scots.
@RoryAlsop ooo.... happen to have an online source for me??
@AviD Oooh - Einar is good! (That was my school house. The other houses in our school were Erlend, Sweyn and something else) Tell your wife I worked at the Highland Park distillery when I was 16 and when I was 22 :-)
@AviD do you get BBC iPlayer over there?
they are all available through that - you may need to spoof your location...
@RoryAlsop I did! She casts doubts.
@RoryAlsop oo, excellent idea. any idea if US ips are acceptable, or only UK?
@AviD the best job there was cutting peat for the smoking floors. If it's too sunny the peat gets too dry - so you don't cut peat. If it's too wet the beat turns to mud so you don't cut it...we spent a lot of time playing cards :-)
@AviD I think only UK, but ymmv
(which means I honestly don't know... I have heard USians complain they can't see BBC stuff)
@RoryAlsop haha, excellent. I guess you didnt get paid by peat cut...
@AviD salary + whisky
(of course)
@RoryAlsop no no, you've heard 'merkans complain that they don't get BBC stuff.
@AviD hahaha
Okay I'm really confused. What does BBC mean in this case?
@Griffin lol!! I urbandictionaried that.... and yes, I am sure you do in fact get BBC.
0 votes on my three most recent questions...
this is what I get for playing indie games
@Griffin the rest of us were talking about the British Broadcasting Company.
@AviD Okay that BBC ....
We were on two totally different pages
@Simon Did you check out the youtube I posted a bit ago? Something you might dig.
@Griffin yes, I think so.
but I can see how that conversation would have been confusing and amusing all at once.
Should I not Google for BBC then...?
@RoryAlsop To be safe add TV or broadcasting.
just make sure you have the SafeSurf filter off.
Hahahahahahaha - I see.
Saw too much, actually
Best Distro for web hosting?
One that you understand
That's really the best way to choose
Idk how much understanding will matter considering I've done almost nothing like this before and my understanding is fairly limited.
am I getting too paranoid when I'm thinking of setting up a separate wifi AP with monitoring for when I have visitors?
@Griffin so the question should be "best distro for learning as a newbie".
@LucasKauffman Couldn't say. A majority of my answer would be based on who those visitors are.
@AviD The problem is I can't tell you how much I know because I don't know how much I don't know.... if that makes sense. Most of my Linux experience involves Linux Mint yet for a while I had Fedora on my laptop.
@GnomeSlice I'd like to but I strongly believe that I might die if I do so.
Today is a day without music, or at least for now.
1 hour later…
@TerryChia Nice :]
@RoryAlsop I get BBC iPlayer here in Ireland, but it's restricted to radio programmes. This is fine, because that's usually what I want. It doesn't work nicely without flash, though, so I generally use it from the command line: get-iplayer "news quiz" --type=radio or similar.
@AviD The British Broadcasting Corporation, I think you'll find.
@TRiG sure sure, whatever. Point is, it does NOT stand for any part of the male anatomy.
@AviD I must examine this Urban Dictionary version of BBC. I am intrigued.
@AviD Ah. Right. That.
It's fucking Sunday.
@Simon as opposed to Masturbating Saturday?
What happened to the whole "I want my daughter to be able to read safely this chat, blablabla" thing?
@AviD Or forever alone days that end with 'Y'?
true, true. Now behave.
@Simon The last long conversation I had in this room was about a hookup site.
@TRiG I totally dig it but @AviD usually doesn't.
@TRiG not sure I want to know.
@Simon I will rebuke AviD later.
@AviD Awww
Feb 13 at 1:54, by TRiG
So I recently returned to a website I'd last visited five years ago. The "forgot password" link e-mailed me out a plain-text copy of my password, which disturbed me a little, but when I logged in, I got this:
Well, it's not exactly hookup. It's just at the less classy end of the scale of dating sites.
ah. "less classy" == "dodgy".
@AviD Quite possibly.
And my mom just came in and read the line about masturbation.
You should tell her she is lucky you didn't take @AviD's advice.
That's what I get for coming back to my parents' place.
@DavidFreitag I should.
@Simon hahaha, brilliant timing. At least she read it and not saw it.
@AviD At least.
@Simon no, thats what you get for pissing me off. ;-)
@AviD How did I piss you off?
@Simon I mean, you're 13 now, a fully fledged adult. You should be able to talk with your male friends about lude self-sex acts.
@DavidFreitag Exactly.
so who here likes 8bit stuff?
@Polynomial Music? I love 8bit music.
watch that. not only is it epic 8-bit electronica, but the music video is beyond awesome
three words: PIZZA IN SPACE
@TRiG thats horrible.
@AviD Apparently it's a clip from a film. I don't know which.
We Need To Talk About Kevin
@TRiG I don't even wanna know where you first saw that GIF.
@Simon from that movie ;]
@Simon There. The place I linked to.
@Polynomial Mmmmmm yes, that's fantastic. And dayum that was a LOT of anime paraphernalia.
also, Anamanaguchi are playing London a few days after my birthday, so I'm SO getting tickets.
@DavidFreitag keep watching :P pizza in space!
I went to Nervo + Michael Woods last night.
also the girl is kinda hawt in a girl-next-door kinda sense
And then when it ended at 3 AM, I went to an after-hour with some random trance DJ
Trance gets really boring after a while.
I'm off to see Placebo in a few weeks
and NIN next year
@Simon I like making predictable trance remixes of stuff. People eat it up and it's so fucking easy.
a million points if you can find my trance/electronica/8bit alter-ego ;]
@Polynomial There's no damn satisfaction. You get the intro then the build-up and when you're expecting some sort of decent drop, it's the intro with more bass.
see, that's because people don't know about curves of scale
it's a technique applied to every good movie, game, book, etc., but loads of people forget to apply it to music
never try to keep up with that full-on extreme level of awesome. if you do it gets boring. fluctuate it about a bit - you need quieter and slower bits to make the epic bits more epic by comparison
@Polynomial Hence why you leave the intro/outro from times to times when you're mixing tracks. House music has a proper climax where you get satisfaction, which you're not getting from the intro/outro.
Cute, Nerdy, And artistic as hell? Quick, someone marry this girl!
good example is Cloverfield. the first 15 minutes are just a bit of slow character introduction, a bit of a fight to set up the group tension angle, then a quiet bit outside, then BOOOM a massive explosion and things kick off at high speed for a bit. if it all just came in with that explosion and everything it'd feel much less exciting.
I get rarely any satisfaction from Trance. Cosmic Gate have been able to do it though.
I think it's why pretty much nobody enjoys hardstyle and techno any more, outside seriously crazy club scenes - it never slows down, and just ends up being samey.
I need to get around to making that program that upconverts regular music into 8bit music...
@Polynomial It's called Hard dance music, what do you expect? ^^
I built something like that a while back using low bucket count FFT and square/triangle synths, using the low-end for partial PWM on the higher channels.
it doesn't work as well as I'd hoped.
@Adnan Well, I was in work at the time, so I wasn't going to check. (I have done since. It is.)
@Polynomial I enjoy that style of music, but then again you would probably never see me in a "crazy club scene"
@DavidFreitag #yolo
I like electronica because most of the artists have some real musical background, and know how to compose.
@Polynomial I'm talking pure software. Loads an MP3 and just smashes everything int 8bit. I wonder if it's even possible...
@DavidFreitag that's what I did.
uses FFT on a 120ms scale in the time domain to work out 6 channels of sound, with low and high frequency as square waves, and mids as triangle waves, using the lowest end as PWM control for mid-range.
it needed some tweaking on each track to make it even recognisable, but even then it wasn't particularly musical
it was just too raw.
and a surprising amount of 8-bit's awesomeness comes from the noise channel, which is almost arbitrary in terms of sound analysis.
@Polynomial Were you attempting to actually modify the files, or just upconvert at listentime?
@DavidFreitag I was doing it file-to-file, but with some tweaks I could've made it realtime (with a ~200ms buffer, of course)
Well, looks like i'll be buried in the MP3 specifications for the next week...
don't bother - just use a library to upconvert to raw 16-bit signed PCM
MP3 is horrible to even think about processing. much easier to just grab a standard library that will render your compressed audio into a PCM stream, in memory, with just a couple of calls
and then you can do things like AAC (MPEG-4 standard) too
I need to write (or find) a plugin for VLC that'll do short buffer time volume analysis and pipe out the levels via UDP or named pipe or something
dumping FFT (spectrum analysis) in realtime would be even better
want to build an automated light show for music. I've got some nice 100mW green lasers for the job.
also, with a motor attached to a cube made of mirror glass, you can do some epic scanning laser effects
2 hours later…
A decent set of molded headphones: kickstarter.com/projects/1960846098/…
@RoryAlsop you'd be pleased to hear - I just read (skimmed) an article about how all the Tel Aviv bartenders are growing their movember mo's. And it looks like the female bartenders are drawing it on too....
So, what do usually-bearded men do for movember? Shave it off?
@AviD Grow it out and braid it.
@DavidFreitag lolwat?
that is quite awesome.
That would be a successful Movember.
You're successful.
This, however, is cheating.
That's all women can do anyway.

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