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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

sigh I have domain admin rights.
Now I just feel empty and bored again. :(
@D3C4FF do some math
@RealzSlaw One cannot simply just do some math! I'm at a client site. I can't look like i'm simply fuckin' around :P
@D3C4FF do some work then?
@D3C4FF You could do some programming. That always looks like work.
@RealzSlaw Yeah. I guess its back to web-app testing :(
Just work on your favorite side project. They won't know the difference
@AbeMiessler My current side project involves fusion.
Boss might notice that
maybe your boss has spyware spying on you :P
@AbeMiessler Yeah. Something something X-rays... something something OH&S something something
hide everything!
@RealzSlaw I don't even own one of their computers, let alone have anyone else touch it. I'm not even on the corporate AD network xD
the thing about spyware ...
nvm lol
@D3C4FF, what the hell are you working on that involves fusion?
Your tan?
woo free windows 8.1 update
i wonder what it'll break...
proudly, I've spent < 5 mins on windows 8
I like it for home, if you mention Windows 8 and AD in the same sentence i might hit you
I been on suse for several years
Never used SuSe, but my stepdad is quite fond of it
well, most linux's are the same for me
I don't really prefer one over the other
although recently i'm afraid to admit that he's become and apple fanboy.
either way, linux, apple, w/e, you can sit back and laugh at all the poor devs and technicians who have to deal with w8
Honestly, other than the AD integration pain in the ass, i don't see why people don't like it.
@DavidFreitag I wouldn't know, I don't use it :P
I just hear devs moaning all the time
The main complaint is, "I hate that metro shit" but the reality is that you never see it, apart from a few seconds at startup
I can't wait until the day we can print transistors with a 3D printer.
I should say, print 30NM wide transistors.
by then it won't matter
self-replicating machines will be munching the world into gray goo
Why do you say that?
Heh, or not. This is not some Sci-fi movie
reality is the best scifi movie :P
it contains all the other scifi movies
Yeah, and it also contains all teh pron, but that doesn't make it any better.
the other scifi movies are pretty terrible too, true
but that doesn't decrease the goodness of reality :P
Yeah, i've seen enough hentai to know that this life is way better than it could be.
Awww yeah, the entire crew of the enterprise is all kinds of drunk.
@DavidFreitag wha?
you not been sleeping much?
@tylerl Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 1 Episode 2.
Complex water-based carbon molecules that act on the brain like alcohol.
ah, that's the "naked time" remake
Yep. They're about to have an orgy. Or sumthin.
Oh yeah, that episode was weird.
@tylerl And no, i never sleep.
"The Naked Now" is the third episode of the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, originally aired on October 5, 1987 in broadcast syndication in the United States. Directed by Paul Lynch, the episode had been written by D.C. Fontana under the pseudonym of "J. Michael Bingham", with John D.F. Black also credited for his role in devising the plot's origins. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of a Starfleet starship, the USS Enterprise-D. In this episode, the Enterprise encounters a research ship ...
Although I'm beginning to feel sick, so nyquil induced comas are coming for the next few days methinks.
@DavidFreitag see also:
"The Naked Time" is an episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek. It was first broadcast September 29, 1966, and repeated on April 27, 1967. It is the fourth episode of the first season, written by John D. F. Black and directed by Marc Daniels. The story has a remake in Star Trek: The Next Generation, the episode "The Naked Now". In the plot, a strange affliction infects the crew of the Enterprise, destroying their inhibitions. Plot On stardate 1704.2, the Federation starship USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, arrives in orbit around the dying...
Maaaan Picard is so awkward when he's drunk.
And i also love how they show the mass from a collapsing star as a meteor
@AbeMiessler A small star
@D3C4FF thweeet
Naked Lunch (sometimes The Naked Lunch) is a novel by William S. Burroughs originally published in 1959. The book is structured as a series of loosely connected vignettes. Burroughs stated that the chapters are intended to be read in any order. The reader follows the narration of junkie William Lee, who takes on various aliases, from the US to Mexico, eventually to Tangier and the dreamlike Interzone. The vignettes (which Burroughs called "routines") are drawn from Burroughs' own experience in these places, and his addiction to drugs (heroin, morphine, and while in Tangier, "Majoun"—a str...
Also see here:
Yo, @TildalWave i've been meaning to ask, what's the deal with Mexican TildalWave avatar? :D
@RealzSlaw Whilst technically on topic, it doesn't exactly answer my question...
@D3C4FF you are prolly supposed to figure it out yourself :P
I was just being helpful :P
@D3C4FF Hey! ;) it's just a bit of fun... some meme from Astronomy chat. How's Oz doing?
@TildalWave 26 degrees and sunny.
A little bit too sunny if you know what I mean...
bastards :)
cloud cover with occasional rain here for nearly 3 weeks now
~ 10 degrees
Bummer! What else is new? I haven't seen ya around in ages!
Oh keeping busy ... didn't have much time for Sec.SE sadly, but Space.SE seems to have started kicking some dust so I'll be looking forward to being here more too. Others than that, you know, nothing special. Life man ... you? Have you gone spelunking / base jumping or something cool?
@D3C4FF Sorry i forgot about you, but here: amazon.com/Bawls-Guarana-Case-24-Bottles/dp/B001KJK2PI/…
Those are Bawls. Probably the best energy drink under the sun.
Although, for me at least, they don't really give me any energy so much as taste really great.
@TildalWave Ask me that after tuesday next week and i'll have a story and some photos for ya ;)
We're embarking on a week long trek to a remote location in the mountains to do a huge rappell
@D3C4FF Wow nice! Have you ever done inverted one head down? It's insane from big altitudes, head-spinning but you get to use legs a lot better that way so it's actually more stable on a long rope
@TildalWave As in a front-facing abseil?
or as in completely upside down?
I've done many 50-100m long front facing ones, but never found an overhanging-cliff that would allow for a totally upside-down one (not opposed to the idea, just haven't had the chance)
@D3C4FF the latter ... front facing Abseil is even cooler but I doubt you can do it on a long rope stable enough
@TildalWave Nah, its easy as. The place we're going is basically a giant funnel, so The one we're doing this weekend will involve me strapping myself/friends to different objects with wheels (scooters, bikes, skateboards, skates etc) with ducktape and forward-abseiling it for teh lulz
And then pulling the rope up so the last 20-30 meters will be like going down a giant vert ramp
@D3C4FF hehe that's gonna be fun. Same funnel like the one you posted pics of before?
@TildalWave Potentially yes.
If its the one i'm thinking of, the very same ^_^
that would be the one :))
Can't find it, but it looked like this Geehi Dam, I just don't remember much water around it
I'd hit 'dat
found it, if that's the one... and yup it does have a body of water near it
Apparently, this one is the "biggest round concrete pipe" in Australia ... gotta love the naming convention in Oz :)
@TildalWave I like to think of it as Australia's largest glory hole
i can subsequently rub my dick on that shit.
OK... NSFW warning!
oh yeah. nsfw
tho... if you watch videos while working, it ought to be your own problem :P
turns speakers down
1 hour later…
Q: Using AES to encrypt user data

sjelinI know next to nothing about cryptography, and I'm basically just looking for someone to look over what I'm doing and tell me if I'm screwing up. I have the user entering in some sensitive information and a password. I then use that password as a key for AES to encrypt the information and store...

Oh dear....
> I'm using CryptoJS, which I believe randomly generates the salt and IV. I don't know the details really, it just seems to do everything for me.
3 hours later…
hehe @RoryAlsop you just ninja'd me over and over again on those flags....
havent had my coffee yet so I'm reading slower....
hahaha - I'm sitting outside an office where my pass doesn't work, so waiting for one of my team to turn up. The seats here are comfy, I have coffee - ninja is go!
heh, scottish ninja bastard.
@AviD If you are reading flags before handling them, you are doing it wrong. :P
bad @Terry! naughty @Terry
@TerryChia hehe, and THAT is why you are NOT a moderator.
Still doesnt explain @Jefff, though.... ;-)
Oh, @AviD - was looking down the list of QoTW nominations. I see your one is still high on the list,as is @ThomasP's one :-)
@RoryAlsop oh damn, hahaha
(nothing explains the @Jefff ster)
hmm.... doing accounting crap this week, decidedly non-creative work (at least the way I do it) so that muscle will be cramped.
accounting work = S.E.P.
(somebody else's problem)
I will give some serious thought to doing this next week whilst travelling.
@RoryAlsop yeah, I wish - the downside of being an independant business.
although I think the blogging engine has been changed since last time I logged in... so we might need to set that up for me all over again...
...hint: pay an accountant. It's the only way I could manage it
@RoryAlsop oh of course. not like I even have a choice in that matter.... but still need to prepare everything for him, pay my own taxes, prepare for those, etc...
I considered getting a bookkeeper, to do the monthly billing and receipts and such... not worth it for me.
I was having my daughter help for a while (benefit of teenagers!) but she so swamped lately she doesnt have time for it...
I just pass a copy of every receipt, document from taxman, contratcs etc to the accountant - a while later he comes back with a letter for the revenue, and an invoice for me :-)
I'm in the blog wp-admin section so if you want to try logging in I can probably approve permissions etc
umm.... where login link??
nevermind, I found it.
hmm, it logged me in automatically. Interesting.
it is now open auth - seems to be linked to SE
@AviD I think the authentication it tied to your SE account now.
Ah, @RoryAlsop beat me to it.
ah, that should work then.
bloody hell!
> ... has protected your site from 214,970 spam comments already.
yeah - is good. We still get a few, but nothing too bad
I am shocked by the sheer number of it. Didnt realize we were so high profile.
btw, it seems like I still have permissions, they just swapped the logins...
@AviD The SE sites are ranked pretty high on Google.
Even the blogs.
Used a contactless pay card for the first time this morning. Didn't expect it - the guy in the coffee shop just passed it over his machine. Not happy about that - I like chip and PIN
Morning gents
@RoryAlsop Just remember who will pay for the risk if it goes bad :p
@LucasKauffman erm...a bank..who happens to be my employer...? ;-P
@RoryAlsop exactly, so you can bollock them on how it was possible to get this passed security testing :p
I blame the customers - always wanting better functionality. What's wrong with the old way - keep all the gold in a cave under a mountain guarded by dragons and goblins?
@RoryAlsop Things get stolen anyway. Have you not seen Harry Potter?
@TerryChia Yeah, but Harry grew up - he's not doing that sort of thing any more. He went off to do Equus and other arty things.
@RoryAlsop Surely you still have one hidden underneath your castle...?
@LucasKauffman well, that's the thing - most banks are pretty set in their ways, and the bigger the worse they are.
And contrary to popular belief, banks' main interest is not necessarily security. That is only relevant when it serves their other purposes.
@AviD you can't hide dragons under castles any more
too big
need too much flying space
@RoryAlsop There is No Such Thing as a Dragon.
Basically, you hide it in plain sight.
Because people are stupid.
aaaand we're back on banks again ;-)
@AviD this :-)
I recently worked with a huge bank on deploying their customer IdM. I may have made some progress in getting them to use a proper password protection scheme, but they pretty much laughed me out when I pointed out that their classic password policies suck.
Seriously, it makes NO sense that my bank passwords are among my weakest.
@AviD banks, eh :-) Actually, some are very good. And I'm working hard to be part of further improvement at this one. YMMV :-)#
@RoryAlsop yeah, as an outsider, I didnt expect to get very far, but somebody had to say something. Also, I just have too many battles there.
Seriously though, the classic policies really suck, but they are still required by some regulations. Which makes it even harder for a bank not only to go beyond the required, but to become non-compliant in the name of security....
wooo bitcoin miner up and running
@AviD this is where the best (but sometimes most frustrating) arguments happen - persuading the policy owners to change policy
@RoryAlsop Sure. The senior guy in the room was actually interested, listened to all my well reasoned arguments, sympathized, but then returned with a response equivalent to "Aint no way in hell, boy!"
but it starts with "my hands are tied"...
need to get the regulators to understand that its not 2003 anymore...
again, another part of the problem is the users - it is easy to enforce minimal length, and existence of capitals and special characters, but not so easy to enforce a random passphrase, or using keypass. So users will go back to sucky passwords/phrases.
also many users would be very upset if their bank didnt have "security" (in the form of legacy password policies) !
@AviD Banks are only interested in security if there is a big enough risk for reputational and financial damages.
@LucasKauffman Exactly. And then, only if the tradeoff pays for itself.
And in this case, most users would view a bank withOUT the legacy policy as insecure, thus paradoxically harming their reputation.
2 hours later…
Hey, I'm looking for the name of a software I heard of a while ago (and now forgot); basically the software's purpose is to " format " (in a way) your data storage,
and it does several passes after each format. The first format/pass, it changes all data on the storage device to 00..^, second pass it changes all data to 11..^, third pass it changes all data to 010101...^ and continues doing these sort of passes, the purpose of this software is to create an "unrecoverable" data storage device, do any of you know the name ?
@deed02392 let us know when you reach $0.01
@Scorpion already mined $6.35 ;)
@deed02392 and how much did you spend on electricity? =p
@Scorpion, DBAN will do that job
@KevinvanderVelden I let my dad worry about that :D
@deed02392 that also works =p
i'm also mining namecoins, which is nice
No clue how, I have more JS pushes than PHP
@ManishEarth Line of code maybe?
doubt it
pretty serious PHP expert with a surprisingly broad knowledge of JavaScript as well.
I work on a large-is open source php project, but most of my commits to it are from the time when it was on svn
So.... I only have a couple of 5-line commits to that repo
it says your "count" of PHP is 70
but doesn't define "count"
"deed02392 seems to be a pretty serious C expert"
yeah, I don't know any C whatsoever
Well, I have another repository under my username that has a couple of PHP pages, but that code isn't contributed by me, that's committed by a friend
> Ayrx is a distinguished Javavore (one of the 20% most active Java users) who loves pushing code.
Mine sucks. :(
I only wrote Java because of my internship dammit!
And I have a ton of userscripts committed by me in my own repo. Hmm
@TerryChia haha
we know you @TerryChia, we know you'd never write Java if you had the choice
in fact isn't that the case of any sane human being
@deed02392 it's the definition of sanity
Apparently things like forking count as a contribution.
That's why I have one count under Assembly.
yeah, things that shouldn't count are counting
Also, my Python weight-age is pretty low because I have quite a few private repos that I'm embarrassed to make public. :P
@TerryChia Don't be embarrassed Terry, you can only learn from the harsh criticism thrown upon you by DevOps
I'm very amused by the fact that you can leave a city in Finland at 18:00 and arrive in a city in Sweden at 18:00 in the same day. (the flight takes one hour and Finland is +1h of Sweden)
you been on a flight recently @Adnan?
I ain't even mad this morning.
@Simon I'm sure you'll find a reason.
give the day a chance
Thanks guise.
Actually, it seems like @ScottPack might not be here this morning and he didn't let me know that he wouldn't be here. This is "omg am mad" material.
@Simon Dude take a chill pill.
@ScottPack is so inconsiderate
And Canadian.
48 secs ago, by Lucas Kauffman
@Simon Dude take a chill pill.
You guys are jelly.
why is your name italicised @ScottPack?
@deed02392 Room owner.
I wish he would own my heart.
oooo fancy @TerryChia
I'm awesome like that.
@deed02392 already?!!? what machine you using?
@deed02392 thanks for dban!
30 GH/s @Scorpion :-)
that is f***ing crazy
how much was it?
hehe, about 700$
do you think its worth it/
@deed02392 I sincerely hope you at least break even but I have my doubts.
how much power consumption does it crunch out?
@TerryChia me too!
I think it's about 50/60 watts
@deed02392 @TerryChia LOL should of done ur hw before you actually purchased it tho
I mean, at this rate it will only take a few months @TerryChia
@deed02392 "At this rate" is the key.
and how much electricity do you think you'll be paying for the operation of the miner?
I know @TerryChia @Scorpion but you can't really predict it can you
BTC is insanely high right now @ $420/btc
100$ in 1 week
I live with parents so they're covering electricity..
@deed02392 still you need to think about it :P
do they even know you're leaving that on 24/7?
I think even with the projected difficulty increases, it will generate a return
If I were you, I'd cash the bitcoins out as soon as you get them.
You never know when the market will come crashing down.
@Terrychia do you actually think it's that easy for the market to crash now that it's at ~ $420 ?
@Scorpion Dunno, don't really follow or even care about bitcoin that much.
It is insanely high now though.
@terrychia what about litecoins :D
@Scorpion Isn't that like the "easier to mine but worth less version of bitcoin"?
till now yea it's not worth much @terrychia
Dunno much about it.
but remember bitcoin was the same when it started
about $3
My sole interest in bitcoin is "hey, that piece of crypto it is using is pretty cool, although I don't understand much of it".
@TerryChia yeah I am speculating BTC is in a bubble right now, so I'm going to sell as much as I can till it bursts, then sit on them till hopefully another bubble
In my circle of fellow nerds I know so many people who had stashes of BTC that just lost them because they forgot about them and deleted them when they formatted etc
£10s of thousands lost
@deed02392 everyone has a circle of fellow nerds who lost BTC
I bet your mom doesn't @Scorpion
my friend had $50K stolen from him
not really @deed02392
shit, that sucks
well, there you go then, not everyone
@Scorpion A friend of my friend lost 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777$
@Simon You have friends?
@TerryChia That was the lie.
he's playing some game @terrychia
what are your favorite colors @simon?
@Scorpion pink
Green, red, blue and yellow.
mine is rgba(68, 68, 68, 0);
my taste in color shades matches my transparent personality
isn't an alpha of 0 opaque?
big words for me @deed02392
@deed02392 Yup, I've been on that one.
which message you replying to @Adnan?
oh, I see
Imagine if you lived near the border, worked in one country and lived in the other.
@deed02392 I'm imagining this. The problem is with the return trip - I'd get very confused with my 1hr journey taking 2hrs...
would that be more or less confusing than your forward journey taking 0 hours?
Whats really interesting is that if that part regenerates, then Wolverine would be a never ending source for adamantium beta... — anakata Aug 8 at 0:18
huh, interesting.
lol @TerryChia
don't they 'regenerate' like fingernails, ie you still have to consume the necessary resources to be able to grow them
or is that not the significance, me no know marvel stuff
an hour of good music for you all
@ScottPack What's the point of the QotW events in chat anymore? Guilt trip?
@Iszi To punish people for coming into the room looking for flags.
any punishment we can give them is appropriate..
@Iszi I have pinged the two top rated ones to draft theirs... :-)
@RoryAlsop I think I recall you asking me to do one as well. I'm just horrible at getting around to such things.
@ScottPack I totally support this.
@ScottPack maybe we should have more event notifications :-)
^ Yes!
How are there two people named Rory in here when I have never met a Rory in my entire life?
you guys are the same person aren't you?
@AbeMiessler Infosec is filled with @Rory.
Even my knob is called Rory.
I figured as much
@AbeMiessler you obviously haven't met the right people :)
A: The Memes of Information Security

IsziRory As you've already mentioned, Rory has become a bit of a meme within the IT Security StackExchange community. Usage of this meme often takes the form of word substitution a-la "smurf". Usage Examples: Jeff Ferland: It's a quite a rory of a problem, really Ninefingers: At a g...

Fun Fact! Everyone in that book is named Rory.
@TerryChia Infosec is a Rory field
That's awesome
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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